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  • Is it wrong of me to feel bad?

    I just got out of the hospital after being there for a couple mths. When i got there i gave my necklace to my sister and now that i am home i have been asking for it and she is telling me i hadn't given it there this necklace was one of the last things i got from m y brother before he died and now i feel as if the way i feel is not important to them as they are treating me like i shouldnt feel bad that theydidnt take care of something that i trusted them with and it just shows that they really don't care about me

    1 AnswerPain & Pain Management8 years ago
  • Do you think my family hate me?

    Since about last April when m big sister came home from college she has taken over everything and basically replaced me in everything, while she was attending college my dad bought her a car and now that she's back the car that he was going to buy for me he is now buying for her. Everything I do I get yelled at by my father my mother left us to be with someone else,If i move i get yelled at either i'm doing it wrong or i'm in someones way and yet when i need help there never anyone to help.

    I just constantly feel like i'm in the way, or i'm doing something wrong, i try to tell them what the want to hear as much as possible. Everyday i Gets worse half the time i get cursed out for things i know absolutely nothing about, can someone help me ? I don't know what to do anymore except sit in my room and cry. HAs anyone else ever been through this?

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • Self conscious someone help me please?

    i have gotten very self conscious of what i look like after having lost a large percentage of my muscle due to illnesses that have caused mal-absorption, vitamin deficient pains black outs and even temporary paralysis. Anyways I am almost to the point of being ashamed, My sisters always ask me to go out with them whether to a gathering of the store and i am afraid of how people will react to my size.

    We all know people can e mean, my parents are in the middle of an ugly divorce and my mom wants nothing to do with me, everything is starting to add up and the pressure is getting unbearable, i have started talking to a psychologist.

    But I need to know how to over come the image issues i think I resemble someone that's dying which before i was diagnosed i was given 3 Days to live, i feel like people are staring and criticizing even if nobody is looking at me, i fear being around family sometimes so I hide in my room a lot.

    This is serious please advise me or something I need some help on dealing with this.

    4 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Doctor doesn't believe me?

    I have been going to doctors for quite some time with issues about numbness in my limbs and muscle pains and such, and recently the muscles from being a high sch athlete started deteriating causing abnormally fast weight loss. I went to a different Dr two days ago and he is telling me that I exibit signs of an eating disorder like bullimia and dehydration, I currently wear braces, and I'm diabetic, I don't over or under eat, or vomit unless I'm really sick,

    I know that he's wrong is there anybody that has a clue of anything with symptoms even close to his diagnosis to help me understand why he would just say that without doing any tests, I mean if I had an eating disorder why would I be waisting time and money to hear something I already know.

    I'm desperate please help

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • How do I know if I'm severly dehydrated?

    I have been sick but undiagnosed for awhile now and I started experiencing black outs more and more frequently, extreme dry mouth I constantly have to be rinsing and my teeth begin sticking to my lips, my appetite has decreased a lot, headaches, eyes hurt like crazy and I wasn't sure if my skin sticking together was due to weighloss or what, but its not dry just a bit spongy also muscle cramps and spasms. I have low BP and glucose levels and I try to drink and eat a lot of fruit and juices and flavored water and a soda sometimes, no coffee or alcohol no smoking. Has anybody ever experienced this and if its dehydration what do I do. Thanks

    3 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • How to avoid sitting down to Christmas dinner?

    I'm not very family oriented and I especially hate having meals with my family, Is there anyway that anybody could think of that I can avoid christmas dinner with the family. I eat at specific times (medications and low blood sugar problems) and I am usually full when they're ready to eat, how do I sit at the table if i'm full and pretend to eat without anyone noticing.

    6 AnswersChristmas8 years ago
  • How is a weakened LES muscle treated.?

    I have been having problems keeping anything down and, I was told that I also have acid reflux, I have lost alot of weight and energy. The doctors are saying they need to do more tests but they think that I have a weakened LES muscle.

    If they are right how do they treat it ? And has anyone ever had this?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases8 years ago
  • Why does this happen is it normal.?

    My Father and sister yells at me A LOT, Almost every time they speak to me by the end of the conversation, they are biting my head off, usually because I'm asked a question and try to give an input and they don't want to hear it. I never say anything about it, I just take it I guess out of respect I'm not sure, I have been told really out of the way stuff, like that I'm a B**ch which makes me upset, and whenever I get upset and it get hard for me to breathe, and then I start shaking, which then leads to nosebleeds and bloodshot eyes, and headaches

    Does this happen to anyone else I was told by a friend that it could cause me to burst a blood vessel, is this true and how do i stop this? I have never told my doctors about it as I have no way to prove it aside from telling them what I go through What should i do?

    6 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • What kind of place would you like your teenage child hanging out.?

    I live in a Caribbean Country so take into consideration the heat, but i'm looking at somewhere that we can set up as a spot, for teenagers, and maybe one some days be rented out for kids birthday parties, and that kind of stuff.

    So do you think it would be better as a diner type thing, a build your own and sweets and Ice cream, /pizza parlor or an all in one type thing, i am open to serious kid /teen/family, friendly suggestions.

    2 AnswersEntertaining9 years ago
  • what do you think? is this normal?

    I had been volunteering at an animal shelter for some time and i have a genuine love for animals and they tend to get attached to me too. while i was there a dog was brought in that was being abused; beaten, teased with food or sometimes not fed at all, bottom line this was a very aggressive and antisocial dog when he came in. No one wanted to go near him, so i took the task of feeding him one day, and he didn't bark at me i have been able to interact with him, the vets were threatening to put him to sleep because he was not a friendly dog, I was able to adopt him for this reason. he is extremely over protective of me and jealous. He also takes a while to warm up to people that come in contact with me like my sisters, and parents etc. he hasn't tried to hurt them, he just always tries to stand between us.

    He wasn't previously trained at all, but somehow he listens to commands and he has never destroyed anything or made a mess anywhere.

    Is this at all normal ? Was I wrong to adopt him (personally i think this kind of relationship with a pet comes only once in a lifetime.

    5 AnswersDogs9 years ago
  • What books to use to learn graphic design?

    could someone tell me what books for good for learning photoshop, Illustrator, basically the entire CS5, and how to properly use it. using the tools and how to create designs.


    3 AnswersDrawing & Illustration10 years ago
  • Line across my bb bold screen?

    ITs a thin black line in the center of the screen, i need to know if there is anything i can do about it or do i need to have someone look at it,i already tried to reboot it, and reset it its still their, also where would i get this done in new york, thank all answers are appreciated.

    1 AnswerPDAs & Handhelds10 years ago
  • How many pesons out there wish they could have been a different nationality?

    I do, maybe i sometimes feel ungrateful i'm not sure but sometimes i wish i weren't but i guess i just feel like i don't have the same opportunities i would if i were a different nationality like European or american. am i alone

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture10 years ago
  • Christening a child.....?

    I had an argument with my mother a few days ago about chistening my child (if and when I have one) and that I wouldn't have it done. I have taken an atheist standpoint on religion and everything it entails, But I would never try to persuade someone out of their believes. i haven't been to church since i was about six yrs old after deciding on morning I didn't want to go back, my family is roman catholic, but my mother has ever upheld any of the values that church people live by, she lie cheat steal you name it.

    Personally i think it would be hypocritical for me to have a child my child christened into something i don't believe in or take part in. the decision would be theirs as they get older if they wish.

    Am I wrong? Why say your making a child a part of something they may never want to take part in when they can consent.

    I need some other opinions on this topic .... from anyone it all helps

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Attending Graduation Help?

    I am going to a Graduation in PA, (snow). I just wanted to know what to add to my outfit to make it look better, but still appropriate.

    I have a black turtle neck (similar but more formal).And a close fitting black pants(skinny leg stretchy) And black lace ankle booties.

    The Tops of the shoes Are hidden under the pants, Any ideas on what i should change or add.

    like accessories i been having a hard time picking accessories. I am really petite 23 waist and i am also not tall so keep that in mind, all ideas are welcomed, and appreciated.

    None of these are exact they are just kinda close.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • I feel hopeless and lost?

    I found out yesterday that someone I was really close to killed himself( nobody seems to know why) I am so shocked and scared and so may other feeling are running through me right now that i don't even know. He was one of the most loving persons that i have ever known and the first person that i met and immediately liked, I don't know hoe to begin to heal, or where to start or even how to let go of the pain, I cant stop the tears, I don't even want to go outside. I just want to be where ever he is,

    I Know I can't turn back time, but I don't want to live with out the only person I ever trusted.

    How do I begin to heal, and avoid a breakdown when i see the places where we met and his family, in a couple days. He was the first person to throw a snow ball at me so u can imagine how painful it will be for me to go back into the snow again.

    I have been through a lot in my life and by far this is the first time i have felt anything hurt me like this i literally felt my heart break like a mirror

    Please Don't answer with anything mean i am in enough pain as is.

    1 AnswerFriends1 decade ago
  • I just got braces and i am having problems?

    My teeth feel a bit shaky. along with that i always had a teeth grinding problem but i dont know if this could be contributing to the problem.

    Could someone please tell me if this is normal, and will go away, or do i need to go in to the dentist tomorrow.

    5 AnswersDental1 decade ago
  • substituting self rising flour in cake?

    How do i substitute self rising flour for regular flour, Can somebody tell me what to eliminate r add,

    This is A copy of this recipe

    1 1⁄2 pounds (900 grams) Raisins

    1⁄2 cup (225 grams) Prunes

    8 cups (2 litres) Red Wine

    2 cups (450 grams) Grace Hello Margarine

    1 pound (450 grams) Dark Sugar

    8 whole Eggs

    1 tablespoon (15 millilitres) Lime Juice

    1 teaspoon (5 millilitres) Lime Rind

    1⁄2 cup (225 grams) Candied Fruits

    1 tablespoon (15 millilitres) Vanilla

    1 teaspoon (5 millilitres) Almond Essence

    1⁄2 cup White Rum

    1 1⁄2 pounds (450 grams) Counter Flour

    1⁄2 pound (112 grams) Bread Crumbs

    2 tablespoons (15 millilitres) Baking Powder

    2 teaspoons (10 millilitres) Nutmeg

    6 tablespoons Grace Browning

    7 AnswersVegetarian & Vegan1 decade ago
  • Your Favorite Movies?

    What is your favorite movie of all time, ( old new, doesn't matter.) it could also be a group of movies.

    Mine are the Hannibal Lecter Series. Based on the Thomas Harris books

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • Teeth problems. HELP!!!?

    When i was about eight or nine i had a fight with my sis and she pushed me off the top bunk and i chipped a tooth, now i have been to the dentist and have been told that the space in my mouth is limited so my teeth are beginning to crowd each other. This tooth is the right incisor directly at the front, recently when the problem of crowding started becoming noticeable, i realized that this teeth had started to shake as if it going to fall out.(its not that bad as yet.)

    I am getting braces soon, how will this affect the tooth.

    How can this be fixed?

    What advice do you have for care and stuff.

    Please help me if you have ever been through anything like this or know about it,

    Thanx for the answers

    2 AnswersDental1 decade ago