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Birth Control Question?
I got the implanon birth control inserted April 2011. The only major changes/side effects I had in the first year were irregular periods & weight gain/loss. Also my arm would get tingly sometimes. I at first got my period at random times, sometimes twice a month, with it lasting 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks. After about 6 months, I wouldn't get my period at all or once every 3 or more months, lasting 2 days to 2 or 3 weeks. (I got my period once, maybe twice this year, I can't remember when, but they lasted about 2 weeks.)
With my weight, I'd lost about 20 pounds in the first 6 months I believe, then since then, I would gain and lose 10 pounds, which is no biggie. I'd actually just lost ten pounds recently. Perfect timing for Christmas!
A new side effect I'd noticed since maybe 2 or 3 months ago is that I am SUPER super tired. I could fall asleep at 10pm & not wake up until (the latest) noon the next day. It seems that no matter how much or how little sleep I get, I am always tired. I do know that I am anemic, and that it could be what's causing it, but I've been having anemia issues for years and I've never felt this sleepy. I haven't gone to my doctor on this yet because of it being Christmas and all, but I do plan on seeing her. I just wanted to see if any others were having sleepiness issues as well.
Was curious too, I can't find it anywhere on google: what exactly happens to our eggs while on implanon? Since I'm not getting a period but once a year, are they just building up until my body just finally releases them? I plan on asking my doc that too.
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoSleepiness while on implanon?
I got the implanon birth control inserted April 2011. The only major changes/side effects I had in the first year were irregular periods & weight gain/loss. Also my arm would get tingly sometimes. I at first got my period at random times, sometimes twice a month, with it lasting 2-3 days or 2-3 weeks. After about 6 months, I wouldn't get my period at all or once every 3 or more months, lasting 2 days to 2 or 3 weeks. (I got my period once, maybe twice this year, I can't remember when, but they lasted about 2 weeks.)
With my weight, I'd lost about 20 pounds in the first 6 months I believe, then since then, I would gain and lose 10 pounds, which is no biggie. I'd actually just lost ten pounds recently. Perfect timing for Christmas!
A new side effect I'd noticed since maybe 2 or 3 months ago is that I am SUPER super tired. I could fall asleep at 10pm & not wake up until (the latest) noon the next day. It seems that no matter how much or how little sleep I get, I am always tired. I do know that I am anemic, and that it could be what's causing it, but I've been having anemia issues for years and I've never felt this sleepy. I haven't gone to my doctor on this yet because of it being Christmas and all, but I do plan on seeing her. I just wanted to see if any others were having sleepiness issues as well.
Was curious too, I can't find it anywhere on google: what exactly happens to our eggs while on implanon? Since I'm not getting a period but once a year, are they just building up until my body just finally releases them? I plan on asking my doc that too!
1 AnswerWomen's Health8 years agoWhat kind of oil should I get for my high mileage 2000 Toyota Echo?
I've got a 2000 Toyota Echo (It's a 4cyl 1.5L) & it's due for an oil change. I checked the manual & all but the car's got a few miles short of 150-thousand miles & I was just wondering if I should still use the oil it says to use or something better, because I drive just over a thousand miles a month.
2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years agoWhich phone would you recommend?
Blackberry Curve 3G 9330, Blackberry Storm 2 9550, or LG Vortex...again I'm stumped. I'm big on texting & facebook...I love "words with friends", & am constantly taking pictures/videos. I'm upgrading my phone, & can't really decide on which to choose.
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans10 years agoLooking for a good song?
What's a good song where a couple (male/female) has feelings for each other, are close/best friends, but are too shy to admit their feelings to each other? Or they say that they feel that chemistry towards each other. Any genre will do :) Thanks
3 AnswersLyrics10 years agoLG cell phones: Vortex vs Citrus?
I'm thinking of upgrading my (Verizon) phone & I like the Citrus & Vortex, but the reviews are scaring me away. I, like everyone else, am checking up on Facebook all day, so quick access & easy viewing is a plus. I'm also a 300+ a day texter...haha so I'd like a full keyboard or touch screen. I don't really play music, but it'd be nice. I also take tons of pics/video. & does either have games where I can play with friends? Like "Words with Friends" or something?
4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans10 years agoWhy can't I enter a yahoo chat room?
I haven't gone into a chat room in years...but I've used messenger recently & I have the latest version. When I go to enter a room, I have the little window for the whole room, but there's only me and a "Messenger Chat Admin" & that's it. I heard that I'm supposed to wait for a captcha code, but how long am I supposed to wait?!? This is ridiculous :( I understand it's for security but sheesh!
1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Messenger1 decade agoWhat's a cute, simple style for thick, curly hair?
Ok. I have really thick, really curly hair. It looks pretty much like this: but with tighter curls on a good day OR if I use products. But if I'm not careful, or if I don't add enough time & hair products into it (which I don't really like) I'll look like this: ..except I would be frustrated, not napping haha. So. Anyway. As of now, my hair is medium-long, as it's been forever, but I would really like it short/shorter, but if I get it too short, I'll look like Macy thanks lol. I just don't like going through this process all the time with my long hair trying to get the curls just right without adding too much crap to it. Any suggestions to a shorter, less difficult style for my hair? Thanks :D
2 AnswersHair1 decade agoVerizon wireless account & "My Verizon" password?
Is the password for logging onto the verizon website the same as the password for paying my account? Like if I payed over the phone, and they ask for a password, is it the same as the one I use to sign into "My Verizon" online?
2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade agoIs it "bad" that he doesn't say my name?
I've been with my guy for 5 years now, but he hardly ever says my name. He always calls me by my pet-name/nickname, (Monkey haha) which I don't really mind, but obviously, it's nothing close to my name. I call him by his name & also nickname, & I brought it up before that he never says my name & asked why but he never really answered, but for a while after, he'd use my real name, but then he'd go back to "Monkey". Is this bad, or is there some kind of reason for it? Is it a guy thing...I'm just wondering, 'cause ya know, I'd like for him to say my name maybe once a day :/
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay1 decade agoHow private are notes on facebook?
I wrote a note on my fb within the "notes" section, and I customized the privacy so that only certain people can see it & I blocked a couple people as well, but after I posted the note, it said on my wall that I wrote a new note. Will everyone on my friends list see the post, or can only the ones that I selected view it? & will the blocked people see that I wrote the note? or does it not update on their wall?
1 AnswerFacebook1 decade agoA question on flying with an infant?
If I were to fly with my 9 month old, would it be better to hold him, or buy him a seat? If I choose to hold him, would I be able to bring his car seat as luggage that goes underneath the plane? (I can't think of the word...haha). Also, what paperwork would I need for him? (Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, etc) I'm checking with the airline but this is a bit faster. :)
5 AnswersAir Travel1 decade agoI'm trying to find a store...?
where I can buy a full-bodied (long-sleeved arms & legs) thermal suit for my 9-month old. I've checked the mall, babies 'r' us, walmart, everywhere...I've found something that I can use at kmart but it doesn't have the legs. (It's for a Mickey costume :D )Thanks for your help!
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade agoI need help reinstalling my multimedia audio controller?
I've tried everything I can find, and nothing has helped. I don't know what kind of computer I have (it was free from a school). It just says "Tech 21" on the front...I've never heard of it. Anyway, my "mac" was uninstalled and now there's no information on what it is or what type. I've done the system reboot thing, I've tried downloads, and nothing's helped. I also know that there's an Intel Pentium 4 sticker on the front, Windows XP Pro is installed, but that's all I know. Pretty much now, when I turn on the comp, the install wizard starts but it says it needs software to install and there's this long list but I don't know which brand to accept. Can anyone dumb it all down for me :) lol (I've been trying to fix this for's getting frustrating)
4 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade agoI'm having some trouble with a shark steam mop?
I just bought a Shark Steam Mop (S3101) and it won't turn on. We've plugged it in and filled it with water but no luck. It did make a puff kind of noise on two different times we plugged it in but it doesn't steam at all. The water flows to the pad but that's about it. Also we can feel it heating up after a while but still, no steam :(
1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade agoIs it safe to take/drink taurine while breastfeeding?
I may have allergies, and I was told that maybe taurine could help because it helped that person. I'm breastfeeding my 1 1/2 month old though, so before I take or drink anything I'd like to make sure it's safe. I'm just curious before I see my doctor. :)
4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade agoI need to find a picture from the Disney/Pixar movie "Up"?
I'm trying to find a picture of young Ellie where she takes off her helmet and her hair is huge. I've tried Google and Yahoo but with no luck. If possible, I'd like it to be between 300 & 400 pixels. (I'm making magnets for my daughter :) )
1 AnswerMovies1 decade agoCashing a check question?
My cousin asked me to cash a check for her from her work, with my bank account. It's dated 9.25.09, and it's already signed. Can I cash it without her? or just deposit it. My main worry is that it's a fake or stolen check. What if it's been cancelled from her job and I try to cash it? What would happen to me? ...I'm sure I sound like an idiot, but I just want to be safe :)
1 AnswerOther - Business & Finance1 decade agoA silly question for parents... :)?
Why is it, that when we put a new stack of wipes into the container, we can never get the wipes to come out one-by-one...but the toddlers can SOMEHOW manage to pull out all 160 wipes one-by-one the exact way we couldn't get them to do moments earlier!? (The wipes, I mean...not the babies!) LoL :)
8 AnswersParenting1 decade agoI have a quick question on Ipods?
I have a WMV file of 10,000 BC on my laptop from CinemaNow, and my boyfriend wants to sync it with his ipod. I tried adding the video file to itunes, but nothing happened. Is it not compatible or does he have to get videos only from the itunes store? :(
4 AnswersMusic & Music Players1 decade ago