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  • Why didn't my teacher do anything?

    As a child, I was bullied all throughout elementary school (I'm not even gonna talk about middle school). It was hell on Earth for a kid like me. All the girls would pick on me, every one of them, even in class when we would help the teacher out! Like I mean it when I say that most people in class bullied me. Only three didn't do much, but they still annoyed me. Everyone also practically made me watch as my first and only crush during elementary school was hitting on another girl who bullied me. They were like "Ema! Look what Drake is doing!" One girl was my friend but suddenly turned her back on me. I even helped another girl being bullied and she found a group and ditched me. I am now positive, looking back at it, that the teacher knew I was being bullied. Why didn't he do anything? It bothers me greatly to think about it, but the thoughts don't leave my head. I have so many bitter feelings toward these people. And to make matters worse, my teacher, in front of one of the bullies, asked me to be his teacher's pet. That was weird and it led to more bullying. I know I wasn't exactly NORMAL as a kid. I liked acting out the cartoons I watched, I was also submissive and a doormat. But my behavior wasn't so strange that it was scary or weird. I just feel hurt and confused. Why was I the only target other than the annoying guys (but that was expected since girls didn't like guys at that age)?

    1 AnswerFriends7 years ago
  • How can I not have my veins showing?

    Sorry for the wording of the question. I know this is not something serious. I just don't find it attractive. My veins are clearly visible on my breasts, and I was wondering if anyone has some sort of method I can use to make them not visible. Maybe it is because I am almost a size D cup, but I don't want that to be the case because then it won't be manageable. Gah! If anyone has any tips, please let me know. Thanks! 😅

    PS: I am a little paler in the chest area, but I am afraid to suntan because with me being pale, I fear getting some sort of skin or breast cancer.

    1 AnswerOther - General Health Care7 years ago
  • Can anyone answer this question?

    I have had it. I have so had it. I feel very hated and disrespected, and I want to know why. Why can't I be open about my religion (Greek Orthodox) like atheists are? For example, I hang out with a lot of people. How come (even on this site dang it!) atheists can go on and on about how Christians are supposedly idiots? (BTW, I have a 4.2 GPA. I am by no means an idiot.) And watch. One Christian can make a remark, such as post a psalm or something, and all hell breaks loose. I want to voice my opinions that involve my religion freely, but it's become somewhat taboo to even mention anything Christian. Why do atheists treat Christians this way when they don't like being treated like that too? They are hypocritical, judgemental, rude, and overall unpleasant. Well, most of them as far as I have experienced. My question is why? Why do atheists behave that way? And don't say it is because they are hurt. Many an atheist has hurt me, but I am intelligent enough to not judge their beliefs. I do, however, judge how they behave, which is disrespectful to me and other people. How do you expect to get respect when you can't even respect someone who believes in God? I am so disappointed with how people can think they are more intellectual than others just because they don't believe in God. I just feel like saying, "Wow. Big deal." I know that would be rude, but it hurts, and I want all people to get off their high horse and realize how bigoted they have become ( Christians too).

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Where can I sell clothes?

    I want to sell some clothes, but I didn't make them. I know sites like Etsy let you sell clothes that you made only. Does anyone know of a good site that lets me sell clothes and accessories that I did not make? (Maybe amazon or eBay, but I am not sure....) Experts on this, help me out please?

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories7 years ago
  • How can I help my sister?

    Okay, please don't shoot me down, Atheists. My sister has been doubting Christianity and doesn't speak so well about God. She says He is bad for letting suffering happen to good people. I can't give her evidence, and I would be willing to do anything to get her to go to heaven. I worry that her lack of faith will not get her there. And now I am crying because I love my sister, and I would NEVER wish Hell upon her or purgatory. Please help me, if possible. I am very shaken up and afraid for her. Please, Atheists, if you have nothing good to say of God, don't post here. I am very scared and the last thing I need is people trying to frighten me about my sister. Please, I really care for and love my sister. Help please. And thank you in advance.

  • Is it okay to cough blood?

    I had a sore throat and headache, dizzyness, fever, and eye ache yesterday. Today I have an eye ache and sore throat, as well as minor ear pain. I keep spitting up really yellow mucus with blood on it. Like pinkish red blood, really light. My throat hurts and feels scratchy so maybe it's just throat irritation. I wanted to get everyone's opinion because I would rather put off going to my doctor because I don't feel he takes my conditions THAT seriously.

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases7 years ago
  • Why is this happening?

    I have chest congestion, so I am constantly forcing mucus out of my throat.

    Anyway, now whenever I drink water I experience a sensation somewhat similar to drowning. I can't really explain, but it is scary. I took a fairly small gulp of water like I regularly do. And I just reacted how one would react if they just dunked their heads in a tub of water. Yeah, the whole wide eyed, deep wheezy breath, and panic. Can someone explain why this is happening?

    1 AnswerOther - Health7 years ago
  • Can someone give me good advice here?

    Please, no spam/trolling. This is serious. I have had this problem ever since elementary school, even now in college. I am very ashamed to tell people where I am from. I have been lying about my ethnicity since elementary school. It has come to a point in which I am not THAT ashamed anymore, but here is the problem. I have lied to all of my friends, teachers, peers etc. about my nationality and now if I say the truth, I will be treated badly and questioned. I know that if I don't wany to admit anything, then I have to lie. But is there any other way? I am so desperate. Help, please.

    Btw, I say I am English, but I am actually not. I don't feel comfortable saying where I am from on the internet.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Can someone give me good advice here?

    Please, no spam/trolling. This is serious. I have had this problem ever since elementary school, even now in college. I am very ashamed to tell people where I am from. I have been lying about my ethnicity since elementary school. It has come to a point in which I am not THAT ashamed anymore, but here is the problem. I have lied to all of my friends, teachers, peers etc. about my nationality and now if I say the truth, I will be treated badly and questioned. I know that if I don't wany to admit anything, then I have to lie. But is there any other way? I am so desperate. Help, please.

    Btw, I say I am English, but I am actually not. I don't feel comfortable saying where I am from on the internet.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • Why am I urinating so often?

    I have, for the past week, been urinating every hour or half-hour. I don't know why, but I think it may be tea because I have been drinking at least two cups a day for a few years now. It never happened to me while I drank the tea, I don't know.

    I was hoping someone could maybe guess or whatnot because if it isn't serious, I won't go to the doctor.

    4 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • How do I put down some bullies?

    Okay, first of all, this isn't a serious case. It's just a problem that arose over an arguement my friends and bullies 1&2 had. They decided to start picking on me over my friends. The deal is that I am tough, but sensitive. I cried today in front of my teacher... it was humiliating, but they treated me like I was a flea and hang on to every word I say. I won't even be talking to them in the first place! I just want to find a way to put THEM down. If anyone has an idea, please tell me! I would so very sincerely appreciate any advice given. (No trolls please)

    13 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Why is my heart beating so quickly?

    I think I might be getting sick as I had/have a fever and feel dizzy. Is it normal to have rapid heartbeat and difficulty breathing? I'm really worried.

    2 AnswersHeart Diseases8 years ago
  • Is there something wrong with my sister?

    She told me that when she would get sick, she would see a toothpick that multiplies and would come at her to attack her. That would happen whenever she closes her eyes. She would at times wake up sweating heavily.There was one time in particular when she was laying down (eyes closed). She felt like her eyes were open. While her eyes were closed, she could see the room. She saw a shape that looked like a toothpick. It then started multiplying and charged at her. She tried opening her eyes but couldn't because she didn't know whether or not they were open or closed. When she did open her eyes, she started breathing heavily. She was 11 at the time. Now she's 13 and she is wondering what it was that happened to her. This hasn't happened since she was 11, but it's still strange and shouldn't be happening. I hope I put in enough info.

    1 AnswerMental Health8 years ago
  • Why on earth am I unable to touch paper?

    Well, to put it plain and simple, I have been unable to touch paper since I was eight ir so. Maybe younger. It's like I get a feeling of irritation or I get queasy in my stomache. When I am doing homework and I have to wash my hands for whatever reason, I feel annoyed. It gets in the way of my life. I cant even put on my clothes after I get out of the shower correctly because they irritate me. Yeah, anything irritates me. I'm scared it'll come to a point in which I can't touch anything.

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions8 years ago
  • Is this a dangerous thing?

    I have a small maybe 2inch wide and 1 cm long bump from my stomache. I don't know how it came to be, but I can remember having it since I was 11 or 12, maybe earlier. Is this dangerous? Should I get medical help?

    2 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Can anyone tell me their thoughts about this?

    Okay, thank you for your time. Here's the question. Why is it that when a man sleeps with over 10 women, he is a player and admired, but when a woman sleeps with over 10 men, she is a whore or slut? I am confused.... Please give me decent reasons, not "cuz dudes rule". That isn't true. We're equal.

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture8 years ago
  • Why did I get abused at such a young age?

    I was abused verbally, emotionally, and a few times physically. It wasn't by my relatives, but my "friends" in elementary school. We were classmates, but it felt like they formed a huge group consisting of the whole class, save for a few people who weren't even my friends and I hardly talked to. They would push me, call me stupid and a loser who needs friends, they would hurt my feelings every day. I didn't want anyone to know because I would be humiliated. They even went so far as to tell my mom that I told them I hated her. When I found her, she was in tears and told me what happened. After that, I was furious because they can hurt me all they want, but doing anything to my mom would have been too far. They even once wouldn't let me sit down on a bench near them and would block me from getting through. I was crying afterwards and they acted like they didn't see me. I hoped the teacher would notice and if he didn't, then he's pretty ignorant. I know one reason was because I was ALWAYS getting the highest score in class for everything and in every grade I was in. I want to just say that I have been with most of those people through 1-5th grade. I am in 10th grade now and the past has haunted me for all I can remember. I want to let go, but I can't. I have anxiety and OCD and those conditions don't make a thing better. I am not suicidal and I am overall a happy person, but to be truly happy, I feel as if I have to let go.

    7 AnswersPsychology8 years ago
  • Untrustworthy friends?

    My friends are, I don't know, being rude and hurtful. I can't put it into words that are clear. An instance, for example, is when we are hanging out at lunch. They break off into conversations about being together and everything even after high school and college. When I ask if I could join along, they say no or tell me that they will ditch me. I only wish they were kidding. One of my friends doesn't really like me and I know it, she just says she does because she doesn't want to appear mean, yet I know she has told one of my friends that I was a b****, I think that was the word used. I get talked about behind my back not by strangers, but my actual friends. I am sad and I feel angry with them and I want to leave them, but I do know they show their good side a lot, too. I am so confused. Also, I don't like being alone and they're the only people I am with at lunch and only one of my friends has been true to the end.

    5 AnswersFriends8 years ago
  • Why do my eyes tear up frequently?

    My eyes tear up frequently. They usually tear up when I am laying down on my sides. They have been sensitive lately, like if a bit of wind touches my eyes, I tear up. It isn't common in me and I am slightly concerned. I went to the eye doctor for an appointment for my new glasses and he performed a test with a red bright light and my eyes were teary so much afterwards, but he said my eyes are healthy.

    Can anyone help?

    If you must know, my age is 15 and I am a female.

    3 AnswersOther - Health8 years ago
  • Why does this happen to me?

    I never do anything bad on purpose. When my sister does, though, I'm the one treated like crap. My parents don't give a fudge what she says. It only matters how I react to it.

    My sister said that I'm going to grow up selling drugs on the street and go to jail. I asked her why she'd say things like that and she said that if I keep being an asshole, I'll be a convicted felon in no time. I then got really mad and hit her on her arm and pulled her hair. My dad came in and started to yell at me. My mom got mad at me and when I tried to explain what happened, my sister told on me.

    I honestly don't know why I got in trouble with my parents. They said it was because I was the older one. I have no control over my sister. She does what she wants and doesn't give a cr@p what others think. That's good, but not if it means bullying my parents into doing whatever she wants. Even though they know she's mean, I'm always in trouble. What should I do now? I seriously need help.

    2 AnswersFamily9 years ago