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Cal E

Favorite Answers17%
  • Can I wire 2 HD antennas together?

    I'd like to have 2 (or more) rooftop antennas pointed in different directions. Can I combine their outputs without causing some sort of digital scrum? If so, how?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics7 years ago
  • How can my kitten be so spunky a day after being spayed?

    She's into her usual mayhem just 24 hours after having her lady parts removed, and 12 hours after her last dose of pain meds. I'm pretty sure this is typical for spayed kittens, so my question is: How is this possible? There MUST be post-surgical pain, discomfort when stretching muscles, etc. Why does she not appear to notice or care?

    2 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • Who will care for my cat, should I predecease him?

    Even I struggle to love him. OK, that's not true, I love him to death, it's just that he's kind of an Asperger's cat. OK, that's not true, he's just seriously dumb. He's not good with people, including me, and especially anyone other than me. Or even noises other than me. OK, he's just not good at stuff in general. But he's very good looking and means no harm and if you let him into your back yard he will decimate the rodent population. By dragging them into your living room.

    5 AnswersCats9 years ago
  • I want to be a successful published poet.?

    But I've written reams of poetry. And read them. And they're all crap. What should I do?

    4 AnswersPoetry9 years ago
  • How to use a box grater without bloodying my knuckles?

    Should be easy, right? I'm an adult. I should be able to do this. But the food slips and my knuckle bleeds. Help!

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • Reasons to buy high-watt KitchenAid stand mixer?

    The Artisan model looks great at 325 watts. Are there good reasons to go to the 500+ watt models? Will the Artisan handle heavy, low-moisture dough, like pasta? Will it knead bread dough well? Any chance of burning out the motor? For occasional at-home use, any reason I might one day regret going with the Artisan?

    Please answer if you have experience with one of these mixers.

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Is it dangerous to use a rheostat with a fan?

    I have a standard 110V AC box fan which has a low speed of gale-force. I'd like to use a plug-in lamp rheostat to tame it a bit. Rheostat instructions generally say not to use them with motors. I used one with a ceiling fan back in the 80s with no apparent problems. I'm older and wiser now and don't want to do it if it's stupid.

    If the rheostat is rated for the fan voltage and amperage, what's the risk, if any?

    4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Are we seeing stars or galaxies?

    When we view the night sky without magnification, looking away from the plane of the Milky Way, are many of what appear to be stars actually galaxies? How many?

    8 AnswersAstronomy & Space1 decade ago
  • Plumbers: Why might my bathroom smell like sewer gas?

    At least, I think that's the odor. Even first thing in the morning, when I know the aroma hasn't caused by me yet.

    Everything drains and flushes fine. No sign of leaks. In the basement directly below, all the plumbing is exposed. No sign of leaks there; no smell there either. And no backup from the basement floor drain.

    I live in northern Illinois, so freezing and thawing is a possibility, but the basement is always in the 50s or 60s and I've had no trouble all winter. The odor is only 3-4 days old.

    Where should I be investigating?

    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Where can I find large glass dinner plates?

    I'm looking for large (11 inch) simple clear glass dinner plates. Anyone know of a source? My googling gets me nowhere.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why does anyone live in Canada?

    It's -5 degrees Fahrenheit right now here in Northern Illinois. It's dangerous to set foot outside. This appalling weather always comes down from Canada. Which raises the question, why does anyone live up there? Or in North Dakota, for that matter? Why do they put up with this?

    4 AnswersWeather1 decade ago
  • Can I replace RAMBUS memory with another type?

    This is for hardware geeks:

    My 8-year-old Dell has 256MB total RAMBUS memory in 4 184-pin RIMMs. I'd like to add memory to keep it running (as a backup) but RAMBUS modules are rare, expensive, and appear to be all second-hand.

    Can I install any other type of memory in these slots? If so, please be very specific so I'll know what to search for.


    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • My old cat won't eat.?

    She's nearly 16 and has been gradually losing interest food for the past year. For several months I've gotten her to eat by surprising her with new foods, parts of my dinners, canned tuna and salmon, etc. I was even sticking peanut butter to the roof of her mouth for awhile to keep her weight up.

    Now she's stopped eating altogether and no trickery seems to help. She otherwise appears healthy and seems to be pooping and peeing and not vomiting any more than usual. Except that after a week without food she is getting weak.

    As she is old, I decided against force-feeding her and to let nature take it's course. I won't have lots of expensive tests run to find that she has cancer or whatever. She has led a long and happy life. What I'm wondering is this: is there something simple I may be overlooking?

    If you are a vet or have experience with this, please respond and give specific ideas. "Take her to the vet" doesn't help me. I can figure that out on my own.

    13 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • What's a good place for lunch in Chicago?

    Near Grant Park. A nice sit-down restaurant, moderately priced. Must be open weekends. Not looking for a chain, sandwiches, fast food, etc. Thanks.

    7 AnswersChicago1 decade ago