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I am a garden consultant,and specialize in tropical gardening. I live in mx. . Last book "Puerto Vallarta in my memories" the history of P.V. were I live parttime. I like Isabel Allende novels. At the moment I´m developing a botanical garden for an interactive museum for children. Ienjoy your page and have gotten some very interesting answers,and like answering some questions when I can. Thank you ,Hills
¿how long should my min. schnauzer´s nails be?
She´s 11, and licks the top of her paws. a lot.. could her nails be too long and hurting. should I cut them even if they bleed?
1 AnswerPerros8 years agoHow much of an electro-magnetic field does a lap top have.?
Sometimes my legs feel funny after i use my lap computer.
1 AnswerPain & Pain Management9 years agoWhat is caster sugar?
3 AnswersCooking & Recipes9 years agoLooking to help, don´t have a question.This is for Yahoo.?
I just wanted to tell you that the spelling is wrong, it´s Manzanillo not Mazanillo. Thanks
3 AnswersMazanillo9 years agoLooking to help, don´t have a question.?
I just wanted to tell you that the spelling is wrong, it´s Manzanillo not Mazanillo. Thanks
1 AnswerMazanillo9 years agoI´m looking for a word.?
Pedagogue, OK, found that one, but can´t find "anagogue" Can you help me here? It is in this context:
"Thompson is propably understood in this light, for behind every pedogogue stands an anagogue telling him he is wrong."
1 AnswerWords & Wordplay9 years agoWhat can I do with some really old books?
I inherited some old books, not in great shape, some are 100 and more years old. I would like to sell them. What to do.
2 AnswersBooks & Authors9 years ago¿Estoy buscando una palmera ·Coco de Mere" para un jardin Botanico en Culiacan Mx.?
Cualquier info es bienvenida. Gracias.
1 AnswerBotánica9 years ago¿Estoy buscando una palmera Coco de mere ( Lodoicea maldivica) para un jardin botánico en Culiacan Mx.?
He encontrado quien los vende en Tailandia, pero busco la posibilidad de algo cerca.Agradesco cualquier imformación. Gracias.
1 AnswerPaisajismo9 years agoI would like to buy a Coco de Mere palm for a botanical garden in tropical mex.?
If anyone has any idea who might have one for sale. I want the plant not the seed. Thanks.
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape9 years agoHow many different kinds of oregano are there?
I have the greek or italian O. from the mint fam., and the mexican O. from the lantana fam.; but I also have a succulent, soft green plant with a very mild oregano flavor that I use in salads raw, and I don´t know what it is. Can you help me, thanks.
2 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years agoCarpenter bees, what to do?
There are carpenter bees perferating our log cabin. Something humane please.
4 AnswersGarden & Landscape9 years agoI have to make a typical Russian garden and I cannot find any useful info.?
I have to do this garden in a sub tropical climate .Maybe if some one tell me about the national flower, or tree, a famous garden ,etc, any suggestion would be appreciated, thanks.
1 AnswerGarden & Landscape9 years ago¿La mesa de mi comedor tiene manchas blancas por ponerle platillos caliente.?
¿Tengo que darle un acabado nuevo o hay algun remedio rapido y barato?. Mil gracias de antemano por sus consejos.
1 AnswerMantenimiento y Reparación10 years agohow can I remove white spots from dining room table?
the spots are from hot dishes
1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry10 years agoHow do I plant a sweet potato?
I would like to grow sweet potatoes, the one I planted roated.
4 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago¿necesito el poema de "El Oceano Pacifico" creo que es de Pablo Neruda?
No lo encuentro. Empieza: El oceano pacifico, tan grande, profundo etc. etc.... no cabia en ningun lado entonces Dios lo puso aqui en mi ventana. Es todo de lo que me aacuerdo. AUXILIO
2 AnswersPoesía1 decade agoIs Mexico considered north or central America?
11 AnswersGeography1 decade agoschnauzer with alergies?
Our schauzer licks her paws constantly, sometimes until they´re almost raw. we have tried shampoos, alergy med., cortizon, even homeopathic cures and other alternative med to no avail. Vets say it is not fungal .Help.
2 AnswersDogs1 decade ago