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  • how many black midgets exist in the world?

    use real stats

    8 AnswersRodents8 years ago
  • Help! Google Crome crashed and now it wont connect to the internet AND I've lost my bookmarks!?

    When i open my browser all I get is "This webpage is not available." and it appears* asthough i have no bookmarks

    I've copied my chrome folder to my external hardrive, but is there any way I can recover those bookmarks? I had hundreds of web pages relating to school and research.

    1 AnswerGoogle1 decade ago
  • I'm straight... but I wish I were born gay?

    My problem is that I’m physically attracted to women, and mentally/emotionally attracted to men.

    But I care more about mental/emotional intimacy....

    What can I do? Changing physical sexual attraction obviously isn’t an option

  • New videocard freezing my computor?

    i thought the problem was the power source, so i got a new one; but, it is still freezing every 2-3 secs on every aplication

    2 AnswersOther - Hardware1 decade ago
  • Lands that turn into creatures (magic)?

    Do they become typeless creatures or are they creature-lands?

    1 AnswerCard Games1 decade ago
  • What can be called a fetish?

    What separates a fetish from ones natural orientation? Choice is not a factor in the development of a fetish, therefore it is inherent.

    5 AnswersPsychology1 decade ago
  • What type of earring do you prefer on guys?

    Stud? Bullet holes? Gages? Simple Ring?

    im planning on getting my cartilage peirced with a small silver ring

    10 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • What Do You Think About Clear Polish On Guys?

    is it OK to wear clear polish?

    21 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Mat Kearney...attractive?

    do gay men find Mat Kearney attractive?

    include your masculinity level

    low medium or high

  • I need help with a gay christian friend of mine and his family?

    Please read this, all of it I am in dire need of assistance.

    I have friend in high school. He is part of the southern Baptist church.

    Unfortunately him and his family have a tendency to shut their ears towards anything that contradicts their teachings; before thinking about anything, situations are judged.

    Back to my friend, he is the sweetest, kindest most selfless person I know. By simply following his actions and lifestyle you can tell he is devout and holds a firm relationship with the lord.

    He is an extremely hard worker in school and devotes a lot of time to his studies; for that I honor him; however, god has not blessed him with intelligence as one of his qualities. I suspect his IQ is well below average as his understandings of simple vocabulary; algebraic arithmetic and historical analysis are all on par with someone half his age.

    His family is quite diverse, as immigrants from Romania; coming to the states was quite a transition for the parents. They are two distinct characters; the mother is a sweet, traditional, loving mother. She has always been in a jolly mood and would always prepare a plethora of pastries for me to try every time I visited. The father on the other hand, he runs the household like a dictator. I remember going to spend the night at his house once, lights out by 10 (we were both 15 at the time, and it was a weekend), because we weren’t tired we kept a nightlight on and whispered under the covers to each other. The mom walked in a panic attack and I actually believed something tragic had happened. Apparently the nightlight was too bright (the door was shut to our room) and she was afraid of waking the father. I honestly felt like Anne Frank hiding in the attic at that point. Discipline is always necessary, but this father took things way too far. His nerves… what nerves? The man has zero tolerance and zero patients and from the things I have seen at his house, it would appear the entire family fears him!

    Ok back to my friend… he has always been very modest but I question his sexuality. He seems to have absolutely no interest in women at all. All his friends are male. He is always overly affectionate with me and his other male friends and seems put off by females getting too close to him. The people he looks up to are males. The posters in his room are all honorable gentlemen. The music he listens to are all songs by males. He is part of an all male soccer team. He sees no point in boyfriends and girlfriends. I have asked him what he wants to be and he said a doctor, a muscular doctor. I have asked him about women his preferences; he said he wasn’t into that stuff. I have asked him if he has ever intentionally seen a woman naked, as if shocked he relied “What?! no! that’s gross you pervert”. I have asked him if he has unintentionally seen a woman naked, he replied “ yeah…” then I asked him what he thought and he said “it was gross, I’m a Christian… now you on the other hand” followed by a “checkmate” look on his face. I've asked him about past girlfriends, he has none. I asked him if there were anyone in school whom he might be interested in, he replied no one.

    I am not judging his actions, his relationship with Christ, or evaluating his morality when I say I sincerely think he is inherently homosexual and blatantly unaware of the matter.

    Ok now to get to the actual problem.

    Earlier today I was chatting with him about this new band he found, soft rock, sang by a male of course. What sparked my curiosity was when I asked him whether or not he has seen the person in a concert. I asked him to describe what he looked like and in the process he shied out and blushed right in front of me.

    So on the bus I proceeded to sit next to his brother, his brother and I don’t see eye to eye on a majority of things. While we both believe in religion, we come from different denominations of Christianity and I do not believe in forcing my beliefs on those not willing to accept them. I started the conversation with a “how is your weekend shaping up” and eventually I talked my way into the subject of my friend.

    My friends’ brother reflects the father in nearly every way. All his views are spoon-fed to him, any questioning is considered sinful, so things are never discussed, contemplated or argued about. When I approached the subject of homosexuality immediately the brother closed up, I had to ease into the discussion and I was very cautious of every little word that escaped my mouth. Very subtly gave clues as to my observations of my friend. I even proceeded to ask him if he would treat a flamboyant homosexual male the same as a straight-“acting” (god I hate that phrase) male. His response was yes.

    Earlier this year I have seen the boy openly mock homosexual teenagers even if they were decent, respectable people; the minute an ounce of femininity was present, such as a lisp, derogatory words such as “******” and “homo” would be flung across the room. This kid has

  • I have a homosexual friend, what to do?

    Please read this, all of it I am in dire need of assistance.

    I have friend in high school. He is part of the southern Baptist church.

    Unfortunately him and his family have a tendency to shut their ears towards anything that contradicts their teachings; before thinking about anything, situations are judged.

    Back to my friend, he is the sweetest, kindest most selfless person I know. By simply following his actions and lifestyle you can tell he is devout and holds a firm relationship with the lord.

    He is an extremely hard worker in school and devotes a lot of time to his studies; for that I honor him; however, god has not blessed him with intelligence as one of his qualities. I suspect his IQ is well below average as his understandings of simple vocabulary; algebraic arithmetic and historical analysis are all on par with someone half his age.

    His family is quite diverse, as immigrants from Romania; coming to the states was quite a transition for the parents. They are two distinct characters; the mother is a sweet, traditional, loving mother. She has always been in a jolly mood and would always prepare a plethora of pastries for me to try every time I visited. The father on the other hand, he runs the household like a dictator. I remember going to spend the night at his house once, lights out by 10 (we were both 15 at the time, and it was a weekend), because we weren’t tired we kept a nightlight on and whispered under the covers to each other. The mom walked in a panic attack and I actually believed something tragic had happened. Apparently the nightlight was too bright (the door was shut to our room) and she was afraid of waking the father. I honestly felt like Anne Frank hiding in the attic at that point. Discipline is always necessary, but this father took things way too far. His nerves… what nerves? The man has zero tolerance and zero patients and from the things I have seen at his house, it would appear the entire family fears him!

    Ok back to my friend… he has always been very modest but I question his sexuality. He seems to have absolutely no interest in women at all. All his friends are male. He is always overly affectionate with me and his other male friends and seems put off by females getting too close to him. The people he looks up to are males. The posters in his room are all honorable gentlemen. The music he listens to are all songs by males. He is part of an all male soccer team. He sees no point in boyfriends and girlfriends. I have asked him what he wants to be and he said a doctor, a muscular doctor. I have asked him about women his preferences; he said he wasn’t into that stuff. I have asked him if he has ever intentionally seen a woman naked, as if shocked he relied “What?! no! that’s gross you pervert”. I have asked him if he has unintentionally seen a woman naked, he replied “ yeah…” then I asked him what he thought and he said “it was gross, I’m a Christian… now you on the other hand” followed by a “checkmate” look on his face. I've asked him about past girlfriends, he has none. I asked him if there were anyone in school whom he might be interested in, he replied no one.

    I am not judging his actions, his relationship with Christ, or evaluating his morality when I say I sincerely think he is inherently homosexual and blatantly unaware of the matter.

    Ok now to get to the actual problem.

    Earlier today I was chatting with him about this new band he found, soft rock, sang by a male of course. What sparked my curiosity was when I asked him whether or not he has seen the person in a concert. I asked him to describe what he looked like and in the process he shied out and blushed right in front of me.

    So on the bus I proceeded to sit next to his brother, his brother and I don’t see eye to eye on a majority of things. While we both believe in religion, we come from different denominations of Christianity and I do not believe in forcing my beliefs on those not willing to accept them. I started the conversation with a “how is your weekend shaping up” and eventually I talked my way into the subject of my friend.

    My friends’ brother reflects the father in nearly every way. All his views are spoon-fed to him, any questioning is considered sinful, so things are never discussed, contemplated or argued about. When I approached the subject of homosexuality immediately the brother closed up, I had to ease into the discussion and I was very cautious of every little word that escaped my mouth. Very subtly gave clues as to my observations of my friend. I even proceeded to ask him if he would treat a flamboyant homosexual male the same as a straight-“acting” (god I hate that phrase) male. His response was yes.

    Earlier this year I have seen the boy openly mock homosexual teenagers even if they were decent, respectable people; the minute an ounce of femininity was present, such as a lisp, derogatory words such as “******” and “homo” would be flung across the room. This kid has

    9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Earrings Professional?

    Im a young male thinking about having my left ear pierced with a small, silver ring, purely for cosmetic reasons.

    My question is this: Will it be harder for me to find a job in a medical-oriented career with an earring?

    6 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Would you consider Autogynephilia a legitimate excuse for a person to become a transsexual?

    It strikes me as more of a sexual perversion for an autogynephiliac to live as a woman 24-7 if they have a sexual fetish towards such a situaition.

    Note: im not judging anyone, just the situation.

  • Anyone else bothered by PDA?

    Title says it all

    (gay AND straight couples)

  • First Gay Harassment in High School?

    I never really expected something like this to ever happen...

    Yesterday, while i was returning to my table in my high school cafeteria, some sophomore leans out and says "Hey want this?" In his hand was a french fry and he wrote "gay" in black sharpie on it...

    I guess i was put off enough by it to want to tell y!A

    I just don't understand what his overall goal was... what he could have accomplished by doing something like this? Funny thing is im a junior so why the heck would he even try to approach me? is he that unintimidated?

  • The Blind Eye Towards Racism Needs to Stop?

    Its not ok to say the racial slur ****** in our society, it will most likely even be filtered out from this post. But the term redneck is somehow tolerable in modern day society?

    Please explain the difference.

    I am greatly insulted as a white male living in the south when I hear this term used, due to the insensitivity of those who use it in such a slanderous, odious and stereotypical context.

    Stop being hypocrites.

  • Whats your favorite men's/women's apparel?

    I love it when guys wear suits and shades, it has the whole suave look.

    I think women look really cool when they wear those cut off vests and top hats. :D

  • Are MtA and FtA Procedures Possible?

    People are born male and female. Wither a person self identifies with their gender or not determines if a person is “normal” or a transsexual.

    But what about androgynes? Is androgyny a form of “gender”? Do people self identify as being both masculine and feminine… is it possible for a person who is biologically really masculine or really feminine looking to have feminine or masculine tendencies?

    Yes, so if a person wants to self identify and be treated in society as this “dual gender” do you think that they should be able to undergo a procedure (surgery or hormones?) in order to unite their inner with their outer identities?

  • "lesbian trapped in a man's body"?

    thoughts on this statement?

    Personally, it pisses me off.