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I do my best to answer all questions as truthful as i can i try also to provide a web link to back my answer up

  • Do you know The History of the Candy Cane ?

    Christmas Symbols

    History of the Candy Cane

    The development of the candy cane took a few hundred years. Before the invention of the modern pacifier, parents used to give their babies unflavored white sugar sticks to suck on. During the 1670's a German choirmaster had the sugar sticks bent into a shepherd's staff and passed out to children attending the Christmas services. This holiday custom spread throughout Europe and fancy canes, decorated with roses, were used as Christmas decorations in many homes. About 1900 the white candy cane received its traditional red stripes and peppermint flavoring. At the same time the legend of the candy cane came into being. According to this legend, a candy maker in Indiana designed the candy cane to tell the true story of Christmas - a story about a virgin giving birth to a shepherd who would give up His life for the sheep.

    The most obvious symbolism used in the candy cane is its shape. Turned one way, it looks like a "J" for Jesus. The newborn Lamb of God was named Jesus, meaning Savior, because He was destined to "save His people from their sins." [Mt 1:21] Turned the other way, candy canes remind us of the shepherd's staff. The first people to hear of Christ's birth were shepherds guarding their flocks at night. [Lk 2:8-20] Jesus called Himself the Good Shepherd and the Bible frequently compares the actions of the Messiah to those of a shepherd searching for his lost sheep, feeding them, gently leading them, and carrying them in his bosom. [Ps 23; Jn 10:1-18; Is 40:11; Jer 31:10; Micah 5:4; Heb 13:20] The sweetness of the candy reminds us that we are fed on the sweet milk of the Gospel of our salvation and peace. [Eph 1:13; 6:15]

    The hardness of the candy reminds us that Jesus is our rock of refuge. [Deu 32:4, 15, 18; 1 Sam 2:2; 2 Sam 22:32, 47; 23:3; Psa 18:2, 31, 28:1, 92:15; 94:22; 95:1; Is 44:8] In rocky lands like Israel, people often sought shelter from their enemies in the caves or rocky crags of cliffs. Rocks also remind us of the solidness of the promises of Christ who is a precious cornerstone and sure foundation to those who follow Him, but a "stone of stumbling and a rock of offense" to those who reject His gift of peace. [1 Pet 2:6-8]

    The whiteness of the candy brings to mind the Virgin Birth and the sinless life of Christ. [Mt 1:23; Lk 1:34-35] We also are made as pure as the snow through the cleansing action of His blood. [Rev 7:9, 14; Is 1:18]

    The traditional candy cane has 3 small red stripes to remind us of the soldiers' stripes by which we are healed and a larger stripe which represents the blood shed by Christ on Calvary's tree. [Is 53:5; Mt 27:32-50] Some people say that the 3 small stripes honor the Holy Trinity while the larger stripe reminds us of the one true God. Others claim that the small stripes represent our mini-passions or sufferings and the great stripe symbolizes Christ's Passion. A green stripe is sometimes placed on candy canes to remind us that Jesus is God's gift to us. (Green is the color of giving.)

    The peppermint flavor of modern candy canes is said to be similar to hyssop. In Old Testament times, hyssop was associated with purification and sacrifice. During the first Passover celebrations, a bundle of hyssop was used to smear the blood of Passover lambs upon the doorposts of houses so that the Angel of Death would pass over their occupants. [Ex 12:22] Bundles of hyssop were also used to sprinkle blood on worshipers and objects during Mosaic purification rituals. [Ex 24:6-8; Lev 14:4, 49-52] After his affair with Bathsheba, King David appealed to God's mercy crying, "Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me and I shall be whiter than snow." [Ps 51:7] Peppermint reminds us that Jesus is our Passover Lamb. [1 Cor 5:7] His blood cleanses us from sin and destroys the power of death. [Hosea 13:14; 1 Cor 15:54-57; Heb 2:14-15; Rev 20:6]

    4 AnswersHalloween1 decade ago
  • have you decided how you are decorating your christmas tree?

    like what color or colors My hubby wants me to do ours in purple and some other color but i haven't decided yet what about there any links with picture of decorated trees on them

    6 AnswersChristmas1 decade ago
  • Has any one read Dreams From My Father written by Barack Obama?

    Publication date 1995 where he tell of his life . In this lyrical,

    unsentimental, and compelling memoir, the son of a black African father and a white American mother searches for a workable meaning to his life as a black American. It begins in New York, where Barack Obama learns that his father—a figure he knows more as a myth

    than as a man—has been killed in a car accident. This sudden death inspires an emotional odyssey—first to a small town in Kansas, from which he retraces the migration of his mother’s family to Hawaii, and then to Kenya , where he meets the African side of his family, confronts the bitter truth of his father’s life, he also tell of his life of alcohol and drugs and at last reconciles his divided inheritance.

    I would like to read this book But My Library said it was pulled from the shelf several months ago I have tried ebay and they do have it but I cant seem to win the auction can anyone tell me a little more about it

    10 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • How many words can you find in Antidisestablishmentarianism?

    How many words can you find in Antidisestablishmentarianism?

    u cant use names or places and has to have at least 3 letters,, play fair you have 5 min to post as many as you can 10 points to the best

    MUST be in ENGLISH



    C ** F**G**J**K**O**P**Q**U** V** W** X **Y **Z

    Good Luck

    16 AnswersTrivia1 decade ago
  • how many words can you find in Antidisestablishmentarianism?

    u cant use names or places and has to have at least 3 letters,, play fair you have 5 min to post as many as you can 10 points to the best

    MUST be in ENGLISH



    C ** F**G**J**K**O**P**Q**U** V** W** X **Y **Z

    Good Luck

    3 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • transfering programs on my computer?

    i need to know how to transfer some programs from my c drive to my d drive with out re installing them.. i have lots of space there and out on c drive.. pluse i dont have the disk

    2 AnswersAdd-ons1 decade ago
  • help with infected with SpyRid and Trojan.Popwin?

    ok i just scaned my pc and this is what it says,, how do it get ride of them.. I have MCafee but somehow they got past it what do i do now

    C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\.ttE.tmp is infected with SpyRid

    C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\ae7b771hpb771a.exe~ is infected with Trojan.Popwin

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • recipe for a great cake for a church cake auction?

    Our church is having a cake auction .. The ladies have been asked to make something special I always use a box mix but want to do something diffrent any ideas

    also please include the recipe

    4 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • -- error 999.?

    why do i get this message when i try to answer a post , Unable to process request at this time -- error 999.

    1 AnswerNotices and Errors1 decade ago
  • crochet baby blanket?

    i need to croche a baby blanket for a girl what 4 colors should i use and what pattern should i use

    5 AnswersHobbies & Crafts1 decade ago
  • how do i put colored behind circled mirrows?

    i want to get some circle mirrows in diffrent sizes and put color behind them how do i do it and what material would be best for this

    2 AnswersPhotography1 decade ago
  • want bright colors in dark living room cant paint renting?

    ok we live in a double wide and landlord wont allow us to paint we have med brown panling.. i bought bright sheers in pink turoquise and green (2 of each) we have a big window 100x84 on one wall the only window in this room so i want to use them all togather we have a black leather couch .. 2 light brown recliners.. a orange chair that make a twin bed .. and a big tv which can go in 2 places only.. we have a fire place (we cant use) i bought a black wood clock and pic frames to match for grandchildren pic what else can i do to add some color oh yea we have this ugly carpet a 2 tone brown what would u do grandkids call it dull nanas living room ...

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling1 decade ago