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  • How to discontinue Nurse-Family Partnership service?

    Please, no nasty comments! I am currently almost 8 weeks pregnant and for the time being I am on Pregnant Medicaid and am not receiving any other government assistance. My husband is working full time and is a member of the Army National Guard and I am a recent college graduate and going on job interviews now for a teaching job. I am on Pregnant Medicaid until I am able to get my own insurance through my job.

    I am seeking my prenatal care at my own OB/GYN clinic which is in a different county (but nearby) than where I live. Yesterday, I received a phone call from a nurse at my county health department. Apparently, since I am a first-time mom on Medicaid I have to participate in a program called Nurse-Family Partnership. The thing is, I don't want to be involved in this program, even though I answered the nurses questions via phone call yesterday. My sister was enrolled in this program (for the same reason) two years ago and its just a hassle and waste of time really.

    The program has a nurse call you every one to two months during and after your pregnancy to ask you "safety" questions about your pregnancy. Not only does the nurse call you every few months, but home visits are conducted by nurses for the first two and a half years after the child's birth. When I spoke to the nurse on the phone she also made it a point to tell me that she wanted me to see the dentist at the Health Department for at least two cleanings during my pregnancy, although I have dental insurance through my father and I have my own dentist. You only get cleanings every 6 months and I'm not due for another one until November and after that in May, when the baby will already be 3 months old. She also wants me to go see a primary doctor, that she is setting me up with, because I have asthma, although I stressed to her that my asthma is under control and I have all the medications I need. Pregnant Medicaid won't cover asthma needs and I don't have the money for that at the moment.

    I would like to forego these services, but how do I tell the nurse to "go away"? I am happily married, have a doctor I am seeing for prenatal services, have supportive family and friends, and have a steady income along with hopes of a career in teaching within the next month. I don't need extra help with raising a child in a safe home because I am qualified as being "poverty stricken" and a first time mom, which is the goal of this program according to the website.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • How to discontinue Nurse-Family Partnership service?

    Please, no nasty comments! I am currently almost 8 weeks pregnant and for the time being I am on Pregnant Medicaid and am not receiving any other government assistance. My husband is working full time and is a member of the Army National Guard and I am a recent college graduate and going on job interviews now for a teaching job. I am on Pregnant Medicaid until I am able to get my own insurance through my job.

    I am seeking my prenatal care at my own OB/GYN clinic which is in a different county (but nearby) than where I live. Yesterday, I received a phone call from a nurse at my county health department. Apparently, since I am a first-time mom on Medicaid I have to participate in a program called Nurse-Family Partnership. The thing is, I don't want to be involved in this program, even though I answered the nurses questions via phone call yesterday. My sister was enrolled in this program (for the same reason) two years ago and its just a hassle and waste of time really.

    The program has a nurse call you every one to two months during and after your pregnancy to ask you "safety" questions about your pregnancy. Not only does the nurse call you every few months, but home visits are conducted by nurses for the first two and a half years after the child's birth. When I spoke to the nurse on the phone she also made it a point to tell me that she wanted me to see the dentist at the Health Department for at least two cleanings during my pregnancy, although I have dental insurance through my father and I have my own dentist. You only get cleanings every 6 months and I'm not due for another one until November and after that in May, when the baby will already be 3 months old. She also wants me to go see a primary doctor, that she is setting me up with, because I have asthma, although I stressed to her that my asthma is under control and I have all the medications I need. Pregnant Medicaid won't cover asthma needs and I don't have the money for that at the moment.

    I would like to forego these services, but how do I tell the nurse to "go away"? I am happily married, have a doctor I am seeing for prenatal services, have supportive family and friends, and have a steady income along with hopes of a career in teaching within the next month. I don't need extra help with raising a child in a safe home because I am qualified as being "poverty stricken" and a first time mom, which is the goal of this program according to the website.

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Question about removing a mole?

    I went in yesterday for my first prenatal visit and while the doctor was pushing on my stomach she commented on my mole. I have a small, dark mole on my stomach that has been there all of my life. It's never changed size or color and I've never had another doctor express concern about it. However, she asked if it had been there all my life and then said it would have to be removed because moles you are born with are more prone to being cancerous. I pointed out a mole on my arm that's always been there and asked about that one too and she said no, it was normal color. She didn't mention it anymore after that. Should I get a second opinion or go to a specialist since she's only an OB/GYN?

    1 AnswerSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • When is it possible that I conceived?

    I'm going tomorrow for an ultrasound to figure out how far along I am, but I'm curious now to know when I possibly conceived.


    April 3rd to April 7th - Last period

    April 26th - Suspected I had a yeast infection and doctor called in a prescription

    May 1st - Due for period, but missed it

    May 8th - Negative home pregnancy test

    May 10th - Negative home pregnancy test

    May 23rd - Negative home pregnancy test

    June 5th - Due for period, but missed it

    June 9th - Positive home pregnancy test

    ** By the end of April and beginning of May I was waking up in the mornings feeling nauseous (although I never threw up) and my breasts were sore for about a week and then went away. By the middle of May my breasts were becoming sore again and have stayed sore. By the end of May and beginning of June I was beginning to be hungry all the time and had to use the bathroom frequently.**

    Is it more likely I conceived in April and just didn't have enough of the pregnancy hormone in my body to test positive in May or did I more than likely just skip my period in May (I was under a lot of stress finishing up my student teaching and graduating) and I conceived sometime in the month of May?

    Pregnancy8 years ago
  • Possible conception month?

    I m going to my OB/GYN tomorrow for an ultrasound to find out exactly how far along I am, but I'm just curious as to when my possible conception month was.

    My last period was from April 3rd to the 7th. On April 26th I felt like I was getting an yeast infection and had my doctor call me in a pill. I was due for my next period on May 1st and it never came. I took three home pregnancy tests that month and they were all negative. My next period was due the beginning of June and it never came either. I took a home pregnancy test on June 9th and it came back positive. By the end of April and into May I was starting to get early pregnancy symptoms, but I didn't actually start to feel pregnant until the end of May, beginning of June.

    Is it possible I conceived in April or is it more likely that my period was just late in May and I conceived that month?

    1 AnswerNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • What type of ultrasound is a dating ultrasound?

    I have an appointment on Monday with my OB/GYN to get a dating ultrasound done to see how far along I am because I missed my period in May but had three negative home pregnancy tests and didn't test positive until early June.

    Is a dating ultrasound normally done on the abdomen or is it a vaginal ultrasound? My mother-in-law has a feeling it will be a vaginal ultrasound. Do those hurt?

    5 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • When did your clothes get tight?

    I am estimated to be 10 weeks pregnant as of today (I've not had a prenatal visit yet, but I will soon, so this is only based on my last period) and all the websites I have looked at said that my pants should be feeling tight now and my bra should be tight/small. However, none of this has happened. My pants from pre-pregnancy still fit exactly the same, even the ones that were too big are still too big, and my bra fits me exactly the same as before. Should I be worried?

    This is my first child. I am 22 years old and have a small build. Much of my family believes I will only get big in my belly and I probably won't even begin to show until I'm about 5 or 6 months pregnant.

    8 AnswersPregnancy8 years ago
  • When did your clothes get tight fitting in pregnancy?

    I am estimated to be 10 weeks pregnant as of today (I've not had a prenatal visit yet, but I will soon, so this is only based on my last period) and all the websites I have looked at said that my pants should be feeling tight now and my bra should be tight/small. However, none of this has happened. My pants from pre-pregnancy still fit exactly the same, even the ones that were too big are still too big, and my bra fits me exactly the same as before. Should I be worried?

    This is my first child. I am 22 years old and have a small build. Much of my family believes I will only get big in my belly and I probably won't even begin to show until I'm about 5 or 6 months pregnant.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Baby eye and hair color?

    I know genetics are hard to determine sometimes, but I was wondering what the possibility of my baby's hair and eye color would be? I'm 9 weeks pregnant :D

    I have: Medium brown hair and green eyes

    My husband has: Medium brown hair and eyes that change between green and blue

    My mother has: Dark brown hair and brown eyes

    My father has: Dirty blonde hair and blue eyes

    My husband's mother has: Light brown hair and hazel eyes

    My husband's father has: Medium brown hair and brown eyes

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby8 years ago
  • Picking an OB while on Medicaid. Help!?

    My husband and I just found out we were pregnant through a HPT! I will have to be on Medicaid until the end of July/beginning of August when I get insurance through the state (that is when I will get my teaching job).

    My current OB/GYN accepts Medicaid but is in a different county than the county I live in. I plan to apply for Medicaid in my county and my county doesn't have any OB doctors that accept Medicaid, therefore you must be seen by the Health Department. I know the Health Department is qualified but I really don't want to have to deal with more than I have to. My sister was on Medicaid for both of her recent pregnancies and had to be seen by the Health Department and she wasn't very happy with her experience there. I would much rather stay with my OB/GYN for my pregnancy as I've been seen at that clinic since I first started having sex.

    Will I be able to be seen by my OB/GYN since she accepts Medicaid? I'm not sure how Medicaid works and if I will have to go to my county Health Department since everyone on Medicaid does in my county.

    2 AnswersInsurance8 years ago
  • Picking an OB/GYN while on Medicaid?

    My husband and I just found out we were pregnant through a HPT! I will have to be on Medicaid until the end of July/beginning of August when I get insurance through the state (that is when I will get my teaching job).

    My current OB/GYN accepts Medicaid, but my OB/GYN is in a different county than where I live. In the county I live in, if you are on Medicaid you are required to be seen by the Health Department unless you have a high risk pregnancy. Will I have to go to the Health Department for my pregnancy (at least while I'm on Medicaid) or can I go to my OB/GYN? I'm calling my OB/GYN tomorrow, even though it may not be until Wednesday that I can get in for an appointment.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Sign with my maiden or legal name?

    When I was born, my grandmother took out a life insurance policy through Gerber on me. She is now in a nursing home and unable to make the monthly payment. I am fine with cancelling it because I have full coverage under my husband who is in the military. I called yesterday to cancel it and she said the final step to cancel it was to sign and date some papers she was sending in the mail and to mail them back. My maiden name is on the policy, but I legally go by my husband's last name now. Should I sign with my maiden name since that'a what is on my policy or with my legal name?

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • Guinea Pig Pellet Food Question?

    I have a young guinea pig and he gets a healthy diet from fresh fruit and vegetables, timothy hay, and timothy hay cubes and he will nibble on his pellet food which is alfalfa based but he barely eats that.

    I have two questions:

    1. Is there a brand of pellet food that is timothy hay based? I was told by the breeder I got him from that they should never have alfalfa and he loves his timothy hay so I thought he might prefer a pellet food that is timothy hay based.

    2. Is there anyway I can buy the little dried carrot pieces that comes in the pellet food separately? My guinea pig loves those pieces (even though I know they aren't necessarily good for him) and he will pick them out of his pellet food. I thought I saw a bag on Amazon that was carrot and pea topping but now I can't find them.

    5 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • TTC and confused about if I'm pregnant or not?

    My husband and I are TTC and I need a little advice because I'm just confused and frustrated at this point.

    I have been on the same birth control pill for about two years and I was put on it because I randomly stopped having a period for three months. The doctor couldn't figure it out but attributed it to my weigh because I'm so small, however I was the same weight I'e always been. Anyways, while I was on the birth control for two years I had a normal period every month.

    I recently stopped taking my birth control in late February/early March because my husband and I decided we wanted to conceive. My doctor told me that it was safe to begin trying a month after I stopped my birth control pills. The first two months off of my pill I had a normal period.

    In May I missed my period. I had a light brown discharge (not even enough for a pantyliner) the first two days of when my period was due but that was it. I tested when I was 8 and 10 days late and they were both negative and then I retested, with a different brand of test, when I was about three weeks late and it was still negative.

    Around the three week mark of being late for my period I had tender/sore breasts but that only lasted about 3 days and went away. I haven't had any other signs or symptoms that I was pregnant or that my period was coming. I should have my next period on June 5th and I have no signs like I normally do that its on its way.

    I honestly don't know what to do. I plan to retest on June 5th if my period doesn't come, but if its still negative should I go to the doctor? I don't currently have insurance and don't want to pay for a blood test if I'm not even getting a positive result on a home pregnancy test. I don't even know if my doctor would do a blood test because she wouldn't when I was three months late a few years back because the tests I took at home were all negative.

    3 AnswersTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • Placing a baby with family?

    My husband's baby cousin was taken away from his mother and father by social services. He was placed in the care of his aunt (his mother's sister) but was later removed when social services found that she was unfit. After the baby was removed from the aunt's home, the baby's mother requested to her lawyer that her son be placed with her other sister, my husband's mother. Her lawyer had a background check done on my mother and father-in-law, had social services do a home check, and spoke with my mother and father-in-law about the placement to make sure it was what they wanted. When they went to court, the judge denied the placement because my mother and father-in-law live out of state (the baby's mother lived in VA and my mother and father-in-law live in NC). Due to the judge denying the placement, the baby was placed in a foster home.

    I know that most of the time, courts prefer to place children with family. What does being out of state have to do with placement?

    3 AnswersAdoption8 years ago
  • Baby-sitting rates for three children?

    I accepted a job from and I was just wondering if I should ask for a higher pay rate.

    I am 22 years old with a bachelor's degree in English Education. I will be travelling roughly 25-30 minutes to work for this couple and will be required to drop off and pick up the children at cheerleading practice once a week. I will be watching the children 3 to 4 times a week (never weekends) and will be watching the children for 3 to 4 hours each day I baby-sit. The times will either be from 2pm to 6 pm or 3pm to 6pm, depending on the parents' work schedule. I will be watching three girls age 8, 9, and 12. Currently, I will be paid $9 an hour. Should I be paid more or is this a reasonable amount? I have never baby-sat for money so have no idea what I should expect as far as pay goes.

    3 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting8 years ago
  • Faint negative pregnancy result?

    I have been on birth control for about two years and recently went off of it. My husband and I have been having unprotected sex then. I am currently 10 days late for my period. Right when my period was due I had light brown discharge for about 2 days. I took a Rexxal brand pregnancy test two days ago and it was negative. It's a test where you get a + or -. I got a - but it was very light and not dark like all other tests I have taken in the past have been. This is the first time I've taken a Rexxal brand though. Id there a reason that the negative result was very light? Should I retake? I have been under a lot of stress with graduating, final exams, and student teaching so I don't know if that's the cause of the missed period or if I'm pregnant.

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago
  • Faint negative pregnancy test result?

    I was on birth control for roughly two years and stopped taking the pill about 3 months ago. My husband and I have been having unprotected sex since then. I am currently 9 days late on my period, although I had some very light brown discharge for a few days when I should have had my period. I took a pregnancy test yesterday, when I was 8 days late, and I got a negative result almost instantly but it was very light. I plan on retesting early next week if my period hasn't came yet. Is there a reason why I got a faint negative rather than a definite negative?

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive8 years ago
  • Problem with a teacher while student teaching?

    I need advice on how to handle a cooperating teacher. I am currently student teaching in a high school where I have two teachers (one teacher I teach her classes for two class periods and I'm with her for planning and the other teacher I only teach one of her classes). The teacher I am with for the majority of the class time is wonderful and I would never change but the other teacher is making my student teaching extremely hard!

    Ms. Brooks didn't allow me to begin student teaching in her classroom until about two weeks ago, even though I had been teaching in Mrs. Matters classroom since the end of January. I am required by my university to teach in all three classes for a total of 5 weeks and I won't be finished with those 5 weeks until April 26 because I started teaching in Ms. Brooks classroom so late. I graduate on May 10th! Ms. Brooks' classroom is a smaller class of 18 students, most of which are lower level and are minority students. One day earlier in this week I had a problem with ONE studnet being rude and disrespected. I handled the situation in the classroom and then wrote him up. That afternoon, Ms. Brooks came to see me in Mrs. Matters' room and told me that I was required to give them a test the next day because of their behavior that day. I had only begun the unit (Poetry) two days prior so the students were no where neat being ready for a test but I was required to give them a test. I gave them poetry terms to define as well as a poem which they needed to read and annotate. Halfway through the test the next day, Ms. Brooks comes in and asks what they are doing. When I show her she freaks out and tells me that she was going to use that poem for a test later in the year and became angry that I used it, even though she didn't give me any guidelines on this last minute test I was required to prepare.

    We also have a foreign exchange student in the class that is here on a cultural exchange. As part of her requirements, she has to present a PowerPoint on the culture of her country in all of her classes. The only criteria is that it be done by a certain date and it be recorded by the teacher. She spoke to the Ms. Brooks about this at the beginning of the school year and she told her that was fine and she could do it at the end of the semester. At the beginnong of this week the student asked me if she could do it this week because her due date was coming up and she also needed to get community service completed which was part of her exchange program as well. I told her this was absouletly fine and after the test I was forced to give the students, I allowed her to present about 25 minutes long). Ms. Brooks found out that she did this and got very upset with me, basically yelling at me and telling me that she was supposed to watch it and that they had a prior agreement. This morning, Ms. Brooks yelled at the student and told her she went behind her back and that she had to clear everthing with her first and that she was going to grade her persentation. I don't even see how that is fair to the student when none of the other students in the class have to complete presentations for grades!

    Ms. Brooks has done other small things which are just making me hate going to her class to teach! I honestly don't know what to do and when I have spoken to my university supervisor she just tells me to hold in there and when I speak to Mrs. Matters about it she agrees with me but says there is nothing she can do and that every teacher has their own way of teaching and its good for me to see that.

    1 AnswerTeaching8 years ago
  • Birth control pill question about preventing pregnancy?

    I am student teaching with 10th graders currently and my students have been going through a sexual education program that the Health Department presents in two days to all 10th graders. They mentioned something today that got me thinking. They told students it was very important that if they went to the doctor for birth control for the purpose of preventing pregnancy to tell the doctor this and not lie about it and say it was for your period. The presentor said that if the doctors thought it was for your period it was likely that the birth control wouldn't be strong enough to prevent against pregnancy. I have NEVER heard this and thought that any type of birth control would protect against pregnancy if taken correctly, no matter what it was actually prescribed for. Have I been misinformed this whole time?

    1 AnswerPregnancy8 years ago