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  • Does anycare that Obama bought the election?

    He raised 600 million dollars, 60 of which came from overseas sources which I thought was illegal Plus hundreds of thousands of contributions with no names or audit trail of. Will we ever learn what foreign entities had such an interest in our domestic election and will the justice dept look into any laws that have been broken?

    19 AnswersCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • Why is Obama lying to the American public?

    Ok do the math. He has to refund social security and expand medicare; give a check to people who don't evey pay taxes, establish a national healthcare plan, plus another trillion in various socialprograms. All this right after the govt just borrowed a trillion for the bailout which Obama supported. Yet he's only going to tax the top 5%. The top 10% already pay 70% of the taxes in this country. Just yesterday Biden said anybody below $120,000 will get a tax break. There is absolutely no way to spend the type of money he is taling about and not raise taxes on just about everybody which in turn takes disposable income away and reduces consuer spending. Reducing consumer spending of course reduces tax revenue and creates a bigger deficit. This is not even adding in what Nancy Pelosi and Barney Frank have in mind for thier tax increases. They already want to take away the IRA and 401 deduction (which is the only way to supplement a meeger social security>

    45 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Why does no one care that the failure of Fammie Mae and Freedie Mac is the direct fault of the Democrates?

    In 2003, Bush proposed legislation to tighten lending practices on Freddie Mac. In 2005, John McCain with Elizabeth Dole, Eddie Hasker propsosed the 2005 regulation enforcemnet of freddie Mac and Fanne Mae. Mr. Raines and Mr. Johnston of Freddie and Fannie spend 100 million in lobbyist to stop this legislation. At that time theire were already 10 billion of invorrectly priced failing loans on teh books. Mr. Johnsson has made over 90 million dollars in 7 years running this organizations that may have cooked the books to reflect higher asset vaules than really existed. Mr. Raines made over 25 million! The dems pushed and got loose standards of lending that that has led to this mess. And now they want to blame Bush for their own failings. Messrs. Chris Dodd and Barney Frank have mush responsibility and received monies from both these orgnnizations as did Obama who received the MOST even though he was only a senator for three years. Yet Messrs. Raines and Johnson are NOT being called for sworn testimony as to what happend under their watch??? Could it be the Dems do not want this brought out, of course. Criminal actviity took place and nothing is bening done because the Dems control the House adn senate. Yet Obama choses to have Johson as an advisor!!!!. The Dems did not want to hear about Freddie Mae and Fannie Mac, they did not want to hear anything about changing Social Security to take an unfunded 3 thrillion dollars off the table by privitazing it over time. They did not want here about drilling off our own coast while China is their drilling. They fought welfare reform in teh early 90's that Clinton finally signed and took credit for. (it was part of the contract with America0) They fought the line item veto which would have benn the single best instrument to control the budget (Bob Byrd took the legislation to the Supreme Court and won). I am 55 years old and can honestly say that any time innovative legislation originated it was usually from the Republicans. You don't have to agree with any of this, but boy, if you want to ignore the facts that resulted in this financial institution crisis, you are just lying to yourself to somehow satisfy your Obama fascination.

    8 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • In Obama's new ad, he extols " John McCain can't even operate a computer nor does he know who to send e-mails"?

    What the ad fails to mention is that due to Senator McCains injuries received as a tortured POW, he is physically unable to use a keyboard. Nor is he able to comb his own hair or tie his shoes. How mucl lower will the Obama forces go to discredit a war hero

    26 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Do you need a motor cycle license to ride a Vespa?

    Does anyone know in NY state if you need a motorcycle license for a Vespa?

    4 AnswersMotorcycles1 decade ago
  • Are Obama's vague answers starting to hurt his campaign?

    The daily kos is probably the worst ultral left liberal web site who hate any one who disagrees with their radical views. Even they however, acknowledge that McCain "WON" at Rick Warren's forum. Obama, answers about abortion made no sense, his answer about the current crisis in Georgia show a real lack of knowledge about the history of Georgia and it's people. Will Obama supporters ever get real and start asking the tough questions about his abilities? WATCH

    16 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Is George Soros funding of Media Matters and good for the republic?

    It now appears that George Soros, David Brock and Begalia are raising in excess of $350million dollars to smear John McCain in the General Election. Soros, a convic ted felon, has made billions of dollrs by trading courrencies around the world but parks his personal fortune in off shore accounts. I consider these people to be evil at best in their quest to make America as "they see it". Unfortuantely, in this country you can say anything you want about a popular personality, lie, half-truths and outright slander without fear of being sued. "Progressive Media, Move ON, Media Matters" and the lot all 501C corp. who do not have to reveal their funding sources intend to smear John McCain in attempt to throw the election to Obama. The message must be brought out to the internet community that if you want to vote for Obama on his own merits, that's just fine, but to have a conficted felon with his vast fortune attempt to influcence an American election is a danger to our republic.

    11 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Should Congress have term limitations just like the President?

    Why can't we limit Congress to 2 senate terms and 4 house terms. This would open up moe individuals to get involved. Our founding fathers never intended people to serve lifetimes in Congres.

    11 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago
  • Why do Americans keep buying German cars when they do nothing for our country.?

    I recently was in Germany and it's obvious that the entire German Press hates America. They offer no troop help in Iraq and feel that America is a bigger terrorist that Iran. Isn't time Americans stop buying German cars and supporting a nation that has no probblem working against our interests.

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Do you think people should demonstrate a basic knowledge of govt to be allowed to vote?

    It weems to me most people can't even name the three brances of government, their Senator or Rep. some don't even know the name of the Vice President. How can thesemake aneducated vote.

    9 AnswersGovernment1 decade ago