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TTC and confused about if I'm pregnant or not?

My husband and I are TTC and I need a little advice because I'm just confused and frustrated at this point.

I have been on the same birth control pill for about two years and I was put on it because I randomly stopped having a period for three months. The doctor couldn't figure it out but attributed it to my weigh because I'm so small, however I was the same weight I'e always been. Anyways, while I was on the birth control for two years I had a normal period every month.

I recently stopped taking my birth control in late February/early March because my husband and I decided we wanted to conceive. My doctor told me that it was safe to begin trying a month after I stopped my birth control pills. The first two months off of my pill I had a normal period.

In May I missed my period. I had a light brown discharge (not even enough for a pantyliner) the first two days of when my period was due but that was it. I tested when I was 8 and 10 days late and they were both negative and then I retested, with a different brand of test, when I was about three weeks late and it was still negative.

Around the three week mark of being late for my period I had tender/sore breasts but that only lasted about 3 days and went away. I haven't had any other signs or symptoms that I was pregnant or that my period was coming. I should have my next period on June 5th and I have no signs like I normally do that its on its way.

I honestly don't know what to do. I plan to retest on June 5th if my period doesn't come, but if its still negative should I go to the doctor? I don't currently have insurance and don't want to pay for a blood test if I'm not even getting a positive result on a home pregnancy test. I don't even know if my doctor would do a blood test because she wouldn't when I was three months late a few years back because the tests I took at home were all negative.


I will be getting insurance in late July/early August when I begin teaching. Charting my temperature and continuing to try for a year doesn't help with my situation now. I know how to chart when your ovulating and to have sex on those days to ensure pregnancy.

3 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Your body is probably adjusting to the change from going off the pill. Most likely those couple of days of light brown discharge was your "period" just in a really light form from the recent change. I would test again if it doesn't come this time, and if still negative, yes go to the doctor. It may be that since you are so small, your body might not produce enough of the pregnancy hormone for a home test to pick up. There are women who go a long time pregnant without getting a positive test.

  • isaias
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    Not sure where you read your most fertile if you end up menstrating, but that is false. I had my period for 2 months with my first son, so it's viable. Go get a blood scan executed to be sure. And if your now not definite when your ovulating (just guessing) that you would be able to get ovulation checks a good way to let you know.

  • 8 years ago

    First, get insurance. Test on June 6. Then start charting your temperature. Have sex during ovulation. Keep trying for a year. If you are not pregnant, see a fertility specialist.

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