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I'm 30 years old happily married for 11 years now with 3 beautiful little girls. I home school and also work a part time job. I love homeschooling and it's the best move I've ever made. I'm a Christian and have been saved for almost 7 years now. I don't claim to be perfect, but I'm trying to learn from experience and to live my life better everyday. I do not pass judgment on others and expect others to give me the same courtesy. God Bless You!
Trying to dye tips and front blue. It's not taking need help!?
I'm using Jazzing by clairol professionals. It says to dye on towel dried hair,avoiding scalp then cover with plastic cap and process with heat for 30 mts. I want to do this at home. It didn't take the first time it just all washed out. I applied and then dried for 30 mts with a dryer.Should I apply it on dry hair so it will stick better? Should I wait and hour next time? Should I use tin foil or something to hold the heat in? Need help please!
5 AnswersHair1 decade agoIf you get bit by a rabid animal what is the treatment?
Do they have to give you shots in the stomach? I'm curious if the treatment is painful or pretty simple. Please give details
6 AnswersInfectious Diseases1 decade agoWhat can I do to help prevent my cats from tracking kitty litter everywhere and making a nasty mess?
I put a towel down in front of the box but it doesn't catch very much. They have the kitty litter all over the floor and I hate walking on it. Any ideas on what to do to control the kitty litter from going everywhere?
11 AnswersCats1 decade agoHow do I find out more about a doctor on the internet for free?
I'm looking to change my daughters pediatrician and I want to find out more about these doctors before they visit them. How do I do that for free?
3 AnswersOther - General Health Care1 decade agoWhat are 5th graders like?
I'm helping out with vacation bible school with the 5th graders and I have no idea how to act around them. My oldest is 6 so I need help. Any ideas or advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks! and God bless!
18 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agocan my old truck use e85?
I have a 1976 chevy blazer would it be damaged if i use e85 instead of gas?
4 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade agoWhat are some good graduation presents for a kindergartener?
My daughter is graduating from kindergarten and I want to get her something. Nothing to expensive. What would be something meaningful that she would love that's not to expensive?
14 AnswersGrade-Schooler1 decade agoWhat work out can I do to work my abs below my belly button?
I've been doing the crunches where you lay on your back with your feet in the air and you lift your butt. My abs are really firm and tight above my belly button, but below my belly is still flabby. What can I do to tighten things up below my belly button?
13 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade agoWho in this world would let a 3 year old wander through a busy parking lot alone?
I don't want to be judgmental, but I can't help but stop and wonder.
15 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade agoWhat is a good med length curly hair out of your eyes hair cut?
It's for my 6 year old daughter. Need details how to cut it. Thank you!
1 AnswerHair1 decade agoWhat do you think God would have me do?
My husband and I have been estranged from his mother and step father for 8 months now because they didn't get their way once with us. They have been sending birthday packages for the kids and I have been emailing pictures but no messages. Besides that their has been no contact. They sent a package today addressed to me with my maiden name and not my hubbies name whom I've been married to for 12 years now. It was from FedEx. And they said she gave them the name and info to be printed on the label. I think it's for my daughter whose birthday was yesterday. I want to return it to sender because of how it was addressed. Would that be the Christian thing to do? I feel like God thinks she's being silly and wouldn't care if I sent it back. She will be charged the fee to have to send it back since I didn't open it. What do yo think?
23 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade agoVT shooter, did he just need a little help and love?
were people so mean and hurtful to him? If they had just reached out and helped and loved him would he have been happier? Would it have prevented this tragedy? Saved 33 lives? what do you think?
23 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoDo you think President Bush is so concerned with Iraq that he has forgotten about America?
After all the school shootings that have happened just during his presidency, if he was concerned with America even a little bit, wouldn't he have put something in place to protect students? Couldn't we bring all of those troops home to protect American students?
16 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade agoWhy does everyone say "Stay away from Splenda and other artificial sweeteners"?
Is there something wrong with it? If so, why haven't they taken it off the shelves?
18 AnswersOther - Food & Drink1 decade agoIs it true that bunny rabbits can die of loneliness if they don't have another bunny in the pen with them?
I have a male and a female a bunny. I had to separate them when the female had babies. Now I want to give away the female and her babies and just keep the male. He has been in a cage alone for 2 weeks now and seems to be doing fine. Will it be ok to keep him alone forever? Or does he need to eventually be put in with another bunny to keep him from dying of loneliness?
6 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade agoWhat is the risk with taking exlax everyday?
I want to lose weight and have heard that taking exlax can help. My mother, however, says it can mess up your system and hurt your body. Is this true? If so then how? How often is it safe to take exlax?
Other - Health1 decade ago