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  • Laptop keyboard locked?

    The keypad on my laptop has just stopped working. As i was typing i must have hit the wrong key or 2 then i heard a beep & now i cannot type anything. I'm pretty sure its something i've pressed & not a virus or anything. Any1 know how 2 fix this? Thanks :)

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks8 years ago
  • Girls who have had the contraceptive implant removed?

    My implanon implant is due to be removed in a couple of months as it's been in nearly 3 years. If you've had it removed what was it like? Was it easy to get out? How long did it take? Were you left with much bruising/scarring? Did it hurt? I'm not planning on getting another one inserted at the same time. Thanks in advance ladies :)

    5 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years ago
  • Girls who have had the contraceptive implant removed?

    My implanon implant is due to be removed in a couple of months as it's been in nearly 3 years. If you've had it removed what was it like? Was it easy to get out? How long did it take? Were you left with much bruising/scarring? Did it hurt? I'm not planning on getting another one inserted at the same time. Thanks in advance ladies :)

    2 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years ago
  • Wales v England this Saturday...?

    Anyone else feel like they will die with excitement? ;)

    4 AnswersRugby8 years ago
  • What to do when you want different things?

    My daughter's 5 & I have been with my partner for 10 years at the end of this year. My problem is that I know for sure that I want at least one if not two more children. My contraceptive implant is due out this year & i'd like to start trying for another baby. Trouble is my partner is adamant he doesn't want another child, he's an only child & he gets it drilled into him from his mother that you can't give your children a good quality of life if you have more than one! We only just get by now but we have our own home, earn all our own money, have secure jobs & our daughter never goes without, beside money isn't everything & I know we have tonnes of love to give.

    I've spoken to him about this & all he says is he doesn't want anymore children. I would never want to split my little family up because we want different things but I know that trying for another child is something I need to do. Any advice what can be done? Thanks in advance! :)

  • Why was my answer reported & what can I do about it?

    I just answered a question that asked why so many young American women can't cook & how are they meant to feed their husbands & family. My answer was:

    Well i'm British not American & I sort of know how to cook but I rarely cook for my other half, I clean the house & do the majority of looking after our child but why should it be a woman's responsibility? If she sat on her **** all day in a house that was paid for by her other half then fair enough but these days women quite rightly have careers. I'd happily stay at home & cook for my partner all day if it meant not doing my 13 hours shifts in work but we share bills so I don't always get time to cook dinner ever night :)

    Am I missing something here? Is this in any way inappropriate especially given what the question was? Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • If believing in a god didn't offer the afterlife would you still be religious?

    If your god didn't offer a chance of an afterlife would you still be religious? Would you bother to worship the deity you believe created the world even if you didn't get a reward at the end of it?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Will we always have illogical thinking people in this world?

    I had a dream last night that it snowed. We were due for snow again last week but it didn't come but I woke up this morning & it was snowing! Now I know I am not psychic. And i'm pretty sure there's no such thing. But is this all it takes for someone to believe in something?

    My friend had the most petty thing happen to her that she tried to pass off as a psychic power. Whereas I saw that it was clearly a coincidence & not a very good one at that.

    My question is i'm almost certain that what we believe is just down to how we think. And I know that sometimes people change what they believe in. But do you think that some people out there just do not have the ability to think logically even though these could be intelligent people; something is wired up in their brains to think differently from ours?

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Get ready for round 2...?

    Let's hope this weekends six nations games will be as exciting as last weeks. Round 2 is about to start! Who are your winners for this week?

    Scotland or Italy?

    France or Wales?

    Ireland or England?

    Have fun watching everyone! :)

    4 AnswersRugby8 years ago
  • It's Rugby Time!!!?

    The six nations tournament is upon us, now I haven't long ago had the WRU logo tattooed on my wrist, they better not let me down! Lol. So whose your favourites to win? Will there be a grand slam? How likely do you think Wales are to defend their title? May the best team win! :)

    3 AnswersRugby8 years ago
  • Views on death penalty?

    Just read another devastating article in the news about another child taken away in such horrific circumstances. Now this monster will live a life funded by us tax payers, get all the help he could ask for & more than likely be kept segregated with the rest of these evil child killers to plan more crimes to commit when their already pathetic sentences come to an early end. Or the monster will no doubt be sent to a secure mental hospital where he will get treated as a patient who is ill & be cared for & looked after. Prisons & secure hospitals should not be fit for scum like this & I don't want to hear that prison is hard & he will get beat up everyday, I work in a secure psychiatric hospital & this doesn't happen & even if it did, they wouldn't even deserve that. We are talking about the most horrific crimes here against the most vulnerable people in our society. In the UK we prefer to look after our evil criminals & seem to allow more innocent victims to die in this manner because of the pathetic sentences we impale. What are your views on the death penalty?

    17 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Who is going to win the Rugby World Cup this year?

    My heart says Wales but my head says the All Blacks considering they're on home turf too. My brother's been an Australian for the past year so i'm kinda routing for those too!

    Who would you LIKE to win & who do you THINK WILL win???

    10 AnswersRugby10 years ago
  • Wrist tattoo, which way up?

    I went to get a tattoo on my wrist of my daughters name a few days ago, the tattooist had previously traced the tattoo up for me. He was just about to stick the transfer on when I told him I wanted the tattoo to be facing me so when my wrist is held up in front of my face it's the right way up to me. He refused to do it this way. He said he's not risking his reputation on doing a tattoo the "wrong way", The tattoo is for myself, no-one else so I don't care if other people think it may look upside down. I'm still going to get it done somewhere else the way I want, just wondered what your thoughts are on which way up you think it should be? Thanks in advance :)

    5 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • Kool names for a Kool Kat?

    Sorry about the slightly lame title! Just bought my 3 year old little girl a Tom cat (kitten actually), any name suggestions would be a big help as the only ones my daughter has come up with is, pussy cat, meow & doggy! Thanks in advance!

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Facing speeding ban, what's the best option?

    I got caught by a speeding laser gun today. I already have 10 points on my license. This will go to court & I am facing a ban for 6 months. What are my options? If I paid for a solicitor how much is one likely to cost to represent me in court? What are the court fees & fine likely to be? No lectures please, I do not put other road users in danger. A straight bit of road that's nowhere near residential areas. I'm not a bad person, need my car for my job & daughter. Any help would be great.

    12 AnswersSafety1 decade ago
  • People of any religion...?

    I just answered a question that someone had asked. They asked what is the most important thing in your life & to state what religion you believe in; if any. Most atheists put family & friends & all the religious people put God; before their own children even. I know that a lot of people who believe in God would probably believe that God had actually spoken to them if he was in one of their dreams. My question is, if you thought God had came to you & told you to hurt a member of your family to prove your love for him, would you do it?

    I do actually know people who have done this. I work on a women's forensic psychiatric ward & they believe God came to them. Just curious if anyone on here would do it as most religious people say that they put God before their own family!

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago