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Samsung galaxy pocket vs samsung s3 mini?
2 AnswersCamcorders6 years agoIs a vitroceramic pot safe to cook with?
Is there any chance that any of the elements that make up the pot will leach into the food. I have researched a lot of cookware and almost all leach metals or other nasties into the food. I found a vitro ceramic pot cannot find any information on how safe it is in regards to leaching.
2 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years agowhat does "website spliced" mean?
2 AnswersOther - Internet7 years agoDo Guinea pigs make lovable pets?
I aked my vet the other day what pet he recommend and he said guinea pigs. I have always liked them but found they squeal and run away when you try to touch them ( in the pet shop and at my friends house) can they be tamed sufficiantly to be able to come to you when you call them and let you cuddle them. We only get the standart short haired ones here so do they have the same temprament as long haired ones.
13 AnswersRodents8 years agoMiniture Russian Dwarf Hamster ( bathing)?
I have an adorable min dwarf hammy called Romy. The other day it was 35 deg and I felt so sorry for him as he has such long hair that i put a little water in a shallow container wet him a little then towel dried him gently and put him back in his cage. He didnt seem fazed at all and afterwards rolled in his sand box ( litter box). I am now concerned bathing or wetting hamsters is a no no and but would like to bath him from time to time as he frequently rolls in his litter sand and smells a little funky sometimes. So:
1.can I bath him when it is hot?
2. if i do bath him how do i go about it?
3. What do i use or is plain water Ok.
4. How often can i do this?
5. Do they enjoy it?
6. is rolling in the litter box a hammies form of bathing?
2 AnswersRodents8 years agoproblem installing a PC game?
I have just purchased the Fire captain PC rom game for my comutor. When I tried to install it it showed me an error code 6002 My error log shows it has a " bad block". What does " bad block" mean and how do i install this game
1 AnswerAdd-ons9 years agoHow to - Game instillation?
I have just purchased the Fire captain PC rom game for my comutor. When I tried to install it it showed me an error code 6002 My error log shows it has a " bad block". What does " bad block" mean and how do i install this game.
1 AnswerOther - Computers9 years agoWhat is this pain in my ankle?
This afternoom my ankle became very sore. I did not do anything to bring it on. It now feels as though i have a severe sprain and the area around the inner left ankle is painful to touch. It is too painful to walk on and , besides being extremelly painful, feels stiff if if i try to move it. I dont understand what this is as i have done nothing out of the ordinary. I cannot get to a doctor as i cant use it and i am out of pain meds.
2 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years agoHelp with - hamster care?
1.I have done some research before we got my daughter the hamster and going back now on feeding and what to feed and what not too is just driving me insane . please could someone tell me what fresh fruit and veg I can feed our hamster and how much. I have read that once a week is fine but to much at one sitting is not good so I'm alittle confused there is so much contradicting information
Is it necessary to give hamsters fresh food and veg or is the seeds and dry fruit and pellets sufficient?
2 What bedding should I use for our little girl - the pet shop gave me saw dust (pine shavings) that's what is on the bag they gave me.
3 I read that I should put sand (can't remember the name right now) in a bowl so she can roll in it to clean herself help with the oils on the fur
4 Toys - I have a running wheel 1 house for her to sleep in and one just to climb around on some empty toilet rolls there is tubes from the inside to the outside top to bottem. I have chew sticks and plain toilet paper for her to tear.
5 feeding bowl half filled with food - should this be thrown out every day and fresh food (seeds) put in every morning?
6 I clean her toilet coner in the morning and replace the saw dust only in that coner, I will clean and replace all the saw dust once a week and do a full clean once a month.
Is there anything I'm missing?
Sorry about all the questions
8 AnswersRodents10 years agoWhy is the water leaking out of my fridge?
I have a kic cfc free fridge. It is in excellent codition. Yesterday i noticed water is coming out of it at the bottom. What could cause this?
3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoMoms ,Why are you against showering with your sons?
I have just read a question from someone who wanted it to know if it is alright for a mom to shower with her son ( 4). All the answers she got warn against it. Why is this? I have been showering with my son since he was four ( he is now 6 and a half). I have had no problems with it and wonder why people are so aginst it. At these ages they are not even concious of their own bodies let alone ours. Of course when they are around 7-8 ( depending on maturity) it is a god time to allow them to shower independantly but 4 - 7 geea thats really been nurotic ( no offence). What are your views?
NB: I am not condeming the peoples answers I am just curious as to the reasons they object.
9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago1. What does it mean when a fridge is CFC free.?
Could someone also tell me:
2. where the water goes to when the the ice plate defrosts.
3. what would be the best setting to keep it on, I have it between 6 & 7 but wonder if thats necessary.
4. what are the pros and cons of these types of fridges ( ones with back plate).
5. is it normal that they sometime get very loud and what cause this increse in sound.
7 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoCan you use one fridges parts in another fridge?
Is it possible to take the gas cylinder, valve and other parts out of one make of fridge and put it into another make of fridge that has stopped working?
4 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade agoShould I tell my son who his dad is or wait until he asks?
My son is 6 and his father has only visited him 3 times in his short life. He has been introduced to his father as uncle B. My concerns are that if i let him know it is his dad he will be disappointed because his father never visits and will begin to believe there is something wrong with himself and that is why his dad doesn't visit. Further more his father is a compulsive liar and I would hate to see my son let down by a string of unfulfilled promises. He is also unreliable and is married to a woman who is after his life insurance and fears if he gets too attached he might make my son the beneficiary so she does everything in her power to keep them apart. I also feel that if he really was interested in being a father he would make more of an effort to visit more frequently.
Of course when my son asks i will tell him.
I would like to hear from, not only single moms, but also young people who have grown up with or without fathers and possibly have experienced a similar scenario in their childhood.
7 AnswersParenting1 decade agoScum worms in the shower ? Help?
Please could someone tell me what those little black disgusting worms are that come out from between the dark , hard to clean places of your shower. Also Who parents them or do they just evolve from soap/mould scum.
3 AnswersOther - Home & Garden1 decade agoChristians, do you get cramps in your feet and legs at night when you fast?
I have found that if i go on a 7 day fast that by the 3 or fourth day i get cramps in my legs and feet at night. I do not dry fast as i sip water during the day so i am not dehydrated.
5 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago6 year old punches walls when he is angry!?
My 6 year old has a tenancy to punch walls with his fist when he is frustrated and angry. He will also smack his head with his hands. I am a little concerned as to me this is not normal behaviour for a young child , or is it? Does anyone elses kid do this? How can i get him to stop? .
Nb: It is not attention seeking as my son and i are very close and he gets plenty of attention and love as i am a single mom and my whole revolves around him.
11 AnswersParenting1 decade agoWhat do cicadas (or Christmas Beetles as we call them in South Africa) eat ?
3 AnswersZoology1 decade ago