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  • How can I make my penis shrivel and stay that way for hours?

    I know that cold (ice/shower) will do the trick temporarily. I also know that exercise can make it shrivel. but these are only temporary.

    I plan to be in a socially nude environment in hot weather for hours at a time in a few weeks.

    Some guys are embarrassed to have their member shrivel up so much and try to avoid it at any cost.

    However, I am the opposite. I would like to ensure that it shrivels and stays that way for the duration of several hours. I don't want to permanently decrease the size, I just want it to stay shriveled for hours at at time.

    Is there a cream that I can purchase and use? Is there some sort of topical or ingestible medicine or cream that can do this?

    I've searched the internet profusely and have found nothing but female shrink creams - not really what I'm looking for.

    I know this is a weird question, but please just answer if you can help me. I'm not interested in comments or opinions, unless you are sympathetic to my perspective.

    6 AnswersMen's Health9 years ago
  • Why is my dog afraid of me?

    I recently adopted a dog from the animal shelter. He is young (<2yrs), energetic, and loves to play with my wife and 3 kids. However, when I come around, the dog shuts down, gets scared, and sometimes even soils himself.

    I've always been an animal lover and I've never done anything that could give this dog the slightest notion that I'd ever hurt him. I haven't even had him for very long. I just pet him, say nice things (like "good boy" etc..) and give him treats. He's still scared to death of me, and has been since he came home with us. (wasn't that way at the shelter when we took him out for a walk)

    Why is he this way, and furthermore, what can I do to counter act this?

    6 AnswersDogs10 years ago
  • Is this an allergic reaction to a band aid?

    I had a small sore on the side of my head between my eye and my temple from a pimple. So I bought some little (nickel-sized) round band aids, and kept one on there for a couple of days with neosporin.

    Now, the entire area I swollen and red, and it's spreading. The surface is very slightly crusty like exma. I haven't had the band aid on for 4 days and no change. Tried some cortisone with no affect.

    I use band aids and neosporin all the time and this has never happened.

    Any advice on what this is and how I can treat it?

    3 AnswersAllergies1 decade ago
  • Bad Breath and my spouse - please help if you can?

    My wife will brush her teeth, and use mouthwash, chew gum, etc... yet the air that comes from her nose and mouth is still extremely repugnant.

    This greatly interferes with my desire/ability to be intimate with her.

    The breath always smells like rotten dinner foods and spices - all times of the day, regardless of what she's eaten, or how she's attempted to mitigate. I don't know what to do. Addressing these things head on can cause damage that lasts for years, which I'd like to avoid.

    I need a solution that will work if I'm going to address this.

    4 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • Bad Breath and my spouse - please help if you can?

    My wife will brush her teeth, and use mouthwash, chew gum, etc... yet the air that comes from her nose and mouth is still extremely repugnant.

    This greatly interferes with my desire/ability to be intimate with her.

    The breath always smells like rotten dinner foods and spices - all times of the day, regardless of what she's eaten, or how she's attempted to mitigate. I don't know what to do. Addressing these things head on can cause damage that lasts for years, which I'd like to avoid.

    I need a solution that will work if I'm going to address this.

    14 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Is there any way to get the last line of a paragraph aligned "justify" to stay to the left?

    MS Office 2007.

    When I choose the alignment "justify," it spreads the three words in the last line all the way accross the page. I want it to leave the last line over to the left, like in typical justified documents.

    ie: in Novels and in the Bible etc... the alignment is justified, but the last line of each paragraph is left over to the left. How can I make MS Word do the same with this alignment?

    2 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • What affect do you think the modern multimedia culture is having on people's ability...? receive and process information?

    It seems that most people are zombie products of TV, internet, and video games. Hardly anyone seems to be familiar with the detailed info found only in books.

    Most people know nothing for themselves; they merely parrot other people with whom they've aligned themselves (this describes people of all persuasions).

    Almost no-one can think critically about abstract or detailed concepts or data.

    The writings of our founders (like Madison's Federalist papers) indicate an education level that surpasses the average modern college graduate's capacity to comprehend.

    What have we come to? ...and how do we reverse to process back toward educated, thinking minds who are interested in more than self-indulgence?

    Sources: I've dealt with lots of people over many years.

    4 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • Since my 5th day of marriage, I've regretted getting married?

    I've been married for more than 8 years in what my wife thinks is an awesome relationship.

    I've been faking it.

    I married a bit hastily, and without any feelings. I assessed that my wife would be a great wife and mother (and I was right), and figured the feelings would come in time. They never did. I've tried so many things to make love where it doesn't exist.

    Counseling, books, prayer, etc...nothing works.

    We have two kids, and I am not willing to make a decision that takes them away from me.

    I'd like to keep the relationship in tact.

    Do you have anything that can help me?

    42 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Those who are married, My wife is very rarely....?

    My wife is very rarely "fresh" and "ready to go."

    This is extremely important to me and to the health our relationship in the area of sexuality and intimacy.

    I've having a really tough time finding what to say or do to encourage a change. Any attempt to mention anything has gone really bad and had repercussions that lasted for months.

    I know about hygiene and pineapple juice - as well as she. But I can't sedate her and do those things for her. What can I do to get her to be thoroughly and consistently fresh?

    7 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • We're taking a breather... REALLY?

    What's the real reason for this screen?

    I've been trying to post an answer all day that's only 3 lines long about the historical developments of Islam in the 7th Century. I've been getting this page for this one question all day.

    I've been answering other questions all day with no hiccups at all.

    I think this page should really be called the

    "Our computers have identified potentially objective and offensive phraseology in your answer, and we've pre-determined that it will not be received well, and we'd rather you abandon it"


    Anyone out there with similar experiences?

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Pro-choicers: follow up to my previous question:?

    I understand that people have sex when they don't intend to produce a baby and that accidence happen. However, how does this mistake justify the barbarism if killing the child? I don't see what the two have to do with each other. I don't believe its right for me to kill other people when I make mistakes. Why is this case different?

    If you're going to resort to "the zygote's not a human" argument, I expect you to provide a scientific answer for how YOU could have gotten into this world WITHOUT the stage of life that you think it's okay to kill the unborn. So please don't even go there. Please just stick to the substance of the question if you're mature enough to do so.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Pro-choicers: I was just explaining abortion to my 6-year-old daughter. When I explained what happens...?

    ...she asked, "Dad, if they don't want the baby, then why do they get pregnant."

    I thought, "Wow! what an excellent question!"

    I figured I'd give you guys a shot at the answer.

    47 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists: taking for granted that you don't believe in Hell, but that Christians do....?

    ...are you the least bit grateful that they attempt to help you find deliverance from a threat that THEY perceive to be real?


    Would you try to help me if you were aware of my eminent demise, even if I wasn't?

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists: if you were trapped inside a burning house, and the fire fighters that...?

    ...came to rescue you happened to all be Christian, and they were screaming and yelling for you to climb out the window and down the latter...

    Would you thankfully cooperate with their rescue efforts, or just ridicule them for using "fear tactics" to "scare" you out onto the latter?

    45 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists, what proof can you offer that Charles Darwin actually existed, other than...?

    ...books written by other men trying to control you and get your money claiming they came from Charles when we all know they really didn't.

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why do atheists/evolutionists personify "science" like it's a person with a singular mind?

    In the evolution/creation debate, atheists constantly say things like "science has has shown..."

    In reality, for ANY scientific theory presented, there are at least 10 fully competent qualified scientists in the same field who decent from the opinion, or theory.

    Furthermore, even the scientists themselves don't claim to have "proven" anything. They speak along the lines of developing theories, etc...but not "proving" anything.

    So with all the dissension in scientific opinions, why do some atheists/evolutionists generalize science so much like it's this big dogmatic singular mind with personality and decisiveness?

    14 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Catholics, using only scripture, please defend these:?

    1. Immaculate conception of Mary - Mary's sinlessness

    2. The Assumption of Mary

    3. The perpetual virginity of Mary

    4. Praying to Mary

    5. Mary's role as co-mediatrix as per catechism 969, from:

    Remember, using only scripture.

    12 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheist: What do you believe about transcendental beings or realms, such as ghosts, spirits, or aparitions?

    at séances reported by reputable people.

    I'm not insinuating that this necesarily means there is a God. I'm just wondering if there are any atheists who believe in the existance of anything supernatural, or paranormal, but not necessarily God.

    7 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Atheists: can you give me a solid non-biblical reason against judging other people?

    I see atheists complain all the time about the "judgmentalism" of Christianity's exclusivity (ie: Jesus is the only way...).

    Without the Biblical passages warning against hypocritical judgment (Matt. 7:1), what's your basis for accusing others of being judgmental and saying that it's wrong?

    22 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago