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  • I'm 19, he's 33...isn't that just a bit too much of an age difference?

    He says "age isnt a number"...ok, maybe when I'm 40 and he's 54....but still...

    We are going to be working together this summer and so far, I only know him thru facebook so it was kinda weird when he first admitted to having a crush on me and saying I am cute and have a sexy smile...He is kinda cute too but the whole 14 yr difference is throwing it off for me. Any advice on how to get through the summer without letting him get to me too much? Thanks :)

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions for a new AIM SN for me?

    The sn I have now is one I've had since I was 12 and now I am heading off to college and I want a new, less kiddish one...if that makes sense

    I'd prefer one without numbers and heres a few things about me:

    my name is Alyssa (nickname is Lyss). i am pretty artsy, creative. I love nighttime, rain, music, laughing, friends, animals, desserts, fun things (like rollercoasters, rollerskating, movies in the park)

    thats just a few things but i appreciate any suggestions and the one I like the best will get best answer :) thanks in advance

    1 AnswerOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions for a new AIM SN for me?

    The sn I have now is one I've had since I was 12 and now I am heading off to college and I want a new, less kiddish one...if that makes sense

    I'd prefer one without numbers and heres a few things about me:

    my name is Alyssa (nickname is Lyss). i am pretty artsy, creative. I love nighttime, rain, music, laughing, friends, animals, desserts, fun things (like rollercoasters, rollerskating, movies in the park)

    thats just a few things but i appreciate any suggestions and the one I like the best will get best answer :) thanks in advance

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Issues for prom please?

    Ok, so basically my group of friends(about 25) is meeting at a park for pictures then heading to dinner and prom. We decided not to get a limo and instead drive in my date's car. He has a 5-seater so we'd have 3 seats left for others if they need a ride. One of my guy friends,lets call him Shawn, he's a bit shy and doesnt start/continue conversations easily (i know cuz i kinda went to homecoming with him), needs a ride with his date to prom. I figured that letting them ride with us would be the nice thing to do but it would probably mean that we would be sitting next to them at dinner, in line for prom, and other stuff. My date is my close guy friend(no feelings beyond our amazing friendship) and I know I'll have a blast with him but he doesnt go to my school and doesnt really know Shawn and neither of us really know Shawn's date.

    I know prom night is gonna be fun no matter what but I want to be around people I'm having fun with and that I actually know but at this point, I can't make up my mind: Do I be nice and let them drive with us to dinner and prom (but things may be awkward) OR Do I make it just the two of us and have fun listening to our music without awkwardness (but it may be rude to the others who need rides)?

    the other members of the group are pretty much taking their parents mini-vans but they are all full and there are like 3-4 people that still need rides.

    Thanks for the help :)

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Transportation to prom?

    So I have prom in a month or so. One of my friends invited me and my date to go with her friends in a limo to dinner and prom but I don't know her friends that well so I don't think we'll go with them. My date has a car that we could take. Any other options for nontaditional but also not too expensive transportation to prom?

    Thanks :)

    2 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Any ideas for 18th bday on limited budget?

    Ok, so I am turning 18 in one month and I want to a party. My family doesn't have much money so big parties, amusement parks, etc are out of the question...

    So far my ideas are:

    -picnic in park (potluck)

    -lunch/dinner at Pat&Oscars or In'Out then either movies, ice-skating, or roller-skating (I would ask that each person bring $10-$15 instead of a gift)


    -needs to be out of my house

    - no parents involved (I'll have a family party later)

    - most of my friends have stict/protective parents so it can't be more than a few hours long

    I'd say I'm a pretty average teen. I don't do drugs/drink though.

    Based on this you have any ideas of things we could do?

    Thanks in advance for your suggestions :)

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Just a few FAFSA-related/scholarship questions...?

    Is there any way of knowing what my expected amount of monies in grants and whatnot from the FAFSA? my EFC is 0....I just wanna know a ballpark # in dollars...

    How do I find private donors for funding my education? Especially for housing and stuff.....the initial fees are like $685 which my family doesn't have

    I have accounts to all the major scholarships databases/searches...Is there any way to find scholarships not on those sites? I'm having trouble finding scholarships that fit my traits

    Female, white, Non-dem. Christian, in Key Club, A.V.I.D., low income, highschool senior, creative, lots of community service...

    Anybody have suggestions of essay scholarships?

    Thanks for the help if you can answer any or all of the above :)

    1 AnswerFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • Has anyone who has submitted the FAFSA for 2009-2010 actually recieved info on grants?

    My EFC is 0 so I expect to get some $ in the form of grants. I submitted the FAFSA a month before the deadline but am still waiting on notifications of monies.

    2 AnswersFinancial Aid1 decade ago
  • How do you get a song from youtube or another site and save it to a file to then use in a powerpoint?

    I want to have a song automatically play as the presentation goes on rather than me maually have to start the youtube song and then start the presentation....

    All your help is appreciated :)

    1 AnswerSoftware1 decade ago
  • What are some songs I could use in a hero video tribute?

    Im doing a video tribute to a certain courageous hero (Anne Frank) and I need a song that could play in the background. Posting links where I can hear song and/or read lyrics have best chance as best answer.

    2 AnswersHistory1 decade ago
  • What are some songs that I could use for a hero tribute presentation?

    Im doing a video tribute to a certain courageous hero (Anne Frank) and I need a song that could play in the background. Posting links where I can hear song and/or read lyrics have best chance as best answer.

    4 AnswersSociology1 decade ago
  • What are some good songs about heroes, the courageous kind...?

    Im doing a video tribute to a certain courageous hero (Anne Frank) and I need a song that could play in the background. Posting links where I can hear song and/or read lyrics have best chance as best answer.

    2 AnswersOther - Music1 decade ago
  • What color prom dress would look best with my skin color?

    I am caucasian and have semi-pale skin, I'm not too tan...

    what colors would look best?

    I think a seafoam green would look pretty but I think it looks better on people with olive skin color

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What are the most popular news events/inventions/people/movie… for the last year?

    I'm compiling some pics for my senior scrapbook and so far, all I have are pics of Barack Obama, Michael Phelps, the new ipod nano, the Dark Knight, etc...

    anything will help and pics will be bonus :)

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What are the most popular news events/inventions/people/movies/etc. for the last year?

    I'm compiling some pics for my senior scrapbook and so far, all I have are pics of Barack Obama, Michael Phelps, the new ipod nano, the Dark Knight, etc...

    anything will help and pics will be bonus :)

    2 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • What are the most popular news events/inventions/people/movies/etc. for the last year?

    I'm compiling some pics for my senior scrapbook and so far, all I have are pics of Barack Obama, Michael Phelps, the new ipod nano, the Dark Knight, etc...

    anything will help and pics will be bonus :)

    1 AnswerCurrent Events1 decade ago
  • What kind of medicine could help my rat's sore heal?

    Ok, so my rat had a small scratch/sore idk what from but it keeps getting worse and now is the size of a dime because she keeps scratching at it and the scab comes off. I dont want it to get worse. We were gonna put some ointment on it but I figured she would just lick it off. My family doesn't have a ton of money to take her to the vet and get her meds so is there a cheap solution (less than $10) or a homemade remedy that could help heal this sore? Thanks.

    6 AnswersAlternative Medicine1 decade ago
  • What kind of medicine do I need for my rat's sore?

    Ok, so my rat had a small scratch/sore idk what from but it keeps getting worse and now is the size of a dime because she keeps scratching at it and the scab comes off. I dont want it to get worse. We were gonna put some ointment on it but I figured she would just lick it off. My family doesn't have a ton of money to take her to the vet and get her meds so is there a cheap solution (less than $10) or a homemade remedy that could help heal this sore? Thanks.

    4 AnswersRodents1 decade ago
  • How can I explain to my mom that I don't want to be friends with her on Facebook?

    She's a great mom but I would rather keep facebook between me and my friends.....She has sent me friend requests a few time and i ignore them because I just don't want to be friends with her on FB....Its not like i am doing anything bad...Is there any way to explain this to her without totally hurting her feelings? I have tried telling her everytime but w/e....its because she sees her adult friends are FB friends with their kids.....

    If it helps, I'm a senior in high school

    5 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Is this cat behavior weird or normal?

    So my cat like to come up to me when i am sitting down and she nuzzles and sometimes "attacks" my hair....she especially likes it after a shower when its wet...

    Does this sound weird or is it a sami-normal cat behavior?

    I remember seeing a video of a lion nuzzling a trainers head in a loving way so I wondered if it was a similar behavior.....Thanks

    6 AnswersCats1 decade ago