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  • How to deal with a sexist father?

    Alright, so my problem is my dad is really sexist. He always talks disrespectfully about women, refused to buy my sister and I menstrual supplies and told us to use a rag instead, and even told me once a man will never love me, and if he were in a relationship with a woman like me he would throw her on the street. He also says he will become like a Muslim father and beat us senseless (even though I know many Muslim families, and they treat their women with the utmost respect). Whenever my mom comes over, he manhandles her and gropes her. They have been divorced for about 4 years, seperated for almost 10. I cannot figure out a constructive way to deal with this. Please help?

    5 AnswersFamily5 years ago
  • How to convince my mom to let me move to Germany?

    Hi guys. Basically when I'm out of high school, I wanna go to university in Germany and my mom doesn't support that at all. To be completely honest, I would like to live there for my life and see myself having kids and things of that nature there. I have family issues, my mom knows this, and she thinks I want to move to Europe to get away from all that. She said she would rather me go to an east coast school even though I know that is not the kind of environment that I want. I have my heart set on Europe but she won't allow it. Help please?

    3 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • How can I help my boyfriend?

    Okay, so basically my boyfriend has been acting a little distant lately due to stress and because a few days ago his father got into an accident where he broke all of his ribs and arm and elbow and more. One of his best friends (who Lives in another city) tells me he never tells her anything which is surprising because they are BEST FRIENDS after all. Atm this is a long distance relationship but I really love him and care about him and want him to be okay. He hasn't read any of my messages yet. I know he feels the same way about me but this is a rough time. The fact that he keeps things from his friends (his stress, to an extent the accident) are signs that he truly trusts me. I usually spam him while he's away and he'll leave a long reply back but people are telling me to not do that as much? It just hurts me so much and I can't even figure out why since the accident didn't even happen to me. He's a really great guy and I told him I care about him and I love him and I am here for him. What else can I do? Because it honestly really hurts. Thanks for your help

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • Is french hard?

    I took latin for 2 years (9-10 grade) and I got burned out and decided to quit. For my junior and senior year, I opted for french just because IVE been around Spanish my whole life and wanted to try something different. So, since I have studied latin for 2 years, will french be hard? I am going on a vacation to france next year and I plan on perhaps finding a french interne penpal to help? Thanks!!!

    4 AnswersLanguages6 years ago
  • Is it bad I feel this way?

    Okay so basically, I think I hate my father. He has severe anger issues and is abusive and I can't speak out about it. Today he saw the fan was on and destroyed the really expensive dining room table (which was the only one we have) and is just always screaming at us for no reason. He threatens to remove me from my school (which is a really expensive, prestigious private school) even though he does not help in any way to pay for it. I'm about to be a junior and when I graduate I will most likely go to university in germany, partly influenced by my experiences with him. My mom was an alcoholic and we used to live with her, and I can say right now that even with her faults, I was much happier with her. She is not in a position to take us. God, I hate him and hate what he's done to me. Are these feelings bad? I can't forgive him. I just can't.

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • How to get over the effects of alcholism?

    Hi everyone, I am 15 years old, and from birth to about 12 I dealt with my moms alcoholism every single day until my siblings and I moved out. I honestly tried really hard to move on and forget about it because people kept telling me things like "kids in Africa have it so much worse!" But after a while I started having flashbacks and there were days that I just cried. Whenever I try talking about it I cry and I don't like showing this weak side of myself. I feel traumatized by all this, but I can't seem to fully move on. Also, I feel ashamed that my mother was an alcoholic and it's embarrassing for me to talk about. Any suggestions?

    4 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago
  • What should I do about this friend?

    So basically, my best friend introduced me to this guy, we started talking, and now were dating. He's german and we were all in a Skype chat and a really sensitive black girl made a messed up joke about hitler and nazis so he said something back. My best friend is Indian and said "you can't be racist to white people" and basically got really pissed at him for no reason. Now this other black girl, finds random guys on kik to talk to and she met one guy and was talking to him for a few days and apparently she loves him. I told her to be careful and my best friend called me a hypocrite and started attacking me for no reason. I honestly don't know what to do. She's acting like a ***** and is talking **** about him even though he's being the bigger person by not saying anything back. She also has this weird ideology that "you can't be racist towards white people" and all white people are racist and it kind of pisses me off. Now mind you, I shut her down but this has happened before and I iced her out for a few days and she apologized. What should I do? I don't want to choose but she is making me and he told me not to risk my friendship with her. I really like him a lot. And also, she bragged about blasting him today and I told her I didn't need drama bc I have exams coming up that I'm already stressed about :/ please help!

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Is it a bad thing to be fiery/sassy?

    Ok, so I'm not afraid to question things and speak my mind, to the absolute horror of other people. I will accept other's opinions, but stupid people piss me off to no end. And also, a lot of guys seem to to like it for some reason, why? Thanks!

    1 AnswerAdolescent6 years ago
  • How did I get so popular so quickly?

    Ok, so since the start of my high school career, I always thought I was nobody special. But I've gotten way more popular this year (I'm a sophomore) and a lot of people say I'm fiery, sassy, and witty. And a lot of random people (namely freshmen) say hi to me in the halls and once I had to do a presentation in a class and I didn't know the teacher, so I introduced myself and she said "ahhhh I know who you are." And when she introduced me to the class, they all said they knew me even though I have never seen the vast majority of them in my life. Not to mention a lot of guys seem to like me, even though I'm not particularly pretty (I'm not fishing for compliments, just being honest). Even this guy on the varsity football team. Like WHAT?! Please help answer my question. Thanks ((:

    5 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago
  • What goes on at alanon and al-ateen meetings?

    Okay, so I'm 15, and pretty recently (2 and a half years ago) I was removed from my alcoholic mom's home and placed with my father. I always thought that once I was out, my problems would be over, and I try to deny that this ever happened to me. So for almost 3 years, I've been a shell and I don't tell anyone anything about that because I'm so ashamed. Anyways, today all those horrible memories came rushing back and I've been crying all day. I now admit that I am traumatized and I need help on how to get over this and make peace with my mother and my past. No one has ever understood what I've been through, but I feel like other people who have experienced what I have can help. What goes on at this meetings? Thanks so much for your help!

    2 AnswersFamily6 years ago
  • Anyone here know anything about getting into a Swiss university?

    Hi everyone. I'm american, currently a sophomore (that's 10th grade). I really want to go to a foreign university to study and I'm looking at Switzerland right now. Is there anything I should know? Any helpful links you can provide? I have been looking all afternoon and can't find anything helpful... Thanks again!

  • Is another american civil war imminent?

    The political divide seems to be getting deeper and deeper, while some states are considering seceding from the Union altogether... So what do you think the future of this country will look like in 10 years?

    6 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • Help with a guy?

    Before I get started, I'm American and he's finnish.

    Okay, so there is this guy I know that I really like. We've been talking over Facebook in a group chat with our other friend. Well this other friend brought up a really hot Lithuanian guy she had met and we were both going crazy. We left him out of the conversation and he said he was going to sleep with a sad face. Me and my friend private messaged each other and decided we needed to apologize. So I did, and he said it was okay and that I didn't need to apologize because he was bullied for 3 years and they never apologized. I feel really bad but I can't understand why he was mad if he doesn't like either of us in that way. What do you think?

    1 AnswerAdolescent6 years ago
  • Someone help me with this guy?

    Before I get started, I'm American and he's finnish.

    Okay, so there is this guy I know that I really like. We've been talking over Facebook in a group chat with our other friend. Well this other friend brought up a really hot Lithuanian guy she had met and we were both going crazy. We left him out of the conversation and he said he was going to sleep with a sad face. Me and my friend private messaged each other and decided we needed to apologize. So I did, and he said it was okay and that I didn't need to apologize because he was bullied for 3 years and they never apologized. I feel really bad but I can't understand why he was mad if he doesn't like either of us in that way. What do you think?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating6 years ago
  • How can I get my friend back?

    Ok, long story short me and my (ex) best friend lost contact around 2011... Partly bc my mom didn't like her and partly because we were taking different paths in life and obviously just grew apart. Well now it's 2015, I recently found her on Facebook and found out she's dating a guy in college (like his sophomore year) and she's 15. Her parents approve because he came out to see her as we live in Arizona and he lives in Idaho... I'm really worried he'll take advantage of her or hurt her. She doesn't like me very much as about a year ago I saw her, waved, and she just ran off as if she didn't know me. She was kind of a dick to me in the past, but I'm willing to overlook that bc I genuinely want her to be okay. And before anyone suggests I send a message to her through facebook, I already did and it says she saw it and that she was active but she hasn't replied. Help??

    2 AnswersFriends6 years ago
  • Why can't I score high on standardized tests?

    I swear, on every one I take I can never get past "meets the standards." I've been thinking about this very hard lately. I've always been an exceptional student, I've always been able to grasp the material and I always understand it.

    Standardized tests are another story, however. I've never scored particularly high on my AIMS tests (that's a test for arizona students, which I haven't had to take since 8th grade thank goodness) and my freshman year I had to take the PSAT which was a disaster. I'm a sophomore now, and had to take it again (along with everyone else) and I'm expecting disastrous results.

    I just don't get it. Most of my classmates are scoring high and I feel so stupid compared to them, even though I know I'm not. What can I do for the SAT and ACT? And what do you think about why I suck at standardized tests? I just don't understand and I need some type of answer. Thanks for any help I get.

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • What can I start doing in high school to prepare to become a doctor?

    Hi everyone. I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm almost 100% sure I would like to become a doctor (and to specialize in either infectious diseases or dermatology). I know all about shadowing, but I would like to know about how I can start preparing high school wise. I'm currently in chemistry, and last year I took biology. At my school, chem and bio are both required for graduation. Next year I can take AP chemistry, AP bio, biochemistry, physics, or environmental science. Which one should I take? And what are the best things to do now as a high school student? Thanks so much for your help.

  • What is Lithuania like? Or the three Baltic states in general? (:?

    Hi everyone! I'm lithuanian, and I'm so interested in learning about this beautiful country, so I figured what better way to ask than people who are from there/have been there? I have family there, but I haven't heard from them :( Anyways, I have some questions, if you don't mind answering:

    1- how poor is it?

    2- what was it like under communis rule?

    3- do a lot of people speak English?

    4- what do they think of lithuanian Americans, or Americans in general?

    5- what are the people like?

    6- what are men like? (: good looking/nice? (:

    Thanks for the help! And as I said, these can be directed toward Latvia or Estonia if you're not familiar with Lithuania.

    Cheers! <3

    1 AnswerOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • What would have happened if the Romanov dynasty survived?

    This question has been plaguing me for a while now. The Romanov family was absolutely beautiful, it's a shame that they died the way they did? So, what would have happened had they not been killed that night? Thank you to anyone who can give a well informed answer!

    7 AnswersHistory7 years ago
  • Can anyone give me some advice?

    Hello everyone, today was my birthday, and it went very well until the end of the day. My dad bought a cake and I thought that it would be okay to cut it since I assumed there were no candles or anything like that for it. So I started cutting it and then he comes in and starts screaming at me and saying he is about to cry since he wanted to surprise me I suppose. My brothers were the ones who wanted cake. Please help. I'm feeling very broken and sad right now and I'm crying. I feel like no one put any effort into making today special for me at all... I just want to get over this. Any advice? Please?

    3 AnswersFamily7 years ago