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Why aren't employers fond of me?

I'm the type of worker who can unload six pallets by myself in four hours, I am never late, I have OCPD and therefore if the workspace isn't clean and organized I change it,I believe and was always taught sick days are for people who's organs aren't in their body anymore so I never take them, I'm fine with minimum wage, I'm witty friendly and funny constantly keeping everyone smiling and having fun, and dont take my last break. In the oil patch id work seven months straight and then three days off later and I'd be ready to go again.

My whole life I've been told I'm great, the best, irreplaceable---yet every time I've been replaced. They'll try me out for 9 months then continuously apologize and ask for my badge/uniform. When I ask what I did wrong they'll say "oh no don't think that, its nothing to worry yourself with." I'm autistic and assumed I was always canned because people were prejudice when I was in the south but this is Wisconsin now, it's made for people with mental disabilities.

Most recently my boss told me she wanted me to chase this promotion so I did, then yesterday she said that head office wouldn't go for it, and she had to cancel the promotion. She did offer me a night position doing what I do---minus the people whom I'm antisocial with but I don't mind necessarily. It's like she's doing one last attempt before having to let me go, one way to keep me out of trouble-----but what trouble?

4 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    It sounds like your current boss really wants to try to keep you. So accept her proposal - tell her you're happy to work the night shift. It sounds like it's ideal for you - you can work as hard as you like to, and you don't have to worry about the folks who you're "anti-social" with.

    I think that you need to listen to some of the clues you wrote here - you wrote that you are anti-social with some people. You also wrote that, when you do work with people, you don't work like the others do - you don't take your break, for example. Socially, this may not be a good thing. In the future, if you work on shifts with other people there, you may want to do more of what they do in terms of taking breaks. Otherwise, you can cause issues.

    But if you're working the night shift and there's really no one else there, don't worry about any of that. Work as you wish to.

    Do you have access to a social worker or some other sort of work skills support? If not, then a counselor, or a priest/religious leader? Or an adult you trust? If so, then talk to that person, and see if together you can figure out what goes wrong on these jobs. You suspect it's about something related to how you're behaving on the job - if you can identify what that is, you may be able to fix it or smooth it out so it's less troublesome to those you're working with.

  • n2mama
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    Please take nothing said in this answer personally, as nothing is intended to be insulting. I obviously don't know you at all, but you did ask a question and I have to tell you how it reads from my perspective as someone who has been in management for almost 15 years.

    "I have OCPD and therefore if the workspace isn't clean and organized I change it" Translation=I constantly rearrange and move things around, even if they belong to other people. This can irritate coworkers and drive bosses crazy to have things constantly moving about.

    "I believe...sick days are for people who's organs aren't in their body anymore so I never take them" Translation=I come to work sick and share my germs with all my co-workers because I don't want to take a sick day. One of the biggest frustrations for me as a boss is employees who don't make the responsible decision to stay home when they have something contagious. I actually had an employee vomit on the floor and then deny they were sick!

    "I'm fine with minimum wage" Translation=I undervalue myself and don't respect my own worth, so don't expect my employer to either.

    "I'm witty friendly and funny constantly keeping everyone smiling and having fun" Translation=I talk a lot (probably all the time) and make jokes all the time, which makes my coworker uncomfortable sometimes, but they laugh along because they don't know how to stop me. Because you have autism you may miss the social cues that would help you to recognize this. Even something like the statement you made about Wisconsin being made for people with disabilities you may view as innocent or funny, but is offensive to people from the midwest.

    "don't take my last break" Translation=I make unilateral decisions that could get my employer in trouble without thinking about the reasons that certain requirements exist. I then hold this up as though it makes me a better or more valuable employee even though I am a rule breaker. Employers as a general rule don't like employees who take decisions into their own hands like whether or not to take a break. Breaks are generally company mandated, and if you don't take the breaks you are owed, your boss could potentially get in trouble.

    I'm going to guess that your real trouble is that you can't figure out the social clues and indicators that would tell you that you're making people uncomfortable or behaving inappropriately for a work setting. Take the night shift job, it may be your best opportunity to stay employed, and be grateful to this boss that she is doing her best to keep you.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 years ago

    On the contrary, your boss' gesture is not a last means to let you go but a means to keep you. While your issues are understandable, not everyone will understand; hence, you need to learn how to blend with different types of folks as well.

    For more work or career related tips, read posts from this blog from career and salary research site called PayScale, .

  • 5 years ago

    Despite your claims of being witty, friendly and funny, I'd guess that your personality is abrasive, perhaps even obnoxious.

    Your work ethic is beyond exemplary. So it's got to be something else.

    You yourself mention you are anti-social with some later in your question.

    I recommend you find a job / field that is less people oriented. Scientist or technician perhaps.

    Good luck.

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