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lrgirl2013 asked in PetsRodents · 8 years ago

Guinea Pig Pellet Food Question?

I have a young guinea pig and he gets a healthy diet from fresh fruit and vegetables, timothy hay, and timothy hay cubes and he will nibble on his pellet food which is alfalfa based but he barely eats that.

I have two questions:

1. Is there a brand of pellet food that is timothy hay based? I was told by the breeder I got him from that they should never have alfalfa and he loves his timothy hay so I thought he might prefer a pellet food that is timothy hay based.

2. Is there anyway I can buy the little dried carrot pieces that comes in the pellet food separately? My guinea pig loves those pieces (even though I know they aren't necessarily good for him) and he will pick them out of his pellet food. I thought I saw a bag on Amazon that was carrot and pea topping but now I can't find them.


I didn't know the pellet food I had purchased him was alfalfa based until after I purchased it and began using it.

He has been eating carrots every day since I have had him and I've seen no ill effects. My husband works with the breeder we got him from and she has told me that fruit is high in sugar so should be used sparingly, NOT vegetables such as carrots.

Update 2:

I didn't know the pellet food I had purchased him was alfalfa based until after I purchased it and began using it.

He has been eating carrots every day since I have had him and I've seen no ill effects. My husband works with the breeder we got him from and she has told me that fruit is high in sugar so should be used sparingly, NOT vegetables such as carrots.

5 Answers

  • Carol
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The problem you are having with your guinea pig is your are using a poor pellet. Never use a pellet that has nuts, seeds of other colored stuff in the as they guinea pig will simply pick out what it likes and not get a well balanced diet.

    yes carrots are to high in sugar to be fed over one baby carrot a day. If your little guy is used to getting several just take one and cut it into 4 pieces, this will make him very happy as he will still think her got his 4 carrots.

    Feed your guinea pig as follows

    Unlimited guinea pig pellets that are 18% protein with Vitamin C and no nuts seeds or other colored stuff in them.

    Unlimited hay 24/7 such as timothy, orchard grass or any good grass hay you can get at your local feed and seed store. My kids like orchard grass because it is not dusty and they can hide under it and eat it from the bottom.

    a1/2 to 1 cup of dark green leafy veggies daily such as kale, romaine lettuce, all leafy lettuce will do, swiss chard, parsley, red and green bell pepper. Or you can do as I do and go the the health food store and purchase there salad mix this gives them 10 to 12 different green leafy veggies on munch on

    Change the water daily to assure it is drinking water.

    Source(s): 32+ years dedicated to caring for and loving guinea pigs
  • Lisa
    Lv 4
    8 years ago

    Regarding the carrots, it's not the sugar content, but the vitamin A content that can get things out of balance. One baby sized carrot a day is fine. The effects are cumulative, so you wouldn't notice right away.

    There are three timothy hay brands. Oxbow is the more readily found (try pet supply stores or veterinarian offices), KM's Hayloft is the best (but online only), and Kaytee makes one that I would only put in my compost bin.

    The dried veggies/fruit/cereal/seeds/nuts in guinea pig food is not good for your pig. Instead offer fresh veggies as treats.

    Also, your little guy needs a same gender companion. Try finding a rescue near you.

  • 8 years ago

    Oxbow, KMS/Kleenmama and Sweet meadow are all good quality and they do sell timothy based pellets. Guinea pigs under 6 months need alfalfa based pellets. Pigs over 6 months need timothy based pellets. Don't bother with the dried veggies. Just feed fresh veggies. Carrots are sugary and need to be limited. Not as much as fruit but stick to a baby carrot a day.

    Guinea pigs are social herd animals and need to be in same sex or neutered pairs. Please get him a buddy.

  • 8 years ago

    1. If u were told not to use alfalfa hey why use it as pellets no wonder he wot eat them. Give unlimited timothy hey and grass. We feed rabbit pellets once every two day for our pigs.

    2. To much carrot can kill them as it can be high un sugar. I give it as a morning treat. Try corn for your pig and broccoli their both healthier that carrot. Also swing them an orange slice every few days for vitamin c

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  • 8 years ago

    mine has nuggets I think they are called Mr Johnson's everyday, but I'm in the UK

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