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  • What is a good word to describe someone who needs you to do someone a favor, but didn't ask you first? This happened to me recently.?

    This happened to me on Sunday from someone I'm supposed to be close to. A visitor who attended our church needed a ride to the bus station. I wasn't aware or even asked initially to give this young lady a ride, due to her pretty much making that decision for me on her own. In other words, she told her I can just simply drop her off. I was later upset due to the fact that I wasn't asked first by my fiend, or the lady that needed the ride. It would've been worse if I had plans already made or needed to work my 2nd job. I also have to pick up my uncle from his church service by 2, which I was almost late due to this situation. It's like I had no choice and my kindness was being taken advantage of. I texted her to express how I felt, but no response yet. What is a good word to describe his kind of behavior? Thanks for your opinions and answers:)

    5 AnswersEtiquette2 years ago
  • Should I cut her off completely?

    So I'm finally getting my own apartment and is very excited about it. However, my mom will make comments to make me feel discouraged, has an attitude when I receive new items in the mail, and overall treats me more funny ever since I told her about my plan to move. When my 25 yr old sister and her daughter moved out, she was happy for her and didn't treat her the same. I contributed in the household when my sister never did this and disrespected my mother. In the household always been considered responsible and independent. I also help her with my mentally disabled uncle that lives with us while she works her graveyard shifts, despite me working 2 jobs. She treated my sister as if she was the golden child and I'm the scapegoat. She allows my cousin to come over and mooch off of her, even though she complains about it from time to time. She plays a role in my self esteem by making me feel like I'm never good enough for anything. I also feel like she's never happy for me no matter what I try to do in order to better myself. Parents should be happy and supportive for their adult children in whatever decision they make, but not her.

    I'm trying to understand why she would act like that? She denies anything when I bring it up to her, so she's considered stubborn and argumentative. I appreciate your opinions.

    6 AnswersFamily3 years ago
  • Have you guys ever been rejected a job offer after a great interview, even though you felt that you were qualified for the job?

    How did you cope or deal with it? This is something I m going through at the moment.

    6 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • What would you do if a close friend constantly acts funny towards you?

    This person will ignore me when certain people are around her, won't speak to me unless I initiate the conversation sometimes, will act jealous when someone she's close with becomes close friends with me, and screw face me behind my back or stare. I've confronted her about her behavior, but she claims she doesn't have an issue and that she loves me like a sister. I'm confused because she says one thing and her attitude speaks louder. We've had some fall outs because of her jealous and childish behavior... and she's 50 yrs old (I'm 29)! I thought we made up ever since we've talked it out, but she still acts funny every now and then. Is cutting her lose the best decision? I'm tired of her denying her behavior and gets mad when I avoid her- she can dish it but can't take it. I need advise because we're supposed to be like sisters.

    2 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • Does this person's behavior considered weird?

    When a person says to your face they do not have a problem with you( despite the fact they act like there is), but decides to delete you off their facebook. Is this considered fake or phony behavior?

    Even though this lady, who attends my church, treats me funny and is rude to me, she states that there's no issues with when I confronted her about the rude behavior. I've never done anything to her and never posted any derogatory or disprespectful things on my facebook page. I['ve been nothing but nice to her, but she's mean to me. I just need your opinion.. thanks

    8 AnswersEtiquette6 years ago

    I have a feeling that someone I consider myself close with have a jealousy problem. She has huge attitude problem with me if I'm not calling her back on time, if she hasn't seen when she's lonely, or gets mad when I'm spending time with her aunt (my godmother, who is also very close with her). She called and cursed me out recently because she didn't hear from me; accused me of acting funny when I wasn't at all. Are these some signs of jealous and possessive friend? thanks :)

    1 AnswerFriends6 years ago
  • How do u deal when someone (loved one) unjustly takes out their frustrations on you?

    It's actually regarding my best friend who I treat like a sister. I feel that she has a problen of controlling her anger and lashes out at me. She's done it a few times before, which causes me to get upset. There was one time when she threatened me out of uncontrollable anger. She's also can become jealous and possessive when it comes to me being close with someone she's closer to. Few nights ago she did it again, but in front of a few people; I actually felt embarrassed and had to let her know how I felt (resulted in a long text from her trying to defend herself). How do I handle people like her? I really feel like its my last and final straw, unless there's a better solution.

    3 AnswersPsychology6 years ago
  • What does it mean when someone says "tHE GRASS ISN'T ALWAYS GREEN"?

    I'm asking because I had a family member who stated that the grass isn't always green after going through some frustration. He also stated that he thought everything was going well but got punched in the face hard (not literally). I will like to know what the quote or phrase actually means. I've hard people say this but never understood what they were talking about. Examples are welcome too:)

    2 AnswersWords & Wordplay6 years ago
  • Does this all means she's attracted to me?

    Ok so I had an experience receiving a kiss on the lips from another woman, who is very close to me. It was in public and it came out of the middle of nowhere. The exciting thing is that she's been my female crush and I always wanted to have an intimate moment with her; the kiss got me excited. wasn't a french kiss; it was a simple smack on the lips. She also likes rubbing on me in certain areas, such as my hands, arms, and my waist. She also looks at me in the eyes as if she wants to kiss me. Is this an indication that ahe wants me or is attracted to me? Or should I think nothing of it?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • How do you handle a family member who is very impatient and has anger issues?

    I will like to know how do you handle a close friend or family member who acts like they have anger issues, or lacks patience. I have a friend who is very close to me and calls me her godsister. The only thing I can't stand is that she takes out her frustrations out on me and raises her voice. When I confront her about it, she denies being mad at me and says she's just frustrated. She got lost coming to where I was, but took it out on me when i wasn't able to answer her call for directions; it's not my fault she wasn't gps prepared or didn't have written directions. I was angry because I had to go through this during my trip over the weekend recently. The issue is that she's so quick to let little things make her angry. When I'm with her, I get the blame. Even if I made a mistake or something that's not even that serious, she raises her voice at me. This affected my trip and I'm still mad that I don't even want to speak to her for a while.She's not even that young she's 48 yrs old! I'm 28.. which is a huge age difference and I don't even act that immature. How do you deal or handle someone with these issues? Ignore it when it happens, or yell back at them?

    3 AnswersFamily7 years ago
  • So which decision is better? Start off as an LPN and then become an RN, or just attend 2 yr school for th RN program?

    I am very interested in pursuing a different career, which is in the nursing or medical field. I have a strong passion for helping others and have great interpersonal skills. I've never worked in the medical field before, so I need to know what's the best way to start. Is it better to do a bridge program and start as an LPN first, or go straight for the RN? For a beginner or inexperienced, which one is the best choice?

    4 AnswersHealth Care7 years ago
  • What causes a person to be oversensitive or take things to personally?

    I'm asking this because being too senstive is something I've always struggled with since a teen. Loved ones such as family members or friends will tell me that I'm too sensitive and should be able to handle criticism well. Unfortunately, it will cause me to cry or easily make my feelings hurt, easily become angry and beat myself up when criticized about something, and not talk to them for a certain period of time as a result of my anger. I have dealt with constant bullying and teasing from my peers and even some family members, so can that be an issue? I have suffered suidical contemplation and depression throughout my teen years as a resuklt odf what I've been through, so I'm not sure if that plays a factor into my oversensitivity issues.

    I will like to know the causes and ways to overcome this issue.

    2 AnswersPsychology7 years ago
  • Is this a sign that she has a female crush on me?sexually attracted to me?

    I will like to have indication of whether or not this young lady likes me or have a crush on me (I'm a female by the way:)). When we're together, she likes to hold my hand, shows strong affection such as tight hugs. I notice when she hugs me, she clings her body really close and tight to mine. When no one is around or looking, she likes to sneakily take my hand and place it near her behind, breasts, and lower stomache. Are these obvious signs she is sexually attracted to me? I do think she's beautiful and I've known her for a long time. If anything happens, so be it and the fact I can trust her will make it ok.

    What do you guys think?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • how would you desribe this woman's behavior?

    How would you describe a married woman who has been known for sleeping around with a lot of guys on the low, but claims she's happily married or loves her husband? I know someonw who is like this and is known for having a reputation by some people who found out. Does her behavior indicates that she's just a plain freak, a slut, or any other type of behavior? She's been doing this for many years and still does it. Question is, how can you say you're happily married, but you've slept with a lot of men in your past and still does it?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years ago
  • when you catch the same person(s) constantly staring at you, how do react or respond?

    Or how am I supposed to respond to keep myself from getting annoyed and wanting to go off? There's certain people at work and at church that always stare or give a dirty look, bur act so kind when i catch them or sprak to them. Im not a mean, stuck up, or nasty person - extremely nice. Deep inside its very annoying and i don't how to overcome it. One lady at my church for no reason just treats me nasty and will constantly sit there with an evil stare - nevwr had an issue wirh her but she has one with me. My thinks its intimidation and jealousy.

    What do you guys think I should handle this?

    1 AnswerEtiquette8 years ago
  • Should my situation involve legal action?

    It's regarding the financial assistance received when attending school for my associates degree online. I received a bill in the mail regarding a minimum payment due in the amt of $248.98, which includes a huge balance of 20,000 subsidized loan that has to be paid within 10 yrs! The issue is that I signed up for associates degree classes part time, not a bachelor degree program at a university of expensive 4 yr college. I felt that it was too expensive for the type of classes and degree obtained. I called the financial aid office and demanded a copy of my award letters and overview. The issue is that one of hte award letters shows that I initially attended classes for the 1st and 2nd semester as a bachelor degree student, but the other semesters associate degree classes were taken. Once I asked questions regarding the high cost, the fafsa school admin gives an excuse of how it's a private school and they charge more than community colleges. Other excuses includes that the charges will be the same whether or not I take Bachelor or an associates degree courses. I was told one thing during the admissions process, but the amt. I have to pay monthly for the loan shows that its a rip off or possibly a scam they're trying to pull. Should I bring the paperwork to an attorney, or should I get some financial assistance in paying this loan off? $20,000 in 10 yrs is way too much for a part time student getting a 2 yr degree. I need some advice on what to do.

    3 AnswersLaw & Legal8 years ago
  • Do you guys think this is a bad or stupid idea?

    just asking because this temp to hire position wants to offer me the job, but I'm already at a place thats permanent and is making about the same as their base pay. At my current job, there's pros and then theres cons. Paychex (the one that wants rto offer me the temp to perm position) is a good ompany, but doesnt pay that mcu to start, but hours are better. I can't even guarentee that I may like it within the first three months, but then I'll be out of luck with no job to stay stable regarding income.

    Main question is, does it make sense to leave a permanent job for a temp to hire job? pay is equivalent and I can make moire currently by working unlimited overtime.

    1 AnswerCorporations8 years ago
  • is it a bad idea to leave a permanent ojb for a temp to hire position?

    just asking because this temp to hire position wants to offer me the job, but I'm already at a place thats permanent and is making equivalent to their base pay. I can't even guarentee that I may like it within the first three months, but then I'll be out of luck with no job to stay stable regarding income.

    1 AnswerFinancial Services8 years ago
  • do you guys think I'm making a good decision?

    Im in the middle of making a tough decision regarding a very recent job offer. The current job I'm at has a few pros and cons. I don't like the shift i was given (based on tests and class ranking), company isn't well organized, and the work environment in general is unpleasant that it reminds me of high school. However, I can work overtime whenever I want to in order to make extra money and that it's a direct hire full time job with opportunity to advance. Paychex is the company that gave me a job offer, which includes better hours and starts at a base pay rate. My current job pays you based on your performance by the minute (xerox call center). The position at Paychex definitely is a great fit, but being a temp to hire position is the issue. Is it worth it going from a permanent position to a temp to hire job? As much as I want to work for Paychex, I need opinions on whether or not I'm making a great choice.

    What do you guys think? Is it a silly idea to leave a permanent job for a temp- to hire position? With temp jobs, that doesnt mean theres no guarentee of going permanent or getting hired w/o risk of layoffs.

    2 AnswersCorporations8 years ago
  • Do you think this decision regarding my job offer a bad move, or should i go for it?

    Im in the middle of making a tough decision regarding a very recent job offer. The current job I'm at has a few pros and cons. I don't like the shift i was given (based on tests and class ranking), company isn't well organized, and the work environment in general is unpleasant that it reminds me of high school. However, I can work overtime whenever I want to in order to make extra money and that it's a direct hire full time job with opportunity to advance. Paychex is the company that gave me a job offer, which includes better hours and starts at a base pay rate. My current job pays you based on your performance by the minute (xerox call center). The position at Paychex definitely is a great fit, but being a temp to hire position is the issue. Is it worth it going from a permanent position to a temp to hire job? As much as I want to work for Paychex, I need opinions on whether or not I'm making a great choice.

    1 AnswerLaw & Legal8 years ago