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What is the likelihood of Donald Trump being removed from office before his term expires?
Thus far, he has violated the US Constitution in at least two different areas. The first is his restriction on Muslim immigration, which runs directly counter to the First Amendment's stipulation regarding the separation of church and state. The second is his failure to prevent Trump Organization subsidiaries from doing business overseas, specifically with foreign governments. This directly violates the Emoluments clause, which is meant to restrict foreign influence in American politics. I'm not aware of any other specific violations, but those two are sufficient to say that Trump's Presidency has already proven itself to be unconstitutional in nature. Does this mean that impeachment is a genuine possibility?
9 AnswersPolitics4 years agoIs it unusual for a woman to actually like her natural hair color?
Sometimes I feel as if I'm the only one who doesn't like to periodically dye it. I've never had a desire to be anything but a brunette. I find that dyed hair takes on a glossy, artificial appearance which I find unappealing. Besides, why should I envy women with blonde, black, or red hair? It's not as if they look better than what I already have.
Then again, perhaps it has something to do with my natural resistance to unnecessary change.
1 AnswerHair4 years agoWhat is your opinion of acrylic nails?
Do you find it somewhat unusual for a woman to outright dislike them?
I for one have never seen the appeal.
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys4 years agoIs it abnormal for a woman to actually like a certain degree of neediness?
I'm not talking about clinginess, where the guy in question is constantly trying to get the woman's attention. I'm referring more to guys who tell you that they miss you when you're gone for so long, or express a desire to talk to you more often. Things like that. The reason I ask is because I actually like it when guys explicitly want my attention, and go out of their way to get it. I don't want to be put on a pedestal or anything, but it is nice to feel like you're important to somebody, you know?
Can anyone relate?
2 AnswersSingles & Dating4 years agoIs there an actual term for this type of sandal?
I wore them almost every single day during the spring and summer, yet I don't even know what they're called. Can anybody help me?
1 AnswerFashion & Accessories5 years agoWhat makes somebody a decent person?
I know this is a very generalized question, but I'd like some external input. What habits do you associate with decency?
3 AnswersPsychology5 years agoIs it disrespectful not to go to a wake or funeral if it is open casket?
Say it's a close relative we're talking about here (e.g. a grandparent). If you are uncomfortable with seeing their dead body, is it acceptable for you not to go? What are the consequences of not going to a funeral?
20 AnswersCommunity Service5 years agoPoll - What is your favorite song by the Clash?
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoPoll - What is your opinion of Crocs?
For those of you who already own a pair, how does it feel to wear them?
10 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoWhat is your opinion of Bernie Sanders's support base?
Do you consider them delusional, or do they have a valid point about media bias in favour of Hillary Clinton?
7 AnswersPolitics5 years agoWill being a highly sensitive person negatively impact my prospects for dating?
For anyone who's not familiar with this term, you can find out more about it here:
Pretty self-explanatory, a highly sensitive person (or "HSP") is someone who is highly sensitive. And with the sole exception of avoiding violent movies and TV shows (I enjoy them), I am the epitome of an HSP. Every single trait associated with this mindset applies to me: sensitivity to external stimuli (light, sound, taste, touch), a need for seclusion, the avoidance of stressful situations, etc. The question I have is whether or not this would cause significant issues for me in a serious relationship. I feel like it might prove to be detrimental. Can anyone here relate to this?
5 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years agoI'm almost 23 years old. I feel like I'm about to turn 30. Is this normal?
I honestly feel like my 20s are going to end faster than they began, and that the next seven years - in fact, the rest of life - will be a flash in the pan compared to my childhood. It certainly doesn't feel like I have a long life ahead of me.
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoPoll - Do you find it annoying when people use the word "lay" instead of "lie"?
For example:
"Lay down" vs. "Lie down"
"Laying down" vs. "Lying down"
I'm not, seeing as I usually use the word "lay" myself. My sister makes a point of correcting me every time I tell her that I'm going to go "lay down". To me, it's just a dialect thing.
Are you like my sister?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoWhy doesn't my screen name and profile pic show up in my comments and posts?
Is anybody else experiencing this? How do I fix it?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoPoll - What has been your experience with Reddit?
Which do you prefer as a community: Reddit, or Yahoo! Answers!
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoPoll - What is your favourite song by Yes?
Yes, one of these polls again.
Mine's the title track from their 1972 album, Close to the Edge.
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoPoll - What is your favourite song by Cream?
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoPoll - What is your favourite song by Prince?
Mine is probably "Computer Blue" from Purple Rain, specifically the full version of the song. That guitar, though.
5 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years agoGive me your honest opinion - how old do I look in this photo?
I'm using it as my new Polyvore pic. Feel free to be as brutally honest as possible - I can take it:
I should add that I don't normally wear so much makeup; it was my friend's doing. I told her that she did a good job, but that it made me look older than my age (I'm 22). She reassured me that I looked "gorgeous". I disagree with her, of course - but that's just what she told me.
Other - Beauty & Style5 years agoPoll - Do you consider yourself a hopeless romantic? Is it unusual for someone to be one in this day and age?
I admit to being a hopeless romantic. I know it sounds really dated by modern standards, but there's just something about the old-fashioned romanticism of yesteryear that I find utterly endearing. When I read lists like that:
It really does something for me. The mere thought of being with someone who treats his woman that way gives me butterflies.
I may be in the minority, but honestly, I'll take a good old-fashioned gentleman any day of the week.
12 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago