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  • i want to wear lipstick but my my lips are weird?

    so i cant for my life figure out how to put on lipstick or lipgloss with a a heavy tint because under my bottom lip there is this part that stick out and it is a bit pink so i cant even just not put anything on it, but when i put it on there it looks like i was really drunk when i did it or something! ;) does anyone else have lips like this or is it just me? how can i wear lipstick with out looking sloppy? thanks and goodnight:)

    3 AnswersMakeup8 years ago
  • I dont know what to do with my life?

    hi! so i am 14, and i have always loved animals more then anything on the face of the earth. I have always wanted to help make the world a better place for animals to live because i believe that animals deserve this planet more then we do. but here is the problem. I also want to be a mother more then ANYTHING else. I know that taking care of kids and other people is what i am good at and what i love doing. I know that i have to be a teacher because then i will have the same holidays as my kids. i am completely torn between these two options. i know that i cant be a wildlife conservationist and a mother because i will move around a lot and i dont want to put my kids through that. but this job is completely my dream...both are! i have no idea what i should do...i need to figure this out now because i am in grade 10 next year and i have to choose the right courses...i fell like i have to choose between being a mother and having my dream job... you dont even understand how badly i want all of this! does anyone know what i should do? i am so confused...thank you!

    4 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • I think i am depressed?

    Hi! So i am 14, and please dont just stop reading because you think its just being a teenage girl because its not! So just to give you a little idea of who i am, i live in toronto, and i have two sisters, one older, one younger, my mom, and her boufriend/fiance.

    So my mom divorced my father a year ago, because he was abusive. I mean, not THAT bad, but he threw us around and stuff. So here are my symptoms: i am always tired. Its not normal tired either. You know, where you dont get enough sleep and you doze off tired, i am exausted! I go to sleep right after i finish my homework(8 or 9 pm) and i wake up at 7. I am so tired though that i keep falling asleep in school even if i drink coffee! I am never hungry. I didnt eat anything yesterday except for some chips at lunch, and today i just ate dinner because i got a bit hungry! I told my mom about the eating because i am really worried about it, and it it totally unintentional! And my mom says she will make me eat every meal. I am never happy. I NEVER smile anymore about anything. Even when my mom told me that we got the lease on out house signed, i wasn't happy. I always think about killing myself and how much i want to, but then i think about what it would do to my mom, and i know that i cant. I have no idea why i feel this way. I am not bullied at school or anything! I have lots of friends that i love with all my heart so i dont know what is going on! I am really scared to tell my mom because my aunts husband had legit depression that he takes meds for and stuff and i think that she wont take me seriously. ANY advice would really be appreciated! Thank you so much!

    3 AnswersMental Health8 years ago
  • question directed to high school girls about fitting in?

    hi! so i have been at a small private school for my whole life, but because of financial issues,i am going to north toronto colleigate institute next year...its just the high school by my house. k. so these are questions about fitting in. what should i wear? i am not allowed to wear makeup...will i be made fun of for that? my mom is pretty strict about how i booty shorts or shirts that are too low...but i think i have a good fashion sense. i looked on the schools website, and they hve some clubs i think i am interested in joining...there is one called reading buddies, its just where you go for an hour every thursday and help a grade 1 kid with reading..i love that kind of thing so...there is another about cruel tratment and abuse of animals, and you raise money for different foundations ect. I LOVE ANIMALS so i am interested in that...there is also an environment club where you rais money again....should i join these clubs? i want to fit in and not be a know? so what would you guys think about someone who did these clubs??? um..i think thats it. i am naturally a funny, fun and outgoing person once you get to know me, and i am comfortable around you...i do see really quiet at first. i am really nervous! ANY advice from you guys would be REALLY appreciated! thank you so so much!!! oh, and at my school i am DEFINITELY the class clown, and i guess you can say i am like..the leader of the class or whatever...i mean if anyone is fighting or anything they always come to me for advice and stuff but i dunno....i am just good at resolving problems and stuff...yup. thanks again!

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education8 years ago
  • please girls only! help me i just got my period!? im really freaking out!?

    so i am 14 and i know that its a bit late but all the women in my family get it at 14-15ish so yeah. for the past 4 days i have been having a lot of brown stuff in my panties and i googled it(duh) and it said that means that your period will start soon! so i was like. k. so i today i had a really strong feeling i would get my period so i took a pad to school with me. so i literally just went to the bathroom and when i wiped i saw some red. and i was like NONONONONONONONO and i just put the toilet paper there and even more blood and i was like oh no ohnoohnohnononono!!!!!so i took one of my sisters pads and i put it on. so here is the mom is in san francisco at a conference and her boyfriend is looking after us(my two sisters) and i am so scared! my mom is comeing home tomorrow. should i wait to tell her then. or should i email or tect her? plus i dont know if i should tell my older sister..she is 16. she got hers when she was 25 in the summer. also i have swimming class on thursday...can i swim? what should i do!? my teacher will fail me if i miss a class...please i am totally freaking out and i dont know what to do!how long can i wear a pad for? do i have to wake up in the middle of the night to change my pad? thank you so much! sorry if i am being rediculous but i am sure you understand!

    4 AnswersWomen's Health8 years ago
  • guys;what do you think of girls having their ears pierced?

    so do you think it's stupid or ugly or what? just the one in your ear lobe...u know. so yeah! thank you!

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • what are the costs of earings at claires?

    hi! so i am 14, and i am going to get my ears pierced pretty soon. i asked my mom to take me because you have to have a parent sign the form or whatever. so i know the actual piercing is free, but how much are the earrings? we are REALLY tight on money, and i dont want to go there and have my mom spend like $50 you know? i would get a job and pay myself, but i'm not allowed to get a job, and every kid in my neigborhood has a nanny, so no babysitting!

    sorry off topic! my question is, how much does a pair of piercing earrings cost at claires? thank you? i would probably get the cheapest, so how much are they?

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years ago
  • getting my ears pierced?

    so i want to get my ears pierced. i am 14, and no one else in my family has them done, but i really want them! my mom says i can, but i don't think she would like it to much because she says it would look bad on me...can earrings look bad on someone? if i dont like how they look i would just take them out anyways and let the holes grow back in. so i dont really want to go to claires or anywhere to get them done because i am really scared of getting some hepatitis or aides or something like that. my best friend pierced her own ears, and i helped her do the second piercing on her ear lobes. i would rather her do it with a needle because i trust her more then some girl at claires...BUT the problem is i dont think my mom will let me have her pierce my you know how i can convice her? if you do, THANK YOU

    i cant just do it because my mom trusts me and if i go behind her back and do that...she will flip. i know my mom. um...what else...? oh ya, where are you supposed to put the hole? in the center of your ear or...ya? thank you so much!!! oh and is it wierd not to have your ears pierced when you are my age? thank you!

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years ago
  • Are tarot and things like it bad?

    So i stayed at my grandmothers house for a few days, and she taught me about tarot and gave me a deck, and i am trying to learn it. I was researching it and i saw that there was a bunch of stuff on how it is the devils tools to communicate with us and all that. I dont understand it. why do we assume that it is the devil or demons? and i know someone reading this will think tarot is fake, but my grandmother read mine, and it all made such perfect sense, about my past, and everything. why do we assume it is evil, when it could be god, or our guardian angels, or spirit guides? i dont get it! i understand why doing spells and stuff like that can be bad but only if you use it to hurt someone. also why do we assume that it is summoning demos to do magic, when it really could be another way of asking god for help? i know that spells are sometimes demons and that, like voodoo, and people get possesed and stuff, but im not going ot get into that. i just dont get why people think that its bad! i really do believe that it is god and angels most of the time...that door is open to us, and i think we can use it to get help from heaven, or we can get into the bad stuff too. my whole family does this stuff, but we are all protestant. my grandmother(the one who taught me) is a minister, and she is VERY religious(obviously). so i just don't know... ya sorry this doesn't make sense. but in summery, can't all the divination just be another way of asking god, whichever one you believe in, for help? i mean, when you pray, don't you ask to help someone get better or to help you make a decision about a job or relationships? if you do a spell to get someone better, couldn't that just be that same, but in a different way? and using tarot to help make decisions be the same? that all..sorry if this sound really stupid...but oh well. just what i think!

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • My friend keeps stealing?

    hey guys! so the other day i went out with my friend, and we were just shopping in some clothing stores and looking at the makeup in shoppers and pharmaplus. k so we r 14. so i was looking at the essence stuff and she told me to take one of the eyeliners and take the sticker off. so i was like NO and so she did and put it in her bag. so i was like k whatever. one three $ eyeliner isnt gonna hurt anyone. so we leave the place and im worrying that the buzzer will go off but it didnt so that was good. we sat on a bench and she showed me all the stuff she stole. she took waxing strips and razor heads and perfume and TONS of makeup!!! and its not even like she cant afford it! her parent are so rich and she gets a hundred dollar allowance every two weeks! so i was like woooow. ummmm...thats not smart. you sure take something worth a couple bucks just for the rush or what ever. but all that! NO! i mean if she gets caught she is in serious trouble! we we went to marshalls and she took so much stuff again! i get taking something rlly cheap once in a while for fun but i think that she does this every day and i am really worried she is going to get caught! i want to get her to stop, but i dont know how? or should i just leave her alone? thanks for helping!

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • How many calories burnt in an hour of walking?

    so i weigh 102lbs im 5'4 and im 14. so i just want to burn some fat on my stomach and i walked for about 4 hours yesterday, and i was just wondering how many calories i burnt? i walked at 6 kilometers per hour. i walk pretty fast. i know doing the sprint and the walking thing is more effective, but i just wanted to know how many i burnt yesterday! thanks!!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • how to make friends at a new school?

    hey so i've been attending a private girls school for my whole life. I am in grade 9 right now(14) next year i will be 15. So in my class there are literally only 7 the whole grade. the whole high school is only 41 i am used to being with the same people since i was 4. I am going to North Toronto Collegiate next year, and i am pretty scared! i dont want to get sucked into drugs(i had a friend who went there for grade 10, then she started drugs, and she got pregnant and it was a whole mess.) so i dont want to do all that. How can i be not a looser, but not a slut or druggy? i dunno...i am not a looser. i do crazy **** everyday. but there is a different between doing something your not supposed to that will make a great story,and doing something actually bad you know? so i was just wondering if there are those middle ground kind of people...and how do i become friends with them? i must sound pathetic.. sorry! but i am nervous! thanks so much!

  • Get rid of my flabby stomach?

    hey! so i'm 14 and 5'4(yeah i know i'm short), and i weigh 101 pounds. im not underweight...well technically i am, but i have always been in the same percentile, so its just natural for me to be this weight. ok. so i know i'm not fat, im pretty skinny, but i have a bit of a flabby stomach! i have been doing a lot of ab building workouts, but it doesnt actually burn off my fat...i just build muscle under i was just wondering how i can burn of my winter fat during march break! thanks!!!!!oh and also, i feel like i have been eating more fatty foods then usual, so i havr cut back A LOT in the past month, but i was just wondering if any of you know how you know if a food has too much fat in it? because i get the whole calories thing but i dont get it when a food says 14% that too much or what? i dont know! so ya...thats about all.....THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years ago
  • how to keep a TINY shared room clean!?

    hi!!! so my room is really really small(10 by 7) and i share it with my little sister(10) and i am 14. we share a dresser, and i have two drawers and she has 3, and there is no closet space because my mom puts all of her clothes in our room, and so i have no where to put ANY of my things. we have a bunk bed so that leaves some more space, but then we have the desk and dresser and they take up the whole room. if i look around the room, i cant see the base of the wall anywhere. it wouldnt be too much of a problem, but we have a balcony in our room, and the big *** window takes up about 3 ft off the 7 foot wall so we cant really put anything in front of it. i keep trying to get my mom to let me get rid of the desk since nobody ever uses it, but she wont let me. i also have no room to add any more storage so...does anyone have any ideas? thanks so much!

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry8 years ago
  • Should this bother me?

    So I am 14, and my mom has had a boyfriend for about three years now, and he is moving in with us. should i be upset by this?i like him WAY more than my biological father, because he was abusive, so duh i hated him. but should i be upset of whatever? cuz my sister is, and i was just wondering i i shud be to...thnx!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating8 years ago
  • Are the kids at private schools that much diferent then at public schools in Toronto, ON?

    hey! so i have gone to a private school in toronto for my whole life, but now there are only FIVE people in my class, and next year two are leaving, and those two are my best friends. we also kinda don't have enough money for it now that our dad left, and my mom doesn't want to send me to school because she thinks that public school kids are all dumpy. WHAT??? so now she wants to HOMESCHOOL me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i know that the kids aren't that different at all, but she wont listen! she is pretty judgmental. she also wants to send me to one of those small public schools...they are called alternative i think? does anyone know any good alternative schools, or go to one? the ppl arent THAT different right? HOW CAN I PROVE IT TO MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

  • Dear athiests; what do u think?

    Hey guys! So this isnt another stupid 'why dont you beleive' post, i just was wondering what you think happens after you die. I just want to know because i have always been so scared, and i want to have complete faith in heaven and god, but its just really hard you know? Please dont say anything mean cuz my faith is literally all i have right now! Thanks!!

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Can you still have a rosary if you arent catholic?

    Hi! So i am protestant, and i really really would like a rosary to well...say the rosary on and just to remind me of god. But i dont know if i am not supposed to have one...because i know that i am not supposed to go to is it the same kind of thing? Thanks! And if it is ok to get one, where can i in toronto? Thank you!

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Catholic lezbian!?!plz help me!!!?

    Hey guys!

    So my very best friend finally accepted/told me that she is gay. I dont have a problem with it, but she is catholic! Not just catholic but opis dei. In case you dont know what that is, its pretty much one step less religious then becoming a nun. No birth control allowed, so every body has like 14 kids. Thats pretty much my impression. Im not putting it down so dont be mad at me or anything thats just all i rlly know about my friend just told me she is lez and she is so scared of what her parents will do! She is the 3rd oldest of 14 kids, and she we r 16. She is just crying all the time now, and i am so worried for her. Her dad is really strict and her oldest sister wasnt allowed to go to college after highschool. When she was 19 her dad made her marry some guy, and now she is preggers, so as you can see, this is a VERY old fashioned family! We have been best friends scince we were 4, and i love her like a sister and i am so worried scince her father is abusive sometimes. What do u think i should do for her? Do you know what she should do? Thank you so much! And i dnt even get what is wring with being gay...god made them that way! Just becuz they cant have babies dant make it wrong. It is about their souls not their bodies!!!!!!it makes me mad

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality8 years ago
  • Is my family weird? What do i do?

    Hey! I am 14 and i live in a five bedroom house with two bathrooms. I have 11younger siblings and 6 older. We are 8 girls and 10 boys. The youngest was just born. Everyone at school tells me that my famile is so weird. Oh ya, there is only one set of twins. They are seven. The oldest is 20. We are all biological siblings.i share a room with 3 sisters. In another room there are four of my other sisters, in another room five boys in another room five boys in the last room my parents. There is a girls bathroom and a boys bathroom. Every time people come to my house they make fun of me and say my mom is a ****. My oldest sister(20) works and still lives with us. I dont want to have to stay here after i graduate. I am working to go to colle ge on scholarship. Everytime i tell my parents they get really mad. Is my family weird and what should i do?

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago