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  • Frarajaka on TV......?

    I heard a kid singing frarajaka today and I remembered seeing a baby something-or-other singing it on TV a while back. However, I cant remember what on earth I was watching when I saw it, and its driving me crazy. I keep thinking it was Futurama or American Dad-ish, but I'm just not sure.

    Anybody have any clue what I'm talking about?

    1 AnswerComedy1 decade ago
  • How do I bake this chicken?

    I have three boneless skinless chicken breasts, each about the weight of a baseball. I also have BBQ sauce. I'm looking for the easiest way to bake these chicken breasts and I'm finding too many different ways on google.

    Should I put them in a casserole dish with the BBQ sauce and bake them, or on a greased cookie sheet?

    Do I need to cover them in foil?

    Should I bake them with or without the sauce on them?

    What temperature should I bake them at?

    How long should I bake them?

    Should I give up and order a pizza?

    All answers are welcome and apprecated.

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What to do with old National Geographic magazines?

    Cleaning out my basement I found several decades worth of National Geographic magazines. I dont need them, I have them all on CD-ROM now. I dont know if they have any resale value, or if I should donate them, or just trash them. Any ideas?

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • What to do with old National Geographic magazines?

    Cleaning out my basement I found several decades worth of National Geographic magazines. I dont need them, I have them all on CD-ROM now. I dont know if they have any resale value, or if I should donate them, or just trash them. Any ideas?

    4 AnswersMagazines1 decade ago
  • 'Base model' AR 15 manufacturer?

    I went to a gun show over the weekend and saw an AR 15 for about $800 bucks. The guy said it was the 'plain vanilla' of AR 15's because it was about as basic as you can get them. It was a flat top with a rail for mounting your optics, didnt have any bells & whistles, and I forgot the manufacturers name.

    Anybody know who makes a stripped down version of the AR 15? My google searches arent coming up with much.


    6 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • Hitler Youth training helmet?

    I was in a surplus store the other day and saw a smaller than usual WWII German helmet. I asked about it and I was told that it was a Hitler Youth training helmet. It didnt have a liner, and appeared to be made out of a fiberglass/resin material. It had been painted, but you could see a metallic red paint on the chipped corners, under the newer cream colored paint.

    Has anyone ever seen or heard of something like this?

    The guy was also selling a couple of obviously fake third reich items (SS armband for $200, Iron cross for $75, etc), which raised my suspicion of this helmet.

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Black people: Whats the deal with the bass?

    What is the purpose of having speakers so big that it rattles your car and or house? When I drive through a black neighborhood on my way to work, I cant stop at a single stoplight without my car rattling from somones sound system in the rusted maroon oldsmobile with rims thats sitting next to me.

    A black family just moved down the street from me and periodically they'll turn the music up and the widows rattle in my house a hundred yards away.

    Now obviously not all black people are guilty of this, so I apologize for my generalization, but somebody please explain it to me, because it seems ridiculous to me.

    14 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • Whats that bible passage?

    Whats the part of the bible that says something to the effect of 'The more you are persecuted, the more you know you're right about me (god)' ?

    Or 'the more that people tell you you're wrong, the more right you actually are'.


    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Historian Research Paper?

    I need to write a 15 page, graduate level research paper on any historian, and I need to write it quickly. I've been trying to think of the 'easiest' historian to write about (herodotus, thucydides, bede, etc) and am having a difficult time deciding.

    The biggest problem is that I have to utilize at least 15 different, non-internet sources, so the historian needs to be popular enough to warrant such attention.

    So any suggestions will be much appreciated.

    4 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • Disconnected feeling?

    25/M- in overall good health.

    3 weeks ago I started feeling kind of disconnected from everything. About the best way I can describe it is like when you've had a couple drinks and get about one step removed from reality- visually. I can still walk, talk, think and act normally, but the way I see everything is different. Not really blurry, just kind of mildly out of body.

    I had a complete eye exam, and everything was normal with the exception of one tiny cotton wool spot on the back of my eye.

    I had a complete blood work up and everything was normal, with the exception of my cholesterol being slightly elevated (211, and that was a shocker)

    I've altered my diet, increased my exercise time, and tried various allergy eye drops, with no relief.

    Its driving me insane. I've politely demanded that my Dr. schedule me for a CT scan, but still waiting to hear about that.

    Anyone ever have anything similar to this, or any idea what could be causing it?

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care1 decade ago
  • Heart flutter & deep breath wakes me up?

    Im a 25 year old male, in realatively good shape. Just about every night as Im laying in bed trying to go to sleep, I have sort of a flutter in my chest, and wake up wide-eyed and taking a deep breath. It happens one or two times, then I fall asleep and either dont notice it again, or it doesnt happen. The past couple of days it has been happening before I lay down to go to sleep. Sitting on the couch its happened a few times. A flutter in the chest, and a deep breath. As soon as my health insurance at work kicks in I'm going to the Dr. but in the meantime, anyone have any ideas what this may be?

    Thanks for all responses.

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases1 decade ago
  • Advice for improving memory?

    Im 25 and in overall good health, but sometimes I feel like Im not remembering things the way I should. I read quite a bit, and I usually read non-fiction, history, science, etc. And a day after I've read something, I try to remember a particular fact or name that I read, and draw a blank. Not with everything, but in general I feel like I'm forgeting more than I'm retaining, even after I read something a couple times.

    Any suggestions for how to improve short and long term memory?

    I've read conflicting studies on ginkgo biloba and other supplements.

    Thanks for any help.

    3 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • PS3- GTA 4 drop grenade while driving?

    I know, im about 6 months behind the crowd when it comes to this game, I just got it yesterday.

    I cant figure out how to drop a grendade from a moving vehicle.

    I read somewhere to press X to cycle through weapons in the vehicle, but when I press X nothing happens, all I have up is the little machine gun.

    So how do I do it?

    1 AnswerPlayStation1 decade ago
  • Private Student Loan?

    Does anyone know of a bank that offers private student loans?

    Im not interested in loans through the government.

    Thanks for the help.

    3 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Stealing books.......?

    The security company I work for just got a new client, a new/used/rare bookstore. They have had a problem with theft and want us to evaluate their situation and offer suggestions for stopping the theft. I've done the usual security assessment, but want some theft stories, or hypothetical to take into consideration.

    So who out there has ever stolen a book from a store, a library, etc?

    How did you do it? Or, have you thought about doing it, and how would you do it?

    Thanks for any answers.

    6 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Question for black people....?

    What is it about a half black guy running for president that gets you to vote in record numbers?

    Color gets you to care about democracy all of a sudden?

    7 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • The ultimate man, between these 4...?

    Between these four, who is the ultimate man or has the life you would want the most.

    Hugh Hefner

    James Bond (the character in general)

    Ron Jeremy

    George Washington

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Which degree do I persue for teaching?

    I want to be a middle school or high school History teacher. I already have a B.S. in Business Management, and I can apply my general ed credits towards a B.A. in History, or I can go striaght for the M.A. in American History, European History, Ancient & Classical History or Global History.

    The M.A. will take me about a year and a half, whereas the B.A. will take me about 2 and a half years.

    So what would be my best bet?

    Any opinions appreciated.

    4 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Should I become a teacher?

    Im on the fence about whether or not to persue a teaching career, prorbably middle school and high school history.

    I have a B.S. in business already, and could have a B.S. in History in about a year. The business degree is irrelevant for teaching at the secondary school level arround here. I dont know whether to continue on the business path, which has been very financially rewarding, but also incredibly stressful, or to switch careers and teach, which would be more emotionally rewarding, but a major hit to the income.

    I think I would be a great teacher and my friends, family, and even my current boss, agree. History and science have been more interesting to me than business ever has been. I studied business because Im good at it, and it was a safe degree to get (easier to get a job with after graduation).

    Getting the job wouldnt be a problem, I have a guy that is high up in the school system here and could make it happen, so there wouldnt be a gap between employment.

    SO, do I step away from the corporate world and do something more rewarding, or do I play it safe and stay in my cubicle, ensuring a comfortable income, but very little non-monetary reward?

    6 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago