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  • How can Kantianism result in bad consequences?

    In my assignment i am comparing utilitarianism to kantianism. One of the questions is what problems can arise in kantianism that does not usually happen in utilitarianism. One of the cons to the moral theory of kantianism is that it can sometimes result in negative consequences, keeping utility in mind. What is an example of a scenario of this happening?

    4 AnswersPhilosophy1 month ago
  • Does my cat care if I stop petting him?

    Do cats get sad or disapointed if you stop petting them? If my cats really enjoying it, I can never find a good time to stop, and feel bad when I do. Does my cat care?

    3 AnswersCats2 years ago
  • What is the difference between a social work generalist, and specialist?

    Child, family, and school social worker specifically.

    1 AnswerWords & Wordplay2 years ago
  • What would happen if I poked peroxide in my stick and poke?

    I’ve had this stick and poke tattoo for a while, so no, it’s not goin away anytime soon so. But would a thing happen if I poked over it with peroxide? I’m not going to, so don’t lecture me, I’m just curious.

    3 AnswersTattoos3 years ago
  • Buying a new flute crown?

    So yesterday at practice, I lost the crown of my flute outside. I would okish if it was my marching flute, but a spring popped off it, so I was using my concert flute. I know it doesn’t make too much of a difference but I still want it back lol. Would it be a bad idea to buy one from amazon? They aren’t very expensive, but is it a likely chance it won’t fit??

    1 AnswerPerforming Arts4 years ago
  • Getting a tongue piercing?

    I can imagine the pain level and all of that, but that’s not the part I honk about. Does it feel gross to have a needle go through it? Like texture wise or coming out the the other side?

    2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body4 years ago
  • Putting a pore strip on a fresh tattoo?

    What would happen if I put a biore strip on a freshly done stick and poke tattoo

    1 AnswerTattoos4 years ago
  • How to comfort a friend over text?

    My guy friend is really upset kind of in general right now. He asked me to comfort and I asked how. He said how he liked to be held and that kinda stuff. How tf do I do this over text

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating4 years ago
  • Stop a washing machine?

    I put like only a few little things in there. And I was dumb and stopped the washer. When I tried to make it go again, the water went again, and I don't want there to be too much water for just some tiny things. But I don't know how to make it stop so it will drain. Please help. I use an oldish whirlpool

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs4 years ago
  • I crawling a work out?

    So I wanted to walk/ run today, but I can't because I have a sprained ankle. Is baby crawling on a tread mill working out? Lol

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness4 years ago
  • Is my foot okay?

    Blah blah blah you should go to a doctor. Yes I know, but I want to have an idea what's up. And I don't need a lecture for what I'm about to say. I jumped off a roof and sprained my ankle. But my other foot, I hurt the heel, and there's a little rising around it the next morning. Any idea how serious that is???

    2 AnswersInjuries4 years ago
  • What ankle injury did I have?

    Sooo I mighttt have jumped off a high surface. I landed on my foot and it hurts really bad. It's pretty swollen but there isn't bruising. Did I sprain it or is it like a shock injury?

    3 AnswersInjuries4 years ago
  • I can't get past Payment options on amazon?

    When I try to buy something, it will not let me continue past "select a payment option". The box is checked on using the gift card I have, and I have enough money for what I try to buy. But I cannot press continue. Help!

    1 AnswerCredit4 years ago
  • Recover deleted emails?

    I deleted a bunch of emails from the trash folder, but I still need this one. Is there any way to get it back?

    1 AnswerAbuse and Spam4 years ago
  • Preparation for an industrial piercing?

    So I don't have any other piercings, I never have. I have a low pain tolerance and I'm quite a baby. But I want an industrial piercing. The problem is I want it on the side I sleep on. I will not get it on the other side, it's an ocd thing and so is the side I sleep on. But anyway, is here anything I can do to prepare myself to get this piercing, before and after if I wind up getting it? (I don't want another spot either)

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body4 years ago
  • It feels weird to take my tampon out?

    I've been using tampon for a few months now. I never used to have problems taking them out. I still don't, I guess. But now, even when they aren't even close to dry, it like rubs against my vagina when I pull it out. It's just really uncomfortable, but it doesn't hurt. I've trying pulling at different angles and positions. Is there any way I can help this? Has anyone else had this happen?

    2 AnswersWomen's Health4 years ago
  • How to make a vape pen?

    My vape pen broke and I don't have any money. Is there a safe way to make a homemade one? (Obviously I know that vapes are already not safe, but I mean one that is just as safe as a real one)

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics5 years ago
  • Is it illegal to give myself a stick n poke?

    I know when you're a minor it's illegal to get a tattoo without a consenting guardian or ID. Does that apply with diy stick n poke?

    7 AnswersTattoos5 years ago
  • I'm sick and need to wake up!?

    Today I started feeling like crap, left school early and took a long nap. I still feel kind of bad and am so tired. I have plans though so I want to wake up so I can focus and not be so dizzy. Is there any quick way for me to wake up or feel better?

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care5 years ago