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Encouraging college stories please?
So I've always been a good student. I graduated high school with a 3.7 GPA and my high school was fairly competitive and I had never gotten below a B. Then this past year I just finished my freshmen year of college and I finished first semester with a 3.14 GPA which was really depressing for me, I had expected to do so much better. I did well in all my classes expect precalc where I got a C and that ruined it. Then second semester just ended and my GPA is a 2.46. I've studied hard all semester and worked harder than ever; I've had very little social life but I still did horrible in all my class. My only excuse is they I was taking difficult classes together (Calc, Bio 102, Chem 101, Psych) together. My GPA is horrible right now and I'm very discouraged. However, I'm changing my career path because I have no interest in science yet I pursued it anyway. Do I have any chance at getting my GPA up and turning my college career around because it's been horrible. Any words of wisdom or stories anyone can share would be great!
2 AnswersHigher Education (University +)8 years agoWhy won't my cellulite go away?
I'm 5'3'' and 134lbs and I work out on my legs all the time but I have cellulite that won't go away! It's nothin major but it still doesn't look good. And I don't consider myself overweight. I would be happy losing about 9 pounds but why is there still cellulite if I work on my legs so much doing squats and cardio and using leg machines at the gym? Any advice on how to get rid of it?
3 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years agoI think I'm in love and I don't know what to do?
As cliche as it sounds, I think I'm in love with my best friend. We've been friends for about five years but we started becoming close junior year. I'm 17 and I can't stop thinking about him. He consumes my thoughts. He's so amazing that I can't even find words to explain it sometimes. I don't why, but I always go out of my way to do things for him because I want to see him happy and successful. Don't get me wrong I'm like this with most people I care about, but with him I'm so unselfish and I never think about how something will affect me when I do it for him. It pains me when I don't see him or when I don't text him. We share everything with each other, the good and always the bad. I don't know what I'm feeling and I need some advice. Thanks!
1 AnswerSingles & Dating9 years agoI don't know what to do?
Corniest line you will ever read...but I'm in love with my best friend. Whenever I would read that I would just laugh. Karma got me. He's my best friend. I tell him more than I tell anyone. I'm 17 and I never really like him before but he's just so amazing. He's all I think's pretty unhealthy, but I can't help it. I try to get myself to not text him for a full day and it's so hard. I don't like showing my emotion if I like someone. So I try not to make it obvious. But I'm head over heals for this guy. He's amazing. Whenever I'm sad or depressed which has been a lot lately he always sends me songs to listen to. He's so patient with me even though I can be really annoying and I let a lot bring me down. I can complain to him and he always listens. And it's the other way around too. He can tell me anything and I love to listen and help him out. I can't help but go out of my way to do things for him. He makes me so unselfish. It makes me so happy to help him in anyway I can. I don't want to feel this way, but I do. I don't know what to do about it. We've known each other for a long time and I literally know everything about him. Sometimes I also feel like he's way to good for me. I don't know anymore. Advice? Thanks!
1 AnswerFriends9 years agoI failed my road test...?
So i went for my road test today. I was nervous and I messed up everything. I would have failed myself. I don't even know how I could have messed up so bad. I had never made these mistakes and I've been driving with my permit for a year so I know how to drive. After I failed I couldn't stop crying and my dad just couldn't understand why I was so upset. None of my friends failed, everyone told me that the place I took it at is impossible to fail at, my dad had to miss out on work for me, I had to use my friends care because mine doesn't have an e-brake, I won't get my license now till january meaning I wont get my basic until 2013. every time I think about any of this I just cry and I can't help it and I can't control it. I'm so angry. I've been looking forward to my license for basically my whole life. I was devastated and still am. No one understands why I'm this upset. No one gets it. To me I didn't just fail my road test...I failed. and I hate failing and this year i've been failing everything. i really don't know why I'm so upset I guess. I'm just so mad at myself. I need advice...can someone give me some advice?
4 AnswersInsurance & Registration9 years agoWhat should I do about this?
I've been constantly texting one of my guy friends daily for a while now and we get into conversations about everything and its just amazing how easy it is for me to talk to him. I feel like I have no one to talk to about him because even my best friends wouldn't understand. I go out with him and my group of friends all the time so it's not like I don't already go out with him. We spend a decent amount of time together, except that we live in different towns so he goes to another high school. But I'm always thinking about him and we always talk but I don't know if I like him, And if I do I don't want to admit that I do. I'm a senior in high school so I feel that I'm old enough to be able to tell him how I feel but I don't even know how I feel...I think I like him or maybe I just like talking to him. I'm not really sure lol my feelings are very intertwined and mingled right now, but what should I do? Thanks!
1 AnswerFriends10 years agoI don't understand why I'm not losing weight?
I'm a girl and 16 years old and I just joined the gym two weeks ago and I've been working out everyday for the past 2 weeks...I run about a combined 2 miles everyday and I use the elliptical and work on abs and legs and arms and back and I've started eating healthier with the occasional junk food. But so far I've only lost about 2 pounds. I don't understand why I'm not losing more and I feel myself gain weight when I eat the smallest things. I used to lose weight so much more easily when I ran track but now I'm running the same amount but not seeing as much results. what else can I do?
8 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years agoWhat should i do today?
Its 88 degrees and sunny outside. I have no car and no license. And I have no ride to take me anywhere....the only place that is of walking distance is a supermarket...what should I do with my day? Just some ideas?
3 AnswersCommunity Service10 years agoBusiness question about integrity?
So I have a business and I was offered a certain amount of money for it and I promised this person that I would sell my business to them. However, the week later I got an offer that is exponentially higher. I don't know who to give to because I promised the first buyer but now the smarter choice would be to take the second buyer. If I do take the second buyer what should I say to the first buyer that wouldn't rid his respect for me or make me look like I lack integrity?
1 AnswerCorporations1 decade agoQuestion if you have a mac computer?
i need to convert my windows movie maker video which is mswmm to something that plays on a mac computer. i converted to wmv but parts of the videos got messed up so i switch avi but i was told that avi doesn't play on macs. does anyone know if mkv plays on mac? if it doesn't, then what will and how do i convert either my avi or mkv or mswmm video to a program that plays on mac? thank you! please help!
11 AnswersDesktops1 decade agoHow can I improve my SAT score?
First time I took it i didn't do too well, but I didn't really study either...Math (480) Reading (520) and Writing (600). I want to improve 100 points in each section by the time I either take the May or the June SAT. I've started studying more, and I plan to take the Princeton Review course. Is my goal achievable? My first time taking it I got a 1610 and I hope that my second and final time will be a it possible? And also, my real concern is in math. what can I do to improve? thank you!
1 AnswerStandards & Testing1 decade agoI'm in such a bad mood?
I have my period, i'm bloated, pmsing, my back hurts, i'm beginning to get cramps and I just keep screaming at everyone. Every little noise is bothering me, i feel sick and i feel constipated which makes it all worse, I haven't been able to go to the bathroom which is starting to give me gas pains and I just don't know what to do, I'm in too much of a bad mood and irritated mood to go to sleep. what should I do??
6 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoWhen will season 2 of the vampire diaries air?
i know the season 1 season finale is next thursday and its going be amazing, but i dont know when season 2 will air, i really hope it doesnt air in september because that is too much time to wait. this show is amazing its better than twilight a million times over.
4 AnswersDrama1 decade agoCatcher in the Rye and innocence ?!?!?
okay so lets see if i have this right....can the theme of the catcher in the rye relating to innocence be that ALTHOUGH IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO PERSERVE ALL OF A PERSON'S INNCOCENCE, EVERYONE STILL HAS SOME INNOCENCE LEFT IN THEM; EVERYONE STILL HAS SOME ASPECT OF INNOCNCE REMAINING.
1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade agoQuestion about my GPA?
I'm a sophomore in high school now and my GPA as of now (i'm 3/4 of the way into the year) is a 5.59
Is that good? I always thought my GPA was higher and when i found out i was really it possible for me to make my GPA a 3.7 or 3.8 by senior year? And also is my GPA now good, bad, decent? thanks
4 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade agoWhere can I work at 15? I need a job?
so money is really bad right now with my family and i feel so useless, there is nothing I can do. where can i get a good job (i live in NJ) I want to be useful and help out my family..thanks
2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade agoI'm so bored with life?
I have friends and i hang out with them and i have an amazing family, and a great religious life, but i'm bored...i dont really do anything, just the same thing everyday, i'm getting really bored of routine. I want something exciting to happen, but nothing is happening, i know i sound really depressed, but i'm just not happy, and i dont know why? what can i do to feel happy? any advice? thanks
18 AnswersPsychology1 decade agoYour top 10 favorite classic disney movies?
I'm bored so these are mine:
1. The Lion King
2. Cinderella
3. Tarzan
4. Aladdin
5. Peter Pan
6. The Jungle Book
7. Pinocchio
8. The Little Mermaid
9. Beauty and the Beast
10. Snow White
3 AnswersComics & Animation1 decade agoBraces and rubberbands?!!?
i went to the othrodontist today and they made me put on these ridiculous rubberbands, they have to crisscrossed and they prevent me from opening my mouth what so ever, when i talk i have to talk through my teeth, and its impossible to open my mouth with them on. and i have to wear them day and night every day from today until april 20th, i can only take them off to eat...i really dont want to wear them to school, they look weird and i sound so stupid when i talk because i can open my mouth, it feels like its wired shut...should i wear them to school? has anyone ever had to wear these? how can i make them more comfortable? thanks :)
6 AnswersDental1 decade agoBiology help! 10 pts. best answer.?
What amino acids would translation of mRNA with the sequence UAACAAGGACAUCC produce?
i really don't get what this is asking. thanks
1 AnswerHomework Help1 decade ago