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i like doing archery i like animals bored out my mind
treating polystyrene with reptile?
ok so i plan do build my own reptile cage back and on the internet people say to use polystyrene however what can i use to get ride of the White colour so it looks like bark and stones as im going for a tropical background with a waterfall also what can i put on top to make it all water proof so its all safe for my little lizard i want to get. also what is safe to use to glue bits together and attach to glass
any other tips and appreciated as ive never done anything like this before
1 AnswerReptiles8 years agomixed reptile vivariums?
i know this is a risky thing and some people are out right against it i am really not interested in your opinion as iu know this can work if you get the requirements right.
i am looking at doing a tropical vivarium with a waterfall i am looking at making this very large at least 60cm long minimum so you get the idea please could people give some ideas of frogs that will go together i.e. same size or similar size as well as same temp requirements
i could also do with some plants that are non toxic
thank you and i will still be doing my own research off this
1 AnswerReptiles8 years agobest camera for photography?
im looking at maybe taking this on as a carrier but as i have never thought of it before as an option i don't have a decent camera.
can anyone help with the best ones preferable something cheep so i can get it as a Christmas prezzie.
this would just be something to be a stepping stone to get the feel of it as a possible job and to see what i can do, not something to use for a job but if i can that would be amazing but at the moment the price is more important
5 AnswersPhotography8 years agoFemale masterbation help?
For a few years ive been trying on and off but not got anywhere but recently i have found how to rub my clit so it feels good but as it starts feeling really nice my tummy starts twitching then i find my thighs do and then they tence up and even though it feels really nice i have to stop because i get really tence and cant settle
Am i doing something wrong?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoneed words that are associated with or mean death?
do far i have
grim reaper
pushing up daisys
dead as a dodo
is there any more people can think of?
3 AnswersWords & Wordplay8 years agobest pot plants to grow from seeds & tips please?
so i cant plant any plants in garden as rented house but i can grow in pots, i also like to grow from seeds any good suggestions and tips are needed, as rabbit ate all plants last year, and most died except strawberries
4 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years agoinsect eating plants help?
i love these kinds of plat, i am yet to remember all their names but want to one day, a few years back i have a venous fly trap which budded but then died after the bud stem got about 20cm along going along my window.
since then we have moved and i got two types of the tubed ones but one has died, i think it was over rooted it was th long thin tubes, my other one was the one which looks a bit like a pokemon for those who watch, but also like an upside down balloon with a lid, all the the insect eating parts have died, it still has healthy looking leaves but i am worried it might die on me, anything will help.
what will also be great is names of some other good ones to get and places near stonehenge you can get them, thanks
1 AnswerOther - Home & Garden8 years agohow many exercises to do and whats best?
ok im about a size uk 10 but sometimes a 12 in some jeans. i would like a flat stomach, i have been eating healthy but i know im not doing enough exercise, what would be best to do to get into an 8 i also want my stomach to be flat, its a bit chubby at the moment, also is there anyway to get my thighs finner they are a tad big but it might be big muscles as my mum and auntie are the same.
anything will help, i really want to know whats the most effective exercise im also looking at those exercise belts, what would you recommend with them?
1 AnswerDiet & Fitness8 years agowhat jobs is it considered on to have piercings and tattoos?
when i ask this i mean tattoo out of view and piercings only nose and ears done twice.
i don't have a tattoo but want one one day. please state what country you are referring to because i know some countries are more slack than others.
i want to be a vet but in the UK its considered un professional and shows a lack of intelligent, apparently but im quit intelligent and like them both
6 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment8 years agotattoo and piercing check for vet job?
so im currently doing an level 3 animal management course too long and boring to right up full name and from here maybe an apprenticeship or uni maybe both to become a vet nurse or surgeon, i currently have my nose done i tend to wear small little gem studs and my ears are don twice, i just wear small studs in this too.
is it ok to be a vet with these and maybe a tattoo but out of view, i would like some more piercings.
i know that during surgeries they would have to be taken out. at college we have to take out or put surgical tape over
4 AnswersTattoos8 years agodermal implants, pros, cons info please?
so im thinking of getting a dermal implant but i know nothing, didn't know they existed till end of last year, i do like piercings and my dad has baned me till in 18 but i will convince him other wise or he will get over it, he hates my nose. anyway back to the point i wouldn't mind getting one, maybe on my arm but as i don't know anything im not sure, any relevant info will be great.
2 AnswersOther - Skin & Body8 years agocan rats have a little hay?
im getting two male rats next week, i have some paper bast back to nature stuff instead of sawdust, a suitable cage and everything that they require including some extra tunnels to hide in ;) but i don't know if they are aloud hay as i thought they could have a little in the bottom of their cage to nibble at and as something new and interesting (once they have settled)
any other suggestions about what would be grate to give them to keep the entertained or any other tips would be grate, always looking for new ways to keep my rabbit happy, might as well do the same for my ratties xD
2 AnswersOther - Pets8 years agowhat are some cute rat names?
i should be getting two rats soon, fell in love with one at college i do not know its sex but its white with smokey gray patterns and dumbo ears and suggestions for names. its friend will be the same sex but either white and smokey gray patterns with normal ears or which with cream patterns and normal ears
any suggestions will help
6 AnswersRodents8 years agohow can i deal with my addiction to tea?
ok i know its the caffeine in it but when im at home i can drink up to 6-7 a day and if i have been at collage as soon as i cone home i put it on which is 6:15 and then before i go to bed i will drink a good 3-4. my cut is also one of those bigger and taller winnie the poo cups you get rather than the small tea cups. i have found if i don't drink my tea i get incredibly painful headaches i become really grumpy and moody and i snappy at people a lot
9 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks8 years agoso um according to the wii im at risk of being over weight, need so advice?
in the summer holidays i had lost quiet a bit of weight which was grate as my goal is no get a nice flat tummy, for as long as i can remember its always been a bit on the chubby side but i went on the wii and i had put on, probably because of Christmas so on my days off from collage i have been doing my exercises on the wii again which was working well in the summer but for some reason im just gaining a bit not loosing help please
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness8 years agosome make up tips please especially eye liner?
i have a lot of trouble putting eye liner on
also im hoping to become a bit more girlie and where make up more so some tips will help loads i prefer to wear makeup so you hardly see it at the moment but im not actually sure on what im meant to be doing or what goes well never experimented with it and im at collage :( really should sort this out
4 AnswersMakeup8 years agoreally need a style, in need of help?
im 17 this year and all my life most of my cloths have been given to me as second hands from friends of family members, a year ago i was aloud to have some cloths that were from a SHOP big surprise there but when i get a job i want to start buying my own cloths and have a style since at the moment its just whatever thrown together normally its white chunky trainers, light blue jeans, baggy black top with a tiger, other big cat or some weird gothic fairy thing and a hoodie, naive brown or black. not much variety here
i plan to loose some weight so i can have the flat tummy i want, going to buy some sort of exercise machine for my b-day this year
so could you suggest a style im currently on a computer till 1:15 so if there is anything you want to know about me to help me find a style just ask and i will add an answer.
please help
4 AnswersFashion & Accessories8 years agoneed some help with my tattoo design any ideas?
so far i have two koi fish which are basically swimming face to face like they are kissing and make a backwards s shape but i need so help adding a little bit to them as its a bit plane in my view and ideas are grate
1 AnswerTattoos8 years agohow long does it take a tattoo to heal?
also whats with all this stuff you need to put on the new tattoo how long do you have to do this for?
the shop im looking at going to calls the stuff tattoo goo or something like that
4 AnswersTattoos8 years agowant some help getting away with a tattoo any advice?
im hoping to get a tat on my side just above my hip. both my parents hate them but i don't care they have banned me from any more piercings till im 18 so i have decided on my 18th im going to have this tattoo im designing for myself. mind my mum has said she will kill me if i have one but lucky for me she doesn't think kicking a kid out even if 18 is right so i know im safe from getting kicked out but i want to see how long i can get away with having one with out them noticing
2 AnswersTattoos8 years ago