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Lv 43,045 points

The Pan-Deist

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  • Ok, atheists , I think I found the right way to ask my question...?

    I have a well defined view of "God" in my mind. It is the whole of existence ( obviously, I do not know about everything in existence. Please don't point out what is obvious). Also i see no point in worshiping the universe cause what the hell would I pray too, a furn? what I would like to know is if anyone can explain Quantum Entanglement. I feel in some ways it may add a little credence to my Deistic/Pantheistic views. I am by no means a scholar on the subject.My major is Sociology/psychology not physics. I am just fascinated by the subject of Quantum physics. ( i would just be a fool to make it more than a hobby)

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Ok, a question to freethinkers in general.?

    I asked a question a short while ago that apparently was asked wrong. I am non religious and had questions concerning the quantum entanglement theorem.

    To restate my question word for word it goes like this" First let me start of by saying that I am not writing with the intention of insulting religious people. I do not follow organized religion .So by definition, I am non-religious. I, to a certain extent, am what you would call an Atheist. I, however, do not use this term because it confines me to a box in which is almost impossible to get out of. I say this because, I do believe in a concept of the higher power (in which I call God), But I do not believe in the mythological “man in the sky”, holy books, and paradoxical ethical dilemmas which present themselves due too religion and religious fundamentalism.

    Religion, as we know it, is really a bunch of wild claims that cannot be proven. I am not a scientist, theologian, or a philosopher in the professional sense. But, I do pride myself in the fact that I have studied briefly on those various subjects. I have directed this question to the non-religious community because I feel akin to your frame of thinking. What is it that prevents you from accepting what science calls quantum entanglement or universal consciousness as a less fantastic but still valid interpretation of “God”. By no means am I asking if this is evidence of Yahweh or Allah, what I am asking is, can this be viewed as an observable conscious higher power. If so why, if not why? Please explain your point of view, I am very interested. Also, please ignore any typos or grammatical errors. I feel that even if my wording is bad, my meaning is somewhat clear."

    Before you start let me make it clear that it makes absolutely no sense to point out the ignorance of someone who openly admits his ignorance of a subject. so please no insults. only serious answers and if you have corrections please offer them.

    A better way to ask this question may come to mind by reading the answers you give. I grow by learning, and a person can only learn by recognizing their mistakes.

    Oh yeah, I obviously do not view myself as an Atheist because it is clear I call myself a PAN DEIST!

    and also I state it in my question I do not use the term Atheist for my self because I believe in a higher power.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • A question for Atheists (not an attack)?

    First let me start of by saying that I am not writing with the intention of insulting religious people. I do not follow organized religion .So by definition, I am non-religious. I am, to a certain extent, what you would call an Atheist. I, however, do not use this term because it confines me to a box in which is almost impossible to get out of. I say this because, I do believe in a concept of the higher power (in which I call God), But I do not believe in the mythological “man in the sky”, holy books, and paradoxical ethical dilemmas which present themselves due too religion and religious fundamentalism.

    Religion, as we know it, is really a bunch of wild claims that cannot be proven. I am not a scientist, theologian, or a philosopher in the professional sense. But, I do pride myself in the fact that I have studied briefly on those various subjects. I can boast to having a layman's knowledge of some matters,while most are totally over my head.

    I have directed this question to the non-religious community because I feel akin to your frame of thinking. What is it that prevents you from accepting what science calls quantum entanglement or universal consciousness as a less fantastic but still valid interpretation of “God”. By no means am I asking if this is evidence of Yahweh or Allah, what I am asking is, can this be viewed as an observable conscious higher power. If so why, if not why? Please explain your point of view, I am very interested. Also, please ignore any typos or grammatical errors. I feel that even if my wording is bad, my meaning is somewhat clear.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Christians, ok i mean no disrespect to anyone but?

    Why is it that when anyone states plainly what the BIBLE says about the nature of JESUS or the inconsistancy of the trinity the question or answer gets deleted

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I am starting to think God Doesn't like me?

    My life is a series of unfortunate events that continue to get worse. I find myself at an all time low. i have been disabled for over two years . Yet I cannot receive disability benefits because of my age and education level. I had found the most wonderful woman I have ever known but lost her in january of 2012. I am broke and disgusted with my life. I am tired of living up too and down too every-ones expectations. I really feel that God is not pleased with me. I am a very spiritual person and i do my best to fullfil the duties and obligations of my faith. If i am doing all i can to be the best person I know to be, why is God allowing my life to fall apart so beautifly . Am I right in feeling that God does not like me.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Muslims please help.?

    I have a problem dealing with a Christian who claims to be gay. he will not take no for an answer and I have done everything except physically fight him. I asked this question generically on R&S and everyone is acting as though I am bashng gay people when the only thing I want to do is get this guy off of my back. I have no personal problems with any 1 who claims to be homosexual. as long as they keep their personal life personal as we all should do. I have told him that Islam is against homosexuality but he still will not take the hint. to make myself clear I don't care what a person does in the bedroom as long as they keep me out of it. I am married and I have children. how do I get this guy to leave me alone.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I know this annoying Christian guy who claims spirits are trying to make him gay...?

    And what is worse he has a crush on me. I tell him that I am Muslim and strictly against homosexuality. I tell him that I am totally straight. I have done everything within my power except for physically hurting him . and he still cannot take the hint that I do not want to deal with him. what to do when all peaceful measures have failed... I do not want to be branded as the violent Muslim type , but I feel that is what it is leading up too.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Christians, why is it okay for you to be insulting to others beliefs,but cry discrimination when?

    That favor is returned. NOW you insult Muslims,Atheists,you even insult other christians(mormons ,catholics, and jehovahs witnesses, et cetera et cetera), history is not a strong suit for you either. it always seems to evolve in your favor.historically your religion has been violent and intolerant. You control the media, you control instatutions of higher learning, you even control how and what news is disseminated. why after 2000 years of Christian intolerance are you complaining because now people are now intolerant towards your beliefs. As they say the sun will not shine on you always.

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Psycologically please interprate this dream.?

    I am dating one twin while falling in love with the other. the twin i am dating is kinda slutty the one i am falling for is quiet and lady like. when i confess my feelings the bad twin perposes that i date both.the good twin gets angry and says that i cant even choose the best when my choices appear identical. Please explain. i am sure my subconcious is telling me something big.

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • Phsycologically please interprate this dream.?

    I am dating one twin while falling in love with the other. the twin i am dating is kinda slutty the one i am falling for is quiet and lady like. when i confess my feelings the bad twin perposes that i date both.the good twin gets angry and says that i cant even choose the best when my choices appear identical. Please explain. i am sure my subconcious is telling me something big.

    1 AnswerPsychology9 years ago
  • Atheists....A serene state of non existence?

    The more I consider the atheist point of view, I am left with the one question that puzzles me. The idea of death being simply nonexistence. What happens to my concious mind? How do you know that you will not be concious of your death and that it will be just as empty as it was before you were born?

    It puzzles me because I have never once before lately even considered that Death is the absolute end of me. That when My sister past , other than her memery that is kept alive through me ,that was the absolute end of her. In a strange way it comforts me and in another way it is destressing. We are always told that we will meet our loved ones that went one before us, but what if you are right and there is no better place.What if we as humans are simply evolved apes with over active imaginations . That would mean a lot of things, That would mean that people who discriminate over religion or race are merely evil and delussional. that would mean that what we call free will is merely a responce to experiance and instinct. That would mean that our only morality is based upon culture , social taboos, and personal feelings of right and wrong. that would also mean that our successes and failers are a result of our choices ,mistakes, and the choices and mistakes of those around us, not the result of any divine external force. I took off the "God Goggles" for a few moments and it is not as SCARY as many people may think. How ever does it say something bad about me that I perfure to place those "God Goggles" back one . I am very open to the concept of religion ( in fact I for the most part am a devout Muslim) , But I am suddenly not vey convenced by the concept of religion. What does this say about me? Am I still in the place of discovery or have I started on the path that will end up there is nothing realy to discover?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • I hate being called unamerican simply because of my religion...?

    I was a US MARINE! I served this country under the threat of death. I payed my taxes, and i do not break the law. I am now disabled but i still am held as a piller in my community. I vote and i believe my voice matters. So why does my religion as a muslim define how i am seen. What brought on this rant was being told by a street preacher( outside of walmart) that i am a terrorist and i gave up my citizenship when i desided to become muslim. Well what about all the other muslims who proudly serve this country in politics and the armed forces. I didnt risk my life with out so much as a thank you, and become a disabled vet to be told i am less than american. Tell me what you think. I am just as American as any one else and last time i checked muslims were not voting to change laws and our constitution. Who really is Anti American in that regard.

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Muslims please give me advice.....?

    As many of you know , my wife is locked up. She tells me that it is difficult to practice Islam in jail and prays that she gets to prison soon. The christians can preach to them in jail and hand out free bibles! She has waited four months yet she still can not get her hands on a Quran even after being promiced one from the chaplin of the city jail. I have tried to get her reading material but they refuse to give the books to her.Claiming Security and safety issues. Is this descrimination or is this typical red tape from the department of corrections .

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Interacial Islam?

    A crazy old School black Muslim told me that islam does not allow interacial relationships, but i have always been taught racism is not suppose to exist in Islam. If this is true and Islam is basically anti racism why would this guy tell me my marriage is haram because i am black and she is asian

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • College caused me to dislike christianity.?

    ok world religion, OT ,and now this semester NT. The more i actually study the bible. I mean actually critically learn and memerize the bible the more it hurts that i ever took it seriously. Have any christians actually studied the bible or do you just listen to the preacher. Reading The bible is like letting crazy people run free from the asylum. Who agrees?

    5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Why do christians act like they have the monopoly on God,rightiousness,and morality.? ?

    I hearcomments and see how they back stab each other over little things. it just gets me angry because the christians i personally know are not even good people but are ready to point out the flaws on non christians who are maybe kinder gentler and more honest. Not to bash on christians but why the self rightious arrogance many of your fellow christians show?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • My christian roommate is moving out as i type this. Says he would reather be homless than live with a muslim..?

    should i stop him or not. I took him in because i knew people were using him for his disability check... But his church family has convenced him that i am evil. I am sorry if looking out for anothers well being is evil

    18 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • How do i send islamic literatutre to a city jail?

    my wife wants Islamic reading material. Her learning about islam was interupted . And now she wants me to help get her books. I have tried sending books by mail but they say its contraban what do i do. I dont want her getting wronng info

    6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago