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American supermarkets come and stick a plastic bag into Uranus, did you notice or just enjoy like everyone else?
I remember everybody talking schit about to reduce plastic bag contamination and the proposal sound Wright, we all vote yes but me cuz i look like stupid but i don't believe no one.
- reduces contamination.
- weinney taylor going for more plastic that don't hard the environment.
- going to stick a dildo made up from all plastic into uranus yeaa...
People love last one and vote yes proposition 69 and if you know a little bit of economy, knows very well all supermarket charged a couple of penny in every single item to paid for papers, manufacturing and plastic bag, but now they still charging a little bit of every item but selling the plastic bags.
The plastic bags consumption reduced definitely for a short period of time i recognize that but was too short, NOW WE ALL PAYING FOR SOMETHING THAT HAVE TO BE FREE.
1 AnswerElections2 months agoI got no Facebook, Twitter and now Instagram, what am i do now?
And you people are the main problem, yes you sitting your fatazz at your chair drinking beer, watching TV or Social media chat are the reason why i ve been banned for those corporations.
Because they never rest to make our way of life according with their benefits, they kitchen laws every single day that end we our free of speech, even i don't like Donald Trump, but it's the price that we all have to paid if we believe in Free speech, but the 95% of the world population prefer to be outside to other people, region or organization problems.
But it's not because you are too smart to not being in a conflict, NOP, it's because you are to idiot to understand the meaning of the problem here.
Free speech is not a RIGHT, it is a Principle that the human kind throughout the history have been fighting for have the human Rights to says whatever he wants, right or wrong, it's not depend who
1 AnswerPersonal Finance3 months agoWhat does this means?
6 three times to the left.
28 four times to the Right.
86 three times to the left.
Just FOUND it in my death father save account at the bank. My dad never have a save box, i don't know what the hell is that.
5 AnswersPersonal Finance3 months agoFree Speech is not a RIGHT, it's a Principle. Why you won't agreed?
In all society and human kind history the free speech have been manipulated for the guy in control, now is Social Media who control what people says or don't, not depend on biggest population depending on algorithms. If i said "America is the greatest country on the world" and some guy from Russia or Sirya don't agree he will report my comment and my comment will be considered a Hate Speech thanks to Social Media algorithm, they called Community Standard policies.
That is why we have to support Free Speech like it or not.
I donow just my humble opinion, what do you think??
3 AnswersPolitics4 months agoYank-americans disrespect Mexican and all people from the Americas and defend jews against Racism, weird huh?
There is not a single year that i haven't watch a movie against the holocaust, calling all Germany Nazis, even there is a movie named "a good Germany" means like everybody that is Germans is a Bad PHUCKIN Nazi, but the 80% of Yanks population hates Mexicans and they believe that they are superior race than any Mexican or any other brown dude from Central or south America.
Phucking GRINGOS!!
2 AnswersInternational Organizations4 months agoHow you doing Barbarian Friends?
I watch on the news that you president is a Madman that is inciting all his dumbass followers to assault the white house, topical in Barbarian People, your ancestors always come out of the can hahaha.. But Media is hidden all your bullsxhit as USUAL, all American countries will be better without your influence please, build the wall but stay inside your barbarian country with your faking Democracy and Leave us alone.
2 AnswersPolitics4 months agoDo you play Lottery?
I NEVER in my life played the Lottery, i tried once but i did check that numbers don't go more than 77 and i didn't asked to anybody to not looks stupid and now that i am by the 6th innings of my life. I want to know how you picked a 94 or 89 with 77 last number.
I did went to YouTube, Google and you guys are my last choice, if i don't get to understand Lottery will be my last chance to become a millionaire.
3 AnswersGambling4 months agoHaters, Republicans, Conservatives, British, how can you Sleep by Night?
I have a sleeping disorder and i can't sleep by night, i wonder how people that hates Liberals, Comunists, Socialists, poorest people and Justin Bieber (i agreed with the last one) can sleep by night cuz u can't.
I want to know their secret and enjoy a single night cuz i haven't sleep for a very long time and i don't think in no one or organization, i just get a bed and start listing my wall clock clicking and ticking and i do sleep a couple of hours, i sleep more on the job but don't miss the point, how HATERS can sleep like a baby, could be a clear conscience?
Or probably they have a girft to hate the 90% of the world population, could be.
4 AnswersPersonal Finance5 months agoAm i the only sad person on Christmas eve?
I don't understand why people get happy and smile and hug everyone and everybody. Well i am not with either of those two guys and i try every single day of the year like it was Christmas Eve and i smile to life and the entire world and the world smile me back but, when the real Christmas comes, i feel sad for me and i don't understand those two guys, everyone and everybody are two completely fools.
I just hope this 2021 will be a better year than this one, you all have a happy schit!!
5 AnswersChristmas5 months agoWhat the Headless Horseman was thinking?
1 AnswerMythology & Folklore5 months agoI am looking for another social media, no Facebook of Twitter?
I am tired of those phuckers Facebook or Twitter where nobody can say whatever we want, Free Speech is supported by the first amendment, no one or no corporation can tell you how speak or blocked you inside of American land. If the gov can't any other company or Corporations neither can't, it's our constitutional RIGHTs.
14 AnswersFacebook5 months agoFree Speech, What does Means for You?
17 AnswersWords & Wordplay5 months agoPrima Nocte to all Republicans, Agreed?
We are going to Reinstalled an old law costum. Everytime when a Couple of Republicans get married, we are going to select a Local Democrat stallion to have Sexual Rights with the bride on the First Night of their Honeymoon.
If they don't wanna leave, we gonna lead em out.
3 AnswersPolitics5 months agoIs Donald Trump a Real Barbarians?
His Grandfather is From Germany and it is the way Romans named people from that bloodthirsty Country.
Something that spoke for him, he never started a war as the Nobel price Obama did and all President behind him, he just finished the war someone else started and try to make the deal with N. Korea, ashamed people just mentioned his Barbarians blood side, he was a Good President with Rant angry, that is all.
3 AnswersPolitics5 months ago