Yahoo Answers is shutting down on May 4th, 2021 (Eastern Time) and beginning April 20th, 2021 (Eastern Time) the Yahoo Answers website will be in read-only mode. There will be no changes to other Yahoo properties or services, or your Yahoo account. You can find more information about the Yahoo Answers shutdown and how to download your data on this help page.

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Favorite Answers12%
  • Now that yahoo are "Temporarily" disabling answers how many others do not bother reading "their" news.?

    This so called temporary disabling of answers to "their" version of the news etc has convinced me that it is / was a waste of time reading the so called news and the blocking of comments has taken away some enjoyment of the web. Therefore I have been taking to other places and do not bother with the so called news etc. So as a result how many others feel that this "blocking" has denigrated the internet and that Yahoo should bow to their punters and allow comments!

    5 AnswersCurrent Events2 months ago
  • The UK Knew that Johnson lied about the NHS millions and admitted it live on TV should the English be upset that everything will go up!?

    The English KNEW that Johnson lied about the extra monies over brexit and painted it on a red coach. He admitted this was a lie live on TV. Brexit will and is now delivering exactly what was envisaged by those that read up what they were voting for and now they have got exactly that, Higher inflation, less jobs, problems for students wishing to study abroad, some foods now not available in their area, and soon fuel problems. Effectively the rich will gain about double what the poorer will lose, (That is an average of course). So for example Reece Mogg will gain many millions, and many millions will lose about £1000 each per annum, that is inclusive of children. It could mean that a family of 4 being some £4000 a year worse off.  This is all on the FOI which of course part of Reece Mogg's project. Seeing as we knew all this why did many vote for it.

    12 AnswersCurrent Events2 months ago
  • Were brexit voters aware that they were going to destroy the UK?

    Were those that voted brexit really aware that they were destroying the UK? Were those that voted for brexit, really aware that the lies they were being fed, if acted upon, would ultimately destroy the UK.. Hopefully at the next election this mess will be turned back. If not, then Scotland and NI will join forces and throw their hats in with Eire, that being the end of the UK. This would therefore raise the question should people be given an intelligence test before being allowed to vote? To those that think Scotland could not cope, well when the factories from England move up so as to export to Europe, England will be the one to have problems, Scotland has its own Banking center and of course the Scottish pound, England, having no fish exports, will not miss the fishing grounds of Scotland and NI. So sad, because of fraud and idiots the country that I was a soldier in has to follow other collapsed Empires. Au revoir United Kingdom.

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government2 months ago
  • With a lorry coming from up north and kent access only for 24 hours does one break driving hours!?

    If one is coming with an export from Scotland and going via Dover the Kent permit is only valid for 24 hours, does one break driving hours as to get to Kent takes a normal drive of 2 days.

    3 AnswersOther - United Kingdom3 months ago
  • How should Khairi Saadallah be dealt with.?

    Should Khairi Saadallah be dressed in a dress have his hair forcibly cut and have all foods pork in or on them and that he not to meet any muslim people and see no documentation mentioning religion.

    1 AnswerPolitics3 months ago
  • Should Khairi Saadallah be deprived terrorist dress and given pork and grease from pork ?

    This idiot must be made to realise that what he did must be forced on him, and as a consequence, to be dressed in just a dress, forced to be shaved, and all meals have pork in or on them. He must not mix with any similar minded people, who obviously need to be treated the same. He must never be let out, and can only meet those of a neutral or Christian belief, and that includes guards, and he can have a bible but no documentation reflecting any religion! Perhaps a priest, vicar, nun etc every day.

    1 AnswerReligion & Spirituality3 months ago
  • Why is it that Muslims even corrupt their own Koran which in itself is a bad corruption of the Bible.?

    I am getting a bit fed up with the attitude being taken in the UK by muslims. Many refused to integrate with European neighbours, their attitude in particular to English women and women in general is totally against the teachings in the koran, the insist on corrupting things like killing all those not in agreement with Muslims, yet the bible from which the koran is badly translated stated convert people to christianity (muslim in Koran but basically one and the same) yet even today so called clerics abuse the koran / bible and state kill those that do not believe. They encourage the young of that sect to go out and not deal with Christians and possibly do harm to them yet their original teachings state that is wrong. Western cultures have to get a grip on these malignant clerics. The ones that support the malignant growth must be indicted to be seen to be creating an evil situation. In fact the koran itself needs to be retranslated so that it no longer reflects dangerous and obscene acts. Copies that do have to be removed and destroyed. No Christian pastor would, as some muslim ones do, incite an act against another person likely to do harm. Those that do do harm to others stating muslim traits, must be shaved, regularly fed with pork based foods, and dressed in dresses to simulate a female if their act was in anyway to do with harming women or girls.  

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 months ago
  • Why has yahoo decided to alter the email address for alternative address from to

    My wife has got the silly message that she has used her email ...etc she has not but hey thats not the point. The alternative contact address is, however yahoo says that it is which can neither be set by user nor will Yahoo accept as it does not exist, AND my wife has only used the alternate address for the last 5 years in France AND we have proof that the alternate address has been communicated with before by yahoo!

    Currently yahoo have not responded. Has anybody a big hammer to clout Yahoo. We need to get into her emails.

    1 AnswerPassword and Sign In5 years ago
  • Sophia gives out a telephone number for all questions, is it fraud?

    the person sophia gives out telephone number for all sorts of queries, thats is all they give. I think that this is a fraud number and person, how do we report them to Yahoo?

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • Get blocked by Yahoo when away from home?

    Stupidly Yahoo have decided that I have to have a code to sign into my account if I go anywhere, thing is I cannot get into my emails as ..oh yes I cannot get in as they want a code! Now they suggest a mobile number, yes good, do they provide that and of course the access, do they actually put a mobile phone transponder in for you, If so how do you contact yahoo to tell them where to put the transponder.. oh yes email, however.....I CANNOT GET INTO MY FXXXXXXXG emails. Apart from ring home and getting someone to hack emails for the number you cannot get in.

    How can I get yahoo to stop that manure.

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam6 years ago
  • I am trying to find the EU legal requirement for the state to install a mains drainage system.?

    I am trying to find the EU requirements for the state to install a mains drainage system. 10 years ago I remember seeing documentation stating that communes of over a certain number of houses or inhabitants must be connected to mains drainage or have it available. Monies for this was available from various sources. The connection to this was not compulsory, however if existing septic tanks were ok until a certain date. Has anyone any idea as to this regulation please.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs6 years ago
  • Hypothetical News flash on September 20th, 2014. "What happens to Scotland?"?

    Ok so Scotland is independent, IS have landed many ships with military hardware etc in the North of Scotland. Britain cannot get involved as Scotland is an Independent country. Scotland has no military, so Scotland will be the first all muslim country in Europe, who would argue, She is not in Nato, nor in the EU.

    What happens to Scotland?

    8 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • Is there a answers customer care team?

    I have had like many others a violation notice the reason the asker spelt so many words wrong that the question was ambiguous, and therefore the answer was "that first the question had to be put correctly". and that therefore I guessed the required answer and this was condemned as insulting.

    Now I know, and you know, that there is no such thing as any yahoo customer care thing, in fact yahoo listens to nothing, However, the email stated "contact the" and in highlights the "answers customer care team". When you click on it you just get a normal compose page. There is no address.

    So now there is nothing to appeal to. Is that correct?

    Frankly under the terms and conditions all badly written (incorrect spellings, unintelligible prose etc) and obscure questions should be blocked. Have I read that correctly. If so many will now get blocked as "unintelligible"

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Is there a answers customer care team?

    I have had like many others a violation notice the reason the asker spelt so many words wrong that the question was ambiguous, and therefore the answer was "that first the question had to be put correctly". and that therefore I guessed the required answer and this was condemned as insulting.

    Now I know, and you know, that there is no such thing as any yahoo customer care thing, in fact yahoo listens to nothing, However, the email stated "contact the" and in highlights the "answers customer care team". When you click on it you just get a normal compose page. There is no address.

    So now there is nothing to appeal to. Is that correct?

    Frankly under the terms and conditions all badly written (incorrect spellings, unintelligible prose etc) and obscure questions should be blocked. Have I read that correctly. If so many will now get blocked as "unintelligible"

    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Has any body found a way of stopping Google Chrome from the Omniprix etc sponsored adverts on the email page?.?

    Hi, I know that using Opera that my yahoo email page does not have the adverts, but I frequently use chrome which does. I have stopped all the likely pages with OpenDNS and using my Dashboard I have stopped about 90% of the rubbish, but for some reason using Google Chrome the advert heading comes up. If you click on it, sure the page is blocked, but the only way on chrome seems to be just moving the page down.

    Incidentally, if you use open DNS be very careful on what you block. Always keep OpenDNS as a page in memory and or have another way of getting to your dashboard.

    Certainly stops most.

    So anybody coming up with a stop for the ruddy advert at the top of emails in Yahoo on Chrome please let me know!

    2 AnswersOther - Yahoo Mail7 years ago