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  • Car USB port works intermittently?

    Alright, so as part of an ongoing issue with my new car is the USB port not always working. We've taken it in, had the radio replaced. We use a USB stick for music, but it has recently, again, after multiple 'fixes' begun to act up. When you turn the car off you can expect one of 3 things to happen.. it will work, it will not even show up, or it will tell you it can't connect at this time and ask you to try again. If I take the stick out and plug it back in, it picks up.

    Has anyone else had this issue? How did you resolve it? Do you have any suggestions of what it could possibly be?

    As I've mentioned, we've had DTC's cleared and ruled out, the radio has been replaced, it's been updated with the newest software. We've tried multiple USB sticks.

    1 AnswerCar Audio & Electronics7 years ago
  • Car turned off while driving?

    I just bought a 2009 Pontiac G6 and while we were driving it for the first time I accidentally hit the keys and turned the ignition, and thus the car, OFF while we were doing 55 down the highway. Our dealership and mechanic both aren't open, but basically I'm wondering if a car is supposed to be able to do this or if there's a serious problem with this car. Can you turn a car off while it's in drive and driving?

    3 AnswersSafety8 years ago
  • Possible reasons my fish died?

    I have a beta fish, we've had him for a little over a year. I clean his tank once a week, and have done so since we got him. This evening, I took him out to clean his tank like always, and when I put him back in, he went all nuts like he was having a seizure and died. Now, I'm wondering if he died because the water was a little colder than normal (since it's winter and the tap water is colder), or if it was just his time. This is purely for future reference. I plan on replacing him tomorrow, and just want to make sure I don't kill the second fish with water that's too cold.

    8 AnswersFish8 years ago
  • Mole I've had all my life hurts now.?

    Sooo.. I have a mole on my tushy, and it's been there my whole life. It's grown with me over the years, and if it weren't for the fact that it's raised and I can feel it, I'd never know it was there (considering the fact it's on my butt). So, over the past little while it's been starting to be uncomfortable. At first a little itchy, then felt kind of like I had a bruise when I sat down, and now it just plain flat out hurts. I don't know if it's borders have changed, if it's changed color, or any of that, I've actually never looked at it. *shocking I know!* So, what I'm asking is.. can this be normal, or should I be freaking out and heading to the doctor? Thanks for your answers in advance :)

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • 3yr old always wakes up crying.?

    Every time my 3 year old daughter wakes up, she wakes up howling. It doesn't matter what time of the day, or how long or little she has slept, without fail, when she wakes up, she's crying. She has been doing it for about 4 months. Before this, there were no changes to her daily life or routine whatsoever. There has been absoloutley nothing different. I can't seem to figure out why she would wake up crying. Any suggestions or advice?

    2 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • How to deal with Swinging Sister..?

    My sister and her husband have decided to have sex with other people. While my husband and I are not hardcore christians, we do believe that what they are doing is wrong on a million levels. We own a house that has 2 apartments, we live in one, they live in the other. Up until we found out what they were doing ( a week after their decision) we were all very close, and had a good relationship. Their kids were always at our house playing, we spent our evenings together, we were like best friends Now, I can't stand to be around either one of them, and neither can my husband. I don't want to judge them too harshly, so I haven't, but I can't bring myself to continue the way we were as a family. I have told them that I think what they're doing is wrong and believe that's all I can do. What do I do now? There is no way that I can be as close to them as we were, and I don't think that I'll ever be able to see them as 'friends' again. I cannot accept this horrible thing they're doing to each other as 'part' of who they are. Am I wrong to want to disconnect from them? Any advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    1 AnswerFamily10 years ago
  • 2002 Buick Century Custom start issue?

    Just bought a used 2002 Buick Century Custom. It has 48000KM (roughly 30000 miles) on it. It was driven by one owner, and old couple. It is immaculate inside and out. We test drove it and it was perfect. We started and stopped it a few times on the way home ( gas up, get food, etc). The drive home ( 140KM , 87 miles) it was perfect. It drove better and more quiet than my 2008 Escape.

    We got home, and were there for about 20 minutes when we wanted to show it off to my brother. Went to start it and it wouldn't go. The lights all work and it turns over but won't catch.

    Any suggestions on what might be the issue? I have no problem taking it to a mechanic but would like to have a rough idea of what to tell him to look for. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Purpose of Lag Bolts..?

    We had an addition put onto our house, an L shape that included 2 bedrooms on the long part of the L and a covered deck on the short part. When the building inspector came to approve the addition, he told the construction company that he wouldn't approve it until they installed lag bolts to the top and bottom sills where the new attached to the old for the porch. My question is this.... should there also be lag bolts where the bedroom part of the addition is and if there are not, what kind of problem might arise from that? Thanks in advance for your answers.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Trust account set up by someone else?

    My niece is sick, and I want to open an In-Trust account for her with me as the trustee.. so that when her parents are out of money, there is money for her care. They might not be happy that I'm not giving it directly to them, so I'm wondering if there's any way that they can take it out since it's going to be in trust to their daughter?

    1 AnswerPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • How to contact Yahoo?

    I just received an email from "Yahoo" telling me that if I didn't send them an email back with certain personal information ( Yahoo! ID, password and date of birth) that "Warning !!! Account owners who refuses to reply with his or her information within one week or receiving this warning will lose his or account permanently"

    I'm not sending anyone my info unless I'm sure it's really necessecary, but I don't want to lose my account either. I couldn't find a way to contact Yahoo to make sure that it was really from them.. should I just wait and see if it happens or not, or does anyone out there have a way that I can email them???

    5 AnswersPassword and sign-in1 decade ago
  • Praying for Good Health.?

    I know someone who is suffering from an as-yet unknown illness. He's going through test after test and fears that he won't get any better. He wants to know if it's selfish to pray for good health, or for God to help him get better. I told him it's not, but can't quite explain why. Do you think it's selfish to pray for good health? Why or why not?

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Normal or abnormal Mirena IUD side effects?

    I just got mirena fitted 5 days ago. Since about 2 hours afterwards, I have had bright red heavy bleeding (no cramping), my legs have felt crampy and I'm really tired. I know that there can be some irregular bleeding at first, but the blood looks exactly like I cut myself, it doesn't look like period blood at all. I'm not sure wether to call my OB or not. Anyone have Mirena and have symptoms like this? Is the type of bleeding normal? That's what I'm most concerned about.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Misprinted RL Stine Book Value??

    I have a R.L Stine Goosebumps book (My Hariest Adventure) that has a few chapters in it from a whole other book (Monster Blood 3). I was trying to find a place that I could get an estimated value from but I can't find anything online. Any suggestions or advice? I'm sure the book MUST have some sort of value being that there are chapters from another goosebumps book in it.

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Does yahoo pay you to answer questions?

    Someone told me about something called Mylot, and it's almost like answers, except you get paid to answer and ask. I've been there for a week and I've gotten like 10$. Sure it's not much, but it's not a get rich thing. I'm just saying that instead of getting points, you could get money.

    Check it out

    8 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • CPS, not just beatings and verbal abuse?

    I want to know if those evangelical parents out there REALLY think that the only reason CPS would come to the door is if you're beating or excessively yelling at your child?? CPS is insane. I counselled a woman who had her 2 year old taken from her for having him living in 'undesirable living conditions'.. when what had happened was she went to her mother's for a few days and when she came back, she found out her husband had a party while she was gone, and hadn't cleaned up the mess when she got back. A repair man saw the mess and called CPS.. they took her son for 3 months.. CPS is insane.. and you don't just have to be beating your kids to be afraid of them. Do people really think that??

    16 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • M. Night's Lady in the Water?

    I just watched this movie, and I want to know what the deal was with the Superintendent (healer, star) of the movie.. something about him having a family and being a doctor.. what was with that guy? What was the stuff about his family? Was he a doctor?

    1 AnswerMovies1 decade ago
  • Is it wrong for me to believe..?

    I'm a Christian.. and I believe in all the things that a good Christian was taught to believe.. BUT, is it wrong for me to also believe that people of other faiths are going to heaven (or whatever good place their faith allows)? I mean, in the end.. every religion in the world has a god, and in the end, every religion preaches the same things.. don't kill, don't adulter... blah blah blah.. SO.. is it wrong for me to think that we're ALL going to go to the same place when we die.. and that there are MANY religions that are going to get you to that good place??

    27 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Jehova's Witness vs Other Christian Religions?

    I'm a Catholic, and some Jehova's Witness people came to my door yesterday. They were telling me that the only religion that will get me in to heaven is their religion and that all other religions are false and harmful to follow. I want to know why they think my religion, that dates back to the time of Jesus is harmful and false, but their religion.. begun by one person in 1914 is the only religion that will get me to heaven..

    24 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Stocking stuffers for men???

    Stocking ideas for a 24 year old guy that's not your typical male. He's not very handy, so little tools or flashlights is out. He likes everything computer and technology oriented, but I don't know what some little things I could put in his stocking would be. I'm going crazy here, I don't want to just fill it with candy. HELP.

    12 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Is Stephen Hawking really that smart or?

    Is there anyone as smart as Stephen Hawking? I mean, is he really the smartest man alive or is it just because he can't talk and is in a wheelchair that he's got so much publicity?

    10 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago