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  • Pictus catfish ok in uncovered tank?

    I have an 8 inch three year old pictus catfish and two 4 inch 1 year old pictus catfish in one of my angelfish tanks. I am redoing the tank to make it a heavily planted tank. The new light fixture I bought attaches by legs just under the lip of the tank. This makes it impossible to have a hood that fits correctly. I have an uncovered goldfish tank and angelfish tank and have no fear of them jumping. However, my pictus catfish tend to spaz out every now and then and I fear that one of them might jump from the tank if it doesn't have a hood. Have you guys heard or experienced this?

    1 AnswerFish10 years ago
  • Fish injuries (eyes)?

    Ill start this off by saying that I am in no way a beginner to fish and although this tank is overstocked, i can easily handle it. Right now i have a 55 gallon tank which i just switched over from sand to gravel. There are 9 angels and 3 pictus catfish in the tank. The angels are all female siblings over a year old and show no aggression to each other at all. And i have 6 other small fish in there as well. These 6 are constantly hiding. I do 2 50% or greater water changes on the tank every week. There are also 3 large filters for a combined 250 gallons of filtration or over 1000gph.

    I had to switch the tank over from sand to gravel since the pictus cats were killing my filter by constantly swirling the sand into the water. I also added three large ornaments and some plants for them to hide in.

    During this change i did a huge water change. The parameters of the water before the water change was 0/0/5. The next day one of my older angels had a white spot on her eye. Then a couple days later, the larger cat had a white spot in her eye as well. Now i know it cant be cloud eye because the water is pristine and no one has flukes or parasites. There isnt any aggression either.

    So would i be correct to assume that the white is caused by an injury? Perhaps by the new ornaments? Besides these two fish, none of the others have any injuries. Ive decided to try and treat them with salt instead of meds. But both the angels and cat are sensitive to salt. Would the salt still be beneficial at half a dose? 1 teaspoon per 10 gallons instead of 5? Or would this still be harmful?

    Thanks for any help or advise :)

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Filter suggestions for 180 gallon tank?

    Hi everyone. I am getting a 180 gallon tank to upgrade my goldie tank. Right now my tank has two aquaclear 70s on it for 600gph of filtration. So I have to get a filter(s) to get the remaining 1200 gph of filtration. What would you all suggest? I don't have a huge amount of money to spend since I just bought the tank but I am open to suggestions. I am open to canisters, hobs, ect.


    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • How to QT live plants?

    I just bought a bunch of plants from a person who had them in their own personal aquarium. Because of this, I am weary of adding them to the tank without qting them first. Some people have said they use bleach to kill off any nasties but the plants don't always fare well. Then some people use PP, but I don't have the extra cash to buy that yet. The third option was HP. I already have it but don't know the dosage to treat the plants and not harm them.

    Anyone know the dosage? Or have any other suggestions?


    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • First community tank. Any suggestions?

    Let me start this off by saying. I am in no way a beginner when it comes to fish. I currently have 12 tanks, all ten gallons or larger. But I specialize in angels, bettas and goldies. I also have two gouramis. I didn't have any other fish besides them.

    But today I picked up a free tank from a friend. The tank came with a pictus catfish and a cory. The two are fully grown and about two years old. The pictus is at least six inches long and the cory around 3. I don't know if they can continue to live together or not. From what I have read, they need to be in larger groups. But I don't think the larger groups will work in this tank, a 30 gallon long.

    Some things I have read say that the pictus needs to be in a group of 3 - 5 and that the three will work in the 30 if no other fish are added. But a friend of mine, who has over 3000+ gallons in tanks, said that when she added another pictus to her "old man's" tank, the older one jumped the tank to another and has been happily alone ever since. This one given to me has been the only one for two years, I don't know if adding another would make him happy or not.

    I can't really find info on how many corys should be in a group though.

    What would you all recommend for this tank? I really want to make this a fun tank. So fast flashy fish, no guppies, and preferably easy to obtain. I really like rams but I'm pretty sure they would be a no go.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Circular holes in gill plates?

    Hey guys. I was just given three angels from a friend that couldn't care for them anymore. They came in their own tank with two tetras, a rubber lip pleco, a cory and a pictus catfish. Because of their bad health, most of them didn't even make the five mile drive home. The three angels, the cory and the catfish remain. They are all back in their tank. I've taken the old substrate out and added fluorite and some live plants. I did keep their old filter and media alive so that I wouldn't have to recycle the tank. I also added on another filter from one of my tanks.

    I know the the cory and the catfish need to be with more of their kind, but I cannot remove the angels until I am sure they are healthy enough to go with my current angels. Looking at them today, I have noticed that they breathe very heavily and have some holes in their gill plates. The holes look perfectly round but do not go all the way into their gills. They also have huge chunks taken out of their fins, like someone took bites out of them, but I assume it was their care and not another fish.

    Does this sound like anything serious or familiar? One of them has three holes on one side and one on the other. The others have several holes too.

    On a different note. I want to remove my pink kissing gourami from my angel tank. Would he be ok with the catfish? He is fully grown, docile and about the same size of the catfish.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Question about Prazi?

    I have three fancy goldfish that will be going into their new 55 tomorrow. I have had them for a week and they eat well, have normal poop, swim well and show no signs of parasites. But I know that looks can be deceiving. So I will be treating them with "Prazi"quantel or Parasite Clear Tank buddies. I will be getting the 8 pack that treats 80 gallons of water, or 10 gallons per tab.

    These are admittedly the first fish I have gotten from a pet store in...about 15 years. All of my current fish are from very reputable breeders so I haven't worried about preventative treatments for them.

    The tank they will be going into does not have any existing fish but I don't want to cross contaminate my other tanks with my python. I hope to get them into their new home as soon as possible.

    So...How many times should I treat them? Would one time be enough?

    1 AnswerFish1 decade ago
  • Fancy goldfish stocking (55 gallon tank)?

    I am planning on getting five fancy goldfish for my 55 gallon tank. It will have 1 inch of medium gravel and five long artificial plants for the back of the tank.

    I am wondering what kind of filtration would work best for this tank. I breed angels so I have a LOT of filters sitting around. I was going to use one or two ATI Hydro IV sponge filters (both rated for 80 gallons each) and then adding a whisper 60 HOB filter. So all together, 220 gallons of filtration for a 55 gallon tank if I use both sponge filters. The filters are all in the tank now so I might just leave it.

    I am also planning on doing two 50% water changes every three days. So 100% water change in a six day period.

    Would this work? I am not set on five, I would obviously be willing to get less.

    Also, I am in love with basically all of the fancies but would love some suggestions on what you guys love.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • What is the worst betta aquarium you have ever seen?

    I'm just curious. I'm not talking about those one gallon aquariums with a little filter. I am talking about just plain absurd.

    I found one at a petsupermarket. It is described as a four inch jasim betta bowl. It is only four inches from bottom to top, not side to side. They have gravel and a plant you can add to it. With all of that I think there might be a cup of water for the fish. I don't think any betta would be very happy in it. It makes me sad.

    10 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Who's the mom (Betta breeding)?

    A week ago I introduced my male to his potential new mate. They were not too aggressive with each other and he had a HUGE bubble nest built. She would follow him to his nest but not stay under it long enough. She had her vertical stripes and an egg spot. I had another female, white, in the tank but she ignored everyone and hid. The male wasn't interested in her, only the darker female.

    After four days they showed no progress. She had horrible ripped fins and they were fighting very aggressively, she took a few of his fins with her. So I took her out to heal and added her sister who was already egg bound, I didn't want his nest to go to waste. I also took out the white female.

    Today I was going to take out the sister as she showed no signs of going near the male. I decided that I was going to drain the tank of the filthy water and set it up for the male to heal. But he was protecting his nest with much vigor. I looked in and saw that not only had they spawned, but the eggs had hatched.

    So according to the time frame, I cannot figure out who is the mother. It seems as though it could have happened on Sunday or Monday for them to be this far along. Both females still show their vertical stripes and egg spot, even after the eggs have hatched so they are not helping me at all. The second female has been beat up a lot less than the first, if that helps at all. He didn't guard the nest from the second female when there were eggs in it so he isn't helping me either.

    I am kind of leaning towards the second female, what is everyones opinion?

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Freshwater clams in a 55 gallon planted tank?

    I was looking into adding some freshwater clams to my 55 gallon planted tank. The substrate is a mix of black flourite and play sand. I was hoping that they could help with the possibility of avoiding nitrogen gas bubbles. I have researched what little I could find on the clams but still have some questions.

    What would be a good number for a 55? I read that the clams need at least ten gallons, but is this per clam?

    Would three be enough for the tank? Or would one do the job of moving the sand around enough. I am not worried about reproducing since I read that this doesn't happen until they are around 4 years old, so I wouldn't be bothered with buying more.

    The tank is heavily stocked so I am not worried about them not getting enough nutrients.

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Can I remove myself from my parent's car insurance policy without them?

    I am looking to trade in my SUV for a car. My dad does not want me to do this so he is refusing to switch the car insurance from my Xterra to the new car. So I decided that I would just remove myself from the policy and get my own insurance. Would it be possible to do this if he refuses to call?

    8 AnswersInsurance & Registration1 decade ago
  • What are the chances of someone like me getting a loan for a house?

    Hi guys.

    I am a twenty one year old with a full time job. I make on average, 1200 a month. I currently have a credit score of 707. What are the chances that someone would be willing to give me a loan to buy a house? I don't want a huge loan or anything, somewhere around 100,000.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Will this work? Cycling question.?

    I have a couple of angels that need to be moved into another tank because of aggression reasons. They are now in a 55 but will be going into a 20 high.

    The new tank is a whole new kit. With a new filter, plants and gravel. The new filter is the same brand as the old tank so I can move one of the old filter cartridges and mesh sponges into the new tank.

    I know that this would be considered one of the shortcuts to cycling the tank. If I put the whole kit together and changed the cartridge and sponge out tomorrow, how long should I wait before adding the pair of fish? I don't want to shock them by adding them too soon but I don't want the good bad bacteria to die off because of the lack of waste.

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Will this be ok? (Once Ick contaminated tank?)?

    Well I had a goldfish die from Ick over two weeks ago. I noticed the Ick on the fish, increased the temp and added salt but it was too little too late. I kept the heater at 90 degrees after I fished him out. So two weeks later I finally cleaned it out. I took out all of the plants, gravel and filter.

    I put the gravel into a five gallon bucket and filled it with warm water and a splash of bleach. I then rinsed it thoroughly and put it aside to dry. I then filled the empty tank with warm water, bleach and scrubbed it down. Then set it aside to dry and wiped it down with a dry paper towel.

    Finally I put it back on its stand, added water, a brand new heater and a new sponge filter. It will be a grow out tank for my angel fry. Nothing besides the actual tank was with the goldfish.

    Will the tank be ok for them? They won't go into it for a week or so.

    6 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Pink kissing gourami stunted?

    I've had this small pink kissing gourami now since late April. I was told he was a young one, hence his being smaller than the others (about two inches long). Since April he has been in a 55 gallon tank with two large Angels. They all get along pretty well except for the week the Angels breed. They all get fed twice a day and I do the regular water change once a week. He is a really happy fish and there doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with him.

    My only question is why isn't he growing. I had the angels around June of last year and by September they had doubled in size. I do realize that they have different growth rates but at this rate he will be a very small pink kissing gourami at a year old, which is coming up. So he will be a year old and only 2 inches long.

    Does this mean I most likely bought him stunted? He was in a ten gallon tank with nine brothers and sisters and I felt sorry for the little guy. His growth isn't a problem, we will love him anyway.

    4 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Sick fish. Quarantine tank?

    Yesterday I got six angelfish and put them into their own tank. This tank was the previous home to two of my other angelfish. I had this tank set up for over a year and cycled it anyway. I washed the gravel, plants and anchor that was in it. I added new water and conditioner. Then I replaced the filter, with the old sponge and other parts. Finally I left three zebra danios in it and let it sit for six weeks. The zebras were older fish that did fine in this tank and were moved back. I then added the six angels. A day later, five of the angels are doing fine and are finally warming up to me. One seems to have forgotten how to swim. I know there must be something wrong with him as he cannot swim in the current of the filter at all and bounces everywhere. He currently has shielded himself with a plant.

    I know I should remove him but I don't have a quarantine tank without a fish currently in it. So I figure moving him into one of these would be a bad idea. I do have an empty 2.5 gallon tank for a temporary home until tomorrow but it only has an air stone. Would this be better than nothing? I don't want to stress him out even more but I know that it might be better for the other fish if he is sick.

    Thanks for any help :)

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Will this work? Stand Question.?

    I have six angelfish, three pairs, in one tank and it is now time to separate them. One pair will be staying where they are and the other pair will be going into my 55 with an old pair of angelfish. This leaves one remaining pair. I want to get them their own 20, I have everything for it except for the actual tank, stand and the space. I have two ten gallons on a wrought iron stand already set up.

    I was thinking of removing the top ten gallon and placing the 20 in its place. Would this be a bad idea? It would be in a place where no animals or little kids could possibly knock it over and there would be another tank below it to weight it down.

    Would getting a 20 tall be better than a 20 wide for the stand? (I know that wides tend to be the better idea but in the case of desperation...)

    Or if this is just a horrible idea. Should I put it on an old but sturdy table?

    Thanks for any help.

    2 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Will this community work? (Aggressive)?

    Hi everyone. For more than a year I have had two angelfish. In May I added a pink kissing gourami (2 inches). He is small but happy. A couple of months ago we moved them all into a much larger aquarium, from a 20 to a 55gal. They were also put in with five tank mates, three small needlefish (5 inches) and two small rainbow sharks (1 inch). Right now they are all happy with the Angelfish ruling, the gourami swimming around crazily, the needlefish lurking but staying away from everyone and the sharks in hiding.

    They are happy now but my question is, will they be happy in the future when the whole tank is mature?

    Also, we were considering adding one or two more angels to the group, would this be a mistake?

    Thanks for the consideration.

    3 AnswersFish1 decade ago
  • Computer shows yellow instead of white on all windows.?

    Hi everyone.

    I just got a brand new Dell XPS 1730. It has a intel core 2 duo processor and a NVIDIA GeForce 8700M GT video/graphics card. It also has Vista Home Premium.

    My problem is that whenever a window opens up such as the internet browser or even a windows menu, everything that should be white is yellow. So basically I see a yellow background for this site and yellow text/search boxes. Is there a way to fix this or is there something wrong with the hardware? It is literally brand new, out of the box this morning.

    If anyone thinks they can help but needs more info, I will gladly provide it. Thanks for your time!

    2 AnswersLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago