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Lv 617,575 points

Mom of 2 w/ PCOS

Favorite Answers27%

Hi, I am 28 y/o and I am happily married with a 7year old son and a 1 year old girl I have pcos, I conceived both of my kids with fertomid (a generic form of clomid). I

  • Should a husband introduce his wife to his business partner (woman).?

    To avoid any confusion, should a man properly introduce his wife to his business partner?

    11 AnswersMarriage & Divorce4 months ago
  • 3 reasons why sex education SHOULD NOT be taught in schools.?

    Can you give me three reasons why sex education should not be taught in schools?

    Thank you

  • 3 reasons why sex education should be taught in schools.?

    What are three reasons why sex education should be taught in schools besides to prevent pregnancy and STD's.

    Thank you for your help.

  • Can a verbal contract stands after a death?

    A husband agreed to his tenant that if they agree to make a monthly payment of $300 a month until they are able to pay off a total of $30,000 mortgage on the home, he will give them the property papers as owners.

    He died before the tenant was able to pay it off, the owner wife does not know anything about the verbal agreement and wants the tenant to leave the house.

    I no that a contract comes to an end once a party dies, but in this case, does the tenants own the home or does the wife have the rights to put them out and why?

    Was a breech made and by whom was it made by?

    Thank you

    11 AnswersRenting & Real Estate2 years ago
  • Find the LCM?

    y^2-9, y^2+10y+21, y^2+4y-21

    Thank you

    5 AnswersMathematics3 years ago
  • Help me write a thesis statement on the following please.?

    1. There are many unusual people in my family.

    2. A visit to the emergency room can be interesting.

    3. Professors should teach better.

    Thank you

    1 AnswerHomework Help3 years ago
  • Is there any good rides left at Universal Studios Orlando?

    I visited Universal Studios back in 1999 when there were good rides such as:




    Back to the Future

    I just went on their website and to my knowledge these rides are know longer there :-(

    I have never watched a Harry Potter movie a day in my life, I was hoping the theme were still going to be Nickelodeon because I am carrying my son that rather watch Nick than Disney channel.

    Is it worth spending $110 per person to go to Universal Studios?

    What are the good rides

    3 AnswersOrlando5 years ago
  • Universal Studios Orlando or Islands of Adventures?

    I will be Orlando this summer and due to the high cost of the tickets at Univerdosal, I can choose one park. Which park is better to visit.

    Universal Studios Orlando or Islands of Adventures?

    Thank you

    4 AnswersOrlando5 years ago
  • Will medicaid cover a newborn baby if mom self paid?

    Hi, will Medicaid florida cover a newborn if mom self paid?, mom is actually paying her physician and hospital fee out of pocket because she isn't a citizen as yet but dad is a u.s citizen, would the newborn baby be able to get Medicaid?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • Chance of conceiving a girl?

    I have pcos and i took clomid on days 3-7. I had sex on (cd12) and i started getting ovulation cramps on cd 13 and 14. i read that having sex before ovulation gives you a higher chance of conceiving a girl. How true is this method and would i ruin my chance of conceiving a girl if i have sex on cd 15?

    Thank you guys so much.

    I have a 3 year old son, i wouldn't mind another son. We will happy and bless with a next boy.

    2 AnswersPregnancy9 years ago
  • How to forgive and forget and be Happy?

    I am a 24 year old, just got engage to my 5 years boyfriend and the father of my 2 year old son. Last night (February 14) my fiance texted my cellphone and ask me, did i had sex with someone else whiles he was away, I told him no, which is the truth. But it seems like he's believing this other person. I did ask him for the person name who told him this, but he's not telling me.... So this morning my fiance start texting me, telling me he wants his ring back, and i'm a dirty hoe,a nasty dog and i should die from aids etc..... Its hurting my, because he's not believing me, and he's not trying to hear what i have to say, i dnt even no why would someone go out the way to even make up a story.

    Sometimes i think people who tell lies on others for there 5 minutes of fame, should worry more about how they affect the other persons life. My world is totally ruin. I am so hurt and depress, why would someone do something like this?

    I am not hurt that my fiance don't want to be with me anymore, but i am more hurt that he didnt really talk to me and that he's not believing me. And i am really more hurt that the person made up such a lie about me, I am not that type of girl, i stays out of the publics eyes, i stay to myself. I don't have any friends, i dnt keep company, i don't go out, so why would this person lie on me.

    I want to just learn how to forgive this person who ruin my name, take away my son's father, who take away my fiance, who take away the love of my life for 5 years, and who take away everything i worked hard to build. I prayed for him last night, i prayed for the lord to give me strength and to bless the person who told the lie on me and i prayed for my fiance, but its still hurting me. I am so depress.

    9 AnswersPsychology9 years ago
  • Taking provera and still no period, please help (pcos)?

    I take my last birthcontrol in august and was expecting my cycle to come but it never came. in september i went to my gyno and he perscribe provera 5mg for 5 days, and still my cycle didn't came. i went back in October and was given provera 10mg for 5 days and still no period. can someone help me and tell me what is wrong wit me or what can i do to help assist me in getting a cycle.

    i am 24 and weight 133 lbs.

    1 AnswerWomen's Health10 years ago
  • PCOS..... What should I do in order to start preparing to start TTC?

    Hi Everyone.

    I have PCOS and have been on Dianne 35 for about 3 years now. Me and hubby is planning on starting to ttc maybe around February or March of 2011. Can you guys help me out and telle me how to start preparing myself so I can have a BFP soon.

    I know the first thing I must do is quit the BCP's, which I am doing this month, I do have intentions on going to my gyno to see what else is best for me to do, but do you have any tips.

    I am currently not overweight, I am 5"0 and weigt 128 lbs, I eat healthy occasionally (I know i should be eating healthy all the time).

    Thank you

    1 AnswerTrying to Conceive10 years ago
  • Thrifty Car Rental Compact Car?

    What type of car is a compact car from Thrifty car rental in the U.S. I know it said Ford Focus, but what else is consider a compact car?

    3 AnswersOther - Cars & Transportation1 decade ago
  • Please Help me if you watch the Backup Plan movie?

    What zoe store name?

    WHat does stan sells?

    The tagline for the movie?

    What support group zoe goes to?

    Thank you in advance

    3 AnswersMovies1 decade ago
  • What would happen if your car is completly out of trasnmission oil?

    My car isn't moving at all, is my transmission gone or is it that it is completely out of transmission oil? I didn't realise that I was low on transmission oil, usually my mechanic check my car, but I wasn't aware that my oil was low.

    So my question is, do you think if i put transmission oil in my car, would it move?

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • would my finger nail grow back?

    My finger nail got broken of from the roots.There is no nail there completely. Would my finger nail ever grow back?

    3 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago