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Sic Semper

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"I have no respect for any young man that won't join the colors." Nathan Bedford Forrest.

  • Drug test question?

    So, I tested positive for alcohol on the initial drug test, but nothing else - thing is, I had actually done a small amount of Adderall the night before, which *did not* show up. Whether this is through luck or because of a myth I decided to go through with (drink baking soda beforehand), I don't know.

    My question is: My PO sent the alcohol-positive sample in for confirmation, which I assume means a GC/MS test, which separates all the chemicals and isomers and whatnot. Will this test find the Adderall, even though the initial test did not?

    Medicine6 years ago
  • If a drug test is initially positive, is it automatically sent for further testing (GC/MS)?

    So, when they send a drug test to the lab, they just do a basic test on it, right? With a strip. But, if it's positive for a drug, do they send it for a further, more exact and precise test on the spot? Or if you dispute the results, will you have to take another test?

    1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police6 years ago
  • I think I have some kind of worm?

    So, when I was a kid (like around 12) I started feeling like a wriggling around inside my ***, and if I tried to touch it it would shoot back up inside. I would also feel this in the lowest part of my throat. This went on for quite some time, and I haven't felt it for a couple years and haven't though about it. (I'm 18 now) But nowadays I have been having lots of diarrhea and for years I have gone through spells of not defecating for two or three days. I also feel something solid inside me, under my pecs right in the center at my stomach. I saw an article on facebook about tapeworms and it made me remember all that had happened, and now I'm pretty sure I have one. I haven't had any weight loss, I'm not frighteningly skinny (6 foot and 150 pounds) or anything. But now it's starting to freak me out, that it might be like several feet long. I'll be going to the doctor, but what do you guys think?

    3 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • Is it illegal to have prescription drugs?

    To clear this up:

    I had six Nabumetone pills, in their original prescription bottle, in my backpack. Needless to say, the pills were not mine, they were the person whose name was on the bottle - they were given to me. Now why I need to ask, is I had this backpack at a party in the woods which got busted by the cops. I got away, but they confiscated my backpack.

    Will I get in trouble if I come claim my backpack? Sure, they'll ask me questions - since the cops know me and saw me there, they'll ask where the hell I went - but will I be in legal trouble? I'm already in juvenile diversion with a minor in possession of an alcoholic beverage and am being investigated for a very serious crime (that I did not commit) while they suspect me of being a vandal and a thief (no and yes). I can't afford screwing myself now.

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics7 years ago
  • Howdoyouusethespacebar?


    4 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years ago
  • Is this a girl's hat?

    Is this hat intended for use by females, primarily? Does it look feminine?

    Thank you!

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • Does the Anglican Church believe in predestination?

    Do the Anglican (Church of England) and Episcopalian (part of the Anglican Communion) churches have any Calvinist beliefs, such as predestination, or total depravity?

    3 AnswersReligion & Spirituality9 years ago
  • Going from home school to high school?

    This might be a bit long - just warning you. I will sincerely appreciate any help, though.

    First, about myself. I'm going into a (small) public high school (in Colorado) this coming year. I've been home schooled since the fourth grade, and am now going into the tenth.

    You may mock me, call be sheltered, whatever you like. But, I realize that since I'll be starting school for the first time in six years in about a month, and don't have a clue how any of this will work. I have to swallow my pride, and ask for some help.

    I've been all over the Internet and YouTube, looking at advice for incoming freshmen and sophomores. But, while some is helpful, most of it doesn't answer my exact question.

    My question is; How does it work?

    Yes, how does high school work. Remember, the last time I was in public school was in elementary school, which I realize is not like high school, very much at all.

    I'm just wondering - like, what do I do? I've heard things about schedules, lockers, etc... But, really, how will it all work?

    I know there are different classes and stuff... This is one thing I'm worried about. Though this is a small school - and I'm talking small - as in, K-12 is two hundred people, with about 9-12 people in each class - I'm worried about getting lost, not knowing where my classes will be. Any help with this?

    Another thing - homework. When do I turn it in? For example - a teacher gives me homework. At some point, I finish it. When I walk into class the next day, do I just walk up there and give it to him/her? Does he/she call people up during class? How does that work?

    Also, I've heard things about deadlines. If they don't give me a homework deadline (I'm not used to any of this flexible homework stuff) do I turn it in the next day? Or will they always give me one?

    I'm just looking for a detailed explanation of exactly what the heck you do, from the moment you walk in. How, pray tell, does it all work?

    Thanks, and I sincerely appreciate all help with this. I'm starting to feel sick with nervousness and anxiety.

    2 AnswersHome Schooling9 years ago
  • Going from home school to high school?

    This might be a bit long - just warning you. I will sincerely appreciate any help, though.

    First, about myself. I'm going into a (small) public high school (in Colorado) this coming year. I've been home schooled since the fourth grade, and am now going into the tenth.

    You may mock me, call be sheltered, whatever you like. But, I realize that since I'll be starting school for the first time in six years in about a month, and don't have a clue how any of this will work. I have to swallow my pride, and ask for some help.

    I've been all over the Internet and YouTube, looking at advice for incoming freshmen and sophomores. But, while some is helpful, most of it doesn't answer my exact question.

    My question is; How does it work?

    Yes, how does high school work. Remember, the last time I was in public school was in elementary school, which I realize is not like high school, very much at all.

    I'm just wondering - like, what do I do? I've heard things about schedules, lockers, etc... But, really, how will it all work?

    I know there are different classes and stuff... This is one thing I'm worried about. Though this is a small school - and I'm talking small - as in, K-12 is two hundred people, with about 9-12 people in each class - I'm worried about getting lost, not knowing where my classes will be. Any help with this?

    Another thing - homework. When do I turn it in? For example - a teacher gives me homework. At some point, I finish it. When I walk into class the next day, do I just walk up there and give it to him/her? Does he/she call people up during class? How does that work?

    Also, I've heard things about deadlines. If they don't give me a homework deadline (I'm not used to any of this flexible homework stuff) do I turn it in the next day? Or will they always give me one?

    I'm just looking for a detailed explanation of exactly what the heck you do, from the moment you walk in. How, pray tell, does it all work?

    Thanks, and I sincerely appreciate all help with this. I'm starting to feel sick with nervousness and anxiety.

  • Where was the Kaiser's home?

    Not much detail needed. Where was the German/Prussian Kaiser's home, and what was it called? Any links are appreciated. I can't seem to find any information on this anywhere.

    1 AnswerHistory9 years ago
  • How do you justify differing views on the Revolution and the War Between the States?

    I have heard many people say that secession is treason. Yet they never complain about the American *Revolution*, which was ADMITTEDLY treason! They completely rebelled against the government, whereas the Southern States simply left a union/confederacy/alliance. I do not even see how secession could be considered treason, since secession is never mentioned in the Constiution, but the Constiution says "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." Therefore, since the right is not addressed, it is reserved to the States. I don't understand.

    1 AnswerHistory9 years ago
  • Abraham Lincoln, a Republican?

    Allright, I'm assuming if you have studied the man's politics at all, and you know basic Republican Party views on government, then you know Abe was not a Republican by today's standards.

    He stood for...

    Loose interpretation of the Constitution.

    President having complete control of Armed Forces at all times.

    Crushing insurrections. (And how was our country started?)

    Loose interpretation of the word "insurrection."

    A big, strong central government.

    No states' rights. At all.

    This doesn't sound like one of today's Republicans, does it? Well, I just downloaded the "Proud Republican" app, and it had a lot about Lincoln on there. It drives me crazy to have a big-government modern-day Democrat deified as a model Republican. He was the first president to print bills with nothing to back them up, which everyone knows is illegal and causes inflation, and depending in whether you believe the South successfully seceded or not, he either...

    Committed war crimes,

    Or waged war on a foreign country without declaring war.

    War crimes: Was the first president to adopt a policy of "total war." The total population is involved- shelling and burning towns, stealing, and raping as the army goes.

    No explanation needed for the war on a foreign country.

    What do you think?

    Oh, also, do you know when the parties switched? I was thinking 10's?

    7 AnswersHistory9 years ago
  • Don't you just love the Military Category?

    It's like it's own little in-bred community.

    We have a disproportionate amount of trolls. We have our good ol' regulars, that can be relied upon to give either accurate and informative answers, or sarcastic snarky ones. (They're my favorites answers.)

    We have the regular trolls with 5 different screen names. (Lilah, Erudite.)

    We have our 12 year old overweight Call of Duty fans, that I desperately try to run off, and occasionally succeed.

    We have our pretend-soldiers.

    We have our I-knew-a-guy guys.

    We have our I-knew-a-guy-who-knew-a-girl-that-had-talked-to-this-guy-that-slept-with-this-sailor-who-talked-to-a-recruiters.

    We have our irregulars.

    We have our Arab haters, and American haters.

    It's just a fun little place. Not another category like it. Everybody knows everybody.

    6 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • The Royal Navy has practically no requirements?

    I'm American, just so you know.

    To be a warfare specialist in the Royal Navy, it says there are "no specific requirements," except that you have to be between 16 and 36!

    Here in the U.S., to enlist, you have to have at least a green card and a high school diploma.

    It didn't mention citizenship. Do you have to be a citizen?

    If I lived in the U.K., I would be in the Navy the day after my birthday.

    6 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • My views on war, imperialism, expansionism, and national defense are complicated. What do you think?

    I have complicated views about these topics.

    I think we need to stop being the world's policemen.

    I think we need to take back the Panama Canal.

    I think we need to build our Army and Navy, and get the U.K. to help us take out North Korea, and China, since they will come to Korea's defense.

    I think we need to retain control of our current territories.

    I'm open to more States being accepted into the Union (such as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico).

    I think we need to encourage European nations to take back their African colonies, because really, look at the shape they're I now.

    I think the United Nations, NATO, and the European Union need to be disbanded.

    What do you think?

    1 AnswerGovernment9 years ago
  • Is warfare done? Do we even need an Armed Forces?

    I keep getting more and more depressed. With long range missiles, drones, etc., it seems like you don't even need an army/navy. All you would need is a small force to secure an area, after it's been bombed to smithereens.

    Some warships nowadays have a crew of about 50.

    I don't see why you even need naval guns anymore.

    With the newest heavy machine guns, you can cut down dozens of men in a few seconds.

    Well? What do you think?

    4 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Will battleships be built again in the future?

    I have though about it for a long time, and decided I believe that there will be more naval warfare between ships. Of course, this will only occur in the next "real" war, between civilized countries. What I'm wondering is, do you think battleships will come back? Of course they won't be exactly the same as they used to be, but will they make them again, with the rebirth of naval warfare? What do you think?

    8 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • Do you support gays being in the military, and the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell?"?

    I would prefer opinions from actual service members. Please specify what branch you are/were in.

    14 AnswersMilitary9 years ago
  • How many women are in the Navy? And how many people overall are in the Navy?

    Also, more specifically, how many surface warfare officers are women?

    3 AnswersMilitary9 years ago