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Hey there. I'm all about the arts and entertainment I love music and movies, and i write lyrics a lot. Still working on freestyling and recording better, but if i perfect it a lil more i might post songs on here :P Screenwriting and movies/reviews are a big passion of mine, and i hope to pursue that too. Quentin tarantino rules! 1/2 japanese 1/4 mexican 1/4 white Just a half asian dude living in the bay area

  • What counts as a "traumatic event"?

    Like, my dad beat my *** a few times and once I was sore all of the next day. But I'm not sure whether that counts as traumatic or not.... And there were other times when we'd be driving and all of a sudden stop and I get punched hella times. (Around 13-14) As well as full beer cans being thrown, and stuff like that. Just wondering.

    2 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • What's your craziest ex gf/bf story?

    My ex was long distance, about 70 miles. She was really clingy and kept telling me she "Needs me" and she can't live without me. Everyday, she mentioned marriage and how it would be "so romantic" and all that. We talked about sex and what not, I told her no one wants to get married at such a young age. She then tried to say I was "forcing the pressure of sex" on her. So delusional. (Keep in mind, we'd talked for like a month and I was being distant) She started crying after one day of me not speaking to her. She was suicidal and kept making threats to me. So one day, I snapped after she kept saying "I wanna marry you" and broke off contact. Somehow, i'm the A**hole.

    5 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • Help, what can I do to improve my cover letter?

    Right now, I'm an 18 year old looking for my first job. -.-

    I've already written a resume after getting help from my parents. My only experience so far is volunteering, I hope they give me a chance.

    Dear Hiring Manager ,

    Thank you for taking the time to review my resume.

    I am interested in an entry level position at Subway. I have heard that Subway is a wonderful company to work for and I hope that I can join the team.

    In my experience as a volunteer in the past, I was mainly responsible for collecting and folding towels, filing cabinets, and greeting customers as they entered the front door of the YMCA. In addition, I was responsible for refilling beverages and making sure there were enough snacks out. My willingness to learn would be a definite asset to your company.

    If you have questions regarding my resume or any thing else about myself please feel free to call me or email me at __________.

    Again, thank you for reviewing my resume. I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

    Sincerely,(my name)

    3 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years ago
  • What did you get on this quiz(link in question)?

    (Right % is average, left is what you get :P)

    Paranoid |||||||||| 38% 50%

    Schizoid |||||||||||||||| 70% 40%

    Schizotypal |||||||||||| 50% 56%

    Antisocial |||||||||||||||| 66% 46%

    Borderline |||||||||||||||| 70% 45%

    Histrionic |||||| 26% 35%

    Narcissistic || 10% 40%

    Avoidant |||||||||||| 46% 48%

    Dependent |||||||||||| 42% 44%

    Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 30% 45%

    *scores in gray are the average web score

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • How can I not let bullshi*t get to me personally(not that long lol)?

    I have trouble dealing with other people's choices and things they do that affect me. I think I have ok self esteem, but sometimes I get SO pissed off I start practically harassing people and sending them mean texts and whatnot. Even if it's a situation I have no control over. Like, this guy and I used to talk for a good 3-4 months and we sent each other lots of cute and naked pics, called, texted each other and made videos for each other.

    Then one day, he starts saying he can't because he has a boyfriend now and felt like he would be "cheating" because he really likes the guy. Next thing you know, he ignores me and he hasn't replied at all for like two weeks. No explanation, nothing. And i'm ******* annoyed because i can see him post on his twitter about his boyfriend and even his ex.

    Sad thing is, my (long distance) ex did the same thing too. We talked after a long time of not speaking, and sent each other a naked pic or two. Next thing I know, he says he can't because he's been "unfaithful" to his boyfriend. WTF lol, like now I'm almost starting to feel more straight and feel prejudice to gay guys(i'm bisexual). I guess I'll just continue being the chill mysterious loner. Lol

    1 AnswerPsychology8 years ago
  • How can I break the ice and be chill with new people?

    So break is over and community college starts up again tommorow. I'm kind of looking forward to it, I feel like its time for me to meet new people and try to open up at least a little bit. I didn't date in high school or do any "yolo" stupid **** for the most part lol.

    BQ: What do I say to break the ice or introduce myself?

    BQ2: If its going ok or well with a girl I'm talking to, should I ask to grab a bite/coffee or get their number first? And how long should I wait :P

    I normally don't ask stuff like this but I'm kinda psyched haha. Thanks for any tips

    2 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Any movie recommendations(thriller/action or mystery)?

    BQ: Your favorite movie you've seen In the past couple of years? Mine would have to be drive. Lol, I can so relate to the main character

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Do you think vela will ever have a role in el tri again?

    .... I remember seeing him play against the US in 2009 for qualifying and then he pretty much disappeared from the national team. And it's sad what happened to him and Gio in england, their stupid coaches wouldn't play them even though they had hella potential and were still young.

    7 AnswersMexican Football (Soccer)8 years ago
  • How do I really improve my confidence/self esteem(not too long I hope lol)?

    I'm tired of letting opportunities pass me by, and letting talents be wasted. Lately, I've been challenging myself more and getting over certain random fears I used to have. I'm starting my second quarter of community college, and I just really want if to be different this time around. If you guys could give any tips or advice it'd be awesome :P

    BQ: (embarrassing) haha but how should/do I flirt with girls? -_- Pretty lame but I'm 18 and my last girlfriend was when I was like 15. (If if helps, A lot of people here seem shy or smart, and most people are Asian lol. Yay Silicon Valley :P) I've just been pretty anti-social pretty much since middle school ended.

    2 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Why do some people fall in "love" so easily online?

    Lol. -_-

    I've had one mishap like this in the past, but it ended terribly. He was my best friend and ex, and no we don't even speak because he ignores me. Now I still talk to people online (but less) and some guys are so quick and desperate for sh*t it's not even funny. Like, i'll act like a d-bag or something really mean just to test how far i can go, and they'll still "love" me. These guys are strangers, usually we've only talked a week or two and through facebook and text.

  • Would you ever live in Hawaii or California if you got the chance?

    Meh. I live in the bay area, and the only things I like are how chill everyone is, the good weather, and diversity. I wanna move out of state to hawaii or the pacific northwest after college. California's broke as hell lol :P

    8 AnswersPolls & Surveys8 years ago
  • LGBT: what's been your worst experience online?

    For me, I met someone through this gay teens forum, blah blah blah, we were friends a bit, then I blocked him and other people I didnt know well from long distance and now he won't stop texting me cause he has my number lol. -.- I'm ignoring him like a day now I woke up to 106 unread texts... Haha pretty insane

  • What should i do (kinda long)?

    So I met someone through a forum/chat thing on facebook, and we added each other as well as exchanged phone numbers. Yesterday, he wouldn't reply to anything i'd said for two days so stupidly I got a little paranoid and said "I see how it is." But he replied to that in like two seconds, saying "Okay. Then feel free to delete me dude, maybe I should start signing out so you won't think sadly." That day, I was already deleting/blocking people I didn't know/sketchy people anyway, so I blocked him.

    Then he starts texting me non stop, and tells me it'll never stop. This morning I woke up, and I had 23 unread messages from this guy. Some of his rants are just stupid, like calling me a dumb af atheist because I don't believe in "god" (-____-), social networking is just drama, you played me for a fool, people like you shouldn't have a facebook, I'll always get the last laugh like joker, etc. lol.

    I don't really care that this guy can see my profile pic if he makes a third facebook page, but the texting is annoying as hell. I promised myself I wouldn't reply to him at all, but i've replied a few times because he's an asshole. I'm just trying to keep calm and stay with my sanity, haha. I'm not physically worried this guy is like 2000 miles away, anyway.

    3 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • How I can stay sane with a stupid *** situation like this(sorry it's so damn long)?

    So I met someone through a forum/chat thing on facebook, and we added each other as well as exchanged phone numbers. Yesterday, he wouldn't reply to anything i'd said for two days so stupidly I got a little paranoid and said "I see how it is." But he replied to that in like two seconds, saying "Okay. Then feel free to delete me dude, maybe I should start signing out so you won't think sadly." That day, I was already deleting/blocking people I didn't know/sketchy people anyway, so I blocked him.

    Then he starts texting me non stop, and tells me it'll never stop. This morning I woke up, and I had 23 unread messages from this guy. Some of his rants are just stupid, like calling me a dumb af atheist because I don't believe in "god" (-____-), social networking is just drama, you played me for a fool, people like you shouldn't have a facebook, I'll always get the last laugh like joker, etc. lol.

    I don't really care that this guy can see my profile pic if he makes a third facebook page, but the texting is annoying as hell. I promised myself I wouldn't reply to him at all, but i've replied a few times because he's an asshole. I'm just trying to keep calm and stay with my sanity, haha. I'm not physically worried this guy is like 2000 miles away, anyway.

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • What should I do if someone won't stop texting me?(lol)?

    Some guy I blocked on Facebook that I met through gay teens. He has my number and says he'll keep texting me because I won't add him back on Facebook lmao. I'm thinking about just ignoring him and reading the messages laughing.

  • What would DNA results be like for mixed people?

    Me too, i guess.

    I'm half japanese, part latino(mexican), part white(I've heard there's some italian and scottish down the line). My mom is japanese, my dad is white/latino but has blue eyes. I know two of my grandparents are full japanese. On my dad's side, my grandmother was white and my grandfather was latino.

    Thanks if you answered this question. Just curious.

    BQ: Where can I go to get these kinds of results? I'm curious. (And 18 lol)

    3 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • Any other mixed people here?

    BQ: What are you? (haha i get asked that so much in real life o.o) Japanese, and latino/white

    BQ2: What race do you tend to go for?(i know some people don't care but ya) Asian or white for me

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture9 years ago
  • Funniest name for a city that u know of?

    Besides bangkok haha, too obvious. Gotta be "hempstead" for me lmao

    9 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years ago