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  • Chocolate Minnelo orange pudding, drunken pear vanilla pudding, or grapefruit vanilla pudding?

    I'm making dinner for my roommates tonight and like the cook I am I've got some extra time and decided to make my homemade super healthy guilt free pudding. Don't bother telling me that protein powder and soy milk based pudding with hemp bits, chia seeds, and wheat germ is impossible because I've done it 3 times before and gotten 5 star reviews.

    I'm just wondering what flavour. I had some Minnelo oranges that are drying out that I'd like to use which was what inspired this in me. But I was thinking cooking pears in rum and butter and tossing them on vanilla pudding would be nice, or grapefruit vanilla. I could even do Minnelo vanilla pudding which I'm afraid might be too sweet---but you never know.

    What would you do?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Help me make denser buns?

    Tomorrow night I'm making homemade McRibs from scratch with fries and quick pickle salad for my roommates.

    I just signed on to do an extra shift that day so I'm going to make the BBQ sauce and buns tonight to get a jump on things. I'm used to making my own buns but they're delicate and only really work for sliders. For this I need something heavier like a pulgeise or pretzel bun.

    Here are my steps so it's easier for you to tell me what to change: I raise 2 tbsp yeast in a bowl with 1/5th cup warm water and activate it with a sugar cube. I feed it with a sugar cube every hour on the hour until it's as yeasty as possible, then I add my AP flour, add garlic oil, stir, knead, form the buns, place in a greased pan about 1 inch apart, cover and sit for 2 hours, bake at 375 til done.

    What should I do different? I probably need an egg yolk brush on them eh?

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Is Guy Fieri BBQ Sauce good?

    Im taking my families bottles to the recycling depot and then treating them to my own homemade McRibs, fries, and quick pickle salad.

    I'm a Teagues BBQ sauce kind of guy and have been looking for it but everyone keeps telling me either I make a 1.5 hr trip to another town or to buy the Guy Fieri stuff. I'm a big fan of Triple D, and Guys Grocery Games but something says over-commercialized-fluff about it to me.

    What's it like? Is it as good as Teagues?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Looking for more youtube channels like Thoughty2?

    I've recently while browsing Youtubes dirty crack somehow came into the light with a channel called Thoughty2, where the host has a pleasant voice, researches his topics well, and narrates while beautifully edited stock videos play. The topics range from important modern issues to ancient history and they're all worldly; Food, culture, gore, fashion, ritual, royal, and geopolitical.

    I quite like this format, I've seen some before but never subscribed. Does anyone else know any Channels like this?

    1 AnswerYouTube5 years ago
  • Sites to help independent directors?

    I'm a manager at Sam's Club who used to direct films and am getting back into it in a very professional way. I know everything from a technical standpoint now I need to know everything from a business standpoint IE: Releasing, promotion, how to get it on Imdb, Director's unions (im guessing that's a thing?).

    Basically I need guidance, because call me crazy but I'm pretty sure if I release a bunch of NeoPolitical Mumblecore bottle dramas on youtube that are 1.5 hours a piece I won't end up anywhere.

    1 AnswerMovies5 years ago
  • Making chilli?

    I have some homemade uncased moose sausage I'm turning into chilli today. I'm going for a real lumberjack kind of chilli. I'm gonna be using Zucchini, corn, Cumin, black beans, white kidneys, pure Hungarian paprika, Mexican habanero sauce, Ground turkey, and Cülicanean Serrano reaper oil. I'm throwing it on straight unseasoned gluten free fusilli. What else would you add? I want it to have that straight Lumberjack chilli flavor like Stagg with North Carolina presentation serving it on pasta. I know from doing this and trying to perfect it as a kid I know this type tends to have a tingy metallic taste.

    Any suggestions?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Can you list some current events so far in 2016?

    So far I have Mark Ruffalo denied an Oscar and Trump taking South Carolina. I need 2 more.

    3 AnswersCurrent Events5 years ago
  • List some facepalm worthy events that have happened so far in 2016?

    I'm doing a challenge to meme all the photos on this guys Facebook for him and I'm doing one with all his five pictures of him chugging beer, whiskey, wine, moonshine from the barell etc so the joke is I'm gonna show a pic stating a facepalm worthy event followed by a pic of him drinking with the caption "I need a drink boys" and "round two" then "going in for the trifecta!" I have the perfect drunk sudden realization photo I'm gonna caption "we're only 3 months in? FUUUUUUUUUUU!"

    So I need events, I have bad memory.

    I think one will be trump taking South Carolina. What are some others?

    2 AnswersCurrent Events5 years ago
  • Should I go to bed?

    I got food poisoning on Saturday night, at 7:30 I ordered a chicken burger at a pub that tasted like leftover chicken, wasn't hot, and only took them five mins to prepare. At midnight I started spewing chunks and my colons began aching. I spent most of Sunday tossing in pain unable to eat a morsle of food. At 1 pm I was able to hold down a protein shake from Booster Juice and dry ribs and Caesar, I thought it was over.

    This morning at work it began again, 6 hrs into my work I was told by my boss that if I'm in that much pain to go home and not worry it won't be a blemish on my record. I've been laying on my couch since 1:30 just drinking white pomegranate tea from Timmies and watching YouTube.

    I'm ready to sleep and think I should. The problem is I work at 2pm tomorrow and if I get up that early I'll be overslept and tired by the time my shift actually gets going. So I aimed for the second option stay up til 3 am unsure a good nights sleep except on work days I always wake up at 9 am regardless when I go to bed.

    So I'm sort of torn and could really go for passing out at 10.

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care5 years ago
  • Traditional biscuits and gravy?

    I'm cooking for my two roommates tonight,they always cook for me or offer me some and every two weeks I get to cook for them as a thank you. So we all used to be fat, one of us still is, me and my other roommate have manually reprogrammed our metabolism and can eat almost anything while keeping our figures. That being said I'd like to make a really healthy substitute so:

    For the biscuits I'm using an even mix of AP Flour, Ezcekiel flour, Almond flour, and Whole wheat. I'll be adding wheat germ and using margie (margarine), baking powder, extra aged extra sharp cheddar cheese, and chia seeds. I'm still gonna make them as fluffy and huge as possible because my other roommate gets upset easily if presented with a flat dry biscuit.

    Here's what I bought for the gravy:

    Lean ground turkey breakfast sausage, High protein unflavored almond milk, 1 jalepeno, chia seeds, black pepper, true louisianna hot sauce for that P'iiiizazz all the N'Orleanean chefs I've worked with say you need, and corn starch.

    What am I missing, what do you suggest? I want it to be healthy but still scream 'MURICA!

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Hangover and food poisoning?

    I drank beer, two boiler makers, and six shots of jack last night. Last night I also ate a precooked chicken burger from a bar which made me hurl.

    I feel so sick and it feels like my stomach is playing bongos. I'm in north portal and need to drive to kenaston and don't want to be sick. Vitamin water helped a bit but now I'm back to feeling awful. My gaming partner and I are gonna stop in Regina to get some dry ribs and Caesar from tony Tomas because I was too duck dor breakfast

    What can I do to feel better?

    1 AnswerOther - Health5 years ago
  • Do men actually like women who are dolled up like Barbie dolls?

    The people I hang out with and was born and raised with always talk about how the most beautiful a woman is is when she has no make up, her hair in a "day off bun," is wearing an shirt three sizes too big for her, Pajama bottoms, and no perfume. You know doing normal stuff like kicking back with some Netflix or smoking her one cigarette a week that she needs to hold her world together.

    It was only within the last five years that we've been exposed to women dolled up to the nines with six packs, perfect blonde hair, fake tans, 12000$ dresses, all that gobblety ****. I've never held that /\ as my beauty standards, I'm sorry but I don't feel anything women I see a woman like that. I've talked to my friends too and they all say the same things they can't get it up to women that dolled up when watching porn or picking up girls from the club.

    Then women say that this is what men expect and that all men want are the Barbies. I'm sorry but who wants this? Why do women go through that much stress---supposidly--for guys who don't want that? Is there some major miscommunication of genders

    10 AnswersGender Studies5 years ago
  • What's the name of this movie?

    My friends and I remember this film where after they survive the big adventure the main characters are all standing around talking about how they can't believe they did it. Then the sexist older ladies man asks where the 20 year old Chinese assistant of one of the characters went and they point to the woman's car where she's loading her stuff. The sexist mentor says "well if you'll excuse me I'm having Chinese tonight." The rest of the characters watch as he approaches her, he puts on the charm, she giggles and they leave together.

    We all recall this part but can't remember the film.

    1 AnswerMovies5 years ago
  • Why aren't people as honest as they should be?

    Throughout my adulthood and youth I've noticed a pattern---I do something stupid or something that requires intervention and no one tells me until I hit rock bottom and discover it myself.

    In high school teachers told us trades and retail could make us 70gs a year and get us the house in the suburbs what they or our parents didn't say is they're fragile and depend on the economy and once the economy hinders the first things to go are trades and retail.

    I was 100 lbs over weight, no one told me until my stepmom took a pic of me that looked like I had a beachball under my top. Again not a word in fact she still begs me to gain it back saying no one wants a skinny guy.

    I decided to go off my Dexedrine when I was 14 no one said its a bad idea now I have shitty grades and am deathly afraid to mail my transcripts to anyone.

    Then to top it off yesterday I found out in a loud, over talkative, obnoxious, robot icky efficient prick at work only after my company offered me an ultimatum.

    My mom and I are strong independent Ukrainians she told me all these except the last one but when one person says it you never believe it. I say it to people too. Why can't more people?

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture5 years ago
  • What does a person eat with a veggie burger?

    I made some hella-healthy veggie burgers and they've been fortifying in the freezer all weekend now I'm gonna cook one.

    With bison or chicken burgers I always eat Caesar salad with turkey burgers I always eat Greek salad but it seems redundant seeing as all the ingredients from that plus many more are already in these veggie burgers I have no clue what to eat with them.

    Do I do pasta salad or potato salad maybe? Fries? Rice? What's the deal lol?

    6 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • Why aren't employers fond of me?

    I'm the type of worker who can unload six pallets by myself in four hours, I am never late, I have OCPD and therefore if the workspace isn't clean and organized I change it,I believe and was always taught sick days are for people who's organs aren't in their body anymore so I never take them, I'm fine with minimum wage, I'm witty friendly and funny constantly keeping everyone smiling and having fun, and dont take my last break. In the oil patch id work seven months straight and then three days off later and I'd be ready to go again.

    My whole life I've been told I'm great, the best, irreplaceable---yet every time I've been replaced. They'll try me out for 9 months then continuously apologize and ask for my badge/uniform. When I ask what I did wrong they'll say "oh no don't think that, its nothing to worry yourself with." I'm autistic and assumed I was always canned because people were prejudice when I was in the south but this is Wisconsin now, it's made for people with mental disabilities.

    Most recently my boss told me she wanted me to chase this promotion so I did, then yesterday she said that head office wouldn't go for it, and she had to cancel the promotion. She did offer me a night position doing what I do---minus the people whom I'm antisocial with but I don't mind necessarily. It's like she's doing one last attempt before having to let me go, one way to keep me out of trouble-----but what trouble?

    4 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment5 years ago
  • Asian noodle bowl?

    I'm finally down to my last pack of extra firm tofu I'm going to small dice and I'm using some turkey stock my roommate made and froze to turn it into a noodle bowl.

    I'm going to buy 0.60$ cents worth of ginger to aromatize it--I'm not sure if I should add anything else to the broth.

    In the bowl in definitely going to add sriracha, rice noodles, and a monster sized handful Mann's power blend (Brussel sprout and cabbage slaw). Anything else I should put in either the broth or bowl?

    1 AnswerCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • What to do? (read full)?

    I'm 26 and I work at a Circle K. A few months into my time there I began talking to and got to know this woman. She's 26 too, from the skeezy side of the town, likes the same pop culture as I do, we just pop. It all started where I'd be joking with coworkers and say some major disaster or inspection was caused by her and she'd laugh. Now we have a Monica and chandler like banter going all the time and there's serious sexual air between us, it's definitely palpable. If people see us talking they'll leave. It's gotten to the point where we're so comfortable and hot and bothered by each other that we just mention sex acts, like here's what a conversation sounds like:

    Me: "handjobs" we both laugh

    Her: "tossed salad" laugh even harder

    Me: "*******" then she'd say "okay you win" we'd lean in and laugh it out.

    Today I jokingly asked if she'd be my assistant And she screamed "OH YES!" And then when I said it was a joke and I had no need for one she laughed, bowed and went back to work. She's just my type too, redhead, pale skin, tall, intelligent. We both--thanks to the recession wound up driving former welding trucks and connect on that

    The major problems is her family situation which is 3 kids from a previous marriage ( which I don't mind) and a boyfriend she's had for six months. I feel like fate set us up to be a power couple then someone made one decision which threw it off course causing me to get stuck in this alternate reality. Is there anything I can really do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • What to do about this woman? (Crush)?

    I'm 26 and I work at a Circle K. A few months into my time there I began talking to and got to know this woman. She's 26 too, from the skeezy side of the town, likes the same pop culture as I do, we just pop. It all started where I'd be joking with coworkers and say some major disaster or inspection was caused by her and she'd laugh. Now we have a Monica and chandler like banter going all the time and there's serious sexual air between us, it's definitely palpable. If people see us talking they'll leave. It's gotten to the point where we're so comfortable and hot and bothered by each other that we just mention sex acts, like here's what a conversation sounds like:

    Me: "handjobs" we both laugh

    Her: "tossed salad" laugh even harder

    Me: "*******" then she'd say "okay you win" we'd lean in and laugh it out.

    Today I jokingly asked if she'd be my assistant And she screamed "OH YES!" And then when I said it was a joke and I had no need for one she laughed, bowed and went back to work. She's just my type too, redhead, pale skin, tall, intelligent. We both--thanks to the recession wound up driving former welding trucks and connect on that

    The major problems is her family situation which is 3 kids from a previous marriage ( which I don't mind) and a boyfriend she's had for six months. I feel like fate set us up to be a power couple then someone made one decision which threw it off course causing me to get stuck in this alternate reality. Is there anything I can really do?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • Should I do some writing today?

    I'm in the process of casting my new independant (like cheap grade 500$ total cost) film but haven't written the script. I usually work 6:30 to 3:30 but got given a 3:00-10:00 and still have five hours before work.

    I'm at the point where I have so many ideas that in a matter of probably 2 hours I can push out a new script---almost metaphor wise like puking it. But I don't want to be tired for work and know that writing tires a person out seeing as I've done it for some time.

    What do you think, should I just say screw it and write?

    4 AnswersBooks & Authors5 years ago