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Favorite Answers22%
  • Did you think the ads from the first half of the SB were a little anti-women?

    Just some of them...

    My husband agreed. Of course, I MADE him agree with me, bc like all men he's henpecked...

    Advertisers do realize women watch the super bowl, don't they?

    4 AnswersFootball (American)1 decade ago
  • My friend will probably lose custody of her child-what do I say?

    This is my old college roommate. We communicate via email (live several states apart.)

    Her son is twelve. The father has always been involved. He lives eight hours from her. He is married, no kids. He has a good living, and good employment skills, and I believe his wife stays at home.

    My friend can't keep a job, despite some technical computer skills, and she can't manage money well. She never keeps an apartment for more than seven or eight months. (She gets evicted for non-payment of rent.) She's burned a lot of landlords where she lives-so she's living in an extended stay hotel right now, having just been evicted again.

    She has switched the kid's schools back and forth, depending on where she's working and where she lives. She struggles to buy wholesome food.

    (As you might have guessed, she has some emotional issues. She has been a rougher parent at times, to the point where we've offered to have the kid visit us for a few months, but she wouldn't take us up on the offer. She does love him. She just doesn't have the skills to care for him properly. The kid wants to stay with her, not the dad.)

    So, the father has decided to fight for custody. She is, of course, devastated. It's so painful. She is going to fight him. She has all her arguments lined up, but she can't see how horrible her case looks. I just can't see how she's going to win.

    I honestly think the father can do a better job than she can. But I can't say that---that's the cruelist thing you can say to a woman: "You're not a good mom." I want to be supportive. I'd like to ease her pain if I could. I just don't even know what to do.

    2 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Would you drink your kopi luwak coffee?

    I got some for Christmas. It's the perfect gift because I'm absolutely insane about coffee. Or so I thought. I just can't see drinking something that something pooped out. I also like the idea of "having" it. Ya can't have your "World's most expensive coffee" and drink it, too, right? But my son got it for me, and I would like to drink it bc it'd make him happy and he went through some expense and trouble to get it for me.

    I have enough to drink a cup and "have" the rest. I am willing to try new things, but... cat poop coffee??

    2 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks1 decade ago
  • What do you call those package slings that Bruno wore?

    The ones that wrap around a guy's neck and have a couple of strings down to a "junk box"

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What is Irish Cream? What is it made of?

    Is it always a liquor? What makes it *Irish* creme?

  • Did you break up with your spouse while dating?

    Are you happily married?

    It seems to me that lots of us have at least a token break up before we go on to live happily ever after. Like we have to test ourselves, or something. Is it true?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Am I being petty? I would like a thank -you.?

    At my work we don't have housekeeping, and are supposed to clean up after ourselves. The bathrooms are supposed to be cleaned by the night crews, but only some crews were doing it, and some guys were trashing the place, so everyone stopped doing it.

    There are only three women at my work. I clean up the bathroom for us three, even though it's really not my job. It's decently clean.

    The men? They trash their bathroom and it doesn't get cleaned for months at a time.

    Now the last few weeks the men have started to come in and use ours for showers a couple of times, since theirs is trashed. Yes, they've left it in a rougher state.

    Yesterday I was not busy, so I went in and cleaned their bathroom up. It was really bad. I didn't get the floor done, but did get the rest done, including wiping pee off the walls.

    Here's my beef: Several guys saw me cleaning the bathroom so I know they know who did it. Not a one said thank you, other than a contract employee who came in for a few days work.

    I know a dirty bathroom wasn't killing them. I know they never asked me to clean it. But it was still work, it wasn't my job, and it was not something that benefited me-it was just to be nice to them. Why the heck couldn't they at least say thank you? I'm not so generous I wouldn't like a little acknowledgment...

    Am I being petty for being miffed?

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • why won't you pick a best answer?

    I have so many questions out there that are in a tie-breaker. Some I don't even have a vote on my own answer; so it's not about the points.-I just want them finished up!

    C'mon-it's fun to pick the best answer-it's like being president for a minute!

    So, if you don't pick a best answer, how come?

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Did my boss give me permission to interfere?

    I have, in the past, gone to my boss on other people's behalf. I get along with him pretty well, (I think), and I'm not sure all my co-workers feel comfortable going to him. Usually he doesn't change his mind, but at least he listens, and sometimes I can soften an ***-chewing for a co-worker. These guys never ask me to, and don't know I'm doing it...

    So, I have begun initiating these conversations by saying, "You know how I like to stick my nose where it doesn't belong..." And he answers, "Yes."

    I've taken this as permission to continue and thus I do.

    Do you think I'm ticking him off? (I know I'm butting in...) Do you think I'll start to do harm for my co-workers?

    (Next question: Do you think I'm a co-dependent freak?)

    2 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What is the highest percentage of best answers you've seen?

    I saw a guy (Lord B Bobblebottom Lobe V, or something), who had 40%! He's a level two. Other than that I've seen a 25% and a 24--and the higher ones are usually higher levels...

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Is it, "Speak now or forever hold your 'peace' or 'piece'?

    And what is the explanation of that wording?

    4 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • What's a good movie to watch when you're feeling blue?

    My hubby is watching "IT". It's okay, but not what I'm looking for right now. I'm thinking something sweet or something funny. Suggestions?


    26 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • You ever meet someone who has completely different views and values than you &you still just really like them?

    I guess sometimes we're able to connect in a small but important way. I never know what that way is...

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • What traits do you hate in others? What traits do you hate in yourself? Are they the same?

    My brother says the stuff we hate in others is what we really hate in ourselves. It's been true for me. And, the things about myself I merely wish were different, I find I'm very understanding about in other people, even if I don't like that about myself.

    So, what do you think?

    1 AnswerOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • What is your definition of feminism?

    Just a little time on G&WS tells me we all have different definitions. By my definition, there is nothing by which to be alarmed or offended or dismayed. There's nothing to hate. But there is so much hatred for feminists--why is that?

    In my definition, women and men each get to realize their potential, and get treated with the same respect. We don't have to have the same goals, just the same opportunities. We have the same responsibilities towards other people, too.

    My husband doesn't feel the slightest bit threatened by the word. Is my definition too loose?

    10 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • What is your feminist story?

    Here's mine: In the seventies, we were farming and not bringing in enough money, so one parent needed to go to work. Most farming folks would send the wife into town to work. But women didn't have the options for decent paying jobs that men had then, and even for the same job they didn't get the same pay. And in our case, my mom had grown up on a farm (with a progressive father who taught her to drive a tractor) and my dad had grown up in the city. SO--my mom climbed on the tractor and did all our farming, and my dad went to work driving a truck.

    You got to know this was an oddity. Newspapers would periodically do articles on it, and I KNOW my dad would have taken crap about it in this small community. My dad was very independent, and I'm sure his reaction was the polite version of "F off".

    Anyway--that's how I grew up--with two practical, feminist parents. I still think it's cool.

    4 AnswersGender Studies1 decade ago
  • Married People: have you ever really shocked your spouse? How?

    I offered to make his lunch tomorrow. He was speechless. I still don't know if he was teasing me or not.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago