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  • would a nostril piercing look good on me?

    i get mixed reviews on a nose piercing for me... i'd want a small diamond-y stud. very subtle. but here's pictures do you think i could pull it off/my nose is a ok shape?

    thanks :)

    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • how should i embrace my natural looks?

    hello i'm a 17 year old girl. i'm not stick thin, but not fat at all either. almost curvy. i have very pale, very freckly skin that sometimes breaks out, but its very coverable. i'm really irish. my eyes are bright blue and my hair is dark brown. my lips are a kind of middle pink color. i'm trying to decide how to like embrace my coloring with make up. at the moment i just try to make myself tanner by tanning and bronzing, but whats your opinion on pale skin with dark hair and bright blue eyes? is that wierd looking? or cute? some people have said exotic but i really dont know.

    2 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • can you get a medical marijuana liscense in another state?

    i was wondering if i would be able to obtain a medical marijuana liscense from another state. for example, i live in massachusetts, where medical marijuana doesn't exist, but i frequently go to california. if i applied and got accepted there, would that work?

    7 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • could i pull off a nose stud?

    sorrry to ask this again... i found more pictures

    okay soo once again... i want a little diamond nose stud... i can't tell if it would suit me... but i really like them

    here's the pictures




    5 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • could i pull off a nose stud?

    alsoo this isn't really my style im wearing in the pics... i usually wear different stuff... i dont know... edgier? and this is my parents fancy office haha

    9 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • ideas for a 16th birthday party?

    i'm turning 16 in january, but i don't really know what to do for a party. i haven't had a party since i was 10, but my parents said that since it's a big year, i can have a party. i have a budget of about 100$... if something is a bit more, i could probably finagle it though.

    i'm a girl, fyi, and i like adventures or just chilling. i'm really easy going.

    8 AnswersEntertaining1 decade ago
  • what to do about depression?

    i'm depressed and have anxiety problems, but no one knows about them. but i'm dying inside because of it. i'm constantly sad, but try to put on a happy face, and I'm so anxious all the time (obviously). i have like no friends because of it, and i really want to be on a medication that would help me get out of this. i've tried special mood enhancing diets, and excersize for the endorphins, but my mom's into evereything being natural, and because i'm only 16, not over 18, i'm under her rule. do you have any ideas of what i could do either to get medication or else to be happier? not like i haven't already tried everything but whatever it's still worth a shot.

    4 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • second ear piercing?

    okay so i have one set of ear piercings and i think i might get a second set... what do you guys think? i'm also debating weather to get a cartilage peircing or a third on my left ear also. i kind of want to get it done soon though, so i can take them out before school starts and switch them.

    my parents are okay with it, and i'm almost 16, i just want to know if peopel think its slutty or weird or anything.

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • what do you think of these pants?

    what do you think of these pants just for wearing to school tomorrow? usually i wear them to tennis and yoga, but i really want to wear them out. plus i have a good bum :)

    28 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • am i healthy/fat? ps. i know i've poted this twice i want more answers?

    hi, everyone who reads this.

    okay, so i got put on some meds, and i put on a whole 25 (!) pounds, and when i told the doctor, he said it was either stop taking the meds (and risk dying) or deal with the weight gain and lose the weight eventually. so basically i'm dealing with it. but anyway, i'm 5'5" and weigh 165, but i'm pretty strong and have big bones. i'm a 36b. i'm seriosly not posting this for complements, but i've gotten some pretty mean comments lately. here's some pictures

    i'm also really athletic. i swim and play tennis year round, and run between 2 and 4 miles a day.

    4 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • am i fat? this is for real.?

    hi, everyone who reads this.

    okay, so i got put on some meds, and i put on a whole 25 (!) pounds, and when i told the doctor, he said it was either stop taking the meds (and risk dying) or deal with the weight gain and lose the weight eventually. so basically i'm dealing with it. but anyway, i'm 5'5" and weigh 165, but i'm pretty strong and have big bones. i'm a 36b. i'm seriosly not posting this for complements, but i've gotten some pretty mean comments lately. here's some pictures

    i'm also really athletic. i swim and play tennis year round, and run between 2 and 4 miles a day.

    13 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • is this time drop possible?

    so in our state (MA) the sectionals time for the 50 freestyle is about 28 seconds. do you think theres anyway i could swim this at my dcls meet and drop 2.5-ish seconds? I've swam a 30, but that was a while ago and i'm kind of stuck at 31 flat. this week we're shaving and relaxing a bit, but do you thinnk its possible?

    7 AnswersSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • how to drop swimming times?

    hello! okay, so i'm a freshman swimmer and i really want to drop times at tomorrows meet because i've been stuck for a while, and this is the second to last meet. any ideas? these are my times:

    100 free-1:13.00

    50 free-30.97

    200 free-2:25 ish

    200 IM-2:27.01

    100 IM-1:20

    100 breast-1:42

    i think tomorrow i'm swimming the 50, 100free, and possible 2 im on 2 free

    4 AnswersSwimming & Diving1 decade ago
  • what kinds of things do 15 year old boys notice?

    okay, so the questions pretty self explainatory.

    7 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • making him like me?

    okay, so i'm 15 and one of my best friends is a guy... the problem is that ever since i met him, i've liked him. we spend every day together, because we go to school together, play tennis together, and are in the same social group. how do i change from being running partners to going out?

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • zone alarm?

    i'm thinking of getting zone alarm on our new laptop and installing it on our old desktop, but even though it says you can put it on up to three computers, how do you do that without a disk?

    2 AnswersSecurity1 decade ago
  • am i unhealthy?

    i don't feel like i'm unhealthy, but my doctors seem to think i am, which i don't understand.

    okay, so here i go.

    i'm 5'5" and weight 155 lbs, but I think a lot of its muscle

    i swim everyday for 2-3 hours (weekends included) for my swim team and play tennis 2-3 times a week (usually about 5 hours) and play tournaments competitively during the swimming off season.

    i eat very healthy... i usually have some junk food, but not in excess. i don't drink soda or anything... my usual meals are:

    breakfast-cereal or 1/2 bagel

    lunch-peanut butter sandwich, crackers, fruit

    snack(before and after swimming)-chewy bars (one each time)

    dinner-a normal dinner, like chili or spaghetti, with milk

    desert-one scoop ice cream, a cookie, something along those lines.

    i also drink tons of water... like 5-10 water bottles a day.

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • your opinion?

    what do teenagers and parents think is appopriot for a 15-ish year old

    1. wear heels

    2. wear a thong (this is only for special occasions where its better to wear one than have panty lines)

    3. date

    4. drink on special occasions (eg. new years eve)

    5. go places without parental supervision (eg. mall)

    6. have a job

    7. wear clothes for older people (eg. more revealing dresses)

    8. go into the city with friends (with adults nearby, like in the same shopping area)

    9. go to concerts (same as above)

    10. go to parties (not wild, just parties in general) (yes, with supervision)

    6 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • whats your opinion?

    do you think a 15 year old can:

    1. wear heels

    2. wear a thong

    3. date

    4. drink on special occasions (eg. new years eve)

    5. go places without parental supervision (eg. mall)

    6. have a job

    7. wear clothes for older people (eg. more revealing dresses)

    8. go into the city with friends

    9. go to concerts

    10. go to parties (not wild, just parties in general)

    12 AnswersParenting1 decade ago