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Lv 610,438 points

celtic tart

Favorite Answers22%
  • Ever leave or recieve comments on Q's you got "Best Answer" for?

    Care to share any?

    My favorite was a question the asker gave me 'best answer' for. Then added "Celtic Tart. Sounds like FART!"

    So I replied in her comment box:

    Thanks for the 10 points.

    It must have smelled sweet.

    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • How did someone I don't know from Y/A get on my outgoing mail list?

    Just sent an e-mail to some friends.

    Entered addresses from my address book.

    Just before I hit the "send" button, I noticed

    a name on the list of someone I don't even

    know from Y/A!

    I went back and checked to see if this person

    somehow got on my address book, and they

    are NOT there.

    How did this person's address show up on my

    outgoing address"s when I never entered it?

    I never even knew this person or their address!

    I'm so confused.

    What is this person going to think or say when

    they get this stupid e-mail; from me....and they

    don't even know me?


    1 AnswerYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Suffering from allergies yet? Do you know the current pollen count where you live?

    Oh yeah, I'm in allergy hell now.

    Itchy skin, eyes, ears, throat.

    Sinus's ache like the dickens.

    Asthma not too bad. That'll come

    in May when the olive tree's bloom.

    Here in Las Vegas the pollen count in the air

    yesterday was 10,800 grains per cubic meter.

    Today it is 26,300 grains per cubic meter.

    Mostly mulberry trees at this time of spring.

    In the next few weeks it will go as high as

    70,000+ grains per cubic meter.

    Just curious...

    Anyone else suffering from allergies yet

    in your part of the world?

    Do you know the current pollen count

    where you live?

    1 AnswerAllergies1 decade ago
  • Usually when you reach another level at Y/A, don't you recieve?

    ... don't you receive an e-mail notification to congratulate

    you and list the things you are able to do at the

    next level?

    I received them when I reached levels 2, 3 & 4.

    Although recently when I achieved enough points

    to move up to level 5 I didn't get a darned thing

    in my e-mail about it.

    So what can I now do at level 5 that I couldn't

    do before?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do you think octopussy & Kate + 8 and other women would be so eager to spit out children by the litter if they?

    ....if they had to use CLOTH DIAPERS like my mom did?

    Cloth diapers with diaper pins and plastic pants over them.

    Like those plastic pants ever stopped any of the mess from

    oozing out all over everything, right?

    Then you have to deal with the total maintenance that cloth

    diapers require.

    Hand wash out all of the initial mess, then soak in mild soap

    and bleach, THEN hot water wash in mild soap and use plenty

    of fabric softener.

    Also, you must change cloth diapers as quickly as possible

    whenever they have become soiled.

    Baby bottoms in cloth diapers don't stay comfy, dry & rash

    free if left to set in them until it's convenient for a change like

    those in disposable diapers do.

    You have to tote around not only enough clean spares for all

    of the unforseen messes when you are out & about, but you

    also need a separate tote for the dirty's to go back home in

    before you can even begin the cleaning process!

    Now this is just my own theory mind you,

    but I'm thinking perhaps disposable diapers are one of the

    biggest reasons for women to willingly put themselves through

    multiple births and/or large numbers of births in this day & age.

    Would YOU be so quick to want to breed & care for more than

    a few children if you could NEVER have the convenience of the

    disposable diapers?

    I'm fairly certain, in retrospect, that I myself would never have

    willingly had more than one child if it weren't for the ease of

    those disposable diapers.

    Of all the modern techonoloy products & devices that fall

    into the infant/toddler category, I'm pretty sure the ONLY

    one I could never have done without is disposable diapers!

    And yet, ecologically, they make NO sense at all.

    Do you think my disposable-diapers-are-the-culprit theory

    when it comes to the modern woman having more than

    say 2 to 4 children in a lifetime has any validity?

    Or do I just have hornets in my brain tonight?

    8 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Does anyone but me find it redundant to offer "10 points for best answer" ?

    Isn't it understood that "best answer" is

    ALWAYS worth 10 points on this site?

    Why do people offer that like it's some kind

    of extra enticement to try and answer their


    5 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Are you sick of all the stupid holograms dancing across your T.V. while you're trying to watch a show? ?

    I've had it with the holograms during my programs!

    They are distracting, they override my captions and

    can be so inappropriate. Like when you're watching

    a drama and here come some bouncing holo's that

    are advertising some comedy sitcom on the same

    station, right when the most important moment of

    the drama is happening!!

    It's like playing a commercial during the program.

    Why can't stations advertise during the commercial

    breaks instead?

    And I don't need the station logo hologram constantly

    in the corner while I'm watching something. I know

    what station I'm watching! And if I don't, it's easy

    enough to figure out by changing stations & then back.

    Or checking the program menu.

    Who would I have to complain to in order to petition

    the media to cease all holograms during programs?

    1 AnswerDrama1 decade ago
  • Do you love cheesecake? Ever made your own? Can you share your recipe with me? What is your favorite variety?

    There is a Cheesecake Factory near me and I LOVE cheesecake!

    My friend makes her own low-cal sugar-free variety for

    diabetics and they turn out so tasty!

    Do you have a home recipe I could try?

    My favorite is New York style with blueberry topping.

    (BTW, this Wednesday, July 30, 2008 you will be able to

    purchase single slices of cheesecake from the Cheesecake

    Factory for $1.50. Here is a link to confirm this:

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Does McCain's Panama Canal Zone birth effect his constitutional eligibility to be President of the U.S.? read.

    One of the two requirements of eligibility to hold the office of President

    of the U.S. as provided for in The Constitution states that the office

    holder "must be a natural-born citizen".

    Does McCain's birth in The Panama Canal Zone in 1936 or the fact that

    his parents were U.S. citizens satisfy the constitutional requirement

    that the president "must be a natural-born citizen"?

    The 1937 law that bestowed citizenship upon the children of U.S.

    parents born in The Canal Zone after 1904 did not grant U.S.

    citizenship to McCain until just before his first birthday.

    Does this mean he is NOT a "natural-born citizen" and therefore is

    NOT constitutionally eligible for the office of U.S. President?

    Can you explain to me why he IS or ISN'T legally eligible?

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Have you ever pulled up the 'answers' page and it was blank? Mine is blank and says "Drat. Nothing here right

    My 'answers' page just went completely blank!

    It says, "Drat. Nothing here right now.

    Why don't you become the first to ask a question instead?"


    Has this ever happened to you?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do you know if "project payday" is a work from home scam...or is it on the level?

    Do you or anyone you know have experience with "project


    The people who recommend it all say the exact same thing

    word for word with only the amount they claim to make being


    And they all say it doesn't cost ANYTHING to get started?

    I want details on just how this works....or doesn't as the

    case may be.

    Do you know?

    8 AnswersSmall Business1 decade ago
  • Are there 'right' socks & 'left' socks & if you put the 'wrong' sock on it hurst or is my husband NUTS?read..

    I know that everyone has their own little obsessive/compulsive quirks...but this is the most ridiculous one I've ever heard of.

    He gets mad..says I don't 'mate' his socks correctly.

    He has a drawer full of identical socks. I tell him once they're

    washed they reshape. Reach in, grab two, put them on and

    shut the farq up!

    He will try on sock after sock, rip them off, curse & throw them

    in a pile in the corner claiming, "I can't find a damm LEFT


    So now I fool him. When they come from the dryer I take half of

    them and pull the toe section like a 'left' foot made the mark of

    a toe on the sock.

    Now he doesn't complain. Says about time I figured out the

    left from the right.

    Been trying for 5 years to find SOMEONE ELSE with this stupid

    right sock/left sock obsession.

    So far, he's the only one.

    DO YOU have, or know anyone with, this particular idea that

    there are left & right socks that hurt your feet if you mix them

    up when you put them on??

    I just makes me crazy!

    12 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • For those going to Beijing do feel about using the 'squat toilets'?

    Yeah...the Chinese built all these brand new state of the art

    stadiums & arena's and put in their usual 'squat toilets'!!

    A squat toilet is a hole in the floor to squat over with a pole in

    front to hang onto while you go!

    Gotta have good aim, and where are your pants/underpants

    while you are squatting?

    Can you imagine the mess from all the "misses"?

    I heard they went back and installed "SOME" western-style

    flush toilets...but how long do you suppose the lines for one

    of those will be?

    4 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • Just me...or was that the greatest NBA Championship of all time?

    131-92 CELTICS!!!!

    Lakers never had a prayer.

    Well boofa king hoo!

    Now they can suck on Jack

    Nicholson's nutz all the way

    back to L.A.!!

    (what a bunch of thin-skinned

    whining-baby fans they have)

    3 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago
  • Best exotic animals to raise for sale as pets, or for exotic meat industry? Suggestions?

    My friend has 88+ acres in Arkansas.

    Wants to try his hand at this.

    Any recommendations?

    2 AnswersInvesting1 decade ago
  • Like limericks? Here's two of my favorites...can you give me yours?

    REMEMBER : Limericks are naughty by nature. You may have to spell creatively so certain words don't show up looking like this--****--.

    Here's my favorite two for you.

    There once was a maiden named Alice

    Used a dynamite stick for a phallus

    They found her vagina

    In South Carolina

    And herass in Buckingham Palace!

    There once was a villain most feared

    Tied ladies to rail tracks and leered

    Then he tied one the wrong way

    Not sideways but longways

    And a forty car train disappeared!

    I'm tired of seriousness tonight.

    Someone make me laugh.

    3 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago
  • Who else is LOVING the Celtics tonight???

    I hope the Lakers choke!

    5 AnswersBasketball1 decade ago