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Lv 2481 points


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  • Is gta 5 good for me?

    I am Hasan just recently bought PS3 I am 13 year old just wanted to know is that game good for me like Please don't tell me that bad words and strip clubs or violence of course I know what is good and what is bad and it is just a game just wanted to know will it have any side effects on me (details are appreciated)

    2 AnswersPlayStation6 years ago
  • console problem help needed ( read full )?

    so guys few months back i had some cash and my sister and i was combing it together for a ps3 i was really exicted summer vactions finisehd and she forogot all about the ps3 and bought a bag bottle etc for school my father said "ill get u a ps3 dont worry spend your money on the bag etc" i thoguht he would do what he said so i bouht it and i had 0% money left and now unfournetly my family has finachial crysis and ofcourse i cant go to him and start begging but i really need one HELP MEH and yes he has frogtten about the ps3 that he said

    1 AnswerPlayStation7 years ago
  • should i get the ps3 or xbox360 )read full)?

    So i have decided ill collect money for a console and the ps3 n xbox360 intrest me but in my country the xbox costs 350$ approximately and the ps3 is like 250$

    but on yotube like every gaming video is on xbox and i know tht they both are kinda of same but is this like i go in a gaming lobby and there is no population or the ps3 gamers are getting lesser



    1 AnswerPlayStation7 years ago
  • will I see a change if I countine this diet for 2-3 weeks?

    First of all when I wake up i spend 1 and a hour on morning exercises

    then i have two slices of brown bread and an egg and a mug of milk

    Then for lunch I have only e bowl of fresh salad

    Then on 5 =30 I play soccer for 2 hours

    and have a fruit juice and very rare I have a bag of chips

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body7 years ago
  • how to open fifa 14 on pc (read full)?

    plz plz plz plz plz help needed so i bought fifa 14 but when i click on the fifa 14 icon nothing happen it windows changes the color but it does not open not even in the task bar help needed

    3 AnswersPC7 years ago

    hello i am Hasan tommorow our SOCCER team had a semi final our team is named after swift and we had a semi final with FALCONS and we won so its our final well i a was in the park of my appartments i was practising for the final!! but i just shoted in the air and i sudden pain in a part benth my hips (Thai)

    it was hurting me like hell i could not play anymore i am the stircker of the team and if i am not there the team is incomplete is there any quick relif from this pain plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz plz hhelp

    5 AnswersOther - Soccer7 years ago
  • what is india's futre hindu belive that(read fulll)?

    hello my name is hasan i wanted to know hindu belive cows as their gods and worship them they ofcourse cannot kill or eat them but i think if they do not kill them then cows should increse very

    rapidly and can take over india what do they do with thses cows?

    3 AnswersOther - India7 years ago
  • what should i do with my dog(read my whole story)?

    hey there my name is Hasan i lived in a city where i bought a dog named Ziggy he lived with us for 2 years he did not had any friendship with anyone expect one of my servant and my family(me,sister,mother and my dad)he just loves us.One day in a sudden we had to move to another city due to job problems .in that city houses were extremely expensive big n rare only rich people could afford them so we purshed an apartment where we cannot keep a dog my dog was an outdoor doggy one of my cuzin had an vet clinic so we sent him there.Then a women came and took him unfortunately after several months she went with Ziggy for a walk but Ziggy i don't know why bite her and she ran away but her sister agreed to get him Ziggy also bite her small puppy and her she is returning Ziggy back to the vet



    5 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • All religions say that(read full)?

    All religions say that Hazrat Adam (A.S) was the first man on earth.but historians have found bones

    of apes was he an ape????

    I am Muslim and i believe in Islam and all the teachings i am just asking for my general knowledge

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How do i lose fat (read full)?

    Hello my name is Hasan.I am thirteen i am not ultra fat but i am getting fat and i dont want this to happen cause people in my school who are fat are badly insulted and even in my family plz tell me wut should be my diet and is any excrises needed

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years ago
  • How do i get rid of morning dehydration (read full question)?

    Hello my name is Hasan .When ever i wake up in the morning i fell dizzy like i am gonna fall down i feel like i am out of energy.If i dont drink water in the morning it will happen till i dont not drink a glass of water.I will feel so dizzy. if i drink water when i wake up ill be perfectly fine.WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN


    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • i wanted to ask that will xbox 360 slim 4gb (read fullllll)?

    i wanted to ask does it matter like a 4gb xbox will not run heavy thorugh disk

    answer quick

    and please i am conused tell me which model to buy my range is 220$

    2 AnswersXbox7 years ago
  • can i use a xbox 360 controller on a pc read fulll?

    hello i have heard of emulators i want to ask if i buy a controller for xbox will the emulator support it for example i press b will the game perform the comand

    1 AnswerXbox7 years ago
  • what is the difference between xbox 360 2007 n 2009?

    i am interested to buy a Xbox 360 2007 model or 2009 please tell me the difference between them and if u know plz also mention the price for both of them so i can compare them any help is highly appricated

    1 AnswerXbox7 years ago
  • will my xbox 360 2007 will play all new games and will support xbox live?

    i am about to buy xbox 360 2007 to play online with my freinds and i wanted to know will it suport xbox live and will it have latest games like need for speed rivals gta 5 etc any help is appricated

    2 AnswersXbox7 years ago