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Corey M

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  • Planning on moving out on my own and leaving my brother behind to fend for himself. Is this wrong?

    Hello, I've been living in shared apartment for 5 years now and one of my roommates is my brother. But I this past 5 years I have grown disdain and resentment towards him.

    He's never supported in my long journey to achieve my dream job saying that I should give up and go work somewhere else like McDonalds or be a janitor or a job picking up animal droppings in the park. I told him and everyone else "No, I can't and won't see myself doing anything else" I kept paying the rent by doing freelance computer jobs. For more context, He is a graphic designer major in college and he works for Amazon delivery from a job that the government got him in a job placement program. where he makes less than minimum wage. I on the other hand wants more and aimed higher, I applied for jobs the right way and though it took 4 years, I finally got my dream job.

    He tries to physically harm me whenever he loses an argument. Not a fan of his personal disgusting habits.

    Pretty much I'm tried of this roommate stuff tbh. I'm tried of sharing my space with a revolving door of strangers, I'm tired of being told what to do when I want to relax from work. But the problem is when I tell people this, they say no, "Don't leave him behind" "You guys should stick together" etc But he brags about his Amazon job even though he makes money to rent a shared room but I make enough to get a 2 bedroom but I only want one. So I figured he'll be fine.

    7 AnswersEtiquette2 years ago
  • Malik Obama Drops Obamas Real Birth Certificate Its from Kenya?

    B. Hussein Obama was born in

    Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in

    Honolulu, Hawaii

    Obama destroying America was by design. Obamacare was designed to fall. What do you expect from a Muslim.

  • Malik Obama Drops Obamas Real Birth Certificate Its from Kenya?

    B. Hussein Obama was born in

    Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in

    Honolulu, Hawaii

    Obama destroying America was by design. Obamacare was designed to fall. What do you expect from a Muslim.

    5 AnswersJokes & Riddles3 years ago
  • Can ONE person have a person from EACH and EVERY race as a fam ily member? Why or why not?

    there’s Filipino, Mexican, Native, White, Black, Dominican and Asian or 2 others.

    9 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Can ONE person have a person from EACH and EVERY race as a fam ily member? Why or why not?

    there’s Filipino, Mexican, Native, White, Black, Dominican and 1 or 2 others.

    5 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups3 years ago
  • Why Obama a domestic terrorist and a traitor against the Constitution?

    Why Obama a gay homosexual married to a tranny?

    Why does Obama hate America?

    What did we as a country ever do to him?

    Why is Barack Obama an evil man?

    Why does Barack Obama hate America?

    Is Barack Obama a Communist?

    6 AnswersJokes & Riddles3 years ago
  • Why don't liberals accept the fact that Obama is a traitor? Congress ARREST Obama for his crimes against America? Sedition and Treason?

    I’d rather see Obama charged formally with sedition and treason, then put on trial.

    Charge him with violating the Logan Act of 1799! This law was obviously written for exactly this type of seditious activity.

    3 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Why don't liberals accept the fact that Obama is a traitor? Congress ARREST Obama for his crimes against America? Sedition and Treason?

    I’d rather see Obama charged formally with sedition and treason, then put on trial.

    Charge him with violating the Logan Act of 1799! This law was obviously written for exactly this type of seditious activity.

    Politics3 years ago
  • Malik Obama Drops Obama’s Real Birth Certificate – It’s from Kenya?

    B. Hussein Obama was born in

    Mombasa in what is now Kenya on August 4, 1961 at 7:24 PM – and not in

    Honolulu, Hawaii

    Obama destroying America was by design. Obamacare was designed to fall. What do you expect from a Muslim.

    Obama is a Muslim and Evil Man.

    3 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Why don't liberals accept the fact that Obama is a traitor? Congress ARREST Obama for his crimes against America? Sedition and Treason?

    I’d rather see Obama charged formally with sedition and treason, then put on trial.

    Charge him with violating the Logan Act of 1799! This law was obviously written for exactly this type of seditious activity.

    10 AnswersPolitics3 years ago
  • Why won't Obama admit he's gay and that Michelle is a tranny like Joan Rivers said?

    Obama IS a homosexual -- a drug-taking homosexual. There were three guys from his church in Chicago who were going to publically reveal his homosexuality -- they were all three killed within 2 months, I think. I White homosexual man gave explicit facts regarding sex and drugs that he and Obama enjoyed.

    Michelle IS a man -- IT IS a partial transsexual. Joan Rivers revealed that fact on TV, and 2 months later she was ... DEAD!!! She was killed by a man who was not her doctor.

    A few google searches will reveal the information about "Michelle" Obama. This person was born Michael Lavaugh Robinson in Chicago, IL on January 17th, 1964.

    The two girls belong to Martin Nesbitt and his wife Dr. Anita Blanchard. These people are apparently long time friends of Obama.

  • It is Time to Acknowledge that Obama is a Muslim, isn't that right?

    He's a Muslim. NO non-muslim would call the Islamic call to prayer the "most beautiful sound in the world" except a muslim.

    His contempt for Christianity could not have been more blatant. His ludicrous claim to being a Christian was galling in that virtually no Christian leader renounced him for being an enemy of Christ, not a follower.

    Obama hasn't missed recognizing a single Muslim holiday in his tenure, including celebrating many within OUR White House.

    He had a Muslim father and Muslim step-father and he was trained in an Indonesian school. He has favored Muslim Brotherhood regimes around the world and many working close to him are members of the Muslim Brotherhood. It brings back the adage, if it looks like a duck,... and another about lambs being led to slaughter.

    Mental Health3 years ago
  • Help! My brother doesn't want to look for a real job and his landlord is gonna evict him?

    My brother is in trouble. He recently lost a crappy low paying job that I got him and he's struggling to find work. At least according to him. I know it doesn't take 2 and a half months to find work.

    I know for a fact that he isn't looking at all or hard enough. I go through the history on our computer. He would only go on craigslist for 10-20 mins looking for flyer gigs or moving gigs aka quick and easy money with little pay. And the rest of the day he's trolling on the internet looking to attack people and call them racist or bigots for any criticism of Obama and name call people for liking trump.

    The sad part is that he has a bachelor's degree in graphic design and refuses to use it because he says find a real job is hard and you only have to know someone who can get you in. I try to help anyway I can via telling him to fix his resume, go on Monster and Indeed and Glassdoor but he says no and throw it back in my face. He uses that as an excuse to not try. It been this way for 6 years now.

    It's coming to a head now. He owes his landlord a lot of money and he's crying for me to pay for him. I refuse to pay for him to sit and do nothing when he got 2 months for free to find a job. His landlord is gonna begin the eviction process next month if he doesn't pay by Friday.

    What do I do. Do I pay knowing he won't look for work? Or do I let him become homeless knowing he did it to himself even though I don't want anything bad to happen to him?

    13 AnswersLaw & Ethics4 years ago
  • Am I in the wrong for arguing with my roommates over the dishes?

    For the past 2 and a half months, I have taken it upon myself to clean up after my roommates as well as myself. My roommates would leave dishes, garbage empty beer bottles, etc all over and I would take it upon myself to tidy up almost every night no questions asked, I never complained and everyone is happy.

    But since I got a new job and my schedule is crazy, I don't have the time or the energy to do it except on my days off when I'm back at it. Now the mess has piled up and my roommates are talking to me to do my part.

    I got upset and told my piece but they refused to listen to me and they say they don't care what I have to say and it made no sense for me to argue. My position is that I've been doing the cleaning for everyone so I don't need to hear or have to hear about it from the ones who I've been cleaning up after everyone

    I don't want a gold medal or a parade, I just don't want to be implicated when things get messy. If I wasn't doing it, it be one thing. Am I in the wrong for arguing with my roommates?

    3 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • Should I leave my deadbeat brother behind?

    My issue is this. My brother doesn t believe in the applying for full time jobs. He firmly believes that there is no point in doing since you have to know someone who works at said job to do it. He currently has a job where is on an as need basis, $10 an hour, off the books and where his boss makes routine trips to Europe. In fact his boss is leaving on Monday and like the last 7 times he s gonna sit down and do nothing and wait for his boss to get back next month.

    On his days off he s an internet troll looking to attack people who don t like Obama. He thinks hes intelligent just because he gets into arguments with people online and it happens to involve politics. He cries about not making enough money yet doesn t want to look for a more lucrative job. The sad part is that he s has a bachelor s degree and refuses to use it. We ve been having this argument for 6 years now and the message doesn t seem to sink in.

    I m planning on getting a one bedroom or studio apartment so I can live by myself. I m planning on leaving my brother behind. It makes no sense for me to get a two bedroom for me to pay for everythIng and do nothing. What should I do?

    1 AnswerFamily4 years ago
  • Can employers check for a bachelor s degree just from one look at your resume and no interview?

    My cousin dropped out of college back in 2012 and she has been struggling to find work. She has over 10 years experience working as a computer technician.But since then every application she s ever sent from 2012 to now she would get a rejection. She can t go back cause she owes his school $2000 in debt she would need to pay to finish which she can t afford since she has no job.

    She thinks that she is one an IT Blacklist or some conspiracy. She thinks that employers are doing a background check on her as soon as they get her resume. Which is weird because I know they do it when they hire you.

    7 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • How Do I Go About Standing Up For Myself?

    Hello, this entire year has been terrible for me. A trend I ve noticed that kept happening to me is that at work and at home is that people would always talk down to me at work treating me like a child and being rude to me with how I do my work.

    And at home where my roommates butt into my personal space and treat me like a 5 year old. It makes me feel terrible. Makes me feel like a worthlessness human being. I need a very demanding and frank way to do it so I can establish a ststus quo that I do things my way and for people not to talk to me that way.

    May be impossible. But I d appreciate the help.

    2 AnswersFriends4 years ago
  • What Does It Mean When an Employer Uploads The Position I Just Interviewed For?

    I applied for an IT Job a few months ago and got the interview a week ago. I asked them about the status yesterday and they said, The boss would make a decision in 3 weeks as he is going on vacation.

    Then today, I found that they uploaded the exact job I interviewed for more people to apply.

    Did they lie to me about the 3 weeks? Should I be worried?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Where should I go online to apply for jobs?

    I m struggling to find work for a long time and I ve tried all the big websites and I would never hear back. I would get by on craigslist gigs but they are few and far between. I rent a small room weekly and I dont anywhere else to go and I dont have time for volunteer work or unpaid internships as I need to make money to make rent every week. So I was hoping to get serious answers to see how some people got their jobs and get some advice.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • How did you apply for your job and what website?

    I m struggling to find work for a long time and I ve tried all the big websites and I would never hear back. I would get by on craigslist gigs but they are few and far between. So I was hoping to get serious answers to see how some people got their jobs and get some advice.

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago