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  • who is at fault when a dog,uncontroled,unattended out in the country,runs out and gets hit.?

    The people who own the dog want to sue me for the dogs vet bills,because they say i'm at fault.The dog was running wild and free down the road in the dark,7;00pm at night loose,ran right in front of my truck,i hit it and it put my truck in the ditch,they say they will not pay any of my bills.

    12 AnswersDogs7 years ago
  • How can the university of ohio,pay it's football players millions of dollars and get away with it.?

    this university spent over 100 million dollars to it's football team last year,and the law states this is illegal,and yet nothing has ever been done to them.

    4 AnswersFootball (American)8 years ago
  • Why would two cops put people in danger?

    Was in a fender bender.It's just outside city limit,call 911,the local police chief shows up,secures the area,parks his squad car on the right side of the road,200 feet from the scene.A good safe location.I'm in car A,it comes to a rest in my driveway,out of the way,it has been rear ended by car B,that had came over the hill doing 80-85mph.I'm in the right lane to slow down,there's a deer that pops out,half way down the hill,i swerve to the left side of the road,which is clear for the next2,000 feet,thank god.I look back in my rear view mirror and the deer brushes my back bumper,no damage,as i'm slowing,and looking,it's clear to the top of the hill behind me so i proceed another 300 feet,getting righted back onto the right side of the road,pull into my driveway and smack,the 20-year-old kid clips my rear bumper,i'm 90% into my drive.911,is called ,first cop shows then the second one.the second one pulls up right in front of car B where it has come to a sliding stop,285 skid marks in all+ the impact.Second squad -car is a county deputy sheriff.He is parked on the wrong side of the road?He takes all of the information from both of us,gets into his squad car,after about 10 minutes,he gets back out,does the verbal questioning,15-seconds i tell him the deer popped out i swerved to avoid it,he says,stop,you were on the left side of the road facing on coming traffic.Yes i said to avoid the deer.That doesn't matter,you were on the wrong side of the road,you caused this accident,you're at fault.the other guy was speeding,i said,that makes no difference.His mind was made up,i,asked him to take pictures of the skid marks,and measure it,he said that was not part of his job.I took my own pictures of everything.The tow truck came and got the kids car hooked up and pulled it away.Then these two pull there squad cars up,on the wrong side of the road at the base of a hill,450 feet up ,a gradual slope is the top of the hill.With no emergency light on,no headlights,no parking lights,nothing on,they leave there squad cars sitting there.four times in fifteen minutes vehicles came over the hill and had to slam on there brakes to keep from hitting the squad cars head on.I get the lecture from the deputy,that in his own words,that,it is absolutely against the law for any vehicle to pull over into an on coming traffic lane and come to a stop,and park?O.K.I'm looking at there squad cars that have just narrowly ex-capt being hit not once,but four times.Some please explain why they are in the right to cause this type of havoc????

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • want an honest answer,no cops please,because the item has to do with what two officers did,illegal or not?

    In this state of iowa,an accident has happened,the two acting officers on the scene,each,park there cars on the wrong side of the road facing traffic at the bottom of a hill.It's 400 feet to the top of the hill,there at the base of the hill,facing on coming traffic,my car that was hit is in my private driveway parked with the rear end dinged,the other guy is down the road another 120 feet past my driveway.he's over to the right on the right side of the gravel road,the two squad cars show up to the scene,and pull right over on the wrong side of the road,facing the wrong way.The deputy is a guy that i had do the arrest on me 6.5 years earlier,there was no evidence,no proof,nothing,but the deputy took the word that i was causing trouble for this guy who is a convicted drug dealer,After delay,after delay ,after delay,by the county prosecutor,2.5 years later we get the trail i've been waiting for all this time.It goes to trial,the plaintiff gets on the stand,gives his whole b.s.story,my lawyer takes him back through his testimony,and it changes in how he tells it,my lawyer goes back over it again,the guy changes the whole story again,and again.The lawyer puts the deputy on the stand,he takes his story and shreds it apart,it is gone through step by step on how the officer completely blowed the entire investigation.Long story short.The guy used his own rifle to shoot a hole in his camper.The officer never even asked him if he owned any fire arms.But back to now,he's five seconds into my statement,i'[m being truth-full i said,i was pulled over to my mailbox getting my mail out of my mailbox from my car,He interuptes,you were on the wrong side of the road,that's illegal,you broke the law,a vehicle no matter who you are you can't do he wrote me up as being at fault.Now i'm looking at there vehicles that are doing the same thing,double standered time?

    10 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • In Iowa is it legal for the police to refuse giving you a copy of the squad car tape,that will show,innocence.?

    Guy rear ended my car,tape will show how far his skid marks were,and where his vehicle came to rest.Skid marks were 285 feet long+the impact with my cars rear side bumper clip.They estimated he was doing 80-85,mph,he didn't get a ticket?

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police9 years ago
  • is there a different format that an older dvd player goes by?

    I've used both,r+,and,r-,rca,multi-recording,vhs-dvd recorder.I've tried to play them back on my Zenith dvd player,it's three years old,is there a new filter or band that the rca works on?

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics10 years ago
  • what am i missing?I have a rca-vhs-dvd player-recorder.?

    It works fine if what i recorded is played back on the dvd player itself,but if i try to play the disc on my older Zenith dvd player it wont even start to load.

    2 AnswersOther - Electronics10 years ago