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- Martial Artist (Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Capoeira) - Oneironaut - Transpersonal spiritualist

  • Hip imbalance from hindu squats?

    Recently I was told by someone that they avoid doing the above exercise because it encourages hip imbalance. I don't exclusively do hindu squats for leg work, but I do use them from time to time. I don't have any lingering issues, but I'm just wondering: Is what this person said true (Whether this is a personal anecdote or scientific study) in your view? If it is, then how is a regular squat with a free weight or machine any better at not encouraging hip imbalances?

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Plane ticket protection help?

    I'm planning a trip in April to New Jersey from Oklahoma City. I can pay the base price (About $360 on most sites) right now, but I need a ticket with protection, because before I can go, I need approval from my job. Does anyone know of any sites or companies that cover that kind of situation under protection?

    3 AnswersAir Travel1 decade ago
  • pontiac firebird light problem?

    I have a 2000 firebird. I know that I'm due for a tune up soon, as well as some other repairs and maintenance (Such as new wiring, and fuse), but today when I switched on my lights, I could only get one to come up. It's been happening.

    Now I suspect it might have something to do with the need for new wiring, but I keep hearing squeaks and odd sounds when I attempt to turn the lights on. Does anyone have any idea what's wrong? Is there a quick solution?

    4 AnswersPontiac1 decade ago
  • Grilling/Skillet question?

    It's obviously too cold for me to use the grills I have access to, so I was planning on doing this one indoors. I have a little bit of money to spare on skillets and so forth. I was just wondering: One kind of cooking apparatus (Preferably non electric) do you recommend?

    5 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • What meditation book/cd/dvd do you recommend for a martial artist?

    I'm developing my library and semi-permanent routine right now. One thing I really regret is that even though I've been practicing on and off for nine years (With both traditional arts and combat sports), I never got into meditation, even though I always knew of its benefits. Today I was browsing through amazon and other sites looking for books on functional strength, chi development, yoga, and meditation. I've pretty much made up my mind on the former two, somewhat on the third, but I am really unsure about the last one.

    What do you recommend based on your experiences?

    1 AnswerMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • How much of the Air Force song does one have to know for Basic?

    Is it just the first Stanza? To the bridge?

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • My Air Force position?

    I signed up in January, and my guaranteed position is 1a4x1 (Air Battle Management Systems).

    I was told recently by an Airman (Just out of basic) that the position doesn't exist. He didn't tell me what I'll be, but I have an idea as of now:

    Is what he said true? If it is, is that my likely position?

    2 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • Buddhism as a concept?

    I've just been looking around a bit, and a few of the sources I read said that not all people practice Buddhism as a religion. Is that true? If it is: I'm showing some interest in it as a concept. Where do I begin? Does it conflict with religion if one has one?

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • LGBT Forums/Organizations?

    I'm a straight ally.

    I'm looking for some places to congregate, and to do some activism.

  • What is your opinion of Kyokushin Karate?

    (Non practitioners and practitioners included)

    8 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • ITF/WTF union: Three questions?

    What do you think of the idea?

    What do you think will happen with the unified TKD within the two? New techniques? Less/more rules? Grappling art promotion?

    What do you *want* to happen with the curriculum in the organizations?

    For me: Should they merger, I think there needs to be a mix of less rules in sparring, but more emphasis on it. The sine wave/non-sine wave concept is something I'm still undecided on.

    5 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What styles/concepts are mixed in the MMA school/class you go to?

    I just switched MMA schools due to one being more closer, cheaper (Actually just because of gas lol :p), and more frequent.

    The original school mixed BJJ, Muay Thai, Wing Chun, and he also has an instructor cordao in Capoeira (He taught that on the side).

    The school I went to today (That I'm most likely changing to permanently until I leave for BMT) mixes:

    Striking- American Kenpo and Kickboxing

    Grappling- Brazilian and Small Circle Jujutsu.

    What about you?

    2 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What styles do you know of that practice multiple opponent sparring?

    I've seen (Or heard of) styles that do practice it occasionally (TKD, Some karate, most combat systems, and Kajukenbo for example), but I'm no expert on the whole thing.

    I just wanted to know if your school practices multiple opponent sparring, or if you know of schools/styles that do practice with it.

    10 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Martial arts degree program?

    A few documentaries had me thinking about Yong-In university, and the like. It's a pretty new idea in the Americas I'd say, but I think a lot of people are starting to jump on the concept.

    What do you think of a martial arts degree program? There's some colleges that already have them. They are sort of hybrid with mat training, and a sort of sports medicine/martial philosophy/history mix. Not a lot of styles currently offered from what I've seen, but do you think they should start opening up, and with more variety? What are the pros and cons, in your opinion?

    6 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Information about San Shou?

    I know San Soo has been around for ages, but I've heard some weird accounts about San Shou.

    When was San Shou made?

    Where did it begin?

    What are its parent arts?

    Does it have any ground grappling?

    I've heard from some that the schools vary a lot on what they teach (Especially between the Eastern and Western world) Is this true?

    I don't take it now (No schools near me... Wah Wah Wahhhhhhhhh :p), but I'm considering it for the future as a possibility.

    2 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • When did jujutsu become ineffective?

    I understand there's various styles of it (And I know BJJ is derived from Kodokan Judo), but only until recently have I heard people claming it's suddenly ineffective. Where the hell are these people getting their facts from? LOL? :p

    12 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • Question about BJJ/Judo:?

    I'm going to be visiting a doctor soon about my knees. I don't know what's wrong with them exactly, but I might just have to switch arts. I'm just thinking about this, because I don't know what's going to happen. Just a plan in case I have to stop, or switch to arts that are easier on my knees for a few years or so.

    My question is: Is BJJ/Judo easier on the knees than a striking art with kicking? How much easier is it? What are your experiences with it? What about boxing (I haven't boxed in ages...)?

    I was planning on joining this school that teaches BJJ/Judo, or the local boxing gym where I can take BJJ and Boxing together (I don't know how my knees will like boxing, or if my Martial arts are the reason I've have problems lately for that matter).


    6 AnswersMartial Arts1 decade ago
  • What are some reasons why gay marriage is wrong?

    I'm taking the role of someone that is against it for a persuasion in public speaking. I'm actually not against it, but I had to take it because my partner and I both support it, and one of us had to take the opposing viewpoint. The only reason I can think of off the top of my head is that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, and that is something that a lot of people hold (To include imposing that on a society to this day). Part of the reason I did decide to take this role, is to add to the kind of points that people will try to use against me in regards to it: A sort of learned ability to refute from true experience on both sides if you will.

    I haven't researched it yet, but I was just wondering what are some good ideas to begin with in my search. My outline is due on Friday.

    Thanks for the help.

    2 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago