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  • Adams monologue DNA, Dennis Kelly. Help!?

    Hi, I'll be brief - does anyone know if/where I could get a copy of Adams monologue from DNA by Dennis Kelly (the monologue in question: ) It would be really helpful as I need to learn it for school and I have lost my script for it. Um, that's basically it, thanks :)

    3 AnswersTheatre & Acting7 years ago
  • Am I gay and should I tell her?

    So, I'm going to say this really quickly and simply;

    - I am a 14 year old girl in Year 10 who comes from a Christian family

    - I meet girl

    - We become friends

    - I feel really close and in awe of her

    - She tells me who she likes

    - I get jealous of this boy (who is also my friend)

    - I start to fantasise about her

    - She starts to go out with my friend

    - I realise I have feelings for her

    - Every time I see her I want to kiss her

    - She speaks a lot about her boyfriend to me because we are close and I feel terrible

    - I see them together and feel like crying

    - She is so nice to me and I forget 'we' can never happen, but I'm not even sure I want it to

    - I hate my friend [her boyfriend]

    Additional notes:

    I met this girl in September so this has happened over a long time, if that helps. I have never felt this way about any girl before, nor any boy. Is it just a phase? Is it normal? Should I tell her? Should I tell her boyfriend? Should I tell someone about my feelings for girls, or will it not last? Because I'm not sure how my religious family will react with me being gay, or bisexual, or whatever this is..

    Please tell me what you think I should do?! [I have asked this question before but wasn't really satisfied with the diversity of answers and advice]

    -- Much appreciated!

  • What does this mean? Am I gay?

    So, I'm going to say this really quickly and simply;

    - I am a 14 year old girl in Year 10 who comes from a Christian family

    - I meet girl

    - We become friends

    - I feel really close and in awe of her

    - She tells me who she likes

    - I get jealous of this boy (who is also my friend)

    - I start to fantasise about her

    - She starts to go out with my friend

    - I realise I have feelings for her

    - Every time I see her I want to kiss her

    - She speaks a lot about her boyfriend to me because we are close and I feel terrible

    - I see them together and feel like crying

    - She is so nice to me and I forget 'we' can never happen, but I'm not even sure I want it to

    - I hate my friend [her boyfriend]

    Additional notes:

    I have never felt this way about any girl before, nor any boy. Is it just a phase? Is it normal? Should I tell her? Should I tell her boyfriend? Should I tell someone about my feelings for girls, or will it not last? Because I'm not sure how my religious family will react with me being gay, or bisexual, or whatever this is..

    Please tell me what you think I should do?!

    -- Much appreciated!

  • I'm confused about this girl?

    So, I'm going to say this really quickly and simply;

    - I am a 14 year old girl in Year 10 who comes from a Christian family

    - I meet girl

    - We become friends

    - I feel really close and in awe of her

    - She tells me who she likes

    - I get jealous of this boy (who is also my friend)

    - I start to fantasise about her

    - She starts to go out with my friend

    - I realise I have feelings for her

    - Every time I see her I want to kiss her

    - She speaks a lot about her boyfriend to me because we are close and I feel terrible

    - I see them together and feel like crying

    - She is so nice to me and I forget 'we' can never happen, but I'm not even sure I want it to

    - I hate my friend [her boyfriend]

    Additional notes:

    I have never felt this way about any girl before, nor any boy. Is it just a phase? Is it normal? Should I tell her? Should I tell her boyfriend? Should I tell someone about my feelings for girls, or will it not last? Because I'm not sure how my religious family will react with me being gay, or bisexual, or whatever this is..

    Please tell me what you think I should do?!

    -- Much appreciated!

  • What to sing at funeral?

    My Grandma died recently and I want to sing a song and say a few words at her funeral. I did have a few ideas of songs (you can look at my old questions), the main of which was 'Oh ms believer' by Twenty One Pilots. But, some answers to my past questions contradict to what I saw the song as meaning, so can you lot give me an opinion on what song to sing? I'm all ears.

    4 AnswersSinging7 years ago
  • 'Oh Ms Believer' meaning to YOU?

    What do the Lyrics to 'Oh Ms Believer' - twenty one pilots mean to you? Or could you maybe analyse the lyrics to see what the song is meant to mean? Thank yooou. :)

    2 AnswersOther - Music7 years ago
  • Are these songs appropriate for a funeral?

    I am 14 years old and I want to know whether these song meanings are appropriate for a funeral.

    Oh miss believer:

    Before you start your day:

    I'm thinking to sing one of these songs at my Grandmother's Funeral. They both sound beautiful but I do realise the lyrics may be a bit inappropriate which is the exact reason why I came here.

    I do get that these songs are fairly deep and can be upsetting but what I really want to get across is how much we [my family and I] will all miss her and won't forget her. I want to make people feel the same guilt I do for not doing enough with her. But I want people to - not feel upset - but acknowledge the empty hole that my Grandma has left in all of our lives.

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships7 years ago
  • Lyric meanings of 'Oh Miss Believer' and 'Before you start your day'?

    I am 14 years old and I want to know whether these song meanings are appropriate for a funeral.

    Oh miss believer:

    Before you start your day:

    I'm thinking to sing one of these songs at my Grandmother's Funeral. They both sound beautiful but I do realise the lyrics may be a bit inappropriate which is the exact reason why I came here.

    I do get that these songs are fairly deep and can be upsetting but what I really want to get across is how much we [my family and I] will all miss her and won't forget her. I want to make people feel the same guilt I do for not doing enough with her. But I want people to - not feel upset - but acknowledge the empty hole that my Grandma has left in all of our lives.

    Thank you.

    3 AnswersLyrics7 years ago
  • I'm stuck in these shorts?

    I tried on some shorts which were a bit hard to get on but ice and comfortable when I was wearing them. However, I needed to get out of them but they won't go past my waist/but. I need help! I can't cut myself out of them but I really need to get out ASAP. HELP!

    6 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style8 years ago
  • My doctor wants me to write a list on what worries me?

    So, I sort of asked for therapy, but now that my mums arranged it life is getting too real: to me I always forget that this IS ACTUALLY my life, not some dream... Anyway, I was meant to go in for an appointment, but it was within school times so my mum just went to see what the doctor was like. My mum described me as "anxious and a bit down lately, although better." After a bit of talking, the doctor asked my mum to ask me to write a list of what worries me, but she wasn't very specific... I was just wondering if someone could just tell what sort of things and specify a little, 'cause I am confused! If it is everything I'm worried about there would be a never-ending list, but right now I can't think of anything without having to go into tons of detail.

    If anyone's had to do this before (as the doctor or as the one who writes the list) could you just tell me the specifics of what to write? How much do I need to elaborate on? Help!!!

    8 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • Lincolnshire, UK farming methods? Nebraska, USA farming methods?

    I've looked all over the internet and can't find anything that I understand about Lincolnshire farming.. Please help... And please explain... I have to compare it to farming in Nebraska for some Geography homework, thanks :)

    Please don't put any stupid answers

    1 AnswerGeography9 years ago
  • ***I will answer yours if you answer mine well*** Nebraska, USA and Lincolnshire, UK comparison? Help?

    I've got this geography homework all about the USA and a sub-topic of it is Nebraska and Lincolnshire. I'm not really sure what's so similar other than farming, is there any economical similarities? I suppose the weather is similar at some points in the year...

    Anyway, just anything you know about both of them will be much appreciated, thanks ^_^

    1 AnswerGeography9 years ago
  • Who do I tell? (See description)?

    Okay so I think i HAVE BPD. ut I'm not sure who to tell....

    Please go to;_ylt=Aj... and read the question, the answers then the adittional features.

    I don't know who to tell... My mum probably won't believe me... My dad won't either... My sister won't know what to do... I would tell friends, but I don't really have any... I wish I could somehow tell a atranger and I could skip to when I'm in therapy or counseling and then I can tell everyone.


    i WILL ANSWER YOURS IF YOU ANSWER MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Well as long as it's a good answer)

    2 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Do I have munchausen syndrome? See description?


    I'm gonna go straight into it...

    I'm thirteen. I live in the UK. I've always wanted something bad to happen to me or to be different in some way... I didn't fake it, but I really wanted glasses and tried to be different... I've never acted like anyone else purposely and I can't help being extremely quiet and shy (which i like because it makes me different). I've always wanted a broken leg or arm or back but NOT permanent. I've been jealous of people in my life, for example: My sister got type one diabetes - jealousy, a girl in my class is a selective mut - JeAlousy, before i got glasses, a friend of mine had glasses - SO jealous, people who have broken arms/legs - JEALOUS, people who can't spell very well (I've forgotten what they're called :/ ) and sooo many other people -SOOOOOO JEALOUS!!!!

    I've wanted to be in a car accident also, but not get anything permanent. I've always wanted to keep my ability to play instruments, paint, my intellectuality, and being able to move (I was wondering, just out of curiosity, is there anything that is quite bad that I can still do all of that?) . This doesn't stop me not wanting something bad to happen to me....

    I've also wanted stuff to happen to a family member, NOT horribly.... b=But sort of just to affect me... When my sister was diagnosed with diabetes, because I didn't know ANYTHING about diabetes, I was sort of hoping it would be a lot more serious.... It feels weird reading this bad because I sound a lot worse than I thought I was...

    And recently I've been planning to cut myself but I JUST CAN'T BRING MYSELF TO IT!

    Anyway, I found out about this "Munchausen syndrome" and I am, as embarrassing as it is, excited and eager and hoping to have this! I've wanted therapy but no one believes me... PLEASE BE HONEST!!!! I don't want to get my hopes up from YOU! And then pay for therapy and be there and then they go "you don't have it" and then I have to go home :(

    But then I could still tell people I went to therapy... hmmmm....

    Anyway please answer honestly and please tell me if you actually know anything about this...

    kk thanks ^_^

    9 AnswersMental Health9 years ago
  • Why do Hindu's use all five senses in worship?

    I can't find anything on WHY

    I can find how they use their senses but not why...

    Please help

    [RE homework]

    2 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How do you know whether u can wear a skirt?

    Im thirteen and my parents and elder sister say I'm really skinny, but I'm not I'm fat or at least medium. I'm not really the sort of person to wear skirts, EVER, but all my family say I look really nice in them. Also, when I was forced into wearing a dress due to a wedding I got compliments. But I'm just not sure if I should... I'm not really girly...

    Please see my other question x

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago
  • How to stand out with school uniform?

    I've already got some stuff from eikihow but I don't think I'm really the type of person to wear skirts.... Also please see my other question :)

    2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago