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  • How do you stay motivated to continue losing weight ?

    On December 21 I went in to the hospital to have my baby. I weighed 201 pounds. As of today. I am 170 pounds (my daughter weighed 6 pounds to ounces) I'm determined to lose more weight but lately it's been really hard to stay on track... Please give me some helpful tips so that I can continue and lose 5-6 more pounds this month. Thanks

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • Does a c section incision always need to be reopened if there's an infection ?

    Does the doctor always open you up and swab ? Or is a course of antibiotics usually the treatment ?

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • Pneumonia in newborn.?

    I am at the hospital with my newborn and the doctor here diagnosed her with pneumonia and she is being transported to the children's hospital downtown by ambulance. I am freaking out. I don't want anything to happen to her. Have you ever had a newborn with pneumonia ? What was the prognosis ? What was the treatment? Is the hospital downtown likely to do the same test ? Will she have her own room where I can stay with her or will she be in the nursery? I'm sure most of you don't know the answer to that question because it depends on the hospital but somebody might know

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • How can I relieve nasal congestion in a newborn ?

    I'm not home and I don't have my humidifier so I need to improvise. My daughter has some nasal congestion and I'm wondering if I can put a warm towel on her nose to break up the mucous. She suffers from reflux and has been spitting up as well..

    1 AnswerRespiratory Diseases5 years ago
  • Experienced mommies! Please help me figure out what I need to do about my choking baby.?

    I recently switched my newborn to similac sensitive because she was gassy on her other formula and today she started coughing and it's almost like she chokes .. I called the local hospital and the nurse said that everything is ok if my baby doesn't have a fever.. Stop breathing.. Or doesn't seem to be in pain or bothered.. My baby isn't showing ANY signs of discomfort. She falls back asleep as soon as the "attack" is over. I'm out of town for a funeral and can't get back to her pediatrician until next week.. I think she has reflux because she spits up a lot which makes her choke.. Should I still lay her on her back to sleep? Or on her side so that it'll run out of her mouth? .. Has anybody ever had trouble with similac sensitive ? If so what formula did you switch to? How do I calm down tonight and get some rest instead of worrying and standing over her all night? If it happens again I am going to take her to the hospital.. Im a new mother and so worried about losing my child ..

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • How do you feel about a newborn going to a funeral ?

    My family was called home on Thursday to say our final goodbyes to my grandmother ( she raised me) and she died on Saturday... Her funeral is this Saturday. I had my baby on December 22 so she's still a newborn. All of my family and family friends (that I trust enough to watch my baby) have said that they are going to the funeral and the people that aren't I don't know them.. Is it inappropriate to take her to the funeral ? Would you take your baby to a funeral ? Should I sit in the back so that I can exit quickly if she starts crying ?

    8 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • how can I get my newborn To go to sleep ?

    I had my baby 2 weeks ago.. And she can only sleep on my chest. As soon as I put her down she wakes up and cries. It usually doesn't bother me but I can't sleep with her on my chest and I'm extremely tired tonight. I'm actually getting frustrated with her. How can I get her to go to sleep ?

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • Is a period JUST the shedding of the uterine lining in preparation for the next month and a possible pregnancy ?

    Or is there more to it ? I had my daughter last week and I'm still bleeding since my body is shedding this blood and preparing for ovulation again. Is this considered my first period after pregnancy? Sorry if I sound stupid. I just have no idea

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • How can I handle unsolicited advice from family ?

    I had my daughter last Tuesday and we are staying at my grandmothers house for the next couple of days. Since it's the holidays that older generations are here. 60-90 and everybody has their input !.. I was told by my doctor that I shouldn't give my child water and when I said that I don't give my baby water my family looked like they were going to pass out !.. I am using ready to use formula and I was told that I shouldn't put it in the microwave well again all of the older women said that I need to put it in the microwave for 5-10 minutes to take the chill off .. My baby's ear hurts her and my great grandmother (she's 88) put warm oil and cotton in her ear... I don't want to do any of this ! I actually want to follow the advice of my doctor but my great grandmother replies that she "raised four generations" including me ... Also they planned to have her christened this weekend because this is the last time that we will all be together .. I put a stop to that because I'm agnostic .. How can I stop the older generation and their opinions ? Are they doing any real harm by giving her water and putting wax down her ears ?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby5 years ago
  • What's happens if you violate probation by commiting another crime ? (Second degree felony)?

    I had a friend that I tried my hardest to help out. He was homeless and I fed him,let him wash his clothes , drove him to his odd jobs .. I did whatever I could to help him. My moms jewelry came up missing and she filed a report .after an investigation the detective found the pawn shop that he pawned the jewelry at and even pictures of him pawning it so he was arrested .. He was already on probation in another county and this violates his probation. So what happens next ? Will there be two different hearings? One to determine what happens to his probation ? And one trial for the theft of property ? If his probation is revoked does that mean he will have to serve the rest of his time plus time for the new charge ? I know I sound really ignorant but the truth is I'm young and I don't know anything about this. His girlfriend messaged me and asked me to drop the charges since the jewelry was recovered and she said that she would pay back whatever he received from the pawn shop.. What would you do ? My mom has moved on in life and isn't really worried about if so she left it up to me. But I'm scorned! I helped him when nobody else would ..not even his family

    4 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • Is it too late to bond with my newborn?

    I know how important it is to have skin to skin contact .. Breast feed and how important the first couple of days are. I expected to go to the hospital and be induced with Pitocin.. Delivery vaginally and then go home 24 hours later with my baby what I didn't expect was for her heart rate to drop below 100 and I'd need an emergency c-section with a blood transfusion because my doctor couldn't control the bleeding .. I also didn't expect to spend 4 days in the hospital and I definitely didn't expect this much pain! Now that we are home. I have barely done anything to help. I'm either on pain medicine and asleep or awake and she cries when I hold her Because even though she's not even 7 pounds yet it hurts to lift her so I have to hold her in weird positions.. I can't move fast enough to fix a bottle or to change her diaper. She seems so bonded with my mom. She even sleeps in her room at night. I know it's to give me a break but i miss my baby. I don't know when I'll feel better. I feel like I'm not being a loving parent to her because I can't really do anything for her. I need help cleaning my wound and even showering

    4 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Can I use an enema after c section.?

    I had a c section on the twenty second. I haven't had a vowel movement since Monday and I've only passed gas once (so that I could eat).. i am desperate for some relief. Is an enema a terrible idea ? It's the last result. I've tried positions.. Prune juice and gas x. For relief.

    3 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Can anybody give me c-section recovery advice ?

    I was induced with misoprostol ( to soften the cervix) I started that at 1 am Tuesday morning.The nurse started my pitocin at 5 am and by 11 I was only dilated to a 2 so my doctor turned off my epidural and my contractions were coming every 2-3 minutes. My babies heart rate dropped to under 100 and I had an emergency c section. Now I am having the WORST gas pain I've ever had. I can feel it. But it just won't come out .. I had warm prune juice and mylicon. I've heard that walking is the best way to relieve gas pain but I needed a blood transfusion afterwards and I can't Get up to walk around yet .. They just keep offering me prune juice and mylicon until I can get up to walk. What are some ways you relieved gas pain after your c-section ? Positions?

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • Did you shave or wax before labor and delivery?

    I usually shave or at least trim my pubic hair. My induction is scheduled for tonight. I'm kind of nervous about the hair. Did you shave. I feel like I need to because hair can trap odor .. I'm not saying I will stink. But I'm sure the smell of labor and sweat stinks. If you did shave or wax did the itching and irritation make recovery worse for you ?

    4 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Experienced mothers! have you ever been induced with pitocin ?

    I have my final consultation today with my Ob before my induction on Monday . It is elective and I do understand that I can say no.. Have you ever been induced with pitocin ? Is it true that the contractions are much stronger ? Or does it just seem like that because the contractions are sudden? Did you have an epidural ? Have you ever spontaneously gone into labor ? How did the contractions and over all labor of a spontaneous labor compare to being induced ? Did you have an epidural ? Would you recommend an epidural? I do know that induction and epidural both have risks.

    3 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Has anybody here ever had there membranes stripped?

    Can you only have your membranes stripped once you've started dilating ? Or can your doctor force the cervix open ? Did you actually go into labor after your membranes were stripped ? At what week were you in pregnancy when your membranes were stripped?

    1 AnswerPregnancy5 years ago
  • Why is there so much confusion about if a woman can have a period while pregnant?

    I know that women can't but I've seen both answers on here. Most people say you can't have a period but there are women that claim they had a period there whole pregnancy! Also I've seen a lot of different answers about if you can induce labor with sex or walking.. I sleazy so no because there's no scientific proof that those things bring on answers but no matter what there are people who claim that these things sent them into labor.. So is really a way (without medicine) to induce labor?! I wish everybody would get on the same page about these things ..

    3 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Questions about conception?

    Can a women have her period during pregnancy? I thought that women couldnt because a period sheds the uterine lining in preparation for the next month in preparation for a possible pregnancy. But I've been on several blogs and there are women that swear that they got their periods the whole pregnancy ... Are home urine test the same as a urine test at the doctors office ? I answered that they are the same because they both test for the hcg and I understand they have different levels that they can test for but somebody commented and said that doctors urine test are "medial grade and made to be read in a lab" so you can't compare the two..

    Also can a women really ovulate at any time? On her period. A day after ?

    3 AnswersPregnancy5 years ago
  • Can anybody answer some of my political questions?

    I am just now starting to learn about politics and I'm very interested in learning and staying up to date about current events.. Can the president of the United States declare martial law and declare himself as a dictator ? Also I read an article with "Obama won't send troops to the Middle East".. Couldn't congress over rule Obama and send troops or declare war? I'm just trying to figure out how much control the president actually has.. Again I'm ignorant to all of this and these are questions that I'd be too embarrassed to actually ask out loud.

    3 AnswersPolitics5 years ago