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  • Double L names?

    I'm looking for names that contain the "ll ", like William or Ella. My son's were given names with the double L by accident and we only realised when the youngest was around 8 months and somebody pointed it out to us. Now that our family names have run out we were going go for a name just because we liked it and not have any traditional ties to it. I'm considering keeping the L theme going and was bouncing ideas around. Boys and girls both, though boys seem a bit harder to find so I'd appreciate those a lot more!. Will choose best answer

    13 AnswersBaby Names3 years ago
  • What is the cut off for air travel during pregnancy?

    I might have to travel soon. I don't mind a longer drive in th car, but a flight would certainly be more comfortable and quicker

    3 AnswersPregnancy4 years ago
  • Laptop is full but I have nothing saved on it.?

    When I say full, I mean it's in the red and giving me pop ups to warn me that it's critically full. I have no videos, movies pictures, music or video like files at all. My husband has loaded some programs for work but that was two Months ago and it wasn't in the red after he had installed them. He's obviously away for work now and I'm not able to can't act him for another three days. Is it some sort of virus or something? What can I safely delete without taking something off that will affect how it runs? Where do I even start? I plant vegetables and raise kids, seriously no tech knowledge at all! But it'll crash unless I do something soon. I also don't live in an area that has access to tech shops, we're quite isolated. But I really need my email to keep in touch with family. Help

    2 AnswersOther - Computers4 years ago
  • Traditional names?

    My husband and I are expecting again. So far our two sons have inherited their grandfather's names and we'll definitely be keeping with this trend. Here are some names for girls that I'd like your take on.the pronunciation might sound strange but I'll try to explain it as best as I can.

    1: Suzaan Desiree (soo-zahn/ Dez-uh-ree) my mother and gran's names

    2: Ilze-mari Susanna (ill-zuh-marie) sister and mother's names. Ilze is a German name if you'd like to look up the pronunciation.

    3: Madrè Ilze (mah-drei) Madrè is Spanish if I'm not mistaken and is my eldest sister's name.

    I'm pretty much set on a boys name. My maiden surname is Miller and I rather like it as a first name, followed by Paul (a favourite uncle) but I'd still like to hear your opinions on it. I think it's strong

    7 AnswersBaby Names4 years ago
  • Abdominal pain, first trimester and exercise?

    I m currently in my first trimester with my 3rd child. Please note that I am scheduled to see a gynecologist in 3 weeks, we are in the middle of moving to a new town and my appointments have already been made.

    Here s a little back story to this, so please stay with me. I used to be quite overweight (230+ lbs at my heaviest) but have radically changed my exercise and diet since the birth of my second son and am now at 130 lbs.

    Like my first two I have no nausea, no headaches or symptoms besides odd cravings. But this dull and persistent pain in my lower abdomen is not going away. I recall getting twinges of pain with my first two that were explained by my uterus stretching with fluid. But it came and went in short bursts and dissappeared by month 3. This is permanent and not enough to hinder my parental duties or extreme at all. But it s 24 hours a day, all the time.

    Any ideas on what it might be? It s driving me insane!

    I have not been working out, just walking 5+ miles a day (half of what I used to do in a day)

    Is any exercise safe now? I m probably going to wait until I see a doctor anyway before getting active again. But if he gives me the OK I d like some ideas that are not too strenuous.

    1 AnswerPregnancy4 years ago
  • recipes that are healthy and can travel/keep well?

    my husband works at sea and i regularly send him packages with cookiez and treats. but I'm at a loss for what I can send thats nutritious and will travel well. I've decided to include protein/nut bars with preserved berries, but I can find nothing else.

    It reaches him the same day that I send it, sometimes it stays overnight (but that's rareany suggestions?

    pardon my English.

    Will choose best answer

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes5 years ago
  • looking for a very specific meaning. Arabic girls names?

    my friend is expecting a baby girl and her husband passed away two weeks after they found out that they were expecting.

    are there any Arabic names (he was Muslim) that mean "remeber" , " her fathers joy", or something along those lines?

    will choose best answer.

    6 AnswersBaby Names5 years ago
  • How many calories burned with this workout?

    female, age 25, weight: 136 lbs

    I do 5 sets in this order.

    downward dog pushups: 40,40,35,35,30

    Russian twist:


    mountain climbers:


    lady style push ups: 40,40,35,35,30

    backward crunch:




    A rough estimate is all I'd need. Will choose best answer!

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • calories burned with this routine?

    Just a rough estimate would be great.

    My husband and I have a little workout routine that we do every afternoon. Before I list what we do, let me explain how we do it. We start with a 30 minute ride on our bicycles at a moderate pace.

    It starts by doing each thing in sets of 20, then sets of 15, then 10 and finally 5. Its all lasts about 40 minutes and is done without stopping and as quick as possible. Rapid.

    Sprinting lengths (this will be hard to calculate since the distances vary)


    Full body pull ups (using a hanging rope)


    Heel touches

    Reverse crunches

    Downward dog push ups

    The crunches and reverse crunches are done in sets of 20 throughout, but the rest is all reduced by 5 with each new set.

    Pardon if my English isn't too great. And I hope I managed to explain it thoroughly.

    Will choose best answer

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness6 years ago
  • educational shows for children?

    Along the lines of Barney and Friends, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Nina and the Neurons and even the oldies that I grew up with like The Magic School bus.

    any suggestions?

    will choose best answer!

    1 AnswerOther - Television6 years ago
  • Gnocchi or dumpling recipe?

    Specifically the kind you boil in plain salt water. Making it all sticky and delicious:-)

    The dough must be plain, it can be salty, because I intend to fill it with stuffing.

    Sadly I only made something of the like once and then promptly lost the recipe.

    Will choose best answer!

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • college degrees for older people?

    Please pardon my English!

    My mother has always regretted not going to school. And now that the kids are out of the house and she has the time, I'd really like to give her a shot at it. But I'd like to have a few degrees and career options to run past her, to get her excited about the prospect. She would obviously decide what she'd like to do herself, but I'd just like her to have a starting point.

    Her situation is quite unique. She had been in a car accident a few years back and is somewhat limited in her movements (walking, her right side is weaker than the left and her speech is slowed) Her mind is perfectly sharp, but physically she is affected. So I'm not looking to get her into a program that is too physically taxing.

    She does have experience with computers and had enjoyed the work (secretarial work) that she was doing before the accident. She does enjoy gardening. (I was thinking botany?) And has an astounding aptitude for languages, a love for literature and crosswords and brain teaser puzzles. So her range is quite extensive.

    Can you think of any degrees that would be good for her to pursue? She is 47 years old.

    Will choose best answer!

  • Your take on this breastfeeding debate?

    I posted this question a few hours ago. But I seem to have made a bad job of explaining myself. So let me rephrase.

    My friend and I are having a debate, that has now resulted in a $50.00 bet. We both have two very different opinions on how long you should breastfeed your child. Now many of you have answered us with your opinions of the subject, but have failed to tell us which one of us you agree with most. So we basically want you to pick a side. (whoever of us gets the most votes wins!) Though I found your information very enlightening and enjoyable, please pick one view point that you agree with most.

    Mine: I believe that stay at home moms (we both are at home with our tots and do not have demanding schedules) should breastfeed until your child is 2. If you have a medical condition, your child weans himself, have a demanding schedule that does not allow it or even if you just prefer to stop earlier , I have no objection with it. But Every book I've read, doctor, pediatrician and nurse I've spoken to agrees that 2 is the best time to stop. So if you have the time, why not? There is no shame in it and it's perfectly natural.

    My friend: she believes that it's embarrassing to breastfeed a child beyond a year. If he has teeth and can walk, it's unacceptable to continue. And she thinks it's weird and out of the norm and that almost no one does it for that long.

    Please settle our agreement. We promise to choose best answer!

    10 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • Your take on this breastfeeding question?

    My friend and I are in a heavy debate and we would like for you to settle it for us.

    We have very different takes on breastfeeding, please tell us which method you agree with.

    We are both stay at home moms, we don't lead very complicated lives besides our children, husbands and friends.

    My opinion: If you can, you should breastfeed until your child is two. Every book, expert and doctor agrees that this is the best time to stop breastfeeding. Unless you have a medical reason, hectic work schedule or some reason that you might not have the time or ability, why not? It's perfectly respectable, natural and nothing to be ashamed of.

    Her opinion: You should breastfeed until your child is one, and no longer. It's embarrassing if a child is older than that, if he can walk and has teeth he should no longer breastfeed. And children above the age of one do not need milk every day.

    We have a $50.00 bet on this. Please choose an option.

    Will choose best answer!

    7 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • origin of this name?

    Izume, It's pronounced ee- zoo- mei.

    The name might sound strange to you, but it's not out of the norm where I come from. I can't find it anywhere and I've tried different spellings. I was thinking that it might derive from Suzanna.

    Could you hazard a guess as to where it might come from, if it's a combination of two names or along those lines?

    2 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • short and sweet names for girls?

    I am very much into short one or two syllable names. Here are a few of my list that should give you an idea of what I like:









    Any more ideas on short and pretty names for girls. And please, no names that start with a J or G.

    Will choose best answer.


    17 AnswersBaby Names7 years ago
  • trying to get my son to take the bottle?

    I have asked this question before but did not get a lot of answers and none of them helped at all.

    I am breastfeeding and intend to do so until he is 2 years old.

    But I am about to start painting again and I due to the lead in the paint my youngest can't be with me, and I can't possibly paint with that little rascal around! So while my 3 year old is at daycare, my youngest will be staying with his grandmother during the morning. He is 10 months old and takes a morning nap. But he falls asleep while he breastfeeds. And he just refuses to take the bottle, both pumped breastmilk and formula. He has no problem drinking juice, tea or water from bottles and does so happily on his own, without me needing to force or encourage him at all. But the moment he realizes that there is milk in the bottle he puts it down and if you bring it towards his mouth he throws one hell of a tantrum.

    Any tips you could offer?

    Will choose best answer.

    5 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago
  • How to get my son to take the bottle?

    I'm about to start painting again and my youngest (9 months) will be staying with his grandmother in the mornings while I get to work. He just refuses to take a bottle!

    He's more than happy to drink juice, water and tea on his own. He is still breastfed and he falls asleep on the breast. I have pumped, used every brand of formula out there and tried giving it to him every which way, to no avail.

    I have no intention to stop breastfeeding, but for the time when I will not be with him I need to find a way to get him to take his milk, even if it is just for his nap time.

    Any advice?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby7 years ago