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Chances of me joining the Airforce because of eczema?
When i was in 16 i had eczema then went to the doc got a cream put it on for a week and never had it again what are my chances of joining the airforce i am now 21
4 AnswersMilitary4 years agoGuy wants to renege?
1 AnswerSingles & Dating5 years agoGirls what is your opinion of a guy wearing a beanie?
I started to grow my hair out to slick it Back currently it is right below my eyes so I figured I'd just throw a beanie on when I don't feel like doing my hair but want to get opinions first
7 AnswersHair5 years agowill my insurance go up?
so i was driving came to a sudden stop and accidentally put a scratch the size of a dime on someones car (im being serious) she decided to report it as a car accident and a undercover cop instantly pulled up and did not give me any ticket for the accident. But if she decides to report it to the insurance company will my insurance go up. Im not gonna lie but the scratch could be covered up with touch up paint
4 AnswersInsurance & Registration5 years agoHelp me with traffic ticket?
I recently got a citation of $130 because my inspection was up and was 4 moths over. Now im getting the inspection done asap but was wondering if there is any way that i could have it dismissed or lowered in court. Also what should i say to the judge because i never went to court before. I live in New Jersey if that matters
4 AnswersLaw & Ethics5 years agoHow should i go about this date?
So I sorta got set up with this blind date but we have been talking to each other. So i asked if she would like to meet up to go to a park but she said she does not drive and since she lives 45 min away she invited me over to her place and i said yes. Now im definitely going to go but dont know what to expect or do cause i never went to a girls house for a first date. im 20 and she is 21 and lives with her family.
2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoFor the parents out there?
So Im 19 about to be 20 in a month and my girlfriend is 20. Now i have never brought a girl home because i think they will embarrass the hell out of me and ask her a 100 questions. If i was you son in this scenario would you let his girlfriend sleep over in his room.
4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoas a server what do you say when you are left no tip?
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoshould i ask this girl to come over for christmas?
so we both work together and we are both servers and both get stuck closing so we talk a lot. but im 19 and she is 22 and i have not had a lot of experience with relationships. but im not sure if she is just being friendly or not when we talk we both talk about our lives she asks me about mine ill ask her about hers. she also touches my shoulder a lot and messes with my face. she also came over from Greece and lives alone so im sure if i asked her she would say yes i just dont know if she wants to be friends or not
2 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoshould i ask this girl to come over for christmas?
4 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agowhat is the name of this anime?
so i watched this anime movie about 7 years ago if not later and i cant remember the name all i remember though was that in the end of the movie there was a fight between 2 brothers and one of the brothers cut off his other brothers head and then started crying i know that the genre of this anime movie was action though
1 AnswerComics & Animation7 years ago