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I need help getting a part time job!?
1 AnswerLaw & Legal7 years agoWhat's a good laptop to buy?
I'm looking for a new laptop because my current one, an asus is really on it's last leg. It works great my screen is just falling off on one side like on the hinge. And the screen edges are cracking off. If there's a cheap cheap way to fix that let me know, otherwise I'd like some suggestions on a new laptop to buy. preferably under 200$. It has to have a CD insert thing. I've been looking at best buy and walmart online but i know nothing about computers and don't want to pick a bad one. I'm also thinking about a tablet too so any suggestions you have for those would be useful too! thanks!
1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks7 years agoCareer project-Interior Design?
I'm doing a career project for school (i'm a sophomore) and I have some questions about the interior designing career.
-What's a company that would hire an interior designer? is there like a company that hires a bunch of interior designers and then you get individual jobs from there or do you have to find your own clients to work for?
-I'm not a really great drawer, but i could put together a room using a software on like an ipad or something. Since technology is getting bigger do I necessarily need to be a good drawer for it?
-If you have a job in this field what are some skills that you've learned to be good for this job?
-Any other general info you'd like to add would be appreciated too! Thanks:D
2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling8 years agoAt charlotte russe do you have to bein college to get the student discount?
I'm in high school. Do you have to be in college to get the student i.d discount?
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories8 years agoHow do i turn off my mouse pad on my asus laptop?
I am trying to turn off my mouse pad because i just got a mouse for it and nothing is working. I'm clicking fn and the button with the little picture of a mouse pad and nothing is happening. i have also gone to the menu in control panel to turn it off there and still nothing is happeneing. ive clicked turned off when usb mouse plugged in and just plain out disabled it and still nothing. Please help!?!
4 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks8 years agoHow do you make money from making youtube videos?
My sister and I are thinking about setting up a youtube account. We'd like to make money while doing it. We've watched some videos and stuff but we're still really confused. I know that adsense ad a partner ship are 2 different things. At least i think so. But from adsense do you make money from people watching your videos or just them clicking the ads that are on the videos? Can someone just please explain this whole thing to me? I'm so confused. LOl thanks in advance :D
6 AnswersYouTube8 years agoWhere to sell Handmade items?
My sister and I are thinking about making doll clothes and selling them. We're not really sure on how to do that. Does anyone have any advice at all on doing it?
3 AnswersOther - Business & Finance8 years agoCan someone help me with my sewing machine?
I'm having some issues with my sewing machine This is the sewing machine i have:
It's not letting me back stitch and when you sew foward it goes a little fast even when its on the slowest speed. Does anyone know what could be wrong? I'm hoping it's nothing serious
1 AnswerHobbies & Crafts8 years agoI need some fabric suggestions for sewing!?
Hi! I'm going to be getting a sewing machine for my birthday and I already have some projects in mind, which of course i can't do without fabric! I don't know what any fabric is called and i'm just looking online at some deals i could maye find, so i really need names. I'm wondering what the fabric in this video would be called- - Also do you have any suggestions for types of fabric i should maybe buy just to haave around? Thanks!
3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years agoSewing machine suggestions?
Hey everyone! I'm thinking about getting a sewing machine for my birthday and I need some help on which one to get. I'll be 15 and I have never really sewn anything except for a pillow case and some pin cushions in our home and careers class for school. I'm looking to maybe make some clothes or thigns from jeans or something. With the facts that I'm a beginner, and looking to make clothes do you have any suggestions for sewing machines? It can't be too costly either. Thanks!
4 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years agoIs there something i can use to mix songs together?
I'm making a cheer mix for a friend and I have the songs edited and everything I just need something to put the together with. DOes anyone know of a good program i can use? For free?
1 AnswerOther - Electronics8 years agoMultiple questions for computer space..?
I'm in need of computer space (I have only 1.70 ish gb). I was going through my progams and feautres to see what i could unistall and i noticed there were some random microsoft things in there. So i searched them on my computer and now i've come up with almost 38,000 results for :microsoft" . they're folders with things that have names as a bunch of letters and I think they are application extension maybe? I only clicked one to open it and that's what it said. My question is do I need these and if i delete them will I have more computer space? I still want to have microsoft word though. I have the starter version for word only if that makes a difference, I don't have the excel or whatever.
3 AnswersOther - Computers8 years agoWhat Verizion phone would you reccomend?
I dropped my phone the pool and now it doesn't work so i'm looking for a new one. I'm planning on getting it through ebay, so what phone would you recommend? I had the octane and might just get that again but I was also looking at the Rival. If you know any good phone models let me know please :)
1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans9 years agoHow do i get pee smell out of carpet?
My dog peed in my room and it's happened before but never smelled unless you left something in the area over night. Now i smell it when walking around my room! What's the best way to get this smell out? It's old carpeting and most likely in the padding. My sister ha d this problem and nothing ever worked but hers was way worse and she ended up getting new flooring.. >.< Help pleaseeee!
6 AnswersCleaning & Laundry9 years agoZynga Sucks. Ever had this happen to you?
Hi guys. this isn't exactly a question but i feel that it needs to be shared. I playED Yoville (zynga game). I was in loe with it and i had so many items and had bought yocash for it and it was just fun. So one day (about a wek ago) I go on like normal after school and my account for yoville was closed. At first i was like what? and i thought it was just an error. So i refresh and its still there. So i email zynga telling them my problem. Wanna know what they told me? That I was flagged for violating the TOS and they can not reopen my account in any way. I was like. W.T.F. I Have neer done anything to go against the game! I told them this and a lot of you are probably thinking what they said back- We don't just close accounts for no reason. And they claim they can't tell me an exact reason why it was closed. I was (and still am) FURIOUS. It wasn't fair. Basically, Moral of the story- Zynga stole money from me for no reason. Anyone else ever had a similar experience? How did you feel? Did you get your account back? Please no rude comments or anything. I just wrote this to express how i feel about Zynga and wonder if anyone else has ever hd this happen to them. Have a great day everyone -Unless you're from zynga. Zynga can be shoved off a cliff.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys9 years agoWho did you call when you had info on jews during WW2?
Im doing a project and I made a little wanted thing for it and I'm wondering- During WW2 when people who had information on Jews in hiding, who did they call? Did they actually call or did they go somewhere and tell someone? Was there a number if they did call? Please answer- Best one gets 10 pts! :)
5 AnswersHistory9 years agoWhat helps you tan?????????//?
With spring break and vacation coming up I was hoping to get a little color before being pretty white/colorless. Normally i just burn instead of tan or nothing happens. Is there anything I can do to help me tan? - Please no negative comments. Thanks (:
2 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style9 years agoI need some homework help please (:?
I have a few questions i just cant seem to find on the internet for social studies. If you have any answers please share! These are all 1920's question btw.
1. What was "coolidge prosperity"? What created it?
2. What was the harlem renaissance and why was it so noteworthy?
3. why did america want to have a limited role in forgien affairs? why did it want to stay isolated?
2 AnswersHomework Help9 years agoEnglish to Spanish translation Help Needed!?
I'm making a spanish menu and I want the name of the resturant to be Spanish Frenzy. I tried a translator and when i entered just frenzy i got Frenesi but when i entered SPanish frenzy i got locura esponla. can Someone you is actually good at Spanish please help me translate it? Thanks (:
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay9 years agoI need help making a countour map.. :)?
I'm making a contour map for science out of cardboard so it has layers for each elevation. they contour interval is 20 meters. The highest point is 127m. Do I need to go to 120m or 140m? Thankss :)
1 AnswerGeography9 years ago