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Lv 57,216 points

Elle Phillip <3

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Please excuse my sarcasm, it's a side affect of being a teenager. Please listen to me, I usually know what I'm talking about. Please bare with my rantings, it's my way of expressing myself. Please ignore my occasional rudeness, there really is no excuse. Please accept my apologies, I always mean them. Please try to understand me, there's nothing more I'd love. Please feel free to say hi, I like making new friends. Please do not judge me, I am just being myself. Please let me make my own mistakes, I need them. Finally, please remember that I'm just trying to make my place in the world. - - "Instincts cannot keep me from falling, I've learned that by now." - Instincts by Ivoryline

  • Is there a chance I could be pregnant?

    I've been on the pill for the last two months and I'm into the third month now. I came off my break on Sunday 22nd and began taking my pills again. I had sex for the first time on Wednesday 25th without protection but I wasn't worried because I hadn't forgotten any of my pills. I had sex again on Saturday 25th, but on Sunday 26th I forgot to take my pill. I didn't realise until the following day, so I followed the instructions in my packet and took Sunday's and Monday's pill together. It's now Wednesday 2nd and I've taken my pill consistently.

    Is there any chance I could be pregnant? I keep getting feelings of nausea but it usually happens when I'm travelling or when I'm thinking about the possibility of being pregnant, so it could just be nerves.

    I'm also on Roaccutane for acne which can be very harmful to an unborn child, which is why I went on the pill in the first place. My doctor told me that if I got pregnant I'd literally have no choice but to terminate the pregnancy, so I'd rather know sooner rather than later.

    Please help!

    1 AnswerPregnancy9 years ago
  • Bleeding since going on the pill?

    I've recently started the combined pill on the first day of my period and I've been on the pill for just over two weeks but haven't stopped bleeding. This is really strange as my period is usually only about four days and is rarely much more. However after about six days of normal bleeding (as in it was bright red and quite heavy to start but then lightened) it became much lighter to the point I'm just getting a brownish stain every day. Usually my period gets a brownish tint and gets quite light at the end of my period, but it's never been this extreme before.

    Is this normal, and should I be worried? I'm due to take my break in five days in which I should get my period, but it doesn't seem like the last one has stopped. I was hoping to have sex with my boyfriend for the first time at some point this month - should I avoid this? We've had oral sex since my period has been like this because I tend not to get anything for a few hours, a then get a little and then nothing for a few more hours.

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerWomen's Health9 years ago
  • How much would it cost to have all seven harry potter books printed on good quality paper and bound in leather?

    I'm not at all familiar with book binding and the like, so any advice is also appreciated!

    I want the paper to be relatively thick and good quality and obviously I want the leather and binding to last... how much am I looking at just for the materials? And how much would it cost to have them printed and how much for the labour roughly? Also, would I have to pay some sort of copyright to have them printed? Would it be better just to salvage copies that are already printed and have them rebound?

    Thank you!

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago
  • Halloweeen options - School Girl or Devil?

    School girl - plaid skirt, white strapless top, black tie, black knee high socks, black heels

    Devil 1 - Black high waisted skirt, black heels, red fishnets, black strapless top, red devil horns

    Devil 2 - Red short party dress, black heels, red horns

    Which one out of those 3 for a 16 year old? I'm going to a college party tomorrow night and need something to wear!! Out of my friends I know there's going to be a doll, scaramouche and a witch.

    Thanks! :)

    15 AnswersHalloween10 years ago
  • What should I wear for Halloween?

    My primary idea was a devil - I was either going to wear a black tight fitting high waisted skirt with black strapless top, red fishnets, black heels and red sparkly horns. Or I was considering a red party dress, black heels and the red horns.

    I'm not sure about either outfit, but which do you think would be better?

    Oh, I'm 16 and am going to a party at a club in my area put on by people from my college for ages 16+ but there'll probably be people there who're a year or so younger as well because a lot look 16.

    5 AnswersHalloween10 years ago
  • Can I get a form of photo ID that's not a passport in the UK?

    I'm 16 and was asked for ID for a 15 film at the cinema today. As I've never been abroad, I've never had a passport, so all I could give was my birth certificate. The manager of the cinema wasn't happy, but after an argument with myself and my mother, I was permitted to see the movie.

    I looked into getting some form of ID card, but a page on the home office website says that ID cards are now invalid. Is there anything that I can get instead?

    I do intend to eventually get a passport, but as I'm not planning to go abroad in the nex year or so and don't have the money to just buy a passport, I'd like to get something for the time being. Also, when I do get my passport, I don't fancy carrying it around with me all the time as it'd probably get lost or stolen.

    So, is there anything I can do?


    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • Can we have sex legally at this age?

    I'm 16 in less than a week and my boyfriend is 18 (19 in October). I'm from the UK, so I know I can legally have sex, but I've heard rumors that because he's over 18 it would be illegal.

    Is this true? Will I have to wait to be 18?


    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics10 years ago
  • What book would you recommend to me?

    I'm going away in a week so need to be able to get hold of it quickly. The following books and series are ones that I enjoy and would like another book or series in the same vein.

    His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman

    Harry Potter - JK Rowling

    The Joshua Files - MG Harris

    Stolen - Lucy Christopher

    Looking For Alaska - John Green

    Paper Towns - John Green

    Sleepwalking - Nicola Morgan

    Noughts and Crosses Saga - Malorie Blackman

    Also, I'm 16 and am open to most genres, although I most prefer fantasy.


    10 AnswersBooks & Authors10 years ago
  • Which sounds better for my CV?

    Which of these two options sound best for the end of the personal statement section on my CV?

    "In short, I am a co-operative, reliable and intelligent young person who’s more than willing to work hard and learn fast."


    "My experiences have proven that I am a co-operative, reliable and intelligent young person who’s more than willing to work hard and learn fast."

    Thanks a lot! :)

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • How does my personal statement look so far?

    A family member who works at Halfords has heard that his store is looking for someone to work 7 hours a week, which is perfect for me as I've only just left school. He had a word with the manager, but I still need to submit a CV and this is the first time I've written one, so I'm a bit stuck on the personal statement part.

    This is what I have so far -

    "As a mature and skilled school leaver, with high predicted GCSE grades and further education aspriations, I have shown aptitude, abilty to work as part of a team and determination to perform to the best standard possible, and now wish to apply these skills to the world of work. Previous work placements have allowed me to develop a variety of assets, such as an intuition, versatility, and the abilities to assume responsibilty and work under pressure. Other experiences such as my completion of the Duke of Edinburgh Award have also provided me with a transferable skillset as I was tested under a variety of unforseeable circumstances, where I was able to use logical thinking and my natural leadership qualities to solve a range of problems.

    During ICT lessons at school, I have picked up knowledge in POS systems and am interested in how these systems work in real life; for this reason I’m eager to work in retail"

    Is this all appropriate?

    I'm stuck with the last paragraph (it's not finished). I'm trying to explain that I have an interest in how ICT is integrated in the running of a shop, but I feel like saying retail would be inappropriate because to me 'retail' means clothes shops... or can it apply to somewhere like Halfords too? If not, how best can I explain myself?

    And finally, how can I round off my personal statement with a bang, rather than it just fizzling out?

    Thanks a lot!

    5 AnswersWords & Wordplay10 years ago
  • What's up with my friends?

    Okay, so we've all just finished our GCSE and I'm the only one with an exam left.

    But on Friday a group of my friends were going to go to this pub to celebrate, but I decided not to go because I knew all of my closer friends would be going to our local rugby club on Saturday. Then on Saturday, one of my close friends sent a group text to our friendship group (6 of us) asking about us all going down the club that night. But I didn't notice the text until later on, so by the time I replied my friend told me that everyone had decided not to go out. I thought that was fair enough.

    But then in the evening, my other close friend text me asking what I was up to because the girl who'd text me in the morning had put something on facebook about having a quiet night in with the girls. After my friend did some investigations, she told me that the 4 other girls in our friendship group were all sleeping at one of their houses and hadn't invited us.

    I was really annoyed by this because at the end of school we all promised to stay close yet they were picking and choosing over who they'd invite to this sleep over. I don't really want to text any of them about it because I don't want to start an argument and we're all supposed to be going to a fancy dress party together next week.

    But at the same time, I really don't think it's fair that they just left the two of us out!

    What should I do? Am I over reacting?

    Thanks for any help :)

    5 AnswersFriends10 years ago
  • I have some questions on dental services I can get done on the NHS, which I'd have to go private for?

    And also how much they'd cost :)

    I'm fifteen and will finally be getting my braces fitted this summer, and in preparation for that I've had a filling today and have to have two teeth taken out to make more space in my mouth.

    However, I've just realised that fillings aren't white, which has really disappointed me. It's at the back, so you can't really notice it, but it is something I'd like to improve when my braces are off. I've heard you can get dental caps, but you can only get them done on the NHS if they're at the front and/or noticeable. Is this true - if so, how much would I have to pay to get it done privately?

    Also, when I have my braces off (between 18 months to two years), I've seen that they can cause small stains on your teeth if you don't brush properly. Will I be able to have a free, or reduced price whitening service on the NHS, or would I have to go private? Once again, how much would this cost?

    Finally, I've heard rumours that if you break your brace, you have to pay for it, even though it's NHS supplied... is this true? I've known a few people whose brace will randomly break when they're eating or talking - if this happens to me, will I have to pay for it?

    Thanks a lot to an answers! :)

    2 AnswersDental10 years ago
  • Ideas for a fancy dress party? (16 year old girl)?

    Hey, I'm 16 and my friend is having a fancy dress party to celebrate the end of GCSE's in two weeks!

    I need to think of a cool costume to wear... some of my friends are going really slutty but I don't want to end up looking like that, but I don't want to look silly either! I'd like to look cute, funky... but bordering on sexy?

    Any recommendations? I'm open to most options, so just throw anything out there!

    Oh, I also don't want to have to buy a whole new outfit, although I don't mind spending a little bit on accessories or the odd garment. I'm confident with a sewing machine, so I don't mind having to adapt clothes I already own!

    Thanks! :)

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories10 years ago
  • Ideas for a fancy dress party? (16 year old girl)?

    Hey, I'm 16 and my friend is having a fancy dress party to celebrate the end of GCSE's in two weeks!

    I need to think of a cool costume to wear... some of my friends are going really slutty but I don't want to end up looking like that, but I don't want to look silly either! I'd like to look cute, funky... but bordering on sexy?

    Any recommendations? I'm open to most options, so just throw anything out there!

    Oh, I also don't want to have to buy a whole new outfit, although I don't mind spending a little bit on accessories or the odd garment. I'm confident with a sewing machine, so I don't mind having to adapt clothes I already own!

    Thanks! :)

    3 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style10 years ago
  • According to Christianity, did freewill come before or after the forbidden fruit?

    Was freewill given to humans from the start (allowing Eve to have the choice to eat from the tree), or was it the gift granted by the forbidden fruit?

    Am I right in thinking that the forbidden fruit granted humans the ability to distinguish between right and wrong?

    If so, does this go along with freewill or are the separate?

    Apologies if I sound a little naive - I'm an atheist with only religious experience coming from the odd school assembly, but I'm studying Philosophy at GCSE and need to get this straight for my exam!

    Thanks a lot! :)

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality10 years ago
  • How does a graphite moderator improve the possibility of fission of uranium?

    I'm marking a past paper in prep for my exam tomorrow, and can't find the answer in any of my textbooks or online, so please help!

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • When testing for anions in a solution (Chloride, Bromide and Iodide)....?

    The table on my work sheet says...

    "To a solution of the halide ions add:

    1. dilute nitric acid

    2. silver nitrate solution

    This is apparently the test for Chloride, Bromide and Iodide, but does it mean BOTH should be added one after the other, or should one be added, the result recorded and then the second one added to a fresh test tube?

    Can anyone explain this to me? Thanks!

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • When testing for anions in a solution (Chloride, Bromide and Iodide)....?

    The table on my work sheet says...

    "To a solution of the halide ions add:

    1. dilute nitric acid

    2. silver nitrate solution

    This is apparently the test for Chloride, Bromide and Iodide, but does it mean BOTH should be added one after the other, or should one be added, the result recorded and then the second one added to a fresh test tube?

    Can anyone explain this to me? Thanks!

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago