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Lv 619,126 points

Dalice Nelson

Favorite Answers14%

I am neither here nor there. I am woman but do not roar. I am 40 on the outside but 12 on the inside. I am really smart from all the reading and living and whatnot. I love being a mom most of all.

  • Why does my one cat hiss at his brother now that his brother got out of the house for 5 minutes?

    I have 2 indoor cats that are brothers. They are best buddies. Yesterday morning, the more skittish of the two got out of the house for a few minutes, running all around the yard and even hiding in the wheel well of the car. Ever since we got him back inside, his brother has been hissing at growling at him. Any idea why?

    1 AnswerCats1 decade ago
  • What Christmas Carol goes something like this: The Christmas bells are ringing...?

    ...the holly's at the windowpane (I am guessing here)/I hear the children singing/when Christmas bells ring.

    1 AnswerOther - Holidays1 decade ago
  • What is the easiest way to delete hundreds of files at one time?

    I know this is easy and possibly involves the Ctrl key but I just can't recall how to do it. Thanks.

    8 AnswersOther - Computers1 decade ago
  • Hypothetical 'did he get the job?'?

    Last Monday-Tuesday: Great interview that he was flown out of state for and put up for the night. Bossman at co. tells him, "it's really going to be up to you if this opportunity is right for you". One other interviewer e-mails him that he told bossman he would be a great addition. And yet another says, "enjoyed dinner-looking forward to doing it again'. Yesterday (over a week later-but T-giving holiday included) Bossman e-mails him in reply to his thank-you note to say, "call me". He calls and leaevs messages but bossman has long afternoon call. He calls again to try to catch bossman before end of day. Bossman still on call and does not call back.

    So, your opinion--when bossman calls is it to make an offer or tell him no?

    TY, am frantically nervous for this "him".

    2 AnswersOther - Careers & Employment1 decade ago
  • Best way to get a good price on a ring?

    Hello-I need some cash and want to sell my engagement ring from my first marriage. It's a small but nice diamond in a gold setting. I am not looking for a huge payday, but how can I make sure I don't get ripped off? There is a place nearby that buys jewelry and I have heard they are good, but do I trust their appraisal? Do I ask a jeweler for one (and how much does that cost?)? I really know nothing about jewelry to even guess if this is like a half carat or what. Any input would be awesome.

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Could this be kidney stones?

    Yes, I know...go see a doctor. But the thing is I am without insurance currently and so I am trying to self diagnose.

    I have had a dull pain about 6 inches to the right of my hip bone, just above where I bend at the waist. I maybe saw a little discoloration on the TP when I wiped today. I have had the pain for about 3 weeks. I am wondering if it is kidney stones, how long they might take to pass. Everywhere I read says OH you'll feel this intense pain so you'll know you have them, but my pain has just been kind of nagging...not intense.

    I am trying to drink lots of water in the hopes that if it is stones, they'll pass a little easier.

    Any input appreciated!

    1 AnswerOther - Diseases1 decade ago
  • Is this REALLY the norm?

    Okay, I asked a similar question around my daughter's birthday last year, but it's that time of year again and I am (again) incredulous. 9 kids from her preschool are invited to her 5th birthday party. We are having it at our house, this Saturday. Of the 9, a whopping 3 have RSVPed. I put reminders to the parents in the kids' cubbies this morning.

    My question is: WHY don't people RSVP anymore? When did this become okay? Also, does a no-call mean they are or are not coming. Last year 3 didn't call (even with reminders sent home) and those 3 did NOT come, but I do know that some people feel that RSVPs are regrets-only, so maybe they are coming?

    Sorry to seem so anal retentive about this but I need to know how many prizes to get, how much food, etc. and I am really surprised about the lack of common courtesy. I KNOW all about being busy, but I always find time to make a phone call.


    14 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Do kids get new molars @ around age 5?

    My preschooler turns 5 next month. She kept telling me that the back of her mouth felt weird. I looked and it looks like a bulge is back beyond her last tooth, like something might be poking through soon. Thoughts? Thanks.

    6 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • What are the best websites to find postings for teaching jobs?

    I have been checking the local school district employment pages, of course but would like to ensure that i am not missing any postings for alternative or parochial schools. Also-in your experience, when do the postings for the next school year start showing up? I am not finding a lot thus far. Thanks!

    7 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Could teething bother a toddler's ears?

    Rough night last night at my house. My 23 month old would NOT sleep-very unusual for her. She said her ear hurt and she showed me the ear that hurt. Now, yeah, she is prone to ear infections, however, this had none of the indications for ear infections that she gets without fail: a REALLY runny nose and then fever.

    The reason I am suspecting some kind of 2 year molars (do these exist or did I just make them up) is that she has been JAMMING her hands in her mouth lately.

    Any thoughts?



    12 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Advice needed for getting a teaching job?

    Hello teachers.

    I am 40 and am in the midst of getting certified to teach in this state.

    How might you suggest presenting myself when I have both undergrad degree in education, and a master's but my coursework was 15 -20 plus years ago and I have never taught?

    My career during most of that time has been marketing for major textbook companies, btw.

    I still look at my resume and think-but WHY would they hire me over some fresh faced recent college grad?

    4 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • Please help! Teachers-who would you recommend that I speak with when it comes to my credentials?

    My situation is unique and I'll make it brief. I have an expired out of state license and an out of state master's degree (both are OLD-I got my master's in 1993). I have never taught but am making a mid-career change that will finally utilize my education! However, the red tape is a nightmare and I need help from question: Is that someone at the state licensing department? At a university? Or at my district office? It's like a need a kind of counselor just to help me figure how if I can get the certifcation I want (middle school English rather than the 7-12th grade that I WAS certified for). HEEEELLLLPP (and thanks)

    5 AnswersTeaching1 decade ago
  • How much of a pain is it to wash the liners of wooly crocs?

    It looks like replacing the liner is going to be a real pain-has anyone washed theirs?

    1 AnswerCleaning & Laundry1 decade ago
  • How to help my dear friend's husband?

    My dear, loved friend died a couple of weeks ago after a long battle with cancer (one which she was winning until the very end). Naturally, her husband is devasted, as we all are. But they were truly two sides of the same coin. Is ther ANYthing I can do to help? I had to return to my out of state home after the funeral, but am wanting to deal with my sadness by helping him. He has loads of support in state but is so lost. ANY ideas? I am racking my brain, here but to no avail. Knowing his wife as I did, I know she'd want my husband and myself to do all we can to help.

    6 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • Praxis Middle School English Language Arts Exam (0049)?

    Has anyone here taken this? I haven't taken a standardized test in about 15 years (and it's been even longer since I did my coursework), but am trying to get my teaching certification and have to take this test. I just wanted to get the impression of the test from anyone who has taken it.

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersStandards & Testing1 decade ago
  • Lia Sophia Jewelry party?

    Hi-I was invited to one of those awful sales parties-this one for Lia Sophia jewelry. I like the hostess, and would go to be nice, but only if there were some inexpensive items available. Does anyone know how much this jewelry tends to run? Thanks-DN

    4 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • I need your advice-is it possible to keep a dog that bites with small kids in the house?

    We have a wonderful dog-we got him as a puppy and he is three now. He is a shepherd mix. LOVES people. Never an accident in the house. We didn't realize when we got him that he is completely anxious and cannot relax if there is anyone outside of the fmaily in the hosue or yard. Plus, there have been two biting incidents with kids but ONLY when food was directly involved.

    I knwo it sounds insane, especially since the latest bite was my older daughter, but is there a way we can keep this dog? I am thinking of obvious things like feeding him separately, crating him when company is over (especially kids), putting a dog door and heater in the garage for him when kids are over. Basically I am looking for suggestions, I don't want to play fast and loose with a biting risk, I don't want to be sued, but I made a committment to this dog, not knowing he was too much dog for us. I feel, at age 3, he will only get more mellow. My husband, so far, is not yielding on keeping him.

    24 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Can someone give me one GOOD reason to watch the BB8 finale?

    I mean really, who cares which of those disgusting Donatos gets the money? I just need them to go away.

    29 AnswersReality Television1 decade ago
  • Parenting Forum Question?

    I am wondering how all of you in the parenting and pregnancy forum would respond to this. There was a poster who was clearly lying in a post-you know the kind-they pretend to be much younger than they are, and make up a really long fictional story meant to outrage us. I didn't bust out with YOU LIAR. I didn't swear at her. I told her I didn't believe her and gave her the reasons why. She had joined Y!A today but seemed to know that I like to call liars out, plus, she then told me that she had 5 people reporting me. So, she lied, but is tattling on Not sure. So my question is, do you think I violated guidelines? Her name is Maybell, by the way. Do you think, if you were a fan or contact of mine that it would be right or wrong to tattle (I mean report) her? Are you tempted to? To find her, you can see my questions answered. Again, her name is maybell. Not saying you should tattle or anything. m-a-y-b-e-l-l

    12 AnswersOther - Pregnancy & Parenting1 decade ago
  • Have you tried Freecycle?

    You join your local group and then get e-mails whenever someone is going to throw something away. The idea is that everything can be recycled. I have seen LOADS of great kids things (strollers, pack and plays) toys and clothes being given away for free. I haven'

    t had a need for anything yet, but I plan on putting some things up once the baby gets bigger.

    It's really cool-check it out.


    Not an Employee of Freecycle.

    9 AnswersParenting1 decade ago