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  • Is it bad that I don't feel as bad about drinking if it's not my money?

    I know you aren't supposed to drink if you have mental health problems (I'm diagnosed as BIPOLAR-NOS), but I love to get drunk and I used to get drunk at the end of every week, now I get drunk pretty rarely and I'm not spending my money on Alcohol (i just occasionally get drunk on my younger brothers alcohol, before this year he would drink more of my alcohol than I would, in 2 weeks it was over $50), so I don't feel like it's such a waste of money as I used to.

    1 AnswerMental Health4 years ago
  • Advice on permanent implants (teeth)?

    Late this year I'm going to be looking into getting 2 implants to replace missing teeth (a front tooth and a molar), I'm going to manage the cost with a flex card and some money.

    All I really know is that they are expensive, typically done in 2 parts (the root and then months later the top), and sometimes a bone graft is needed.

    1 AnswerDental4 years ago
  • Any advice on getting implants after braces?

    I'm gonna get 2 permanent implants to replace missing teeth after braces, any tips?

    I'm gonna have around $3000 or so in cash and flex card balance combined, will that be enough to at least get things started (i know they do it in 2 steps)

    1 AnswerDental4 years ago
  • Is it bad to take old medication?

    Specifically mental health Medications, more specifically Seroquel XR (an Anti-Psychotic)?

    I'm not planning on getting refills until I switch to new insurance as I don't want to spend thousands on medication just to be cut off from that insurance in March.

    I'm not going to run out any time soon, but I'm wondering if it's bad to take old medication, by old I mean the oldest might be a couple years old, but I also have a lot that's only a few months old.

    I'm trying to save my flex card money for 2 teeth implants (cost could be thousands of dollars each, and I'm about 6 months until done with braces which are costing me $6000 total)

    4 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Why do some people get mad when others are happy?

    I have a coworker that gets mad when I laugh and I heard she wants to get me fired, so I told HR of all the times she has lost it and called me names or swore at me and the times she hit me (not hard) because apparently she thinks every time I laugh it's to make fun of her, normally I let all that slide as I prefer to just work and get the day done with, but trying to get me fired is going too far

    1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • Was I wrong or was my coworker?

    So I joke around a lot with my coworkers, but I'm serious about the actual work and do good on most areas of the factory and it usually takes a lot to get me mad.

    Well I mock laughed one of my coworkers and they splashed me with cold water, a couple days ago the same coworker went to HR and said I was "harassing" her and I honestly have almost no interaction with her, all I did was laugh, she insulted me as she was walking away, and then got furious when I said whatever (i guess they were mad that I didn't care).

    I wasn't even gonna report her for splashing water on me because I don't care that much, but another of my coworkers already did.

    So either way I may end up talking to HR on Monday

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment4 years ago
  • Is insurance coverage until 26, or 27?

    I turn 26 in March, will I need to buy my own insurances then?

    I'm gonna need to have health and dental insurance especially since my medications are expensive and I'm planning on getting dental implants late this year or early next year.

    2 AnswersDental4 years ago
  • Do you think AT&T will help me?

    So I was using the Internet on my Galaxy S7 like usual and then all of a sudden I couldn't do anything with my phone, I tried simply restarting it with no luck.

    So I decided to take the Sim card out and put it back in, but it wasn't budging, so I kept trying and the whole thing flew out.

    Now I lost the Sim card and Tray and the phone is working again, but now I can't use it as a phone.

    I'm prepaid AT&T, do you think they will help, or will I need to fully cover the replacement of the Sim card and tray myself?

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans4 years ago
  • Why does winter make it easier to get sick?

    Idk why, but winter makes my Asthma a lot worse and also sometimes gives me a sore throat and clogs my system with mucous (either clear/white-ish or more yellowish).

    And now I'm sick with a sore throat with coughing and mucus, lucky me I almost never need to actually see a doctor as I tough it out and don't stay sick for long (unless I get Bronchitis, but I still don't like to see a doctor)

    2 AnswersRespiratory Diseases4 years ago
  • Will my foot always be messed up?

    So my left foot has been sort of messed up for months; I don't have a clue what is up with it, but I went to the doctor and they didn't do anything besides saying my foot was positioned wrong causing extra pressure which is what caused me pain, so they basically said try insoles.

    I've tried them even before my foot got messed to some success but found they only cause pain now.

    So basically my foot gets really tight and painful sometimes and is usually way worse later in the day than at the beginning and I can relieve some pressure by stepping to the right side of my left foot until I can feel a bone pop and then it doesn't feel so bad for a while.

    Does this seem like a permanent thing?

    Any advice

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management4 years ago
  • Are Mini implants not suitable long term?

    In going to be getting 2 implant teeth after I'm done with my Orthodontic treatment (i have had Damon Braces for about 17 months out of 24); and I'm a bit worried about the cost because I will need to get my own insurances after my Birthday in March, but I plan on saving some money and using a flex card and taxes to help out.

    As Mini implants cost a lot less I wonder if they are suitable long term or not, there seems to be a lot of information both ways, so I'm a bit confused about it.

    1 AnswerDental4 years ago
  • Is it really so bad if a bipolar person likes to get drunk?

    I mean diagnosed bipolar by a Psychiatrist.

    Just wondering as some people seem to think I should go to AA, but I'm not an Alcoholic, I just like to occasionally get drunk and I got into the habit of getting drunk every week (but never before a work day), and I realize that is a bit much and I really do plan to at least slow way down and I know I can because I'm not physically dependant on it.

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Any tips on slowing down on Alcohol next year?

    I'm seriously considering slowing down on Alcohol next year, not because I see my alcohol consumption as a problem, but because it's not exactly healthy and it can be quite expensive.

    The last 2 weeks I barely even touched $50 of alcohol because my younger brother drank most of it, normally that might,last me 2 months, but it was gone in like 2 weeks or less.

    I mean I know I probably shouldn't be drinking, but I rarely actually lose control and I haven't even cut myself in like 4-5 years, even when I drank too much.

    I know I'm diagnosed as BIPOLAR-NOS, but I really don't think I'm doing so bad.

    3 AnswersMental Health4 years ago
  • Is it bad that I have no plans to stop drinking?

    I mean I don't plan on stopping drinking soon or by a certain date, but eventually I will stop drinking.

    It's just a matter of when life will get easy enough, to which I am trying to make life better, but the system in the US wants people to stay poor instead of getting ahead because you work hard and should be able to keep the money you make , but after tax and deductions like 1/3rd of your money is gone; plus I'm nearing the end of having braces, which was $200 a month, but I reduced to 170 a month.

    Then you have to buy food and spend money on insurance and medicine, soon even $25000 a year is gone, but the government thinks you are sitting on a fortune.

    Yes, I'm diagnosed as BIPOLAR-NOS, but I really don't see drinking as a problem when I've blacked out twice and the 2nd time I had to make sure my younger brother didn't drink too much and possibly loses his job (since we both live at home and it's tough even with 3 jobs in 1 household).

    6 AnswersOther - Society & Culture4 years ago
  • What do you think defines alcoholism?

    Is it how much alcohol impairs somebody (even if they don't have to drink and don't drink most of the week?)?

    How reliant they are on Alcohol, like if they can't function without alcohol?

    How much they drink when they choose to drink?

    I'd like to know as a guy that is Diagnosed as being Bipolar (well Bipolar-nos, basically means I don't fit the textbook definition), I used to be really depressed and unstable, and even though I've had a couple bad episodes since then; it was due to stress and one place cutting off my medication refills (i wasn't "in their system" for refills, but I was to send bills to apparently).

    I did used to cut myself (but haven't for about 5 years), and have had a few moments where I really felt I would of been far better off dead, but again that was on a few extreme circumstances and I wasn't even drinking at those times.

    I only drink once a week, I like to get quite drunk, and I've even drank too much and blacked out once (I typically drink around 1 pint of 80 proof liquor once a week, but I was stressed out, so I doubled it to a liter) but I haven't since then.

    How many of you think I'm an alcoholic in denial?

    3 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • Why is it so wrong to get drunk sometimes if you are bipolar?

    My mental health has been pretty bad before, but at least I haven't cut myself in like 5 years (except for to drain stubborn pimples (idk what you call them, but they swell a lot, sometimes there is white pus, but mostly it's clear liquid)) and I've only felt out of control a few times (all related to Seroquel XR withdrawal, which wasn't my choice; and the 15 hour work days on almost no sleep).

    So why is it so bad to get drunk occasionally when I can easily keep myself together?

    1 AnswerMental Health5 years ago
  • How many of you think Orthodontics/braces aren't necessary?

    I think some cases may be cosmetic, maybe even a lot of them.

    But I also think there are so many cases where braces really are necessary, and provide many functional benefits.

    2 AnswersDental5 years ago
  • Should I see a doctor, or should I be able to heal on my own?

    So I have some sort of ear infection, at first I didn't thing it was so bad, but it appears to be getting worse.

    Basically somehow the skin on the inside of my ear got all crumbly, almost all the way to the outside, and if I messed with it, parts come come off and it would slowly ooze clear liquid.

    On top of that there started being more pain and I can clearly hear my heartbeat in the bad ear, and I've found that instead of regular earwax there appears to be pushed all around the inside.

    I've had probably 4 or 5 ear infections in the last 7 or 8 years, and 1 of them was a lot more painful, and another was more of a hearing loss problem (like I became almost deaf due to blockage on top of the eardrum, after it cleared up I was fine and could hear like normal).

    And I squirted a bit of Hydrogen Peroxide in my ear and it bubbled up for almost 5 minutes.

    Can I heal without going to a doctor? How long would it take?

    Or should I just see a doctor?

    4 AnswersOther - Health5 years ago
  • Do you think my little brother could get sicker before he gets his tonsils removed?

    His tonsils have been badly infected for a while, a few days ago he had a doctor's appointment and I knew when he showed me them that the doctor would want him to get his tonsils removed.

    I'm a bit worried because of how long recovery can take, and how bad it will be if he loses his job (I know they can't fire him for being out of work from the recovery for the surgery), and something is going on with my .

    Can he get more sick ? I really don't know what I would do if he did got really sick, is bad enough when it's not something poor kid.

    3 AnswersOther - Health5 years ago
  • Does recovery from tonsil removal really take up to 14 days?

    I'm wondering as my little brother has had a bad infection with his Tonsils, I didn't know it was as bad as it was until he showed me how they bleed and ooze like a pus or mucus.

    If he is off work recovering for that long it will be rough, but if he's going to need that long we will just have to make due.

    I'm thankful that I'm not sick like that because I imagine he can't be feeling too great with his tonsils being how they are.

    He's gone into work tonight and is supposed to tell his employer (Walmart), what is going on and see about getting time off.

    1 AnswerInfectious Diseases5 years ago