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  • Can t remember website (or app?) name.?

    I m looking for a website that i always hear people talking about. In the website people can ask for help with something (moving a couch etc) and then I can go do that task

    The name has completely slipped my mind

    Other - Internet3 years ago
  • Can you offer some advice?

    Until about two months ago I had never dated anyone before. I am an 18-year-old guy. I found this guy online a couple of months ago, and we really started to click. He is 16 and lives in Mass. while I live in Arizona. We've been dating online for the past two months, and we Skype every day. I really do care about him.

    But then about a week ago I met a guy at school. It turns out he belongs to the same group of people in his tribe as my friend, which is cool. We started talking and it's obvious he likes me. He walks me to my car every day after school, and he invited me to see some of the reservation this weekend. Today he surprised me with roses. Yes, he brought me roses at school 0.0

    Like I said, I've never had one person like me before, let alone two. I don't know if I should break it off with my Boyfriend to be with the new guy, but the idea hurts me because I dont want to hurt either of them! Oy. I decided that I would go with him this weekend and see how things go. Would that be cheating? I'm really beat up over this.

    1 AnswerAdolescent9 years ago
  • Can you offer some advice?

    Until about two months ago I had never dated anyone before. I am an 18-year-old guy. I found this guy online a couple of months ago, and we really started to click. He is 16 and lives in Mass. while I live in Arizona. We've been dating online for the past two months, and we Skype every day. I really do care about him.

    But then about a week ago I met a guy at school. It turns out he belongs to the same group of people in his tribe as my friend, which is cool. We started talking and it's obvious he likes me. He walks me to my car every day after school, and he invited me to see some of the reservation this weekend. Today he surprised me with roses. Yes, he brought me roses at school 0.0

    Like I said, I've never had one person like me before, let alone two. I don't know if I should break it off with my Boyfriend to be with the new guy, but the idea hurts me because I dont want to hurt either of them! Oy. I decided that I would go with him this weekend and see how things go. Would that be cheating? I'm really beat up over this.

  • Is it illegal to collect money, online or in person?

    I am starting a project where I would like to collect scientific/graphing calculators for High school students. Also, I want to collect money to buy the calculators. Is it illegal to ask for money, online or in person, if I don't have a non-profit status yet?

    2 AnswersOther - Business & Finance10 years ago
  • How to find points on a parabola using the vertex and axis of symmetry.?

    How do you find (3) points on a parabola when all I have is the vertex and axis of symmetry?

    1 AnswerMathematics1 decade ago
  • What size foldable crate for my Labrador Retriever? (Inches)?

    I've never bought a new crate before, so I am completely ignorant on crate sizes. I am looking for a foldable crate for when I show my Labrador Retriever. What size (in inches) should I get? She's 24 inches at the withers.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • The name of a LOOP of a roller coaster that turns its riders upside-down?

    I keep getting weird answers with different types of loops. I just need to know the name of a simple loop that turns its riders upside-down.

    3 AnswersAmusement Parks1 decade ago
  • How many dogs does your shelter hold?

    How many dogs does you shelter hold at one time? How many people try to turn in a dog a day? What is your shelter's "death rate?"

    I'm really curious, because I live in the middle of two completely different shelters.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Is there a known ratio of Religious to Non-Religious?

    We did a poll in class today (250 students) and I was the only Atheist.

    So yeah, question.


    4 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why is my rat drinking so much water?

    *I'm taking all my rats to the vet next week, but I want to know if anyone's seen this*

    One of my rats, a female, has been drinking so much water lately. She'll drink the whole bottle in a day, and it's about the size of her whole body. At first I though the bottle was leaking, but when I bought a new one I had the same problem. I've had her 1.5 years, and I don't know how old she is.

    I feed her a diet of mostly veggies and seeds, with occasional fruit and yogurt. I'm really clueless as to why she might be drinking so much water. Have you heard of this before?

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • What kind of treats would you recommend?

    I don't normally use treats when I train my dogs, but I'm currently fostering an APBT who's been trained with treats all of his life. I want to wean him off of them gradually, but until then, what kind do you recommend? I'm always extremely cautious when it comes to what I put in my dogs' mouths, but I have no experience with treats. Price doesn't matter.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Pope Urban II's Legacy?

    I have to do a project about Pope Urban II, and one part is what his legacy is. I have to say how he's had an effect on society today. It's one of those questions you know, but you don't know. A little help?

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • AKC Canine Partners (Mixed Breeds)?

    Since the AKC will be allowing mixed breeds to compete in April, I want to get my mutts registered with the AKC Canine Partners Listing. But honestly I am really confused about this. I thought mixed breeds would have to compete in different shows than purebreds, but someone told me they changed it so they would compete together. Are they right or will they still compete seperatly?

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How much should I charge for small pet sitting (rodents, birds)?

    Per day? Week? I don't want to charge too much for only small animals like birds, hamsters, rats and things like that. I've been doing it for years for free but it's becoming expensive to do.

    2 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago
  • Does this look like a good cage for my rats?

    Does this look like a good cage for two of my rats? Their current cage is too small so I need to buy a new one. I've seen this thing set up and it looks okay. The box in the store has a picture of a rat and a ferret, but I want your opinion.

    7 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • Good clothing stores for guys?

    What are some good clothing stores/online stores for guys? None of that preppy advertising clothes like Abercrombie, Aero, or Hollister. I like dark clothes but nothing creepy or inappropriate, because I have to wear them to school. I looked at Pacsun and Hottopic, and they don't really fit me. I don't wanna pay $100 a shirt, either.

    Any ideas? I know I'm picky.

    8 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Good clothing stores for guys? (you're probably tired of these questions)?

    What are some good clothing stores/online stores for guys? None of that preppy advertising clothes like Abercrombie, Aero, or Hollister. I like dark clothes but nothing creepy, because I have to wear them to school. I looked at Pacsun and Hottopic, and they don't really fit me. I don't wanna pay $100 a shirt, either.

    Any ideas? I know I'm picky.

    2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Getting my hair to stay straight and medium-thin?

    Everytime I wash my hair it gets all poofy and all over the place. I usually straighten it and sometimes blowdry it.

    After I straigten it, it feels wirery(sp?). Then later in the day it gets real thick and curls at the bottom. I want to know how I can keep it straight, thin, and smooth.


    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • What Do You Wear to Shows? Conf, Obedience, Agility etc.?

    What do you, personally, wear?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Taming a new Rat (Year and a Half)?

    I adopted a rat from my local animal shelter a couple months ago, she's my ninth. I've always gotten really young rats before, so they weren't hard to tame. But my new rat is a year and a half old. Is there any chance of her coming around, and if so how could I do it?

    3 AnswersRodents1 decade ago